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2947344 No.2947344 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I'm depressed

>> No.2947346

A fancy medical term for "not being interested in the world around you"

>> No.2947351

does that mean I'm clinically not interested in the world around me

eat more vegetables, get more sunlight, exercise more etc

>> No.2947355

Depression is an evolutionary failsafe that increases the chances of those unappreciative of life to not pass on their depressing genes. Congrats OP, you're the next step of mankind!

>> No.2947354

A fancy medical term for "feeling sorry for yourself".

>> No.2947378
File: 83 KB, 520x347, Got_Fluorosis_Fight_Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the fluoride in your water, op

>> No.2947386

This should cheer you up.


>> No.2947421

If only someone hugged schopenhauer as a child

>> No.2947445

Existential crisis? Lolz. No, seriously, though, that was my adolescence. Maybe you don't see the point in facing the terms of life, but you'll realize eventually that the best option is to just deal with it. Maybe you'll become more jaded, maybe you'll tell yourself lies, but it's not insurmountable or as bad as it seems. Takes time.

>> No.2947448

Holy shit! This was so, over the top pessimistic that I couldn't stop laughing. Not saying that what Schopenhauer was saying is wrong. It's just that it's soooo fucking miserable that it's funny, if that makes sense.

Try this OP:


>> No.2947458

>implying fluoride isn't in your toothpaste or water for a reason

Keep that tinfoil hat on, you might radiate your stupid using the fluoride in the air as a medium.

>> No.2947466

>implying I'm going to let you start a fluoridated water argument on my /lit/

not today, asshole!

>> No.2947478
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>not knowing depression is caused by chemtrails

>> No.2947480

Calm your tits, OP is depressed. This thread is already barely /lit/ related.

OP, suck it up. If you need it, get a prescription for Wellbutrin XL. All the benefits of antidepressants without any of the shitty side-effects of Paxil and those Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Wellbutrin inhibits norepinephrine reuptake).

You won't feel like a zombie, and your dick will work just fine. Been on them for 2 years now. 300mg. I feel great and the best part is that my only side effect has been heightened reaction times. Which is a good thing.

>> No.2947524

happiness at the cost of chemicals was never appealing to me

>> No.2947523


pick 1

also hate how people use it to justify a lot of hateful shit
we need more goulds in the world

>> No.2947525

That happened to my teeth when I didn't brush them for months on end and mainly only drank soda and milk.

what now cunt

>> No.2947530

Why are people so afraid to debate and disagree with schopenhauer? some sort of authority thing? how do you know he is right?


> maybe you'll tell yourself lies
Stop assuming your pop-sci knowledge has it all figured out.

>> No.2947669

It's not happiness with Wellbutrin. Just a limit on how shitty you'll feel. You'll still need to pick yourself up. That's why I love Wellbutrin.

>> No.2947673

Find a girl, any girl, and plough - pick her up, as in do not stop until she says she'll go out with you. Go out with her and touch her a lot, then kiss her, then touch her boobs and fuck her.

>> No.2947703

back to the 50's

gender role tard

>> No.2947711

You know what's depressing? The new TAR isn't out and I think that maybe TAR did in fact die. :(

>> No.2947731

"OP do drugs and kill people" ~Nietsche

>> No.2947738

That's not depressing. That's a good thing. No more threads clogging /lit/. TAR is pretty much a huge joke. It's not a zine, it's a zing.

To OP: Once upon a time, "being depressed" was just called "being alive".

>> No.2947739


Crikey mate, give it time, it usually comes out at about 2000 GMT on the 1st.

>> No.2947741

>clogging up /lit/

>Implying this thread has merit
>Implying it's a bad thing to have one thread once a month about something that is enjoyable and entertaining.

You sad piece of shit.

>> No.2947749

You find TAR "enjoyable and entertaining". Let's take a moment to re-evaluate who might be the sad piece of shit, eh, chum?

>> No.2947780


people like you really are god awful also not enjoying the crap that goes on in those threads you really are just a douche libarts retard aren't you.

>> No.2947794
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>> No.2947803

I am also looking forward to the new TAR, but didn't want to bring it up because I knew I'd get shat on by all the rejects.

>> No.2947809
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Stay pressed bb

>> No.2947812
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Maybe people feel things and then make up all kinds of philosophical bullshit for why they're feeling them.

