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2958239 No.2958239 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/,

apology for poor english

I´m here to seek your help. I wrote this little 'speech' for /pol/ and it would be nice when you could help me to make it sound better with proper vocabulary and grammar.

Here is the speech:

>> No.2958241

So I am here to ask you, /pol/, when will it be the time where they hang from the gibbets, their palaces burn and the pleb celebrates?
I want revolution. Born poor, top 2% intelligence – where shall I search for support? Most intelligent but poor people will make money after their degree and they won´t care anymore. Rich people are in fear of their heads and dumb people don´t understand it seems.
It seems impossible to revolute without violence. I want class warfare. Now its even harder to find intelligent people that support violence. Where can I begin?

It don´t want to be a robot that says 'yes I´m happy'. I don´t want to cry about my life. I never wrote I have a hard life but I wan´t everyone to have the same chance in life and everyone to be equal. I want justice and a Guillotine on the marketplace. I don´t want money, property or The world belongs to the masses not to the rich.

I had hope but they beat it into puree and now there is only hate. I have never learned what love is.

tl;dr: When will the next Robespierre, and with him a revolutionary feeling, rise?

>> No.2958240

Dear /pol/,

Now that I´m 23 I realize they lied to me. They told me I could be anything if only I would work hard enough. They told me that life is a gift and that it is in my own hands.
So did I but yet as it comes to my mind I am a slave. I see that the couch is second hand, that there is no car and that my mother works her back crook in the hospital for nothing. Don´t get me wrong, I don´t want a new couch or a bigger car these are only metaphors for our lifes.
The rigid discipline in military kind of gave me a freeing feeling. Now that I study it even got worse. I feel like I´m only allowed to build their castles or to cut their hedge while they play tennis.
I feel like I shall eat, work, watch television, fuck and sleep so I don´t get the wrong ideas. I feel like I forget what freedom tastes like.

I want to free myself from the chains. I want to be free. I don´t want to be old and full of regret because I never lived my dream.
I know you tell me I shall get a Job but I don´t want money.
I know you tell me I shall accept my destiny but I won´t.

>> No.2958250
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>> No.2958254

>pleb celebrates
You know I can't help you if you're acting like an idiot, right?
If you've learned your English from 4chan, try starting over from scratch.

But all right, it looks good enough. Short sentences, short words. Ideal internet material.
Take a look at it yourself though, there are obvious mistakes you'll notice when you reread it.


>> No.2958265
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Everything will be fine in a few years when DMT kick-starts the 2nd psychedelic revolution.

>> No.2958266
File: 494 KB, 1280x1133, Slick Anticipation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all over the place and poorly define your meanings.

>my dream

to do what?


At first I thought you were going for a "we're all slaves to banker's" angle, which's true. But it sounds like you're saying the poor are slaves to the rich, which's false. Even your "rich" who own large companies still serve at the whim of the aristocracy of international banking families.

>don't want to be happy robot

You want purpose. Cause to be happy. To find value in life. So do we all. You're not unique in these regards. Most folks are satiated by their jobs, friends, family, wife, hobbies, etc.

The basic "emptiness" of man is the mental software corresponding to the hardware of his hand. We have an insatiable desire to add unto ourselves, to attach new tools and learn to apply them, which can include specializations like social relationships. The feeling of shitflessness comes from the fact you're not challanging yourself in any way. You're not adding or growing. You're stagnating.

>rich people fear their heads

Bullshit. A CEO relies on his mind for his prosperity.

>class warfare

You're clearly lying when you say you don't care about money because you obsess over those who have it and wish them ill out of your bitter poverty.

>> No.2958269

>privileged people
Stay obsessed.

>> No.2958276

You demand this, you demand that. You feel you are entitled to these things. Why?

The world will always belong not the masses, but to the elite.

Notice how every revolution singularly fails to produce an egalitarian society? Your beloved Robespierre, indeed, became head of the new elite.

Power corrupts, then. If your so called 'ideas' are put into place and the 'elite' are abolished, a new elite will arise. This will happen as it has done over and over again, because man is naturally seduced by power and unwilling to give it up.

>> No.2958279

Why would you want to be like Robespierre? He was a paranoid tyrant who died despised by rich and poor alike, and for good reason.

