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2958702 No.2958702[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>could not finish War and Peace, any of the Song of Ice and Fire books, Count of Monte Cristo or loads of others
>read Atlus Shrugged with never a thought of stopping.

What's wrong with me?

>> No.2958712

it's not your fault, ayn rand is just an unusually talented writer with profound, accurate and genius ideas that will transform the world into a better place

>> No.2958714

This. God I hate her.

>> No.2959077

> War and Peace,
Russian soap opera.
>any of the Song of Ice and Fire books,
The first is the only good one anyway.
>Count of Monte Cristo
Page after page of overly courteous blabbering.

>> No.2959082

can you say something about what qualities of ayn rand you feel you enjoyed? to my mind, she's a pretty average pulp writer, there's probably other stuff you'd like more.

>> No.2959094

Wait till you work your up to Goosebumps. Pure, unadulterated excitement.

>> No.2959120

Congratulations guys, you did it, you made me mad.

Everyone fuck off now.

>> No.2959122 [DELETED] 

This novel was redundant. I stopped halfway through.

>> No.2959152

How in the fuck could you not finish the Count of Monte Christo?

The only way I think that's even fathomable is if you stopped after the first page.

That work is easily one of the few "Page Turners" considered a classic. Seriously, the pacing of it is just action, action, action.

>> No.2959157

i can't wait till i become janitor

>> No.2959159

It's more action action action - shitty 100 pages about Fernand's shitty son that goes on forever - action action action

>> No.2959170


Ah that's true. Fucking Albert ruining everything, from Mercedes pussy to an otherwise great piece of literature.

>> No.2959187

No offense OP, but Ayn rand just can't write in my opinion.