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File: 96 KB, 334x518, LordOfTheFliesBookCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2975627 No.2975627[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lord of the Flies - crappy book for 12 year olds that explores no really interesting and intelligent ideas, or ok book that says some interesting things?

>> No.2975633
File: 85 KB, 800x1000, 2010-11-24-beartato-thanksgiving2010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you kidding?

have you read the book?

a well deserved nobel prize

>> No.2975637


Hmm. You seem to like the book, and you also seem to be fairly immature judging by how you act. So the former seems to be winning?

>> No.2975638

agreed. I read it in my formative years as a young man, and it's still one of my favorite books of all time.

>> No.2975642

Its best virtue is to frame something as being profound.

>> No.2975644
File: 60 KB, 468x374, scooter_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elaborate so I may adjust my behaviour accordingly dear Sir.

>> No.2975647

How does it feel to have a book for 12 year olds go over your head, OP?

>> No.2975648

I really found it kind of shallow. I enjoyed the read but did not think it really did much exploring of its theme.

>> No.2975653


But the OP makes no claims about anything within the book.

>> No.2975656

>no really interesting and intelligent ideas
>the book deals greatly with the inherent evil of people and the differing natures of people and the struggles to keep people together and unified in a hectic situation.

It's really a brilliant novel, depicting how not everyone can be satisfied in a society.

When Piggy dies

>> No.2975682


Are you daft? OP asked that as a question. It didn't state that.

I suppose your reading comprehension is mirrored in your thought that this is somehow a brilliant novel.

>> No.2975689

I was just saying what made the book interesting, calm your nips.

And lol, if you can't realize why LotF is brilliant, you're never gonna make it in the world.
>dat characterization
>dat symbolism
That should be enough for you...

>> No.2975742



Honestly, just... what.

>> No.2975746

Oh my god. You're a fucking idiot. You can get some sparknotes for Dr. Seuss if you need them too...

>> No.2975753

Are you a retarded, obese, kid-touching faggot who sucks his own father's dick every night, or are you an OK guy?

don't worry, i didn't state that. i only asked it as a question.

>> No.2975764
File: 27 KB, 550x371, 1343853471598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that this piece, even if geared towards a younger audience, has far too much symbolism and depth to receive these insults. It's a fantastic novel.

>> No.2975776

but i don't want to become even more of a misanthrope

lof seems to be that kind of bad book for me

>> No.2975779

The book taught me to stop being a misanthrope and to start being nice to fat people with glasses. It was a message I needed at the time, considering my master plan was to push boulders onto every fat child who walked past my house. If you're worried about your misanthropy, then you need this book.

>> No.2975814

why didn't you gain some weight and waddle down a block in their shoes.

>> No.2975820

Psh, I can't get fat. My metabolism is unstoppable.

>> No.2975923

I love it mostly for the gradual slide it depicts. The boys don't immediately go sectarian and violent, it takes them time to lose all their restraints, and I thought Golding was unusually good at writing in gradual change.

>> No.2976267


I've lost all hope for /lit/'s reading and writing abilities.

>> No.2976273
File: 91 KB, 930x818, 1346467035733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck me /lit/ must be full of people like this now

>> No.2976311

It's hardly William Golding's best book. He won the Nobel for other reasons, clearly

>> No.2976327

the conch was pussy

>> No.2976445

Thrilling, frightening and illuminating. Without a doubt a great, unique work.

>> No.2976455

You've just blown my mind.