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/lit/ - Literature

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2945127 No.2945127 [Reply] [Original]

>have a cupboard with books waiting to be read
>Against the Day, Mason and Dixon, JR, Breakfast of Champions, Lord of the Flies, Broom of the System etc
>they all sound great
>they all have the potential to be some of my favourite books ever

>mfw I'm scared they'll all be 2deep4me
>mfw it could all be 2deep2Njoy

>> No.2945132

Breakfast of Champions is enjoyable and not 2deep4u

>> No.2945137

Lord of the Flies, BoC, and Broom are all pretty easy. go for those uns first.

>> No.2945138

take the ideas with a lot of moral fiber so you don't become religiously attached to a foreign ideology.

>> No.2945310

Just dive in to a book and if it gets boring or difficult, I go read about the book to see if I'm missing something vital. I don't think it's breaking any rule of literature to read critiques/reviews of a novel while still reading it. And lucky for you, those all sound like books that have been written thoroughly about.