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/lit/ - Literature

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2938483 No.2938483 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good literary journals for young writers to submit to?

>> No.2938500

The April Reader

>> No.2938525

LOL... no. Just no.

OP, what literary journals do you read? If none, start. If you don't want to start, fuck you. After you go fuck yourself, go to duotrope.com and use it to look up paying journals which might be appropriate. If it doesn't matter to you whether or not you get paid, just fuck off and take your inferiority complex someplace else. If you're such a poor writer that even you don't think you should be paid for your work, then why the christ should anyone read it.

Have some self-respect, you fuck. Have some dignity.

*But I repeat: Duotrope.com