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/lit/ - Literature

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2969232 No.2969232 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: things dumb people say

>even if you don't believe in god, it's important to read the bible to understand the foundations of our civilization and culture

>> No.2969234


A lot of literature alludes to the bible.

>> No.2969237

>You can do worthwhile philosophy without knowing math

>> No.2969238

Well, that is kind of true. Just as its important to read the Iliad and so on. These things really matter.

>> No.2969241

>reading is a waste of time and wont get you laid.

>> No.2969244

Getting laid is a waste of time and won't make you well-read.

>> No.2969249
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>you read a lot? wow you must be really smart

>> No.2969256

>This book is too smart for me to read.

>> No.2969260

>calls everything they dislike or misunderstand pretentious

>> No.2969262

>you're studying philosophy? you want to be a philosopher?

>> No.2969267

This. Also

>That's deep, man.

>> No.2969268

I love the type of shit self-loathing atheists/agnostics say in order to sound special. They give religion and the church more props than the christians themselves do.

>> No.2969270

>the bible has all the answers you'll ever need, read it cover to cover
>god says it, i believe it, that settles it
>such-and-such is clearly bad, this is stated in [book of the pentateuch]
>what's that, why don't i follow such-and-such law stated in [book of the pentateuch]? jesus renewed god's covenant with man, so many of those rules no longer apply

>> No.2969275

>it's human nature

>> No.2969281

>it's human nature

>Implying there isn't a biological imperative, and actions can't be analysed by neurology, psychology and bio-chemistry.

>> No.2969284

>gender is a social construct
>gender is somewhat a social construct
>gender is slightly socially constructed

>> No.2969290

>implying all those things can't result in a very wide range of behavior
>implying people don't always use 'human nature' to insist that their own, very rigid, behavior has always been and will always be

>> No.2969297

>why can't you just enjoy it and stop analyzing it

>> No.2969304

>Implying the vast majority of people don't crave food, sex, warmth, and will act in a way that will assist in procuring these things.

>> No.2969312

penises, vaginas and other mixed up mutations of the genitals are biological (unnamed of course). the names and the behaviours associated and way you are raised, the way you are expected to be is the social construction.

>> No.2969315

im smart

>> No.2969320

>implying the human nature excuse doesn't specifically mean food from a farm (when most of human history was hunter-gatherers), monogamous marriage (instead of polygyny), central heating (instead of enclosed spaces and furs).

>> No.2969327

>nabokov's prose is shit

>> No.2969328

>this is what liberal arts majors actually believe

>> No.2969331

People don't claim 'human nature' as an explanation for those things because that would be unnecessary, stating the obvious etc.
No, people fall back on 'human nature' as an explanation for their faults, like when they lie, or their deficiencies, like when they procrastinate or give into temptation, or when they manipulate others. In other words, people use 'human nature' to describe those actions they decided upon as if they were inevitable to protect themselves from blame.
but these things are not inevitable like the need to eat and drink and sleep in order to survive so the same explanation does not apply.

>> No.2969335

Or people who think they're smart because they read a lot.

Seriously, I've read a lot of the canon, and some philosophy and I'm still not that smart a human. Reading is not an automatic qualifier for intelligence.

>> No.2969336

Social sciences are liberal arts?

>> No.2969345

Have fun with your faith.

Little boys are not made masculine. They are made with penises and constructed into men after that.

>> No.2969349

No, but you're unlikely to find an undergraduate social science curriculum that's forty years out of date. Not so in the liberal arts.

>> No.2969350

>hurrrrrrrrr it's either 100% biological or 100% societal
>even though something as fixed as your height is determined by both genes and environment, I'll believe that something as malleable and abstract as gender roles is determined exclusively by one or the other

>> No.2969351

It's simple. men are from mars women are from venus

>> No.2969354

No one said it was completely biological.

>> No.2969358


>> No.2969366

I never said exclusively, faggot.
Have fun trying to feel superior to both of us.

