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2944658 No.2944658 [Reply] [Original]

How does one write about sex if you're a virgin? How do you write a convincing love story when you've never had a girlfriend in your life; when you've never experienced true love? I'm afraid people will be able to tell I'm a virgin through my writing, a la Steve Carrell's "bags of sand" comment in The 40 Year Old Virgin.

>> No.2944664

all sex is different. Nobody will know you're a virgin until they meet you

>> No.2944663

Ever entertain the possibility of, y'know, having sex?

>> No.2944666

how can Stephen King write about murder in every single book?

nope, he's just a writer, and you should be too.

>> No.2944669


Every second of every minute of every hour of every day.

It's not a possibility.

>> No.2944673

write about other stuff until you get laid

>> No.2944699

but he killed John Lennon

>> No.2944718

You can write about your awkward attempts to lose your virginity until you finally get laid. Then you can adapt it into a screenplay starring Michael Cera.

>> No.2944725

D'you know, I think I've seen it already.

>> No.2944733 [DELETED] 

sex is exactly how you imagine it.... but a bit more banal.... i was a bit suprised about the 'trajectroy' for want of a better word... but yea write away

>> No.2944742

watch porn and write the action you are seeing. don't attempt to describe how sex "feels" no matter how talented or skilled a writer is it will always come off as retarded. describe it as you would a mechanical process like how a train works.

>> No.2944747

You can sort of imagine what it's like and fake it. In those rare cases where you encounter something that you absolutely must describe but don't know how, don't try to capture it perfectly (as you have no experience to compare it with); instead, just give an absurd description and play it off as humor

>> No.2944780
File: 250 KB, 600x600, 1344808409531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bullshit, unless you are specifically going to write about being a virgin. you're always going to come across as one in you're writing. Its easy to tell, when you're a bit older.

tl;dr get laid as much as possible right now.

Yes, I read The Book of Disquiet and although didn't guess Pessoa was a virgin, knew something was up and off with him (also explains the popularity of the book here at /lit - virgins relate). Basically, once you're in the sex world and have lost your flower, sex will be a big part of your life henceforth.

>> No.2944806

Thanks John Updike

>> No.2944814

I don't know if it was ever archived, but there was a huge thread on /lit/ some time ago that spawned from some guy asking femanons to describe what it felt like to have a penis inside them (for a story he was writing, a likely story).

>> No.2944817
File: 31 KB, 383x409, 1325738139420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pessoa was a virgin

I did not know that.

>> No.2944821


> Basically, once you're in the sex world and have lost your flower, sex will be a big part of your life henceforth.

Bullshit, there are dry spells, and for some of us, bizarrely long ones.

>> No.2944837

That's exactly why you won't get laid. You need to stop thinking about it so much that it becomes this mythical sacred elusive act. Do that and you'll stop starting to sweat and drip cum at the sight of a pair of mammarians.

Also the less you want sex the more they'll give it to ye.

>> No.2944844

Well OP, you're really asking two questions.

The first is, can I write accurately about an experience I haven't had? The second is, can I write convincingly about an experience I haven't had?

A big chunk of the internet's tonnage of porno stories were written by people who've never done it, but it doesn't matter because a big chunk of the readership of porno stories have never done it, and so they don't know that, for example, you can't feel someone cumming in your ass, or that the cunt is not inert. Fifty Shades of Grey bears no resemblance to any relationship that has ever existed or ever could exist. It was written by a sexually experienced wife and mother in her forties. Its audience is teenage girls who haven't done it. This woman's payday has been writing convincing shit that isn't accurate to anything anyone who'd KNOW has ever experienced.

Now, if you want to write a detailed, naturalistic account of a relationship, my advice would be to jack off and then see if you still feel like writing that book.

>> No.2944851

Just go to a prostitute. A hour - heck, half an hour - gets you the mechanics. Then for the romantic parts you just copy the bullshit everyone else writes.

