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/lit/ - Literature

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2961914 No.2961914[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/

Is it possible to write anything zombie related that hasn't been done thousands of times already?

Just wondering.

>> No.2961924

Instead of an army of zombies against one guy, how about one zombie against an army of normal guys?

>> No.2961939

Why don't you read zombie literature so you know what's already been written?

>Aspiring writer still in high school

>> No.2961940

Yes: a YA story of a dorky highschool girl who falls in love with a zombie and bears him half-zombie offspring, despite her disgust at her lover's putrid, decomposing, maggot-infected flesh.

>> No.2961971
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Do it. Do it. Do it.

Write about one zombies struggle for world domination.

>> No.2962371

A story about some guy who can't die. He has some sort of neurological power or something. He gets famous through news /media and everyone thinks he is some christ figure. He constantly denies this, but then a scientists makes a device that can run off of his power. He then proceeds to use the money from his infinite power source to help others (gives money to low income families/africa and shit) He is still treated like a god (everyone is pampering him) which he feels is unnecessary. He gets so fed up he goes to a car crusher and, at gunpoint, forces some guy to crush him to ground beef. This becomes a modern day version of the crucifixion. He is then worshiped for hundreds of years after his death.

I know it isn't exactly zombies, but it might still count.

>> No.2962373

This is the worst idea I've heard all week.

>> No.2962393


Have the book be an allegory for bourgeoise oppression.

>> No.2962415

Isn't that what Romero's movie Land of the Dead about?

>> No.2962422


Romero's movies are whatever you want them to be about.

>> No.2962426

I want them to be about Pegasus porn. Explain how it is so.

>> No.2962477

If you count amateur stuff, no. I'm quite confident someone, somewhere has written every basic zombie story at this point. If you only count published stuff, it's possible.

>> No.2962490

zombies are played out. I'm fucking sick of them. Everybody's fucking sick of them.

We had vampires as a metaphor for aids back in the 80s/90s - what the fuck is this zombie fetish a metaphor for? It doesn't speak well of the current generation, whatever the metaphor is.

probably a mixed metaphor incorporating the faceless, technologically brainless islamic hordes and the fear of a generation of youth rendered seemingly brain-dead by the horrific pressures and temptations of new media, if I was forced to make a rough guess.

Fuck zombies, bring on the next thing.

>> No.2962509

Dickwolves it is then. Write about Dickwolves, OP.

>> No.2962516


Dickwolves sounds so 2009.

Rapedwarvfs. Let's have rapedwarvfs.

Might be a tougher sell to the 14-18 yr old girl demographic, but if they'll buy abusive vampires, why not rape-o gimlis?

>> No.2962519

A world where everyone is a mad scientist except for one person who hates science because he realizes all these "mad" scientists are just pop sci. drivel marketing themselves as true science.

>> No.2962523

Are you that butthurt kid from the anti-science thread?

>> No.2962527

what? didn't know that there was one. I'm just thinking it would be a funny counter-counterculture piece given the rise in pop sci.

>> No.2962555

even better, marital abuse Frankenstein. Write a story about Frankenstein beating his wife because he suspects that she is having an affair with the headless horseman.

>> No.2962575

And Ichabod Crane is the gay comedy relief character! I love it. Someone start writing it.

>> No.2962601

Then he finds out that she has been being raped my mothman (a creepy dude that lives down the street) to pay the bills. He feels extremely sorry for her and feels like shit. He then proceeds to turn his life around, gets mothman prosecuted, and get a higher income by writing for a national newspaper.