>> No.2969375


This is an obvious troll meant to derail this thread

>> No.2969377

>gender is slightly socially constructed
>ITT: things dumb people say

Have fun backpeddaling
>b-but I n-never explicitly said exclusively even though it was plain to anyone that that's what I meant

>> No.2969374

Or at least, no one he quoted did.

>> No.2969380

that wasn't me

>> No.2969383

>white males are still privileged

>> No.2969386

>Gender identity is socially determined
>Also, sexual perference isn't

>> No.2969387

>morals are relative so I can do anything I want
You're a relative piece of shit.

>> No.2969392

Ok. Then it was this guy
that said it was 100% biological. How was I to know you aren't the same as him, Anonymous?

>> No.2969396

>taste is subjective

i think cowshit is better than steak. i have good taste. taste is subjective.

>> No.2969401

So the bottom part is the stupid thing, right?

>> No.2969410


>> No.2969412
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>implying that bitches don't like the intellectual dick

>> No.2969413

Ugh, this is what my mother does. She refuses to challenge herself.

>> No.2969416


>implying human culture didn't replace biological evolutio

>> No.2969419


Bitches like different things. Bitches are individuals that don't necessarily behave stereotypically. Don't generalize groups of people.

>> No.2969420

>truth is historically contingent but i can still use foucault's theory to criticize society

>> No.2969421

>implying it did
>implying you can replace evolution

>> No.2969424

>"kafka is so dry"

>> No.2969426

>implying it's impossible

>> No.2969427

>Bitches are individuals that don't necessarily behave stereotypically.

Unless a bdsm novel is marketed well.

>> No.2969428

>"STEM is bettah, you get money and shit"

>> No.2969429

>Ka f ka

>> No.2969443

>Lol so edgy xD

>> No.2969444


>> No.2969449

Chaco sandals. Not really something people say, but still.

>> No.2969452

>implying natural selection isn't tautological

>> No.2969453

>Atheism is not a Religion

>> No.2969454

>That's it. This is the future. Science is will solve all our problems and won't create any new ones.

Not really a saying but a belief held by many.

>> No.2969457


Did you use the scientific method to come to that conclusion? Or are you just generalizing with anecdotal evidence?

>> No.2969663

>''________ is a fag''

If you're gonna slander someone, just go all the way, lazy cunts.


>> No.2969671

>Im not religious, im spiritual

>> No.2969675

Nigger, please. Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.2969677


10,000 this

>> No.2969709

This. How can I get over my pretentious teen stage if no one will give me room to actually act like one without making me think that I'm a prick?

>> No.2969729
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This dick thing always makes me laugh.

>> No.2969730
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I hate it

>> No.2969756

Nothing you say about how I raise my kids matters until you have your own.

>> No.2969770


>There is no evidence that gender identity is socially determined, and there is no evidence that it isn't.
>Also, There is no evidence that sexual perference is, socially determined and there is no evidence that it is.

This is what people should say though.

>> No.2969798
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>values are subjective

>> No.2969812

ITT: I hate it when people say they're tolerant of other people.

>> No.2969815

>herp derp
>hurr durr

if english is your mother tongue, stop saying this shit. otherwise, it's adorable.

>> No.2969821

>implying tolerance does not mean keeping the prejudices but hiding them being unaware of the fact that they will come out in different, more violent, imperceptible ways

>> No.2969826

>Implying everyone is as jaded and bitter as you are.

>> No.2969828

>I believe _________.

>> No.2969834


>> No.2969837

>/lit/ is a board for the discussion of literature.>>2969232

>> No.2969840

>implying our conscious choices are relevant or spontaneous and not the product of our socialization process

>> No.2969847

I like how /lit/ didn't go for the obvious troll in OP's post but derailed when gender is a social concept of not. You are all faggots.