>> No.2944853
File: 188 KB, 625x779, fatkanyekim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys are missing the point. You do change when you're a sex guy from when you aren't. You're more balanced, for lack of a better term 'alpha', more a man. Your perspective on the world, life and people is warped when you're a late virgin, and it'll damningly show in your writing.

get laid a lot, then write your novel

>> No.2944859

I've only ever written about sex, humorously, so I have no idea.

>> No.2944860

While experience helps it's not necessary, sex is a pretty simple concept. The toughest part is having to appease people like
who think it's like the holy grail or some shit

>> No.2944864

I think writing about a romantic relationship would be difficult, but writing about sex is easy. How many credible authors do you know who've given a play-by-play account of fucking?

>> No.2944866


so you're saying I can't really be a good writer until I lose my virginity? That is discouraging. If you saw a picture of me you would know why.

>> No.2944872


If you're revoltingly disfigured or disabled, write about that and how you have to pay for sex. That's a far more interesting book already than a naturalistic love story would be.

>> No.2944873

Well your writing might appeal to virgins and /lit/ freaks so don't be too discouraged.

Also Confederacy of dunces

>> No.2944888

This, except the opposite. Why would you ever want to read a novel by a well adjusted human being? Get lonely, get crazy, write novel.

>> No.2944889

I'm handicap.

>> No.2944897

No no no. It's some widespread bullshit idea that losing your virginity changes you fundementally. That's some serious BS right there. If anything it demystifies the whole thing and makes it less important (because it's not what its hype suggests)

It's really not a huge deal and it's sure as hell not life-changing. You must be 16.

>> No.2944899


Well that's fine, find whore, fuck her, write book.

>> No.2944903
File: 29 KB, 590x375, BB+Walt+Jr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handies can be playas too.

Sow dat sympathy, reap dem bitchez

>> No.2944907

Would anyone care to post one of Updike's sexual passages? I'd like to see how he writes about it.

>> No.2944914

I'm talking the difference between being a sex guy and not. The virgin card is hard to get over, but once you're in the sex zone then you are different. People underestimate the centring effect regular sex has on your psyche. You can't get it from wanking.

>> No.2944919

I mean, you think the fifty shades of grey woman done half that shit? But then do you want to write like her? And yes, we'd all like the money regardless.

If you can't find anyone and it's medically possible go find a decent 'escort' and go for it. If not go find one anyway and ask her to do something 'unusual' and pretend that's all your fetish involves and just see how the situation feels.

Even if it's the most soulless experience (or the best) of your life, at least you'll probably have some of your own opinions to write in there. Otherwise maybe just gloss over it and move on.

>> No.2944924


"If you're revoltingly disfigured or disabled, write about that and how you have to pay for sex. That's a far more interesting book already than a naturalistic love story would be"

This person speaks the truth.

>> No.2944923
File: 445 KB, 632x758, Billionaire-Boyfriend1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the pretentiousness, elitism, cynicism and negativity you see at /lit/, the social anxiety, all of that is a direct result of lack of sex.

>> No.2944941


No, again, bullshit.

>> No.2944942

Important note: your story should never contain the phrase "Like a bag of sand".

>> No.2944944


>> No.2944953
File: 16 KB, 300x464, rococo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, I'm interested, how does regular sex have no effect on a guy. Explain wtf you're talking about.

>> No.2944965


It's just pure fantasy to think you radiate this in a relationship, unless you were a total sadsack before. I can tell a guy who's a virgin, usually, but I can't tell the difference between a guy who has had sex and a guy who is getting sex regularly, unless and until he starts talking about his girlfriend. You're thinking of sex as the 'open sesame', and it isn't.

>> No.2944967


> confirmed for guy who had sex once

>> No.2944976

You're suggesting what you accused me of claiming: that sex once changes you, since you can usually tell a virgin yet can't differentiate between a guy who's had it once and a regular sexer. You're not making sense, dude.

I was not suggesting its an open sesame deal, I'm saying regular lays.

>> No.2944987


Not good with English, huh? Read what I wrote again, not what the other guy wrote.

