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/lit/ - Literature

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2938621 No.2938621 [Reply] [Original]

What are you working on?

Or, what should you be working on?

>> No.2938627

An essay on astrology, a take on Plato's cavern wall and a homage to Borges about a time-traveller.
Not to mention all the other things in my notes I'm semi-consciously repressing right now.
Why, what about you?

>> No.2938629

Notes and essays in which I try to persuade the world to take it easy and stop rushing about in such a silly manner and stop wanting things that won't make them happy and cost them time and energy and cause a lot of suffering. Thereby entering a great tradition of wise people who mostly failed while the population of the world said "THANKS APPRECIATE IT" in the best case or "FUCK YOU" in the worst, after which they continued fucking up everything with a tremendous energy.

>> No.2938632


A birthday present for my fuckbuddy depiction two men get transformed into female lions and raped.

>> No.2938663

A novella. You guys probably heard me bitching about what to do with it earlier. The one about the journey from boy to hitman. I wrote the first 13k. It's alright. Nothing special. I mean, sometimes it ventures to the realms of ridiculous purple prose bullshit. Other times, it's frank and honest. I like the protagonist, but I'm on hiatus because I'm waiting for research materials.

>> No.2938681

A novel about a talking vagina called "Her Dirty Mouth"

Plot twist: it's actually a guy who's a pussy.


>> No.2938691

It's about time I wrote another chapter of what is probably by now over 100,000 words of BDSM erotica.

Not sure what to bring into the next one. Perhaps one girl sitting upon the face of another.

>> No.2938720

write something gay instead.

>> No.2938736

Why is everyone on /int/ writing erotika?
Is it supposed to be fun?
Are you expecting to get published?
I'm asking this not in a pejurative way, I really don't get why everyone is writing porn except for me.

>> No.2938786


>>2938632 here

I do it mostly because it's my fetish, and it's also somewhat rare even in the circles I frequent. So I though," Why not?".

>> No.2938800

I'm not. In fact, I'm not writing anything. I don't write. I try to read and appreciate literature. That's it.

>> No.2938831

A novel about a young alcoholic who imagines ways his life might have turned out better. About a third of it will be set in his fantasies, which range from mundane to highly improbable. The rest will be about him attempting to turn his life around.

>> No.2938846

A 14th century B.C. vampire story that takes place in the Hittite Empire in the greater Armenia region. I'd been wanting to write something focusing around Armenian antiquity but I had no idea what sort of story I could develop from it. Any sort of strictly historical focus would be difficult considering there isn't exactly a vast wealth of knowledge of the time and area, but I figure with the research that I've got I could at least embellish it enough to turn it into a loosely historical horror fiction novel.

In any case I've enjoyed writing it and I've even considered perhaps turning it into a sort of chronicle of the life of a three millennia old vampire that accounts from his birth in Hattusa, the capital of the Hittite Empire some time around the height of its power, and then stretching all the way to present time, stopping at whatever points in history I think it would be interesting to introduce a "vampire".

I know everyone's sick of vampires. I get discouraged myself at times and won't write for a week or so. But then I get an idea that I like and I'm back at it.

>> No.2938854

In a final attempt to save his daughter from a terminal disease, a professor on his own attempts a highly experimental operation, and ends up losing her soul in time and space. What follows are seven short stories, each with its unique style, about vastly different women in very different times and places. All the stories are tragic, all the women die in the end, and in each story the professor plays some kind of role, though of very differing size, always suspecting each story's heroine to be the new home of his daughter's soul. It's a sort of personal proof of concept in preparation for a much larger, more ambitious work, but I still might attempt to have it published, and it will have a conclusive ending, though I have yet to determine its nature.

>> No.2938858

Having a first attempt at writing a story, instead of just rubbish poetry. Sometimes it makes me want to kill myself less, sometimes more, but mostly things stay the same.

It's hard to describe really. It's a very basic plot. There's a runner and she's stopped and is talking to some guy who pretends to be Steve Backley. Both characters have their own time when they walk through the woods and the story follows them and gets stuck in their head.

