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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 365x331, type-writer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2974448 No.2974448[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you own a type writer /lit/?

>> No.2974455


>> No.2974466


Also not literature.

>> No.2974477


>> No.2974877


>> No.2974924

Yeah, but it's one of the lame ones from the 80's that wants to be a computer. I'd rather have one of the cool 40's ones.

>> No.2974996


54' smith corona silent
41' Royal quiet deluxe
55' royal HH
64' royalite
29' royal no. 10
69' Olympia SM-9

They're way better than writing on computers. Much more intimate.

>> No.2975009

I own one very similar to the one pictured actually

its mint green and has a 5 key instead of a 3.


fucking japanese people.

>> No.2975026
File: 13 KB, 289x292, 1309461347953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i've never seen a better example of how most anons who frequent /lit/ are hilariously pretentious

>> No.2975038

What an autistic fuck. How did you manage to type that with all of your hand flapping and mumbling distracting you?

>> No.2975041



What the fuck is it with this word? You don't even know what it means.

>> No.2975045
File: 48 KB, 568x600, 1347482249861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What an autistic fuck.

Coming from the typewriter collector.

>> No.2975056

Sorry bro but using a typewriter when you have a computer with keyboard that has 1000x the functionality is pretentious

>> No.2975058

stop liking what i dont like, ect

>> No.2975062

What is it with this phrase? You don't even know what it means.

>> No.2975105

Some people maybe want to type in a place that doesn't have an outlet near by. Some people would rather type on a machine that doesn't also have thousands of images of people fucking on it. That's rather distracting.

>> No.2975133

>Some people maybe want to type in a place that doesn't have an outlet near by.
> Some people would rather type on a machine that doesn't also have thousands of images of people fucking on it.
Don't have adhd

>> No.2975136

Yes, two.


>> No.2975140


Install Linux and plug up your ethernet cord. I've tried to install games using wine, but no dice.

It's perfectly simple.

>> No.2975161

Wish I did, using friend's writers, it's great and I don't even know the level of really intametly knowing the machine.

I just like the more physical feel of it, the immediacy, the absolutely clear visual representation, and also distraction free. I can't write at all on a computer, I do everything in hand and transcribe it over.

>> No.2975173

Just write. The computer isn't preventing you from writing, you are. It's your own damn fault. You are addicted to the internet. Admit it. Now fucking fix it. You don't need to buy a typewriter. People who do shit like this are subconsciously looking for ways to avoid the problem instead of dealing with it head on. You need to kick yourself in the ass and develop an ironclad work ethic. It takes time. Don't try to do too much at first, but do something. Start with 500 words a day. Then, after a few weeks of consistent writing, turn that into 1000. Then 1500, 2000, etc. Pretty soon you'll have a solid body of work. This is what successful writers do. Amateurs buy typewriters.

>> No.2975183

There are a lot of other reasons to want to use a typewriter, the best of which being 'just because'.

Seriously, /lit/? People like what they like. No amount of argument is going to change that.

>> No.2975184


Yes, there are. And all of them are bullshit.

>> No.2975191

A nostalgic appreciation for the way a type-writer looks and feels seems to me an acceptable reason for utilising one.

I had a horribly wealthy uncle who died a few years back, but up until the day he died he always used a type-writer. He didn't do it because he had autism, or because he was addicted to the internet, or for any other bullshit reason. He just did it because he liked it that way.

Please take your ignorance back to /b/

>> No.2975200

What about those people who get sick from electromagnetic fields?

What about my particular situation where Delta Force is always lurking somewhere nearby and will kill me if I so much as touch a keyb- OH SHIT!

>> No.2975202


He did it because he was an old fool who refused to get with the times, just like every other old person I know.

>> No.2975205

He was 43 when he died, hardly old.

He had a working computer, and used it when he needed to. But he preferred to use his typewriter when he could.

What is that you find so hard to understand about opinions?

>> No.2975211

you're the fool you arrogant young male scum

fucking young males

if only war was still popular
we wouldn't have to deal with you fucks
go get shot like the "brave" young man you are

progress is a myth, stop hijacking science you fucking technophile

>> No.2975215

I didn't expect this amount of hatred regarding type writers when making this thread. Type writers are fine.

>> No.2975225


But many successful writers have used type writers.

>> No.2975227

I enjoy not looking at a screen when i have to sit and write for a good hour.

>> No.2975257

I got my great grandpa's old typewriter after he died. it's pretty neat but jams easily if you type too fast. It has novelty value but I prefer my computer any day.

>> No.2975505

To be honest man I have a typewriter I inherited from my great-uncle and I have no idea what kind it is. I've punched away on the keys for fun, but I keep it in pristine condition in case I ever actually want to try it out. But I need a new ribbon, and I have no idea what I'm looking for.

tl;dr I love my typewriter and it has sentimental value, but I'm too intimidated to use it.