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/lit/ - Literature

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2952630 No.2952630 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I can't decide what book to read next.
Can you help me pick one?

>The God of Small Things, Arundhati Roy
>Journey to the East, Hermann Hesse
>Northanger Abbey, Austen
>Mansfield Park, Austen
>Persuasion, Austen
>Silas Marner, Eliot
>3 Ibsen plays
>Open Boat, Crane

I'd rather have something light, for I ordered "Anna Karenina" at the book store and it will arrive next week.

>> No.2952641

>settling for something light.

I recommend Finnegan's Wake and Anna back to back.

>> No.2952642
File: 141 KB, 639x800, George Eliot (Mary Ann Cross (née Evans)) replica by François D'Albert Durade oil on canvas, (1849).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do what I sometimes do: Number them, go to random.org, and then whichever number you get - read the corresponding book.

Personally, I'd say read Silas Marner.
I wish George Eliot came up more often on this board. [Same goes for Ibsen.]

>> No.2952651


If you want to read something light read a fucking sci fi novel or some shit, it's okay not to exclusively read literature cunt.

>> No.2952664

I don't have that one, the list includes books I already in my shelf waiting to be read.

Thanks. I don't know what to expect of Eliot, never read anything from him but found the book at a one euro sale and since it's a classic couldn't resist bringing it home.

Can you imagine I don't like sci-fi! What a cunt, right?