Basically it's an exploration of gender and sort of trans* stuff. It's also a dip into nihilism and characters trying to escape it. But they're not really able to on their own.

>> No.2938862

A short story about a man sent by a deity or multiple deities (they'll be very abstract so it won't matter much which) to atone for his sins on a quest. Not actiony though, the feeling i'm focusing on is dread.

>> No.2938877

A poem about various things - hindus and boats, FF7 and Berryman, Eliot and Monty Python.

>> No.2938921

I want to write something about a quiet, humble, intellectual prince who really doesn't want the status and fame of the royal life, and would much rather settle down in a quiet cottage somewhere with a good book and possibly a boyfriend, but I'm not quite sure how to do it. I tried writing it in a sort of fairy-tale style, but it didn't really work.

>> No.2938980

A novel about the triumph of the human condition, where I propose some new philosophical theories and clash them by having four similar but ultimately very different characters' perspectives told.

The story culminates in the murder of the last god by the death of the last man. I believe the subject matter, use of surrealism in an otherwise realistic future, the overall episodic structure of the four narrative arcs, the use of a mix of aphorisms and seemingly random thoughts to begin the chapters, and how only two of the characters follow a clear chronological order, to be original (I have not read anything like it, philosophically or stylistically). I equate the central philosophy to radical existentialism based on logic, then motivated by the force of emotion that results in the triumph of the human condition, rather than the stripping away of it. The closest comparison would probably Nietzsche, though it would still be a tough comparison to make.

I imagine it to be widely controversial, as it clearly denounces many other philosophies ranging from the "need" of diversity to belief in god, on the grounds of them being both logical fallacies and for their inherit want to weaken mankind. Sounds "edgy" but it is not exactly meant to be a bright and happy tale of helping your fellow man. It does have a happy ending.

>> No.2939000

Putting the finishing touches on a novella.

>> No.2939007

I've been writing some shorter poems as of late, it's been at least a two-month dry with regard to prose.

>> No.2939012

Wrote like six TV pilots this summer. Sent them out to producers willy-nilly, heard really positive shit back about three of them, but after being juked around for months, nothing ended up materializing.

Now I'm burnt out on screenwriting and back to prose. Book's almost done. I'm just gonna self-publish as an e-book; I don't even give a fuck anymore.

>> No.2939013

How does emotion result in a triumph of the human condition? What emotions?

>> No.2939017

Why self-publish? Why not just throw it in the garbage and eat a taco?

>> No.2939021


E-books have created a new niche for self-publishing. You don't have to be famous to make a living anymore. You just have to have a small little readership, and keep putting out books.

>> No.2939031


I write it because, realisitically, it's the only way that others will read what I've written.

For every person that goes on the internet to read "normal" fiction, there are at least 10 people writing the stuff, or worse, fanfiction. At least if I spend my time making porn stories I can be fairly sure that a few hundred visitors to ASSTR will at least glance over my work.

>> No.2939044


It's 2012 bro. Saying the only way to become a ~writer~ is to get published by a publishing house is like saying the only way to become a ~musician~ is to send your cassette demo to Nashville. Times have changed. E-book self-publishing is cost free, indie books are showing up on the bestseller list, traditional publishing houses have largely stopped copyediting and now shift the burden of PR to the writer -- who is paid only a meager advance, and their book stays on the shelf for a month, and then gets backlisted.

Then they self-publish, and realize the book will just keep bringing in money for years, because it doesn't have to compete for shelf-space in a store. Once it hits a certain critical mass, it will just keep popping up for new readers in "if you like X, try Y" recommendations on Amazon and such.

The real question is: why the fuck would you publish traditionally anymore, except for the wishy and misguided external self-ratification of being a ~real writer~, whose work has passed the oh-so-high litmus test of being published by the same industry whose current champion is shlock like "50 Shades of Grey"?

>> No.2939046

I guess that's where I am in the dark. I don't need to make a living. Therefore, I don't see the value in trying to get others to read my utter bullshit.

