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/lit/ - Literature

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2954938 No.2954938 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ I was looking into salinger and some of his short stories interested me. Can you recommend a work of his which you found to be his best?

>inb4 Catcher in the Rye
>It's a piece of shit

>> No.2954942

salinger is a thoroughly unremarkable author

>> No.2954982

>anything by salinger
>not a piece of shit

God i hate how he appreciated by teenagers so much, whenever i heard his name immediately i get mad.

>> No.2954986
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Just read some Ayn Rand instead.

>> No.2954995

Ugh. I see the moron brigade is out tonight. Don't listen to these fellows, Anon, they know not of what they speak. They had a bad experience with a shitty teacher and Catcher in the Rye somewhere along the line, and now they think they're experts.

None of Salinger's works are anything like Catcher in the Rye, if that helps you. In fact, none of his works are very much like each other though they clearly belong to the same artist.

Personally, I don't think you'd go wrong reading 'Franny,' 'For Esme with Love and Squalor,' 'Just Before the War with the Eskimos,' 'Teddy,' or 'A Perfect Day for Banana Fish.' The last is a maze of insanity. The first will break your heart, if you're the kind of person who has searched for evidence of God in your life. Those are my particular favorites.

Final note, if you enjoy 'Franny' I would definitely recommend you go ahead and read the whole book. (Franny and Zooey.)

>> No.2955009

Catcher in the Rye was his least pretentious work.

>> No.2955020
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>not recommending "De Daumier-Smith's Blue Period"

>> No.2955021

Sorry, man. Just doing my personal favorites, if that's all right with you.

>> No.2955038

So dumbfuck listen to me, none of my teachers were as mentally challenged as you are whom would force 16 years old students to read shitty books such as the great gatsby or anything by salinger. i've read his other works and his literary style is just plain bad, i can't even understand how those edgy teenagers would like such thing but then i remember there are such retarded people like you whom can appreciate worst literary achievements and goes apeshit over it and creates a faux-fashion on such works. i know your kind, you are the one whom also appreciate not the literary style but the fancy feelings.

Oh god i hate you so much, i hope none of booksellers in the world would provide you glorius works of nabokov, proust or andrey bely or other great authors because you deserve to stay mediocre for the rest of your life, and mention girls how you are into books.

>> No.2955066

That was tragically idiotic. I'd like to respond, but you made such a shitsalad of the English language, I wouldn't know where to begin. I'll give you a pass, because clearly English isn't your first language. My recommendation would be to keep studying, keep working hard, and try to master the basics of sentence structures before trying to communicate complex ideas. You'll get there, champ. You'll get there.

>> No.2955069

Sure is autism in here.

Calm down faggot.

>> No.2955077
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>> No.2955091

Not even that guy, but wow you are so mad.

I also like how you seem to think that Catcher in the Rye was written to appeal to 'edgy teenagers', thus solidifying the fact you misunderstood the book.

I also find it amusing to see someone with such a poor grasp of the English language to berate someone for holding immature literary knowledge.

Stay 12 years old.

>> No.2955093
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>shitty books such as the great gatsby or anything by salinger
for a second i was being trolled, and then all went better than expected
guess what, shithead, i love nabokov, salinger, and read proust in french. now, how does that make you feel ? must be really hard not to be able to understand literature