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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 675x612, niggers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2954612 No.2954612 [Reply] [Original]

Have black people ever said anything intelligent ever?

>> No.2954647

"Ball so hard motherfuckers want to fine me. That shit cray. That shit cray. That shit cray."

>> No.2954651

"The immorality of the United States and Great Britain's decision to invade Iraq in 2003, premised on the lie that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, has destabilised and polarised the world to a greater extent than any other conflict in history," wrote Tutu. "In a consistent world, those responsible for this suffering and loss of life should be treading the same path as some of their African and Asian peers who have been made to answer for their actions in the Hague."

>> No.2954654

Shut up /pol/ie

>> No.2954677

>has destabilised and polarised the world to a greater extent than any other conflict in history,"

that's one hell of an exaggeration

>> No.2954685
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>> No.2954689

"Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks"

>> No.2954696


>> No.2954701

> Have black people ever said anything intelligent ever?



>> No.2954702

caps pls

>> No.2954704


>> No.2954713

/lit/ - Racism

I honestly thought you guys were better than this.

>> No.2954717


>> No.2954721

>There is but one coward on earth, and that is the coward that dare not know.

-w.e.b. dubois, on OP

>> No.2954722
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>> No.2954725
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>> No.2954742


0/10 be more subtle next time

>> No.2954763


But I can honestly say I've never heard a black person say anything intelligent in person.

>> No.2954767

ever hear of the ten commandments?

black guys say the smartest shit, then the man retcons history so we think a white guy said it.

>> No.2954770

yes, everything i've ever said

>> No.2954778

clearly someone's never read richard wright.

don't have this conversation on /lit/ we're actually educated here

>> No.2954776


>Any other conflict in history
>in history

OP was asking for intelligence. He said intelligent. As in smart and with insight.

Not that.

>> No.2954780
File: 10 KB, 228x278, RichardWright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2954787

du bois is mah nigga

ralph waldo ellison

>> No.2954873
File: 22 KB, 400x300, Jay Electronica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jay Electronica Motherfuckas. Recocgnize.

I can't sleep at night, I toss and turn
Visions of my dead father, hoppin' out the urn
King James, Sigmund Freud, Mussolini, Nietzsche
If they miss me on the CB
They gonna get me through the TV
I'm sleeping and I'm dreaming, walking through the city streets
Hoping they don't see me, who?
Him right there with hands like a tiger, eyeballs of fire
Teeth like barbwire, feet like tires
He opened up his mouth and out came the locusts
Real hocus pocus trying to make me lose focus
I can't wake up plus I couldn't run fast enough to make it to the truck
So I yelled... but no sound came out
Teacher held me down, while the jackals ate my brain out
Then I woke (phew) close call
Stumbled to the bathroom, pissed all over the wall
Twisted up a nug, sippin' on Jack Daniels, watching True Blood
Sookie was gon' get smashed by Eric and Bill
And out the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a few
The power went dead and on the beam of light
A ship carried me away at the speed of light
I said: "please don't drop me, I'm scared to fall"
Just another close call, the writing on the wall

>> No.2954911

rap =/= poetry

please stop this.

Rhyming is a game for children.

>> No.2954927

I don't see much rhyming here. I do see a bunch of literary allusions, but allusions are mostly a fool's game.

>> No.2954947

Poetry - Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm

I think its indisputable rap functions as spoken poetry.

Maybe because he doesn't use perfect rhymes, they're harder to see written down. Regardless, there's plenty there.
That was only the first verse anyway.

>> No.2954958

Off my /lit/, racist. Now.

>> No.2955028

>in history
wa? what's wrong with this construction?

>> No.2955030

Ralph Ellison was alright

>> No.2955037

chinua achebe

>> No.2955046

NWA's Straight Outta Compton is god tier. So fuck you, OP.

>> No.2955058

But was it intelligent?

>> No.2955063

the idea that the iraq war is the most significant conflict in history is dumb as fuck

>> No.2955268

>he pronounces Nietzsche so that it rhymes with Mussolini

What a pleb.

>> No.2955344
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>> No.2955353
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Disposable Heroes of Hiphopcrisy were pretty neat I guess

I like Langston Hughes too I s'pose

>> No.2955383

Doesn't seem like he has much against women, you just have a chip on your shoulder towards anyone who says women who dress like whores should stop dressing like whores, and believe you me, a lot of people feel that way.

>> No.2955393

>throw in dead white guys
>must be smart
I bet you do this do to seem smart.

Y'all some dumb fuckas.

And yes, black people have said intellectual things. Mandela? Kofi? Kanye West. :3

>> No.2955397
File: 153 KB, 769x595, watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i know this is a troll but i can't resist

>> No.2955398

Wole Soyinka has done some incredible discussion on theatre throughout the ages.