>> No.2939054

i agree wholeheartedly. However, it doesn't change the fact that I myself have nothing to say, no entertainment to offer, and can do absolutely nothing by self-publishing. i guess the point I'm making is that sure, e-books allow people to publish their utter shit, publishing houses allow people to publish their utter shit, but i am indefensibly superior for not publishing my utter shit, e-book or publishing house.

>> No.2939057


You don't write for others to read what you've written?

Why not just throw it in the garbage and eat a taco? Or jack off?

>> No.2939060

A story about nomads that live underground during the day but explore the earth during the night. It's actually my first time writing a novel for a contest. I don't expect to win, I just want to know if I'm able to write something as long as a novel. That, and because I thought up a cool story I feel I need to tell.

>> No.2939079

Should be working on a one act play based on Vasili Arkhipov with a friend of mine. I'l totally get t it.


>> No.2939080

I have a story all planned out. I know what I want to write in each chapter and I am pretty happy with the story itself.

However, I can't write a good opening for it. No matter what I choose to write for my opening, I think it sounds clichéd and unoriginal or just bullshit in general.

Any advice for writing an opening to a novel, /lit/?

>> No.2939084

I have a blog I need to write for - but I have no idea what to write about other than myself and my meandering, worthless life.

I want to write, but I have no idea what subject to write about. Go figure.

>> No.2939085


Depends on the kind of opening you're trying to write.

In general I'd say don't go nuts stressing yourself out about making it super hook -y, all this business about grabbing the reader by the balls -- whatever. Once you've got the rest of the book figured out, the opening should fall right into line and capture the tone and uniqueness of what's to come pretty easily.

>> No.2939090

Thanks I'll keep that in mind.

I may just start writing different parts of the story and fit them together afterwards. Now I just need to find the motivation to write in general.

>> No.2939097


No you don't. You just need to learn the discipline to write even when you don't have the motivation to do so.

>> No.2939099

Any tips on that?

>> No.2939105


There's an old zen koan about how to meditate. "Just sit."

It's pretty much like that. Figure out what you need to do in a given sitting, then sit down and do it. If you feel like getting up, don't. If you feel like bringing up the internet, don't.

Do that enough and you get used to snapping into that mindset.

>> No.2939109
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If someone from here could read this and tell me what they think, I'd be so happy. I don't care if it's you telling me it's shit or not--I just want SOMEONE's opinion. I want to know how to improve.

>> No.2939112

No, I don't write for others to read it. Isn't that strange? Maybe I like to sell-myself on the street, but my brain is never whored out. You?

>> No.2939113

Thanks for the advice, I'll try it out and just have some willpower to sit there and work. I hope I'll eventually get into a good mindset for it.

>> No.2939119

actuary examz

>> No.2939120

collating all of my writing notes, working towards another outline,
No matter how many times I go over my notes and criticize myself for having bad handwriting, I know when I go to take notes again I'll be so absorbed in the material I won't care how my handwriting looks.

>> No.2939125

Some stuff i guess.
I wrote a lot of quasi symbolic short stories when i was a kid.
I wrote a few short stories, mostly symbolic, representating what i was feeling at the time. For example i wrote one called "The kid and the world" where the story is of a kid and his friend *The World* just telling the other to fuck off until the world put the kid in a room where he couldn't escape.
I couldn't find the last page where i probably wrote the ending and i cant figure out what happens after the kid is alone is the room.

I recently found them in my old toy box and i decided to write them decently now that im older.

>> No.2939126

New from
Used from

Is "used" a code for sprinkled with cocaine?

>> No.2939127


Sounds interesting. I don't have ten bucks to throw down at the moment. Got a sample chapter or something?

>> No.2939128

It means that real live girl once possessed it.

>> No.2939132

Dude, one was on there for $878.34. Must be sprinkled with cocaine.
I can send you the first few chapters, if you'd like.

>> No.2939137

I think most people who write for others are trying to construct an identity they themselves don't quite buy.