>> No.2958281

I would die happy because at least I tried

>> No.2958283

There are so many nobler revolutionaries who successfully fought for social equality without violence. Martin Luther King and Gandhi come to mind. Is your situation as hopeless as theirs? Seems like you're just looking for any excuse to be violent.

>> No.2958290

MLK only had ideas but needed others to make a change.

What did Gandhi ever reach with his non-violent protest?

>> No.2958294
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>atleast I tried

try to respond to me

>> No.2958297

Dear /pol/,

Now that I´m 23 I realize they lied to me. They lied about the fact that a third of the world is in poverty, just so I can sit here with a laptop and whine about the social hierarchy in my country. This lie really put things into perspective fore me; really opened my eyes to global injustice. You see, /pol/, we have collectively become greedy. We sit in furnished boxes with our iphones, laptops, 42 inch televisions, PCs with 2g graphics cards, playstations, and a host of other shiny distractions, but we don't appreciate it, do we? We just moan. We moan because a fake tanned husk of a human flaunts their pristine body on MTV, and we want to be them. We want to be the young happy people. The grass looks so green in the high-contrast perfection displayed to us by marketing executives who want us to buy the latest shiny toy. But it's a lie isn't it, /pol/? Its all a big farce to keep the cogs turning.

As I write this there are over 80,000 children mining minerals in places like the Congo. They have no choice; no alternative, but to work for a months salary that wouldn't even by a skinny soy latte in starbucks. They do this so we can have our shiny toys, and so western companies can make an adequate profit selling us those shiny toys. Everyone is a commodity.

>> No.2958296


MLK led several freedom marches and pushed the issue of civil rights to the forefront with his eloquent speeches.

Gandhi's peaceful protests convinced the British to free many like-minded political prisoners and inspired millions, helping smooth India's transition from British colony to unified independent state.

Both were way more successful than Robespierre.

>> No.2958300


Time to correct someone of the false notions repated by the common man.

Gandhi did not free India from British colonial rule. India was released years after he died. During his lifetime, he opposed revolutions which successfully liberated sections of India, albeit temporarily. He accomplished nothing and hindered successful revolutionaries.

Civil Rights Acts, the freedom-of-association ending desegregation, and other anti-white anti-male motions were passed b/c that's what America's rulers wanted, not b/c they gave a shit what some black preacher thought.

>> No.2958308
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> They lied about the fact that a third of the world is in poverty,

1) Poverty's relative
2) If your nation's rich others are poor by definition
3) No one ever told you everyone's rich. You're the liar.

>just so I can sit here with a laptop

Wealth is not a zero-sum game where we all take cuts from the same pie you communist.

Wealth can be created and destroyed. Many nations like Britain and the US surpassed others by a great margin in their wealth b/c they industrialized. The poorer nations have actually become wealthier too, as goods like clothes flow to even the most backwards african tribals.

>and whine about the social hierarchy in my country.

I'll give you this point. Complaining about our lot does not change it.

>global injustice.

Life is not fair child. Man's life is not guaranteed. He must strive for his survival and the creation of the wealth he prospers by.

>> No.2958331
File: 57 KB, 450x300, congo_child_mining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations on missing the point entirely.

The Congo alone generates 144m USD through the export of ores like tin and tantalum - the west couldn't function without the exploitation of these child workers. I agree that 'life isn't fair', but hate sitting back and watching wars started over oil, while a blind eye is turned to issues like this. If the west was forced to source their own crude ores, and pay a fair wage to everyone involved in the production, the price of a smartphone would peak over $4,000. We can't live in comparative opulent luxury without really fucking somebody over, I don't know why you're choosing to gloss over this fact.

>> No.2958342

Why does so much of /pol/ seem to come here?

>> No.2958364


Communist, strain your atrophied higher brain and attempt to reason. What is the alternative to working in mines for these kids? Starving or working even shittier jobs. Implicitly, any labor a man voluntarily accepts is an improvement to his circumstance. It's not for anyone else to tell the business owner he's not allowed to hire that boy or to tell the boy he's not allowed to work; it's their transaction.

You're operating under the false notion, like every station, that the government is god. The government can not fix all the ills of life. The most it can do is interfere with market mechanisms which improve the peoples living standards, destroying wealth and retarding humanity's advancement.

>fair wage
Implicit in the worker's acceptance of his wage is the fact it is a benefit to him. The work these kids are doing is not skilled labor. Forcing their employers to pay more than they're worth allocates resources poorly, creating less wealth or even destroying wealth.