>> No.2969863

>Implying we can't rise above how society has raised us
>Implying this isn't how society itself evolves into something better

>> No.2969867

>implying society is getting better

inb4 but we have teh internet nao

>> No.2969877

>Nihilism isn't wrong

>> No.2969878

>implying i implied that
>implying we can do that consciously or choosing at our own will what we do

we sure do, but we are not aware of how our criteria is shaped

>> No.2969890

Meh. Better in some aspects, worse in others. I guess yeah, it's not really getting better. It's just shifting, and only really in first world countries so... Meh.

Also, I'm insulted that you'd think I'd use teh interwebz as an argument here.

>> No.2969893

>Drugs are bad

>> No.2969902


>> No.2969910

Are you making fun of Dr. Song, OP?

Shame on you.

>> No.2969913
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>"With God I don't have to think for myself, since God will give me true knowledge"
This isn't a lazy strawman comment btw, this is what some dipshit told me verbatim. This is what happens when you let autistic fucks who spend too much time in fantasy video games grab a hold of the fantasy world of Christianity.
This turned me to Atheism out of pure hatred for christfag elitist fucks

>> No.2969923

>everybody is born equal and should have the same rights

>> No.2969929

Do you have a dick?
if yes, congrats, you are a Male
grats, you're a Female

>> No.2969934

This is code for
>if you are male, expect to be ridiculed for committing "female" acts
>if you are female, expect to be ridiculed for committing "male" acts

>> No.2969935

Because our emotional states don't always coincide with our physical states. Not everybody can deal with the resulting insecurities.

>> No.2969954

Does that mean if we stopped ridiculing people, people would stop changing their genders?

>> No.2969955

which is normal because you shouldn't be acting like a fag

>> No.2969957


>> No.2969959

Well then fuck your code.

>> No.2969967

The prevalence of desiring a gender change would be significantly reduced, in my opinion.

>> No.2969972

If we stopped ridiculing people there wouldn't be any social concept of gender. Gender would cease to exist.

>> No.2969988

>IQ doesn't matter! blacks are just as intelligent as whites, IQ tests are biased!


>gender roles are a social construct

or my favorite:

>everyone is equal!

>> No.2969990

Woah, man. Not my code.

>> No.2969999

Good, then we'll go back to basics. Where your genitals determine your sex and your expected role in life, and all freaks are outcast.

>> No.2970002

>capitalism is bad

>> No.2970006
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Over-analyzing a book sucks fun out of reading. Unless it's school work, themes and symbolism should come naturally. If you don't get it after one or two reads, you're in way over your head.
And, no fun allowed with you, I guess.

>> No.2970007

>gender roles are a social construct
I never understood this one. Yes, there are certain aspects that are frowned upon regarding gender, such as boys knitting or some other bullshit that nobody really cares about anymore, but a lot of behavior is also a result of gender specific hormones like testosterone and estrogen.

>> No.2970012

It is when it overshadows everything else.

>> No.2970019
File: 92 KB, 400x300, RAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I've never read a single book in my life and I never will. Reading is stupid."
The cherry on top is that he was proud of it, too. Not only that, but his favorite form of entertainment were gameshows.

>> No.2970022

I don't know if you know it, but the guy you replied to is more of a nature supporter in the nature/nurture debate (in terms of gender).
If you want to read more about it, try a good Beauvoir and Irigaray comparison.
Just don't look at any pictures before reading anything, because I was very prejudiced because Beauvoir is a lot better to look at than Irigaray.

>> No.2970023


Who said over-analyze? And why do you single out themes and symbolism from critical analysis?

>> No.2970024

idiots the lot of you.

capital is vampiric on the social bonds that we construct to navigate through the social reality we live in. capital causes relations between individuals to be viewed in particularly harsh economic-utility terms and prevents the individual from fulfilling their desires and wishes that it instills in them, necessarily, by limiting the avenues of existence through which the individual can reliably navigate.

i.e., your and idiot

>> No.2970026

it's just human nature to call those things human nature bro.

>> No.2970029

Could be the other way too. I don't watch gameshows, when I'd say that to him he'd quote me saying that on a beer-in-plastic-cup forum.
Oh yes, I was pretentious for the whole board right there.