This is true for me, at least.

>> No.2939138


Nevermind. Realized there were sample chapters on the Amazon page.

Have you read "Thunderer" or "Gears of the City" by Felix Gilman? This reminds me a lot of that.

>> No.2939144

Hey, I agree. Writers are personality whores. You write books for others to read when you decide to lie about what you're saying so that someone else will think it's worth reading.

>> No.2939146

I have not, but I will look into them right now.

>> No.2939150


Start with Thunderer. Has a very vivid atmosphere and a big "holy shit look at that giant thing" opening like yours. Gilman is one of my favorite new fantasy writers.

>> No.2939168

A piece about a girl who falls in love with a tornado.

>> No.2939324

I think we can agree that logical decision making has very little intrinsic motivation compared to emotional decision making. The idea is to logically induce a certain emotion to further the want/need to fulfill the drive, which I see as the accomplishment of the human condition. We are able to both be logical and have the added benifit of emotions, which most philosophers/intelligent people see as a hindrance. It doesn't play that big a role, its just one of many smaller ideas that are sort of "explored", but it does relate back to some of my more overarching themes, such as the uncanny valley effect it creates by teetering into, and the need for, insanity. I say this because the more intelligent and radical characters fully understand what they are doing and they do not go unaffected by the people they have killed and they know they will eventually kill. It's quite hard to talk about the novel in-depth because as I said before, I am trying to propose a new philosophy, and many details I view as "unimportant" and I don't really get into the specifics in the book, though i would like to, mainly because my characters are being "themselves". I writing a story mixed with a discourse; I don't want to do too much (or too little) of either as I am trying new things in both respects.

>> No.2939333


What's your new philosophy?

>> No.2939365

To summarize very, very shortly? Mankind (read: higher consciousness) is the universal force of choice. Life itself is a universal constant. Humans (once again, read: higher consciousness) have to be present in the universe to observe (read: measure) the other laws of science happening and interacting. Without consciousness, there would be absolute chaos and arguable no universe at all. I take this idea and argue humanity is the creator of everything known and unknown because we are the independent variable in the equation and are the only true necessity. This gives us the ability to then manipulate... That's about as far as I'll go here. The book more than likely will not encompass all the different points I want to make philosophically, but it is oddly enough character driven. Like I said, I trying new things.

>> No.2939371

How do I keep fucking that up?

>> No.2939374

That's not a new philosophy. Old ideas gone over a million times. Why bother writing it?

>> No.2939378

Did you get all your ideas from watching The Matrix?

>> No.2939407

I assumed it has, I have just never seen anything that states it explicitly. I don't feel the need to be original for the sake of originality. This is more of a response to a growing idea of helping your fellow man to your detriment and then the complete opposite of that in the modern "radical" political parties. It's a personal work that is very, very odd and though it is creative, I am not exactly pouring my creativity into it. I do not assume myself as anything special, I merely haven't seen some of the ideas I am proposing and the way I am proposing them before.

No idea how this connects to the Matrix. Robots/computers don't even play any role in the book.It only takes place some fifty years in the future and I am not seeing it being that futuristic.

>> No.2939423

So it's because you're ignorant of just how widespread your ideas are that you're going to write it yet again? And you're not doing it because you think you're orginial and special yet you're callign it "new" as if you invented the idea?

>> No.2939432

lol @ all these pathetic wannabe philosophers with their shitty themes that would no doubt be forced and derivative. protip: none of you have anything interesting or insightful to say. maybe you losers should just write some fantasy trash and shut the fuck up.

>> No.2939473

I am combining a lot of ideas I have seen, and some that I have not, and forming them into something it my own personal belief. I am not expecting it shock anyone, though it is directly antagonistic to many other philosophies. It is nothing revolutionary as far as I can tell, but it is what I currently believe in and am having trouble picking apart for my intended goals of the philosophy. This is not about making something crazy original, but about me expressing something I have not seen before. Yes, of course that could point to ignorance, but I still highly doubt someone else has gone point by point with what i believe in. Could I create something wholeheartedly new if I wanted to? Maybe, but I would not believe it for the sake of it being original.

