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2964981 No.2964981 [Reply] [Original]

What are the cool kids reading these days? What books are big on campus? I gather from sources that Krasznahorkai may be one of them, and in theory he certainly fits the bill: he's current, he's not too mainstream, he's abstruse, and the Bela Tarr connection earns him major cool points. But who else?

>> No.2964989

Thomas Bernhard
William Gaddis
Michael Robbins
John Ashbery

>> No.2965012

I doubt it. Barely anyone reads his stuff here

>> No.2965014

>Michael Robbins

I had never heard of him, but wow, he sounds hip as fuck (in a good way). Thanks for bringing him to my attention. The other three I am aware of; they have been student staples for decades now.

>> No.2965023

You're welcome. Also Ben Lerner (though I haven't read him much). I think he's quite heavily concerned with literary theory though which I don't know about, so I found his poems a bit too difficult. But I guess that gets you bonus points.

Any One I Want, by Michael Robbins

I got a bad desire. I have eyes
in the sack of my dead. Your name is writ
in vitreous humor in the john
at the Ramada where it's always Ramadan.
The mama-sans get their famine on.

It's dirty because it hasn't bathed.
You clean it like this. You circle
your star-hitched agon. There are more things
in heaven and earth than you're wearing
in my philosophy. You're not the boss of me.

But somehow you give me a raise.
It's my mouth's birthday and I'm coming
around to its point of view. Its love for you
skeeves out the girls in H&M,
those switchblades made of human skin.

I wash it out with Old English—Anglo-Saxon
if you're nasty. My A game slots into
the bee in your sonnet. Your G-spot
is haunted. I'm the one who wants it
to want me. Let's get this séance started.

>> No.2965154

lerner's a great poet but a very ordinary novelist.