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2941089 No.2941089 [Reply] [Original]


Her heart is a phoenix

>> No.2941143

is she crying in that picture? :(

>> No.2941147


>> No.2941159
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>> No.2941160

she deserves all the hate she's getting, how can one person be so stupid?

>> No.2941161

I honestly feel kind of bad for the woman. She should have known better, but still.

>> No.2941174

>I love you. I love what you’ve done. I love your dedication. I love your error.

>You took what was a third-rate fresco of an over-handsome Jesus and made an image that was a world phenomenon.

> I’ll tell you, Cecilia. Jesus as an unfeeling icon doesn’t reach most of us.

i like this guy.

>> No.2941189

It isn't like she fucked up the sistine chapel. It was some shitty fresco in a dusty town in nowhere Spain. She should get a medal for what she did.

>> No.2941196


It's the attitude that "pfft art isn't that hard. i can do it. oh shiiiii..."

it reminds me of all the writers on this board

>> No.2941202
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Badly drawn Jesus, you got all excited by kony2012 too, didn't you? The mural was pretty worthless to begin with, not even all that old or remarkable, let alone of artistc value.


just because it's old doesn't make it art, jason

>> No.2941217

No. No. No. Fuck you. Some fuck who ruined a priceless piece of artwork does not get off that easy, or even at all. Someone who is now dead puts time, effort, and their soul into making a beautiful painting of something that inspires them, and some asshole ruins it for no reason whatsoever. If there was any hope for humanity, she would have been flayed alive and thrown to the wolves. But instead, the retards on the internet howl and screech with laughter at this tragic fuckup in the series of events that have come to describe the myriad ways our world is falling down the drain, and then someone else has the audacity to even suggest that this person is in any way defendable. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.2941226

Clean your panties out guy. The fresco was falling apart because of you know what.... time. It does this to frescoes and 81 year old women. You're so upset because time changes things and deteriorates work and fucking shit happens. Let me give you some truth-sauce. The fresco was shitty. It was in the middle of nowhere. It was going to disappear in a few years. The old lady really loved it. No one gave a shit about the fresco before she fucked it up. Maybe you should be less righteous and more compassionate and understanding of how shit really works in the world. Now millions of people who never would have seen or cared for that crappy fresco have seen it and it will be more famous than ever.

Artist wins.
The internet wins.

Use your brain

>> No.2941230

>priceless piece of artwork
>yet another mediocre painting of Jesus leaning his head to a side and gazing upwards
Yeah, there's a severe shortage of those.

>> No.2941232

lol art

>> No.2941234

A clear iconoclastic artistic expression criticism the distance the modern Church has put between themselves and the real Jesus.

Clearly a Dadaist masterpiece.

>> No.2941236
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i'm howling and screeching with laughter right now.

>> No.2941237


Seriously, this. It was a boring painting of Jesus that no one cared about. Now that it's 'ruined' it's the talk of the western world. She added immeasurable value to it.

>> No.2941242

she was just following orders

>> No.2941246

>i'm howling and screeching
are you a monkey?

>> No.2941245

I bet her city is not so mad with her. I read somewhere it boosted tourism.

>> No.2941248

remix culture

>> No.2941250

We're all monkeys

>> No.2941258

You know when there's a funny news story, and everyone laughs about it, then a week later some johnny-come-lately idiot hears about it and brings it up expecting people to be interested, even though everyone learned about it ages ago?

That person is you, OP.

>> No.2941259

wow you are a one lame person

>> No.2941260
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>> No.2941261

>there's clearly a discussion going on
>I'm disinterested, which means everyone is disinterested

>> No.2941263

I don't believe I have a tail.

>> No.2941264

This thread can hardly be called a discussion.

>> No.2941276


i don't believe that's relevant.

>> No.2941289

Few monkeys don't have tails. It is relevant.

>> No.2941303

Not. See, I agree that the fresco was nothing of value. But what we see here is something pretty common in Spain. The "medics? medics have no idea. I can do this with a hand tied on my back" attitude. It's a country full of ignorant 'smart' people that thinks that they know better than anyona what to do in each situation. And as you can see, when they finally do something it turns to shit.

Se may had good intentions, and doesn't deserve to become a laughstock. But a fucking meda? Hell no.

>> No.2941310


you're an idiot. none of the hominids have tails. i guess that means orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas aren't monkeys either.

>> No.2941318

Well.. no one gave two shits about the fresco or the artist until she 'restored' it (including you).
Now everyone knows about the old fresco. That could be medal worthy.

>> No.2941320

I thought they were apes, not monkeys?

>> No.2941330

I'm not giving two shits now about it. I'm not angry not amused by it. Let's say that this story is a little example of how things are in Spain sometimes. Full of people who thinks that they can fix anything in two evenings.

Man... and you guys don't know the story of the stolen calixtine codice. NOW, that is a good one.

>> No.2941329

You sound like a disgusting nationalist who hates Spanish people to me.

You're Basque, right?

>> No.2941337


>> No.2941342

Not even close, Murcia. I mean, c'mon, is not about nationalistic shit. Is only that Spain is full of "cuñaos listos" if you know what I mean.