>We can't live in comparative opulent luxury without really fucking somebody over, I don't know why you're choosing to gloss over this fact.

B/c as I already stated we're not living at someone else's expense. Those kids are getting paid to do their work. They too are benefitting and becoming wealthier from the creation of the products the companies they work for sell.
Everyone's benefitting and everyone's situation is improving. But b/c you're full of white guilt you want to see your fellow whites harmed

>> No.2958403
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I am not a communist. I just believe in a fair minimum wage.

>it's their transaction.
I agree. But there should be stipulations on how much they get paid, and how many hours a child can work. These kids can't escape their situation because they are deprived of education. Do you think 10yo American kids should be sent down mines if the parents can't afford the mortgage?

>The government can not fix all the ills of life.
No, but it can ensure the standard of living is humane, instead of being motivated by purely financial factors.

>I already stated we're not living at someone else's expense.
Yes we are. It is in our interest to keep the situation the way it is, by profiting from the spoils of illegal mines. and It's not white guilt - I would be just as appalled if this was happening anywhere else.

>> No.2958413

Everything you say is a contradiction.

1) I'm not a communist but we need to force the owners of the means of production to give more of their wealth to workers.
2) I agree employment is the personal business of the people involved but it should be interfered with.
3) The government can't fix fundamental problems but it can give everyone a good standard of living.

It's like you don't understand words have meaning.

As for #4 who gets the better deal in a transaction is relative. You're basically saying the afrikids are selling themselves short but it could be argued anyone is worth more than he accepts.
A) you the consumer could say you're paying too much.
B) The company could say it's paying the workers more than they're worth, the workers are leeches sucking their tit.
C) Middlemen handling logistics or any of the thousands of other positions could say their skill demands more value.

And it's all relative. That's why you can't attach a static amount of wealth to any transaction. B/c no transaction exists in isolation and none of the influencing factors are static. The worth of that child's labor is changing as you read this sentence.

>> No.2958421


If you think you're paying too much then stop buying their shit. If you accept their prices then those prices aren't too much. Unless they have a monopoly or the corporations have formed some sort of trust the invisible hand should provide a cheaper alternative.

>> No.2958422

>1) I'm not a communist but we need to force the owners of the means of production to give more of their wealth to workers.
The government shouldn't own private businesses, but should enforce a minimum wage. Are you saying countries with a minimum wage are communist?
>2) I agree employment is the personal business of the people involved but it should be interfered with.
See above
>3) The government can't fix fundamental problems but it can give everyone a good standard of living.
The government could stop the importation of products from illegal mines.

The government has to put some kind of reign on rampant capitalism, and it does in the west. This doesn't mean we are communists, just that we have laws that are slightly more egalitarian.

>> No.2958423

>Middlemen handling logistics or any of the thousands of other positions could say their skill demands more value.

If this were the case they'd go on strike and either be replaced (proving that their skill is not so valuable) or get a raise (proving that the skill is indeed more valuable.)

>> No.2958424

Do you really think the children here are allowed to form a trade union:

>> No.2958429


I was referring to the 'middlemen.'
I'm not sure how it works with children but frankly I think in this case government intervention on behalf of workers would be appropriate.

Of course then it's up to the company whether or not they want to deal with regulations or open up shop in another, cheaper country. Then it becomes a market game again and we're back where we started.

It's nothing new, really. There used to be sweatshops in the US until we achieved a higher standard of living. Now the we see similar things happening in less developed countries.

>> No.2958448

The means you think of to get a raise is immediately a strike. You really are a communist.

Alternatives include
1) Telling your boss to give you a raise
2) Applying to work for a competing company for a higher wage.

>until we achieved a higher standard of living.

There are still sweatshops in the US and those that closed did so b/c the government outlawed it thereby lowering the standard of living by forcing a worse allocation of resources.

Communists, I want you guys to think for a moment. Given it is more profitable to pay to ship products across the ocean than employ unskilled labor in the US and other countries with minimum wage laws don't you recognize how absurdly and wrongfully high a price the state puts on unskilled labor?

>> No.2958465


>unskilled labor

Well there's your problem, unskilled laborers are easily replaceable compared to their professional counterparts, so obviously they're valued less. It's basic supply and demand and to try to change that is like trying to re-write the rules of nature.