>> No.2955400

>some people think black people have lower IQ on average
>blacks have contributed almost absolutely nothing to literature, science, and culture

coincidence? or perhaps, those people could be right? hmm

>> No.2955420

Have black people ever really been in a position to make contributions like that? The rich and famous ones are stupid and the smart ones are unnoticed by mainstream society, and they don't work together because the smart ones' views are invariably the opposite of the rich ones.

>> No.2955423


>> No.2955430

Gladly. It's a lot better than this steaming shitheap of a site.

>> No.2955432

k, bye then

>> No.2955436

"I text message, messages to fuck in estrogens. She lets me in, I sex her then she sexier than my leather vans"

>> No.2955442

lol that was my comment you replied to and I don't even go there. i stay here out of habit for the nuggets of gold among the steaming piles of shit. /lit/ can deliver...sometimes.

>> No.2955444
File: 46 KB, 500x489, tumblr_ld29xoj84w1qdogv5o1_r1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frantz Fanon, you fucking fannies.

>> No.2955460

I have never had an intelligent conversation with a black man my entire life, no joke.

I have lots of fun intelligent conversations about psychology/politics/ society/ law/ books/ hell I've even had conversations about how stupid women are in an intelligent way, WITH WHITE PEOPLE.

>> No.2955453


>> No.2955462

unfortunately this is the only board that's remotely worth my time.

>> No.2955463

a racist and a misogynist, how charming

>> No.2955466


>thinks he has intelligent conversations

>> No.2955479


>implying you even try to have them

>> No.2955483

Unfortunately no one here wants to have a rational discussion.

I was going to seriously reply to a few posts here but then realized where I was.

For what it's worth, I agree with you, at least in regards to the US (can't really speak for anywhere else). Which brings up the fact that black Americans are not the same as Africans in general.

>> No.2955485

/lit/ used to be place where you could have serious, non-retarded discussions, and occasionally still is, but lately /lit/ and /sci/ are getting stupid /pol/ spillover

>> No.2955487


So I am a racist because I think that the education in black schools is atrocious? I didn't say they were incapable of learning, simply that most are stupid.

I have never had a conversation with a black man where they talked about anything but drugs, alcohol, jail, women, money, cars, food, ect.

Even on campus, at my state uni, I have yet to meet a black guy who didn't act like a thug. I'm sure there are a few, but they are probably few and far between, a statistical anomaly due to incredibly poor black inner city school standards.

It isn't their fault, but trying to claim that most black people are not dumb as rocks is just ignoring an important problem, claiming everything is fine and dandy. Then people who try to talk about it are 'racist'.

>> No.2955523

Your opinion is now invalid for all time.

>> No.2955543

i don't know any black people

>> No.2955551

How can you people deny racial differences? Did you fail biology class?

>> No.2955571

Secret order
Elitist horde of
Creeping fire
Seizing power
Riders of the lupus hour
Eye on palm
Time is gone
Moonlight drawn
Fly til dawn
Sacrifice to rise beyond
Deep inside the violent calm
Of the coming storm
In blood sworn
To glorify and for life adorn
With all that dies to become unborn

>> No.2955587

itt: white people being racist.

what a shocker.

>> No.2955665

>implying racist blacks don't outnumber racist whites

>> No.2955681

never go here >>>/ck/

>black schools
how do you have the internet in 1954?

>> No.2955693

most destabilizing
could be decades before things are calm in Iraq, plus Al Qaeda insurgence messed things around a lot.

Also intelligence is an abstract, so intelligence is not as firmly rooted in reality as the /lit/erati might hope it is.

>> No.2955722


>thinks nearly all black schools don't exist.
I thought it was common knowledge that all inner city public schools are 90% black students.

Ever been the only white kid at an inner city school of all black people? It's not pretty, imagine being threatened and fearing for your safety every minute of school. Imagine having a cop constantly posted in the school.

Fuck you assholes, you all call me racist, because you have never lived in the slums. I am borderline socialist politically, but you politically correct assholes make me want to puke. You people who are all oh noes racism, have never had to live in a situation where you are surrounded by it every day.

You have no idea what its like, so stop talking about things you clearly know nothing about.

>> No.2955892
File: 5 KB, 225x225, trustmeimwhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2956850

black americans are significant smarter and more capable then Africans.

>> No.2956855

Liberals are very ignorant of the world they live in, you always have to take that into consideration, never do they go out and find out more information because that would generally contradict or hurt their ideological thinking.

>> No.2956858

>not saging
>not reporting

>> No.2956876
File: 53 KB, 269x402, ThingsFallApart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.2956885



>> No.2956889

Both groups are fucktards, now if only people would realize this.