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2941375 No.2941375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

PresidentObamaObama[S] 970 points 36 minutes ago
"It will be out soon! I can tell from first hand experience, it is tasty."

What do you think of Barack Obama's writing style? "it is tasty"? Is that even gramatically correct? Who even talks like that, a robot?

Obama confirmed for fake and pretentious

>> No.2941379

He's so self-indulgent with his exclamation points Romney definitely would've used a period.

>> No.2941388

His book was actually much more eloquently articulated than you would expect for a modern politician. Too bad though, his book was filled with good, but that's probably for historic preservation; he's another slave for the conglomerates.

>> No.2941399

>"it is tasty"? Is that even gramatically correct?

What are you talking about? Cannot into linking verb?

>> No.2941402
File: 54 KB, 389x388, babbby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obama on reddit

>> No.2941405

good troll or you're a fucking idiot
either way, gtfo

>> No.2941411

Obama is boring.

The average 4channer is more interesting than him.

>> No.2941417

Wouldn't saying "it is tasty" in a seperate sentence from the thing "It" was refering to be incorrect? You'd me more inclined to believe the "it" he was referring to was actually himself; He is tasty.

English is not my first language so I could be employing rules that does not apply to the language.

>> No.2941418

He was talking about beer

>> No.2941420

It's only a matter of time until we get some major Republicans playing me too, and posting on these sorts of websites in a hair-brained attempt to generate similar kinds of support. Heck, we might even see one or two pop up on this very website.

Problem being that they're not all too good with the word typin' and that new-fangled tech-no-leggy.

By which I mean the Republican leadership is generally considered to be both less intelligent, and considerably less tech-savvy than their democrat counterparts.

>> No.2941426


Yes, you're right, the average sheltered white pedantic male ages 16-24 is far more interesting than a half-Kenyan man who was raised by a single mother and made it all the way to president of the US.

Actually, you have it backwards, you'd be hard-pressed to find someone less interesting than your average "4channer".

>> No.2941473

I could predict every Obama post on reddit.

Top politicians are boring. They can't afford to be anything else.

>> No.2941474
File: 712 KB, 200x150, shame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you he said I was interesting and I like that better than being called boring so fuck you. Pic related, it's where you should spend some time.

>> No.2941494

Good to see my suspicions on redditors being the ruin of this place are confirmed. Shitposters, shitposters everywhere.

>> No.2941505
File: 33 KB, 500x354, Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when news of Obama on Reddit is flooding every . . . single . . . fucking . . . board on 4chan, yet we still claim to be superior to Reddit.
We are better than them, but stop gawking at an awful president talking to a bunch of twelve-year-olds. By obsessing over their "accomplishment", 4chan, as a whole, has let Reddit win
4chan is better than this.

>> No.2941526

There's nothing wrong with reddit. There's nothing wrong with 4chan. You know what's annoying? The part of their respective userbases who constantly spend their time debating which one is better. Stop it. No one gives a shit. You're acting like children.

>> No.2941533

It's quite amusing how self-loathing posters of 4chan constantly describe our userbase as "uninteresting pseudo-intellectual white-male hipsters", whilst over on Reddit, for all its mainstream appeal that should lead to an abundance of different opinions and stimulating discussion, it is one giant homogenized pseudo-intellectual Keynesian white liberal circlejerk? Isn't that worse?

How is it that despite the difference in userbase size, 4chan still manages to attract a larger variety of differing opinions and stimulating discussion as a result of this?

>> No.2941539

Because reddit has a karma system and 4chan doesn't. There are varied opinions on reddit, they just don't get heard.

>> No.2941555
File: 7 KB, 266x240, AMERIKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking your american president isn't dictating what he wants to say to his on-site PR Team that then reassembles it into a post

>> No.2941561

>all those spelling/grammatical errors during the AMA

Looks like Obama has to hire a more competent PR team

>> No.2941568

Or maybe they're more competent than you think.

>> No.2941573

Exactly. Type too well and it'll be obvious

>> No.2941579

ya because obama wrote his own book, right?

>> No.2941583
File: 41 KB, 818x638, 1346281421138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a guy on /tv/ did pic related
I'd suggest doing the same thing.

>> No.2941586
File: 141 KB, 401x562, he sees your penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I giggled like a little girl.

>> No.2941589
File: 107 KB, 845x345, 1346273272397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2941609

>don't correct the president, neckbeard

They take one of the funnier aspects of 4chan and use it out of context to further their blind support for the socialist hypocritical failure of a president. Nice one Reddit.

Unless it was a joke, in which case it was not very funny.

>> No.2941620

Watch as "he" ignores any uncomfortable questions that might make him look bad. He'll talk about beer, sports, NASA, etc. Any questions about the drug war/prohibition, drone strikes, the TSA, Guantanamo, the war in Afghanistan, treatment of whistleblowers, PATRIOT act, NDAA, Trespass bill, healthcare, state surveillance, "double-tap" drone strikes that target first responders and funerals, FOIA denials, imperialistic neo-colonial foreign policy, assassination of U.S. citizens, etc. will go unanswered.

>> No.2941622

what the fuck do you think an AMA is? do you really think that obongo is answering these questions personally?

>> No.2941629

True. The funny thing is that not responding to those questions makes them look just as bad.

>> No.2941635

nah those questions will be downvoted and so noone will see them