>> No.2941345


The internet will give her the medal of being awesome and you will have to go somewhere else with all your hatred of the Spaniards

>> No.2941346

Hominids aren't monkeys, you dolt. They're apes.

>> No.2941351

I'd argue that the attitude that you describe is far better than the "I can't fix it, so I won't do anything about it. Maybe I can pay someone else to do the job for me" attitude of the rest of the western world.

Still, the calixtine codice story sounds interesting. Care to tell us a bit more about it? In return I'll tell you why the Mona Lisa is considered the best/most popular/most expensive painting in the the world.

>> No.2941355


>> No.2941356

>Hurr what's human interaction?
Enjoy your hand.

>> No.2941363

Why did they even let her attempt that "restoration"?

>> No.2941364

Ignore that dude.

Short story: an electricist steal an calixtine codex from the XII century and nobody notices. Months later it's discovered in his house inside a plastic bag and they know that is not a fake because it had a notation saying so in it put by one of the priests. Pencil, on an XXII century codex. And they revealed the recovery later so the president could have photograph returning it.

There is more to it, and a lof of juicy details. Look around the internet, it may have appeared in some english media.

>> No.2941365

>offering to trade stories with an anonymous stranger on the internet

Enjoy your enormous faggotry.

>> No.2941370

Wow, what a boring story.

>> No.2941376


Because no one cared about the painting and when she told them she was gonna restore it they were like... yeah ok whatever... but then amazing things happened.

The power of Christ compelled everyone.

>> No.2941390

Thanks, it was worth hanging on this thread to read it.

As for the Mona Lisa story, it was stolen in 1911, (even Pablo Picasso was questioned as a possible suspect). For two years, it was a media sensation--precisely when newspapers were coming into their own. And for two years it was front page news. That's why it's considered the best (and arguably the most valuable) painting, it's the token media image for art and everyone in the world knows about it.

>> No.2941397

BBC had something about it: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18720178

Apparently the guy had it for a year and never even moved it from the same neighborhood as the church. Seems like a master criminal.

>> No.2941504

Am I the only one who thinks the original Jesus looked a little derpy itself?

Lol, "destroyed" and "ruined" in a world with digital photographs of the unrestored work and analog photos of the original. Not to mention the fact that it was, instead of an original portraiture, or a work of creative imagination... just another photorealistic depiction of Renaissance Jesus, the historically inaccurate educational tool for a church trying to teach Christianity to people who either could not read, or could not access the Bible in their language.
You'll pardon me if I save my concern for when a Manet or Van Gogh gets the living Shoop treatment.

>> No.2941534

I found out about this yesterday after seeing that stupid picture everywhere. is it supposed to look like that shitposting polish bear?

>> No.2941567

To all the faggots not agreeing with >>2941217, I hope that you're only real contribution to the world is a book. Eventually, only one copy of it survives. And then some pre-schooler takes a shit in it, which just completely destroys it. I hope that happens to you.

>> No.2941718

Why would I give a shit? How could I conceivably give a shit? I don't exist anymore.

>> No.2941808

>(even Pablo Picasso was questioned as a possible suspect)

Holy shit, I didn't know about that part of the story. Haha, imagine if he had...

>> No.2941816
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"I declare
That later on,
Even in an age unlike our own,
Someone will remember who we are"

- Sappho

We live on in the work we leave behind. That artist's contribution was his legacy, his immortality. She has effectively killed him. The irony here, however, is that she's made the fresco more memorable than ever.

>> No.2941855

You're wrong, García's legacy isn't dead. This fresco must be ruined but he has more artwork alive. Pardon my English

>> No.2941866

I'm sure he has other pieces, and it is a rather uninspired Jesus, but its age confers a certain respectability that it wasn't shown.

>> No.2941878
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>muh posterity
Naught but a spook to which you cling.

>> No.2941891

>"You know what tastes great? Cocks." - Stirner

>> No.2941902

Even the super serious people have to admit that the restored version of the painting is fucking hilarious. It couldn't be a more perfect failure than that.

>> No.2941917

Jesus looks like a velvet owl.

>> No.2941973
File: 70 KB, 960x638, Mona Lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2942047

Sounds like Stirner is the best philosopher ever then. Cocks really do taste great.

>> No.2942051

Jesus is a Grey, and the lady had the artistic intuition to portray the truth, and peopel's bottoms are roaring because they're brainwashed that antiquity=good

/x/ get in here and back me up jesus was a grey you fuckers

>> No.2942059

>brainwashed that antiquity=good
Uhh, seems to be the opposite to me. We have this general attitude that everyone from the past was stupid and superstition and that intelligence is a recent invention of our 'enlightened' age

>> No.2942060

I can't stop laughing oh God, it's like Jesus became a neckbeard ahahahahha

This lady made the painting much more valuable and entertaining in my opinion

>> No.2942087

please see

>> No.2942089
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Half-grey at least. It's all falling into place now.

>> No.2942213

Only copy?
How is that even relevant to this? It's not the only piece of his work. It's not even original. Do you have any freaking Idea how many Jesus paintings there are in the freaking world?
It's as over saturated as hell. This isn't the Mona Lisa, this isn't Starry Sky, this is just another Renaissance knock-off, it's the painting equivalent of fan-fiction.