>> No.2970030

Any suggestions? Which comparisons are good, I mean.

>> No.2970038

Yeah man, blue is a MASCULINE color. Playing with pretty dolls is feminine pursuit only homosexual little boys would enjoy.

>> No.2970047

Sorry, I don't know any on the internet or in books. I've learned about in from my philo minor. It was featured in a huge Dutch compilation of philosophers.

>> No.2970048

Don't joke. Once time I wanted to make a purple easter bunny basket but my teacher wouldn't let me because "it's a boys color" I was pissed as fuck.

>> No.2970050

>This book is complicated, books aren't supposed to be complicated
If I had a shilling for every woman I'd heard say this, my floor would be covered in redundant British currency.

>> No.2970053

Even GI Joe? Were action figures some kind of communist plot?

What about lego men?

>> No.2970059

Hah. My sister recently gave birth to a girl, and she absolutely refuses to buy her anything that isn't pink. Hurts my soul.

>> No.2970063

>why do you listen to that music/read those books/watch those films, it's so depressing!

This really grinds my gears. Life isn't always sunny and you're severely limiting your life experience if you don't explore the full spectrum of human emotion and expression.

>> No.2970065

You sound really emo.

>> No.2970070


I haven't heard the word emo in years

>> No.2970071

I have a 4 year old half-sister (i'm 22). She says things like "I really like pink, because it's for girls, boys don't like pink" I thought it was really fascinating.

>> No.2970074

>purple is a boy color

Where do you live? It was always considered feminine when I was growing up.

>What's your favorite color?
>(choice contrary to gender norms)
>Laughter and ridicule ensue

>> No.2970075

Buy the kid things that are only blue. Buy her spider-man pjs when she turns six.

>> No.2970077

I'm like one of those old people trying to sound hip.

>> No.2970078


Of course she would say that, she's been conditioned by society.

>> No.2970082

Purple is the colour of Royalty.

>> No.2970083

Yeah but it had never been that obvious to me before that kids just say it because they've been 'told' rather than them actually liking it.

>> No.2970087



>> No.2970102

In Victorian Britain pink was a boys colour, nobody in their right mind would dress a girl in pink. It's just a social construct.

>> No.2970104

You may be her big brother. Tell her something you know is not true but she can't quite check up on. She may not believe you the first time, but say it once again and she knows it to be true.

>> No.2970105

Pink is just a shade of red, it's also a social construct.

>> No.2970113

I was living in Michigan at the time. I've always thought of purple as a neutral color, half blue, half pink, and yeah.

Anyway, the problem is long since passed, but my mother would sometimes say "You don't want that, it's girly" But I think that's just a trick she used to get me to not buy things until she realized I'd long since outgrown that phase.

>> No.2970123

>I don't live for pleasure I love for <pleasurable activity here>

>> No.2970126
File: 25 KB, 550x413, aintright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That girl ain't right.

>> No.2970129
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>Be 5
>Class project: Make a collage about yourself by cutting out pictures from these magazines!
>Cut out picture of girl tied to train tracks
>"No, Anon, you can't use that picture."

Gave up all ideas of the "self" henceforth.

>> No.2970139

These simple traumas that people inflict upon us without realizing their crushing weight.

>> No.2970192


Oh wow. I didn't realize that the roots of cisgendered heteronormative oppression ran this deep. Those little kids really need to check their privilege.

>> No.2970200

>determinism hasn't been proven
>nihilism is false
>analytic philosophy is better
>postmodernism is fake
>reading doesn't make you smarter
>blacks aren't superior
>good taste is subjective
>stop using big words, language should be as simple as possible
>what's the point of literature when science
>ur smarter then me u must be pseudointellectual
>u have cool taste in things u must be hipster

>> No.2970205 [DELETED] 

>The more I know, the more I realize I don't know.

>> No.2970207

>The more I know, the more I realize I don't know.

>> No.2970212

While clichéd, it is true to a certain extent. An ignorant man can live his entire life thinking he knows all there is to know.

