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2951920 No.2951920 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no qt post-postmodernist nihilist gf

>> No.2951929
File: 16 KB, 500x461, iktf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel

>> No.2951926


>> No.2951934

what are we all still doing here

what the fuck does that even mean
post post modern nihilist
it all just gets to a point where everyone just sits around trying to think of long extensive complicated theories to explain why they dont leave their house and go out more

>> No.2951939

>no sense of irony
>ironically post-postmodernist

>> No.2951940

>implying i haven't been having an active weekend
>implying i haven't realized in that timeframe that approximately 99% of qt's are superficial sheep

i just want a qt post-postmodernist gf

>> No.2951942
File: 4 KB, 186x251, camcocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to eat breakfast
>postmodernist nihilist gf tells me she has something to say
>"Yes honey walrus?"
>she announces that everything is shit and God is not real
>before I can respond she opens up a fresh can of spaghettios
>I yell at her that there's still unfinished spaghettios in the refrigerator
>she smears the spaghettios all over her cunt and starts moaning
>after two minutes of smearing spaghettios on her clit she then pisses the spaghettios all over my floor and stabs herself with a fork

>> No.2951947

One of these things does not seem to into the other.

>> No.2951972

>post-postmodernist nihilist

>hurr im a retard

>> No.2951976

they go together like pb & j
like yin & yang
like salt & pepper
like spag & metaballs
like mac n cheese
like qt's & feels

>> No.2951978

my gf is postpostmodern and she doesn't even read. its cool. reading is no replacement for 'natural' intelligence

>> No.2951986

Post-postmodernism is about being totally sincere and true and loving everything about everything though. If anything, postmodernism is nihilism. Post-postmodernism is humanism.

>> No.2951995
File: 27 KB, 300x450, 11111111111111111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people seriously discussing post-postmodernism

i'm done with this

>> No.2951998


>> No.2952000

You have nothing to contribute, so your input is not needed anyways.

>> No.2952001

whoa, calm down, b.

>> No.2952004

How does it feel to be the reason /lit/ needs more moderation?

>> No.2952005

I'm not the one sincerely discussing a faux-philosophy whose whole existence is to criticize how cluttered and irrelevant academia has become in the philosophical world.

>> No.2952006

guys, let's get back on topic

you are so wrong i literally cringed
post-postmodernism is all about transcending the norm. to transcend you must first accept nihilism as truth.

>> No.2952008
File: 13 KB, 200x266, Whaa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying post-postmodernist nihilists are cute or would make good girlfriends.

>> No.2952009

No, being a hipster is about transcending the "norm". It is impossible for a hipster to be a post-postmodernist.

>> No.2952019

>whose whole existence is to criticize how cluttered and irrelevant academia has become in the philosophical world

i bet you don't even read

i bet you don't even read
post-postmodernism has not yet even been clearly defined and you are already applying your entry-level conceptions of it as truth
come on with that

i would find one that is a qt and we would mesh together so well it'd be unreal

>> No.2952020
File: 234 KB, 1178x1500, goliath feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt Latinist art historian gf

>> No.2952028

>a common positive theme of current attempts to define post-postmodernism is that faith, trust, dialogue, performance and sincerity can work to transcend postmodern irony
Bitch, if you didn't even know that then you're just a regular dumbass hipster.

>> No.2952033

>wikipedia scholarship
>overlooking the part where it says 'Consensus on what makes up an epoch can hardly be achieved while that epoch is still in its early stages'
>implying transcending postmodern irony is possible without first being a nihlist

>> No.2952035

You didn't even need to deface that pic. The dude holding the head and cutlass is making the "feel" face already.

>> No.2952046

I feel the need to deface everything I touch though

also the Goliath is allegedly a self-portrait of Caravaggio so it felt appropriate to replace it with my feels. this is backpedaling