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2946255 No.2946255[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you think older feminists would hate current feminists

>> No.2946261
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>> No.2946267

Yes, but it's likely that those older feminists are no longer adhering to that ideology because they're either dead or realized how outdated feminism is on contemporary society. Seriously, feminism accomplished its main goals, despite the fallacious and delusional nature many of their beliefs held. Anybody who was a feminist and actually realized this are now egalitarians or something similar, like myself.

>> No.2946275

Actual feminists you get at universities who publish journals and articles? No.

'Feminists' who post blogs about male privilege and whatnot? Yes.

>> No.2946278

Only if the feminist is applying their values to a localized point. One who believes in globalization will still be fighting for suffrage.

>> No.2946282



>> No.2946292

Yes, modern (western) feminism is just a luxury problem.
Notice how all they complain about now is cultural and social issues, mostly just about the woman sterotype. They went from fighting for actual physical rights to just bitching for the sake of bitching.
I'd love to see modern feminists spend their time on some actually important issues, like the gender politics in certain Middle-Eastern countries, but instead they just complain about trivial shit, it's a joke.

>> No.2946787

Actually a lot of modern feminists have been very critical of the slutwalk movement displayed in OP's pic to show the contrast between the issues women face today and issues they faced during the first wave of the feminist movement and I think anyone who's ever seen some of the large amount of blantantly misogynistic pornography (as I'm sure anyone posting on 4chan has), who's female performers are often acting out past trauma and/or abuse from childhood that's all over the internet, and is part of the larger issue of the way many women still aren't valued very much for anything other than their sexuality, would conclude that unlike what this guy says >>2946292 patriarchal attitudes haven't been completely erased from western society yet.

>> No.2946923

Feminists love it when men say and mean enlightened things like that. And most people with vaginas in Western society are feminists at least in feeling.

>> No.2946930
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I'm just astounded there are slut-walks in a world at war and in which suffering is widespread. It's mostly white college chicks though, so whatever.

>> No.2946941
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>some of the large amount of blantantly misogynistic pornography (as I'm sure anyone posting on 4chan has), who's female performers are often acting out past trauma and/or abuse from childhood

Get back in the cage.

>> No.2946943

Yeah, well, white college chicks have to have a cause too, and the one that affects them is often the one they choose to rally behind.

My gay profs write about queer theory, my female profs feminist theory, the profs who grew up poor class theory. And the white male profs don't write about anything political, and shit on the others at quorums. It's just how it works.

>> No.2946946

*straight (upper-)middle class white male profs, I mean.

>> No.2947000

I don't think you understand just how mad they would be

>> No.2947013

The whole slut-walk idea was fiercely criticized by currently living 2nd wave feminists throughout the world. So, yes, 1st and 2nd wave feminists do not like 3rd wave feminists, though it's misleading to suggest that all currently living feminists are 3rd wave.

>> No.2947027

>1st feminists do not like 3rd wave feminists
>implying there are any around

>> No.2947028

I wonder how Susan B. Anthony would react to the misogyny on, say, /R9K/

>> No.2947040

Yeah, but political thought has to change with the times. 2nd wavers arguing for a "feminine disposition" inherent to women is fucking stupid. However, arguing that men should adopt some positive qualities culturally construed as feminine is not.
Thus, I am a third-wave feminist and thoroughly enjoy my sluttery* without guilt or repression. They're just bodies.

*sluttery which is actually politically productive when many men (and unfortunately ignorant women) believe the whole, "a key that opens many locks is awesome; what good is a lock that opens for many keys?" line of reasoning.

>> No.2947221

>proud siut