Anyways, it has been a fun chat.

>> No.2939474

I just came up with the idea of a book with a schizophrenic main character who only "hears the voices" around dead bodies, and believes them to be the voices of the dead. He slowly loses touch with the living and spends his time around dead bodies, and eventually falls in love with one. It'll have some necrophilia in it, most likely, which I feel is something that's not in a lot of books.
It'll also probably end with him killing himself to be with his love.
It'll probably be somewhat comedic.

>> No.2939491


I'd read it.

>> No.2939495


But I've never written in my life.

It would come out as sub par and not even up to fan fiction levels.

What do I do OP?

>> No.2939604

This. How would I even get started writing? What would I write? I have no imagination at all.

>> No.2939629

Same here. Though I have imagination, but only for setting and a vague outline. Details fuck me up.

>> No.2939630

A story about a compulsive liar whose lies always have a particular detail in common (not sure what this should be yet), and him doing weird and crazy shit, then having the story end with the same "talisman"/symbol showing up in his real life.

>> No.2939659


You start writing. Then you throw it away and write some more. Then you read some books, and steal some tricks, and start writing again, and then throw it away and start writing again.

And then you keep doing that until suddenly you're a millionaire.

You have to steal from really obscure shit that no one has heard of, though. Like Harry Potter.

>> No.2939664

About 1000 words to go on my first porn short for Amazon/Smashwords. Already did the cover. Gotta finish up the first fuck scene (really just thrust/cum left at this point) and the mfm last fuck scene (shorter, but have to do the whole thing still).

>> No.2939674

I wrote a 25000-word novella in a week, and have since redrafted the entire thing four times, all inside the last month.

Today I deleted an entire chapter 5000 words long, with the stroke of a key. Didn't even look back. Wrote the whole thing completely over again.

It was like pulling teeth. And then using the teeth to build new teeth. While being ravaged by a mountain lion.

Am I a writer yet /lit/

>> No.2939854 [DELETED] 
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I should be working on my novel.

>> No.2939856


Sounds like you're on your way.

>> No.2939858

No, because when you're finally done, nobody's going to give a shit about it or read it.
"Didn't even look back." Neither will anyone else when they pass it by because it's shit.

>> No.2939869

It's not that bad, if cripplingly derivative.

>> No.2939872

You too? You'd feel that 'lurid, scathing' criticims is somehow better, don't you, faggot? you assume i'd aim for the same level of faggotry as you would? You're a fagoot. Why would i want to be a fagoot?

>> No.2939879


spamautistguy is back?

>> No.2939891

I'm proofreading my fanfic.

>> No.2939895

Your grammar is atrocious. Get the fuck off of /lit/ before the word "prescriptivist" even touches your lips, fagboy.

>> No.2939903

WTF? I come on this board to socialize with my fellow /lit/izens and all I get is a "use correct grammer"? You think I don't know grammer?

>> No.2939908


I'm not sure if I'll like it, but if a fellow /lit/izen wrote it and had it published, be it self-published or not, I will show my support.

Write on.

>> No.2940137

Currently mapping out a story.

Only issue I'm having is that it is set in a world of anthropomorphic animals and I'm figuring out how to establish it very quickly so the audience don't start thinking 'wait, did that pig just order a meal?'

At the same time, I don't want to make it too blatant either, it's set in a world where animals are anthropomorphic so it would be taken for granted. Need to slip it in early yet be clear about it all at the same time.

>> No.2940187

>Only issue I'm having is that it is set in a world of anthropomorphic animals

Fucking furries, why do you have to ruin everything?

>> No.2940204


Oh God no that would be terrible, it's a children's series like Peter Rabbit.

>> No.2940225

>why publish hurrrr

I want to get published because the only reason I am making an attempt to actually spend weeks sitting down and fleshing out story details and characters is the hope it gets turned into a book and I get wheelbarrows full of cash delivered to my front door.

