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/lit/ - Literature

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2956760 No.2956760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Everything has been done before. There are no original ideas left." - The thought of an unoriginal hack writer

>> No.2956762

This thread is very unoriginal.

>> No.2956804


I agree.

>> No.2958018
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>caring about originality and not excellence
>letting your childish lust for novelty get in the way to greatness

>> No.2958024

It's a cliche in some regions but,

"All great artists are thieves." I forget who said it, but it is one of the truest things ever said.

A lot of people have this false idea that creativity is a process of sacred, unfathomed, invention by the human mind, when in reality when we create we simply analyze what's around us, re-systhesize it to our own personal perspective, which in turn alters it in someway, and boom there you have a new creation. Similar to its predecessors in some aspects but in others entirely its own beast.

You steal the base, wether you intend to or not, then you disfigure it until its your own new fucked up entity. And this applies to everything in life, even "original" creations, not just fan fictions, remixes, rewrites, what have you.

>> No.2958034

Basically all of the fundamental 'novelties' are half-realised things dormant in our culture, and 'originating' them means just waking them up, preferring them to something else, mixing them with this or that in a highly complex way - no new work of literature creates a whole new language. Tolkien's efforts are simply a 'transliteration' of our culture & concepts into 'his' (read: our) fantasy.

>> No.2958040

T.S. Eliot said something like that.

>> No.2958049
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>Judging Nietzsche by what you've read on wikiquote.

This nigga:

>> No.2958051

As did Wilde. It figures that they even steal truisms from each other.

>> No.2958065

>The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; >and that which is done is that which shall be done: >and there is no new thing under the sun.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

>> No.2958071


>> No.2958076

>The thought of an unoriginal hack writer

>implying faggot OP is just brimming with new ideas and is capable of putting them to paper and getting them published

>> No.2958083

solomon ?

>> No.2958129
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Which is basically mutations in the system of evolution.

>> No.2958167

Nihil novi sub sole.

>> No.2958261

Ex Africa, semper aliquid novi