>> No.2947832
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Than you might as well die. Whether you have a enormously successful career or a sportscar or a hot bitch to trigger your happy chems or you have meditation or a pill do it doesn't matter that much. It's still all chems.

People need to get over this natural/unnatural dichotomy and start aiming for the stars. There's a lot to be fixed once we throw out this paper books for life mentality and stop drawing an arbitrary line and saying "I only want kinds of happiness that were available to people in the forties" .

>> No.2947837

This. I think is absurd that people are so opposed to adjusting the levels of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and other neurotransmitters to a level that actually improves cognitive performance and well being.

They are so programmed by society to label everything as 'drugs' and 'bad' that they can't see past their own bias and explore either altering their conciousness, or just tweaking their neurochemistry to a level that will significantly benefit them.

Off course the other side is the lying pharmaceutical companies who have no qualms about pushing tranqs, and some of recreational substances that offer no benefit, but anyone with a decent IQ is capable of research.

>> No.2947849
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This line they draw is again completely arbitrary, since they have no trouble taking blood pressure medication or drinking coffee.

Of course people, as you say, are trying to fuck you over from all sides, but that's no reason to just squander all the potential of the substances we have available. And of course, it's not like people have a real choice once others embrace biochemical ways of self-improvement or they'll have to become like the Amish.

>> No.2947865
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But what about our friend DFW. He had to go off his anti -depressants 'cause they were screwing up his body, and that made him super turbo depressed.

>> No.2947870

Modern medicine is not infallible, no one claimed that.

>> No.2947871

The human brian has a delicate chemical balance. Tinkering with your brains bio-chemistry has permanent consequences. Taking a pill because you are unhappy is like shooting yourself up with morphine so you can walk on a broken leg. You have only treated the symptoms of the illness, while the ailment is steadily progressing past the point of no return.

You might be inclined to just say, "fuck it, we are all heading to the crapheap". I wouldn't blame you. Nothing is worse than knowing what the problem is, knowing how to fix it, and not having the power to do so.

Psychiatrists and serial killers both have something called, "the dominion", in which there is a part of themselves they sub-consciously believe to be infallible. The truth is, they understand less about brain chemistry than you do. They are playing god with forces they do not understand.

What is acceptable margin of error when testing a new drug? 5%? If 55 percent of patients experience an increase in neurological activity, and there are a hundred participants in a clinical trial, and the margin of error is 5%, does that mean that the drug is effective at treating medical disorders?

What if you received the same results conducting an experiment with a placebo? Would that put a damper on your spirits? Saying you know what you are talking about, Acting like you know what you are talking about, is not the same as Knowing and Doing.

To them, its the same. If you hand them a pair of aspirin and over half your patients respond in a positive manner, you might convince them that you are having a positive effect. You might even convince yourself, for that matter.

>> No.2947872

What they are handing you, is the red pill. Aspirin cures all ills. There is a pill for weight loss, there is a pill for confidence, there is a pill for sex, there is a pill for happiness, there is a pill for whatever ails you.

But what they are really selling you is the lie. The lie that you can somehow cure all your ills just by believing you are going to be okay. It dulls the pain long enough for the poison to seep in, and then its all over, goodbye dreams, goodbye nightmares.

>> No.2947878

What would you then say would be a better approach in the case of crippling clinical depressions?

>> No.2947900

My serotonin pills induce enough apathy to make me relax in social situations. This will probably result in me being no longer afraid to date someone, an important step for improving emotionally and my mental health. It's not a long term treatment, I'll be on it for 2 years at most. All this unfounded scaremongering taken seriously would only result in more feeble useless wriggling with their issues in most people's cases. Luckily, professionals are sensible enough not to believe in it.

>> No.2947904

I do agree with you. Handing someone a pill and saying "here you go, everything is fine now" is a problem in it's self, let alone an answer.

But I don't think you can overlook the benefit that drugs can offer. Sure, placebos can perform above 50% in clinical trials, and that just demonstrates the power of the mind. I also wouldn't advocate taking morphine immediately after breaking a leg so you can move around more, but I strongly support short term opiate use for pain relief.

The best option is research. Personally I have experimented with enough substances, both pharmaceutical and recreational, to know what a certain substance will do in a given situation. I do suffer from depression, so I adjust my neurochemisty to a state that I am happy with, but only use this short term, opting for addressing and tackling the issue as a long term solution. However I diet and exercise and take the right amount of transmitter precursors daily to ensure my body and brain is functioning as I want it to.