>> No.2970218

Thought the sage'd show I was being ironic, and I thought I was so clever to insult the guy that started this thread with that.

>> No.2970219


Well that's the thing. The books/music/whatever aren't even depressing or 'emo' as you put it; they're merely anything that isn't shallow as fuck.

>> No.2970222

Like what?

>> No.2970226

I didn't pick up on the irony, I'm sorry. I'm not sure whether I should feel stupid for not doing so, or adopt an offensive stance and accuse you of being stupid in order to conceal my inadequacies from myself.

>> No.2970231

There's always the option of doing neither, and just saying "Ah, I see now" and moving on.

I'm not sure if that kind of response is welcome on /lit/ though.

>> No.2970233

No. The correct response is the latter, forever the latter, let the hatred and misanthropy circulate through us all.

>> No.2970235

This is 4chan. I could do one or the other.

>> No.2970238

>our economy would be better if there was more regulation

dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

>> No.2970242

>our economy would be better if there was more deregulation

dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb

>> No.2970244

Is it Keynesian or Classical economists that believe that shit?

>> No.2970251
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>> No.2970256

since my english is pretty bad: <3

>> No.2970260

Your love is appreciated.

>> No.2970265

>things dumb people say

A peptide bond between Lysine and Isoleucine will remove the Oxygen with the double bond, not the hydroxide, and expel dihydromonoxide from the chain.

Gawd, makes me rage every time.

>> No.2970286

You're not as smart as you think you are, OP. Believe me, I know the type, you're addicted to criticism because it helps you elevate your self image. The anger and self-righteousness that comes from constantly belittling others feeds you, and without it you are stuck staring a lot of unpleasant facts about yourself. I'm guilty of this as well.

>> No.2970288

Stop watching the Big Bang Theory, it's not amusing.

>> No.2970297

i think /lit/ in general uses critisim to feel superior to compensate their lives problems. atleast I am.

>> No.2970313


I feel ya. but you should probably know how to spell "criticize" if you are going to criticize people.

>> No.2970317
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>Stop watching the Big Bang Theory, it's not amusing.

Are you seriously saying that you don't know how to form a basic protein?

That group on the right with the big red oxygen atoms is the carboxyl group. The one on the left with the purple nitrogen is the Amino group. As you can see at the top, the molecule looses the hydroxide, leaving the oxygen with the double bond, but every week in class people have forgotten this.

I have actually never seen an episode of Big Bang theory; i'm not American.

>> No.2970323

I never studied science, but that also means I know enough logic to not jump to the retarded conclusion you did.

>> No.2970324

There are only two things I can't stand in this world:
1. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures
2. The Dutch

>> No.2970329

What conclusion?

I concluded: He was insinuating that I watch some American program, instead of being genuinely annoyed at the stupidity of my classmates. You will have to share some of this logic of yours, as I fail to understand.

>> No.2970564


>I don't want to be a part of institutionalized religions made by other people, but I still enjoy the spiritual side of life
>stupid people

>> No.2970610


>> No.2970640

>2. The Dutch
oh wow ur so witty and clever ur like wilde

>> No.2970684

Were you seriously implying anon doesn't know how to form a basic protein? Based entirely on the fact that he insinuated your watching a show on TV?

Did you seriously come to the conclusion that anon is incapable of understanding biochemistry and then fail to recognize that you had come to that conclusion?

Do you need everything spelled out for you at all times?

>> No.2970686

>ITT: things dumb people say

>> No.2970726


'spirituality' practiced by people who haven't been initiated into established wisdom traditions is pointless new age hipster bullshit 100% of the time (assuming you don't believe that spirituality in general is pointless.) there's enough latitude and variety within and between the world's major religions to accommodate pretty much any sort of spiritual temperament.

>> No.2970727

I'm not sure what's sarcasm and what isn't anymore.

>> No.2970747

What are you guys squabbling about? One guy posted a rather easy statement about amino acids, but dressed it up. Another guy implied that he's quoting the big bang theory, then got butthurt when he realized it was actually a very simple problem and pretended he knew all along. Quit trying to seem superior.