>> No.2944991


> I'm saying regular lays.

I'm saying bullshit. I'm not saying 'a guy who's had it once', I'm saying that nothing about someone who isn't a late virgin indicates to me how recently they fucked. If you think it adds something to your demeanor, good for you, but nobody else can tell.

>> No.2945000
File: 81 KB, 532x376, Dn6oV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other guy? Either way, people are disagreeing with me yet not saying how regular sex has no effect on a dude.

Its a bold claim, and I'd like to know what its based on.

>> No.2945006


> thinking gives you wrinkles

>> No.2945011


Sounds like you've been applying articles in woman's magazines about sex as a mood fixer to the male mind.

It's nice as an ego booster, and certainly a temporary release from the madness of the male 'need' but you don't get super powers. I hit 15 partners a while back and still haven't got my x-ray vision or cape.

(Disclaimer: I am 31. Once you get to that age everyone loses all possible standards so it gets much easier. Everything is going downhill anyway. Reference the people you see at the supermarket, lurking around the stands for fifty shades of grey for more info.)

Chill out about it.

>> No.2945012

Ok I get what you're saying, but demeanour is only a fraction of it. Its what's happening inside, man.

>> No.2945014


It's not a bold claim, your fantasy based on limited experience is the bold claim. Any adult will happily refute your theory of the perpetual fuck-glow.

>> No.2945017

Replied to wrong post there. Sorry, it's early here

>> No.2945023

I'm not talking about a fuckglow dickhead

>> No.2945026


In other words, you feel supersonic because you're getting laid. I don't dispute that, welcome to the estate of man. But it really doesn't come over, unless you're saying 'hey guys, do I seem like I just had sex?' to your friends.


^ This.

>> No.2945028


Heh, seems like you need your mellow topped up, broham.

>> No.2945033

Thats true I'm going to be joining charlotte dawson soon in hospital, these guys are pissing me off by not agreeing with me

>> No.2945050



>> No.2945300
File: 66 KB, 569x854, 1344979737178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From >>2944897
I would argue that it's not the sex that makes you more stable, but the relationship necessary to maintain constant sex. Having someone at your side to act as a sort of emotional stabilizing fin. Someone that you are accountable to, that serves as additional counsel, and someone to listen to you gives you the ability for your emotions to realize themselves in a more grounded way, rather than hving them churning in your mind where often they can fester and become distorted without that stabilizing force.

Tldr its not sex but the relationship that surrounds it that makes a person stable, mellower, etc.

>> No.2945324

Sex doesn't "centre" you and relationships are difficult. This is all bollocks.

>> No.2945353


Well, apart from the 'need' you got going inside there anyway, to do it even if you're not really going to enjoy it, there is there kudos you get from telling your hierarchy obsessed male friends. How into that aspect of that kind of thing you are depends on how you are.

Maybe 'supersonic' for your first time when you're 16 or something. I felt pretty dammed pleased with myself even though it was literally a total failure. Still counts! That kind of shit.

But then men just know this stuff instinctively really don't they..


>> No.2945374

There's no such thing as true love.

But having been in love I feel that I couldn't write about it until I experienced it. But the issue is that love is a vague concept you're not expected to understand until you experience it.

>> No.2945398

>There's no such thing as true love.

>> No.2945399

p0n0s went into vagoo

Then out again

Copy and paste the above two lines a number of times that fits with the overall length of scene you wish to achieve.

>> No.2945500

>Basically, once you're in the sex world and have lost your flower, sex will be a big part of your life henceforth.
Sounds like the discovery of masturbation.

>> No.2945703

When you write about sex, write mostly about what's going on in the characters' heads.

If you can't make it work, don't worry about it, though. You don't have to have sex scenes

>> No.2945712

Try immortality by Milan Kundera. Great philosophical sex scenes.

>> No.2945738

writing about sex is easy as long you have basic knowledge from sex ed/biology

writing about relationships and the emotional side of it is tricky if you've never been in a relationship/had sex