Sure, ultimately taking something is producing an effect that is artificial to the natural state. But taking something like 5-HTP for increased serotonin production is no worse than eating a decent amount of all 20 amino's for the same purpose. Also, in severe problems like schizophrenia I'm not opposed to the daily use of stronger things if it improves the quality of life.

>> No.2948267

When your depression is caused by society, the girl you liked for 4 years told you to go fuck yourself, the fact that you have no friends and no one is going to care, it's a little hard to deal with without an heroing yourself.

Wellbutrin only puts a dampener on your fall. You get the benefit of not being so low you want to stick your head in the oven, and being able to consciously deal with the issues.

I still hold all my emotions, something a serotonin regulator can't give you. I just find it difficult to be in a crippling depression for too long. That's all it does.

>> No.2948361

Not all problems can be fixed. Sometimes the only solution for a problem is to accept it as a fact of life. And this is where medicine helps.

>> No.2948363

Clinically depressed people should be given a chance to get a lifelong opiate perscription provided they are willing to function as productive members of society in return.

>> No.2948372

We're all depressed, life is like eating a dump-truck full of shit, and every time you think you've eaten the last bite, every time you think "FINALLY I will never have to take another forkful of feces", they load the dump-truck up to the brim.

You have to learn to like the taste of shit. It can take years, and you'll still be eating shit, but that's what you have to do.

>> No.2948373


>> No.2948375


Don't kid yourself opiates impair the shit out of functioning. I know functioning addicts, they still act doped up when they manage to get high, which they want to do when they can afford to.

If you just give someone affordable medical opiates they will be doped up all the time.

>> No.2948392

Uh no, you are wrong.

>implying there weren't literally thousands of completely functional morphine/heroin addicts in late 19th/early 20th century
>implying there aren't millions of completely functional opiate addicts living worldwide


Opiates are one of the least intoxicating and impairing drugs out there with very few side effects. The only real danger is overdose which could easily be completely avoided by controlling the purity of the product.

>> No.2948395

>drop acid
>experience ego death
>everything'll be ok

>> No.2948401

Been there, done that.

Just made me want to kill myself because death isn't real and I'll just transcend after death. So i had to forget about everything I saw and move on with life.

>> No.2948399

Pick up an instrument and write some music.

>> No.2948425


You're intentionally misunderstanding me. Probably because you like blowing opana or whateverthefuck.

>> No.2948428


My experience of ego death threw me into a manic psychotic state for weeks, like the poster above the only way I've been able to function since that incident is to forget about what I saw, no thanks.

>> No.2948433

Yeah, ego death is not necessarily some positive experience. I wouldn't recommend it to somebody who is depressed.

My ego death was somewhat depressing, but I came out of it with a positive attitude of "have fun, enjoy life, stop taking things so seriously", but I could see someone who is depressed coming out with a much worse attitude.

>> No.2948439


To reiterate my point was that YES you can function while using opiates, especially when you have a tolerance and a habit at which point your maintenance dose won't even get you high, but taking intoxicating doses of opiates, taking doses of opiates that make you "feel good", DOES impair your functioning.

It's just a fact, I don't know if you have much experience with opiate use or opiate users but that's the way it works. You can be a "functioning" addict who needs 40mg of oxymorphone a day to avoid being sick, but if you're taking a dose to get high, you're going to be fucking high.

You can work when you're high but not as well as you can when you're sober. For the person who needs 40mg of oxymorphone to avoid being sick, he'll work better on 40mg than he will on 120mg.

>> No.2948456

So existential crisis has changed to "ego death" since I visited last month, else it's the same as ever. Are you two guys writing all the posts on /lit/? OP, when you get out of the depression you will get depressed because you miss the meaningful empty feelings you had when depressed.

>> No.2948457



From an extensive romance with a variety of members of the opiate family, I can honestly say it is fucking hard to function. Sure, you will be OK on 200mg of codeine, you may even be able to pass for sober with sunglasses hiding your pins. But with a high dose of fent, morph, or straight smack, you sit there 'nodding' in and out of reality. The intention might be to use sensibly, but after a couple of weeks you wont be able to resist the temptation to open the throttle and see how fast you can ride that rush.

>> No.2948459

Existential crisis is the question, ego death is supposed to be the answer. At least that's what eastern philosophy teaches. It wasn't for me.

>> No.2948467

tfw alcohol drinkers, smokers, coffee drinkers and stoners talking about anti-depressants like they're soma.