I'm only replying because I'm a med student, and understand amino chains.

>> No.2970748
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>> No.2970762
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Calm down. Go grab a warm glass of milk and breathe deeply for a few seconds. This isn't something worth getting worked up about.

>> No.2970764

I'm glad you're not a historian.

>> No.2970778


I'm glad you're not butthurt....

Oh, wait.

>> No.2970796

I'm glad you're glad.

>> No.2970810


>it's impossible for you to be spiritual if you don't identify with another major established group

you don't even sound spiritual yourself.

>> No.2970864

I'm glad you guys are glad

>> No.2970999

> Keynesian economists
This definitely seems to be a popular phrase among the stupid

>> No.2971330

I think you should probably realise by now that not everyone on this board was a victim of the American education system, and as a result, some people actually speak English.

>> No.2971339

It's also a popular phrase among people who study economics. I imagine there's a certain point at which the groups will overlap, but that's hardly relevant.

>> No.2971345

Why are you not on /sp/ with the rest of your banter buddies?

>> No.2971348

Why aren't you at the bottom of the gene pool along with the rest of your people?

>> No.2971350


>> No.2971353

Having said that, I've just noticed how fractured the original post was, and how wrong I was in trying to defend it.

Webster's English is a piece of shit though.

>> No.2971383

Criticize, sanitize, monetize, brutalize, in your eyes I see you cry and forcefully rationalize. You understand but get caught up in jingoistic spiteful lies.

-ize is perfectly fine. Deal with it. I find your rage against Webster houmourous.

>> No.2971392

I understood 1984's Newspeak too, but that doesn't prevent it from being a bastardised version of the English language.

Someone should have put a bullet in the back of Webster's head the moment he started espousing the virtues of dumbing down the English language.

>> No.2971393

So is OP trolling or what?

>> No.2971395

Obviously. But inadvertently created a vaguely interesting thread, so I'm not complaining.

>> No.2971396

So why do you hate Oxford exactly?

>> No.2971411

Natural selection kind of flies out the window when society allows 300lb hambeasts with low IQs to reproduce faster than people with good genes.

>> No.2971418

Not to mention everything is child proof, and medicine has it that even people with deplorable genes can be kept alive to reproduce.

Sidenote: 300lbs isn't really a genetic thing. You don't inherit fat. Likewise, you don't "catch" obesity. It's not like you wake up one morning and you suddenly have 150 more pounds of heft on your frame. Let's face it, one has to be pretty committed to getting fat to actually get fat.

>> No.2971423

who gives a fuck about genes you fucking sociopathic hippie

fuck nature and what it wants

>> No.2971425

>things dumb people say are literature-related

>> No.2971559

It's still natural selection you idiot. Evolution doesn't work always with the "best" genes.

>> No.2971591

Wrong! That just means that those things are no longer as strongly selected against. The most fit characteristics are whatever is suited to the environment, not what you think are 'good traits'.

Go ask >>>/sci/ to explain more or educate yourself, pleb.

>> No.2971597

How did you test determenism?

>> No.2971626

you belong more in this thread than you realise

>> No.2971703

>all genre fiction is bad

>> No.2971727

>Global warming is man-made.

>> No.2971744

/Sci/ says "we have pretty much decommissioned natural selection"

>> No.2971766

That's cause /sci/ thinks the dichotomy between artificial and natural selection can be meaningfully applied to humans. It can't. The mad idea of each individual's worth being tested by nature doesn't even hold to the scrutiny of basic social animals. How does bison being protected by staying in a herd fundamentally differ from man being protected by his society?

>> No.2971773


>> No.2971779


its funny that you ask for a link for a claim made by /sci/ as if they had scientific authority

>> No.2971789

>implying I can show how the claim is bullshit without reading it first

>> No.2971795

Do you not understand natural selection?

>> No.2971813

Yes I do. And the claim that humans, are outside it, or beyond it, is patently absurd.