I'm going to need to hear about some accounts of success of self publishing ebooks before I consider it something more than a joke.

>> No.2940231

A novel that deals with heavy philosophical issues, though to a casual reader it is just a story. Solipsism and ennui are its main themes, and it will probably be critically viewed as a statement of and on the digital age. NY times bestseller. Literary awards, and also Scifi awards. I straddle the line like Vonnegut. College wankers read me but hide my books away and pretend to not like me. The everyman reads me. I am widely considered 'entry level'.

I have four wings on my house and seven heated pools.

>> No.2940238

I have some general ideas, but I'm just scared on how to make a story out of them.

It's like..drawing. I used to draw alot, I can draw some pretty cool stuff, and that's the process in my head, I can make an image/setting, but that's it, I don't know how to make it bigger and into a story. Ahhhhhh I'm going to sit down and install routers and hate life because I'm too scared for the arts

>> No.2940239

A sci-fi that's basically just a fantasy using reasonable scientific concepts upped to extreme.

>> No.2940255

working on a book where Google is an evil empire and they use nanomachines to kill people.

and because the real life Google is all for free information they have no way of stopping me, it would make them look like hypocrites! its perfect hahahahahaa

>> No.2940256

>Google is all for free information
you're in the wrong decade son, you looked at google's terms of service and privacy policy recently? Or their behavior with Google Books?

>> No.2940332

so what's your book about?

>> No.2940370

So many here seem to have just come up with a gimmick or a hook and based their story around that. Almost no one seems to mention character.

However, that may be because it's better to pitch to people the concept rather than the characters. I just hope that is the case here.

>> No.2940378

satirical novel with mystery elementz

>> No.2940386

Nothing right now. I've just finished my job for some newspapers and my novel is done.

>> No.2940421


Check out some Redwall; see how they do it.

>> No.2940463


>> No.2940508

Been writing a lot of comic book scripts recently, but even sub-standard artists want to be paid in advance and I am not in a position to do that. Literary fiction, and to a lesser extent screenwriting, is just a more fiscally rational use of my time right now. So I'm going to be making /lit/ material more of a focus for a while.

>> No.2940509

Final read-through for my MS before sending it across to an agent who has requested it. It's really ready to go, but I don't think I'm ever going to be happy with it, so I'm still making a few small changes such as word choice here and there.

>> No.2940523

Good luck! In a sincere way and not facetious.

>> No.2940542

How do you do a comic book script? With very little narration, how do I get the artist to know what I want panels and scenes to look like, or do I just leave all of that to the artist and just write out the characters' narration and plot details?

>> No.2940697

It's a completely different format to screenwriting or literary storytelling. You have to tell the story by panel, and each panel in a comic is basically a snapshot, a picture of a given moment in the story. What you do is explain to the artist what is going on in that given panel, and beneath that you put the dialogue, which would be put in caption boxes or word balloons. Generally, there are half a dozen panels, give or take, on every page. As a result of that, your challenge as a writer is to tell the story in such a way that is flows in an understandable and entertaining manner.

It's these differences that make transferring a work of literary fiction into a comic, or vice versa, such a challenge.

>> No.2940700

It's a completely different format to screenwriting or literary storytelling. You have to tell the story by panel, and each panel in a comic is basically a snapshot, a picture of a given moment in the story. What you do is explain to the artist what is going on in that given panel, and beneath that you put the dialogue, which would be put in caption boxes or word balloons in the final product. Generally, there are about half a dozen panels on every page. As a result of that, your challenge as a writer is to tell the story in such a way that it flows in an understandable and entertaining manner.

It's these differences that make transferring a work of literary fiction into a comic, or vice versa, such a challenge.

>> No.2940710

wrote 6 poems...3 short stories...published 0

>> No.2940713

>writes 9 short pieces of shit
>thinks he's done any work
I have over 200 poems, 40 stories, and three novels on this computer.

>> No.2940724

Writing is seriously looking to be the obvious reason if and when I get alcohol and/or Adderal addiction

I mean fuck. Just, fuck.