>> No.2948475


People on the internet think moksha is the same thing as the thing that happens when you eat a bunch of shrooms or take a ten-strip, it isn't.

Just having that experience one time or even many times, whether through psychedelics or meditative trance, is worthless.

>> No.2948480


Man I miss nodding, would you get those daydreams? Or not even daydreams they were like alternate realities you would slip into.

Opiates would literally make me weep with joy at times, god damn. Fuck it though my life is a lot better without them, I wish I could just use on the weekends but when I try to do that the next thing I know all my time outside of work is taken up by opiates, and the next thing I know I'm waking up sick and need small doses to not throw up at work, etc. etc.

>> No.2948483

I never said it's enlightenment, but the experience is still there. You can meditate for extended periods of time, eat some drugs, cut yourself, feast, put yourself in a trance state or use any other method, the experience is more or less the same.

>> No.2948487

Are you sure you actually achieved an ego death? I have never managed to have one on acid, although I have tripped on it about 30 times. Never with mushrooms, mescaline, LSA, AMT, RC's or threshold DMT either. In fact, I have only ever had it twice, both times with industrial quantities of drugs; one was a combination of 2c-i, cannabis, TMA-2 and a lot of alcohol; the second was a full blown DMT trip on top of a fierce dose of LSA.

I though I had managed it on many occasions, but only in hindsight can I see that I didn't. I can tell you that if you are experiencing any anxiety or fear you are not having an ego death, you are just fucking high. You should be in a pure state of neutral bliss, with no bias towards anything. You should feel complete overwhelming peace with everything, and the closest you can get to an objective perception of reality.

>> No.2948493

I tripped on acid and various other psychedelics a number of times (~30) and I only had ego death once. It was very religious, in new age/eastern thought sense, but I wasn't at peace with everything at all, because I recall terrible anxiety that was caused by the idea that I was enlightened and now have the duty to share the revelations I had on true nature of existence.
This quote describes my experience sort of accurately, but my was somewhat more comprehensive:
"Your life is like a drop of rain getting closer and closer to falling into a lake, and then when you hit the lake there is no more rain drop, only the lake" - Chinacat72

>> No.2948503

this is for you OP




>> No.2948526

Its in your water because rich corporations abuse your naivety and ignorance. You are fucking paying for a waste product thats killing you. Stay educated scrub...

>> No.2948540

>existential crisis
Is just a chemical imbalance. Smart and well-adjusted people don't have such irrational problems. It tends to also be european thinkers that have these issues in their philosophy too, doesn't it? I don't think a British thinker would waste time on it.

>> No.2948545
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It's too bad you're full of shit... either that or you're simply too full of yourself to seek out meaning in an experience.

I have a full ego death, utter, blissful peace without a trace of any other feeling/emotion every time I eat a measly 2g of shrooms. You're just a big heavyweight drug champion life champion, right.

>durr one time I did a millino pounds of dmt and then railed six ounces of blow and it was all on a perfume bottles worth of lsd, ya didn't even have an ego death bro wasn't even a real experience we all have so much growing up to do

>> No.2948549

May I also add this thread is very indicative of what drugs can do to your mental faculties, don't let liberal propaganda tell you otherwise.

>> No.2948553

They also claim it is to prevent tooth decay, which is forced medication, and as forced medication is illegal I'm not sure how they get away with it.

>> No.2948572
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Treating neourological deficits with further destabilization. Have fun with your schizophrenia.

>> No.2948573

>Recommending psychedelics to someone you don't know

Not recommended for people with anxiety disorders like OCD, and a bunch of personality disorders which cause debilitating anxiety.
Also not recommended for people with dissociative disorders like Schizoid personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, schizophrenia, manic-depressive related psychosis, drug induced psychosis, etc.

>> No.2948579

>You're just a big heavyweight drug champion life champion, right.
Yes. Yes, I am.

Even after 3.5 grams of mushrooms I can still interact with friends, laugh and joke around, ponder things with my own subjective bias overlayed. It really does take a lot for me to abolish all the nonsense views and experiences I have collected and just perceive reality for what it is.

>> No.2948582
File: 68 KB, 436x364, T-Mack likes this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based T-mack and Based Shulgin together.


>> No.2948584

there is no way of viewing reality 'how it is', because it "is"n't like anything. The 'way it is' you perceive is just you at such a state of indifference to caring about anything in particular, induced by drugs.