>> No.2971832

I don't know, I found Genesis and Job to be pretty interesting reads despite being agnostic, OP.

>> No.2971838
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You guys seem confused. Natural selection is about mutation, not just positive traits. If a mutation is beneficial, or doesn't hinder the organism, it could stay and be passed down when the organism mates. If the mutation hinders the organism, it has less chance of spreading. Dawin aptly demonstrated this by the beak sizes of the same genus of bird dotted around different islands; the birds had beak length relative to the food available on the islands.

the best example in a short time frame is the example given by Dawkins in Mt. Improbable. Here he had a colony of green insects on a volcanic island. The volcano erupted, killing quite a few insects, but more importantly changing the colour of most of the island. The green insects show up against a black background, and were subsequently eaten by birds. Now, the random mutation in surface pigment occurs in about 1 every 2 million, and occasionally a very dark, or black one was born, and wouldn't get eaten. This is obviously beneficial, and in a period of a few years nearly all the insects were black.

This no longer occurs in our society, people with negative mutations are not weeded out naturally. The best example of natural selection being made redundant is in dog breeding, here WE actually control the direction a dog breed will take by selective breeding.

>> No.2971861


>> No.2971874

>This no longer occurs in our society, people with negative mutations are not weeded out naturally
Which is why those are no longer NEGATIVE mutations. They are simply diversity. The continuous gradual theory of evolution is long out of favor. Instead punctuated equilibrium rules the day. To say man is beyond evolution is short sighted.

>> No.2971892

Yes, so 'natural selection through random mutation' has become 'random mutation with everybody thriving'

>> No.2971902

except we're not actually talking about mutations, we're talking about the expansion of the bell-curve. Diversity increases when the population isn't under pressure, then the population experiences pressure and there is a selection bias. That's how natural selection works. Its not a continuous serious of mutations that happen to go from frog to human.

We're in an epoch of stability. One day the human race will face adversity again and a selection bias will set in. Right now the social behavior we evolved is doing its job.

>> No.2971916

>One day the human race will face adversity again and a selection bias will set in.

Doubt it. I have had my entire DNA genotyped through '23 and me' (something I recommend everybody doing) I know the likelihood of developing any diseases (32% chance of Parkinsons in my 50's is worrying), I know what traits are likely to be passed down to a child, I know how my body will react to certain drugs, and If I ever have kids and my gf does this too, we can tell what the child would be like.

Hopefully in the near future (as it's technically possible already) we will be able to see that we are both carriers of something like cystic fibrosis and be able to eliminate that from the the childs genome.

"The next generation of artists will be writing our genomes with the fluency that Blake and Byron wrote verses."
-Freeman Dyson

"Biology itself is now a canvas subject to aesthetic design- it implies that mankind will apply the intentions of his mind to influence the unfolding of biological processes. Think about this for a second. Evolution itself has just evolved and become self-aware."
-Jason Silva

>> No.2971930

How does that prevent the human race from facing adversity? Drastic climate change, disaster of any kind, antibiotic resistant plagues. Anything could change the equation of what constitutes fitness.

>> No.2971949

It doesn't have any influence of those kind of disasters, apart from maybe antibiotic resistant plagues. I was commenting on the:
>and a selection bias will set in.
Natural selection will be made redundant if we have full control over our genomes. I agree that 'anything could change the equation of what constitutes fitness', but naturally mutating genomes will be irrelevant if we can tweak ourselves to cope with new environments.

>> No.2971978

>But anon, communism is bad

>> No.2971981

Mutations are not particularly significant to evolution. That's the whole point. Its natural selection changes the population distribution more than it recognizes something new ex nihilo.

>> No.2972003

No. It has not. Not unless everyone has exactly as many children which all have exactly as many children as their generation themselves... and also everyone is exactly as likely to die as anyone else.

Thriving, in genetic terms, means reproduction.

>> No.2972008

>I don't care about politics

>> No.2972021

>politicians are all the same

>> No.2972060

>Communism killed 100 million people