>> No.2940725

If you need somewhere to send your comic scripts in, try /co/'s comic magazine.


>> No.2941760

Finished a sci-fi novel in 3 months + 1 month for editing. Working on sequel now while doing submissions.

I'm not in it for the money; I just have a bunch of ideas I need to get out of my head.

>> No.2941768

This isn't a competition.

>> No.2942500

A sci-fi/fantasy interpretation of the Allegory of the Cave.

>> No.2942507

Wow, your dick must be so big. Glad we all started measuring dicks so we could see how big YOUR dick is! You must be so proud!

>> No.2943077
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I just write things that come into my head. I don't know what they are. I don't know if they have any value. They're not exactly heavy on plot.

>> No.2943084

A good start, but it probably needs a twist. The cave have been done so many times.

>> No.2943091

>Thinks three novels is worth shit.
I have seven highly popular novels on this computer.

>> No.2943107
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Get on my level bitch

>> No.2943109

He was the cave the whole time.

>> No.2943118

I'm working on journaling. Making a transition from efforts at writing fiction, which I read far too little of to be a fiction writer, to working on myself. Also just trying to get more of an education by reading non-fiction, autobiographies and psychological type stuff. What I'm considering doing is a series of short essays of self-analysis, mostly so that I don't remain a complete idiot for the rest of my life and I had some success in understanding myself in the past when I did the same.

>> No.2943130


I can entirely relate to this.

>> No.2944553


Main character is female, 29 years old, dropped out of college to take an IT job at a large company (got the job through a family friend). Story is basically about her learning the truth behind this company, their motives and the outrageous things they are doing around the world involving Web 3.0 and ancient aliens. Her ex boyfriend is one of the higher-ups working there, so she feels loyal to him and the company but strives for independence as she ends up assisting a fugitive who intends to bring the company down.

It all sounds so boring now.

>> No.2944852

When I went through my 3 year long depression period I invented a whole new universe in my head to keep me from killing myself and now I'm finally trying to get it on paper instead but I'm finding it overwhelming.

I have entire galaxies with federations, political structures, governments, organizations, corporations, militaries, civilizations, technologies and so much more spanning across hundreds of solar systems and many more planets.

Getting this all out of my head is sort of hard and to make things worse I like to be probably overly detailed. One minor battle between two battlecruiser class ships for a tiny outpost has lasted me a hundred pages. No one probably wants to read that. Oh well.

>> No.2944887
File: 14 KB, 184x243, haddock1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I managed to churn out only 200 words today.
And I have been so motivated these last two weeks and it seems to have just vanished instantly.

>> No.2944946
File: 26 KB, 400x400, wtfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I've got 7k+ words in a novella about a single father, Rich, attempting to raise his paraplegic six year old in an open minded and loving home away from his psychotic ex who is a religious nut. He's broke and they have only the basic amenities, but he dotes on his son as often as he can. His buddy Allen has a six year old as well, and he struggles with not being able to relate in any way to his son, and he's a bit overbearing. His wife deals with acutely low self esteem, and it causes a rift because Allen can't help but make jibes at her when he's drunk. To complicate things further, he rapes a girl when he thinks shes giving him signals that she wants it from him, when he just misinterprets and sticks it in.

Also, the return of Ouroboros. So yeah.

>> No.2944954

> single father, Rich
>He's broke

Which is it nigger?

>> No.2944955

I think Rich is his name...

>> No.2944961
File: 77 KB, 360x278, billions of fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, Rich is short for... Ya know, never mind

>> No.2944963

That's 200 more than me, m8, don't feel too bad.

>> No.2944975

I'm writing candy music. Nothing of high quality but hopefully lots of money. Until the day I have the time to take on the greats I'll bide my time writing crap for kids until I have the money to buy me the time to write music that will burn through the ages.

>> No.2945004
File: 42 KB, 320x240, 1335626667870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to get back into writing poetry, but unlike a few years ago, life is good now and i don't have jack shit to write about.