>> No.2948593

Why does every discussion on this board that's even remotely related to any aspect of ontological philosophy always devolve to "DROP ACID LOL XD"?

I've done my share of drugs, and they don't answer any existential questions at all. It's all just chemistry in your brain, and any realization you may have is a false one. Your existential questions will remain forever unanswered. Deal w/ it.

>> No.2948595

Not the dude you replied to, buuut

I'm kind of tending to assume that you're letting your tolerance get waaay too high (unless you're like 300 LBS, in which case I pity you for other reasons). an eighth ain't nothin' to fuck with.

That aside, I wouldn't say that it's seeing things "as they are" so much as that I can't access certain mental frameworks while I'm on that shizzz.

>> No.2948603

Thats right. It's a sort of zen state, except you're not in meditation suppressing thoughts, you're awake perceiving things and can actively think without the burden of self polluting the ideas. I guess 'indifference' could be the right word, but after that state has been attained, in my experience anyway, it left me feeling both elated and humbled.

This 'indifference' is crucial, especially for someone with deep routed notions about things. Imagine a racist (and I mean a hardcore EDL, "these fucking niggers" racist) in this state watching a black guy walking down the street. He would feel no positive or negative feelings towards him whatsoever, he would be aware of the concept of racism, but couldn't impose it over his current way of perceiving the world, he would see it for what it was. He would be so ashamed of himself afterwards, but profoundly changed. Ego death wont give you any answers, but it can help you. But like I said, I have always found that state incredibly hard to attain.

>> No.2948621

you don't sound changed

you know what, fuck all young people and fuck all aspects of eastern philosophy, they are all wrong anyways
fuck athiesm too

>> No.2948670


>the idea that I was enlightened and now have the duty to share the revelations I had on true nature of existence.

Yup that's how I ended up in a psych ward.

Drugs are fucking stupid and they distract you from reading and engaging with reality.


What he said.

>> No.2948675


Everybody has anxiety and you never know whether psychedelics are going to induce a psychotic break until it's too late, true story.

>> No.2948701

Because, it disturbs the way you naturally interact with your existence and gives you new and different facets to observe it from.

>> No.2948728


And that's all you can say.

>Hurr it makes shit like different and shit and that can make you like think in a like new perspective and uhhh shit's just changed y'know?

Drugs are for losers, using drugs for "enlightenment" has to be the lowest form of drug-use because you actually think you're better off than other people because you've had some interesting drug trips.

>> No.2948749


>Drugs are fucking stupid and they distract you from reading


>> No.2948754
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>Drugs are for losers

>> No.2948782

Yes, I've had interesting drug trips and have had experiences that are impossible to put in words. I transcended mundane sobriety into different realms of existence. It's fun and cool and enlightening as hell; my greatest epiphanies have all come to me while I was high.

Dude, if you're, like, having psychotic breakdowns then like, don't take psychedelics man

>> No.2948796
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>yfw you realise drugs don't add things to your system to get you high, they shut things off allowing more of chemicals your body produced naturally to get in
>it's possible to train your body to block these chemicals and bring on self induced euphoria

>> No.2948844
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Yeah, just mediate and you get control over unconcious processes in your brain. Oh yeah and thats the only way drugs work.

MFW you´ve fallen for esoteric bullshit. Go and buy an energy pyramid.

>> No.2948878

>Doesn't believe in neurotransmitters.

Probably denies the existence of adrenalin.

>> No.2948888

You have such a bad understanding of neurology and psychotropic drugs it's embarrassing.

>> No.2948989
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You´re completely in control of yourself. You´re someone to look up to. You´re better than any drug using loser. Thank you! You Inspire me.

>> No.2949043

>tfw when you have ADHD
>tfw Hanson's Soda is all you'll ever need to get high.
Shit's intense.
Although it was a few years ago. They may have changed the deciding ingredient, but man, I wish I had some where I live now.

>> No.2949086

ADD here. Never realised it was ADD until a few months ago and I hated myself because I was never able to get decent grades in school and I had no control over myself. I was starting to get OCD type anxiety rituals because I was so obsessed with having control over myself. Was prescribed adderall, it changed my life.

>That feel when you can finally have control over yourself and your anxiety drops

>> No.2949105 [DELETED] 


>> No.2949114
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>> No.2949126

>he says adrenalin when he means norepinephrine

>> No.2949218

Not that guy, but adrenaline (epinephrine) is a neurotransmitter.