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/lit/ - Literature

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2937208 No.2937208 [Reply] [Original]

What did you think of There Will Be Blood?

>> No.2937211

I haven't read it.

>> No.2937217

I haven't read the book it's based off of, but damn, what an awesome movie! It's just so entertaining from start to finish, it has such things to say about greed and corruption as well as religion.

>> No.2937224


>> No.2937222

I drink your milkshake. I drink it RIGHT up.

Movie dragged at parts, if anyone has read the book let me know.

>> No.2937230

>it has such things to say about greed and corruption as well as religion.


>> No.2937235

i hate the people who claim that the film was just a criticism on religion, those people can't grasp what the film was really about; what religion is really about.
the film was putting religion in contrast to old fashioned american greed and industry.

>> No.2937238


Say it like it was your SERMON

>> No.2937240

Implying Daniel's god wasnt the dollar.

>> No.2937249

It basically represents America, especially the frontier, better than any film i've seen. It really demonstrates how similar religion and free enterprise (the two pillars that sustain American greed and corruption) are to each other, and how they feed off and sustain each other

Upton Sinclair was a socialist, right?

>> No.2937253

Upton Sinclair DID write a novel titled The Profits of Religion... I still haven't read Oil!, but I did see the film as highly critical of a particular form of religion

>> No.2937258

Have you read The Jungle?

>> No.2937263

Ashamed to say I haven't. It's been on my bookshelf for years too. I actually don't think i've read anything by Upton Sinclair

>> No.2937265


>> No.2937284
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In a weird twist of history.

Larry Niven is the grandson of the guy this movie is supposed to be portraying.

>> No.2937300

I knew Niven was rich as fuck before he ever became successful as a writer but I didn't know it was an oil fortune.

>> No.2937308

One of the best movies of the last decade. Great acting from DDL, awesome cinematography and pacing. The scene in which the oil well spills into the sky reminded me of the burning barn scene from Tarkovsky's Mirror. They're both filmed from this casual distance as if to show that when nature overtakes man there is beauty to behold.

But yeah, easily one of the best of this past decade. I can't wait for The Master. PTA is a filmmaker I adore.

>> No.2937320

One of the best movie thus far this century.

>> No.2937454
File: 50 KB, 550x270, PTAandPynchon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be watched 100 years from now

>> No.2937499

Throughout this movie I was thinking about Blood Meridian, and I don't know why exactly because the storylines are very different. The last scene (along with credit music) was great as fuck.

>> No.2937732

You can't be that stupid.
Seriously, you can't.

>> No.2938282

It was a big leap for PTA.

I think it's aged very well so far and should only get better. I was awed by the film but sometimes I thought it was a little overbearingly relentless and I wasn't sure if PTA had resolved his issues with climaxes.

But I'm pretty convinced now that those are not its faults. We'll look back on it as a film that has a lot to say about America.

I think it's also the film that Pynchon must have loved enough for him to want PTA to adapt Inherent Vice.

>> No.2938292

The milkshake scene was a bigger embarrassment to Day Lewis than 9.

>> No.2938295

Son, The milkshake scene brought Daniel Day Lewis to the yard.

>> No.2938310

>having a frontier without the indigenous Other

confirmed for history pleb

do you even borderlands studies

>> No.2938320

> jeff mangum
> master plebe

pick two

>> No.2938350

>best film of the decade
>best film of the century

It was a good movie and PTA's a great guy but you kids obviously don't watch many movies not screened in your local college theater.
Not related but Cronenberg's new movie Cosmopolis is great. Why are you talking about movies on a /lit/ board? I don't come here.

>> No.2938374

When did I say it was a great movie of the century?

I'm just saying that I think it's better now then I thought it was before.

And I really want to watch Cosmopolis, I love Cronenberg even when I hate him.

>> No.2938411

I think I quoted the wrong post.
Cosmopolis was great. Cronerberg's lightig worked perfectly and the limo design was so great, the twilight kid acted really well too.

There were so many great scenes, the dialogue gets real abstracted towards the end and it's done so well. Apparently the script had it exactly as it was written in the book. I've had DeLillo's white noise on my shelf for awhile, I think I'm gonna have to read it.


>> No.2938421


I'd really like to watch this.

Any place to torrent it?

>> No.2938432


Sorry but there are no torrents available yet. Guess you'll have to wait.

>> No.2938437


Oh well. Have any more Cronenburg recommendations? I'm sick and a movie sounds good. I really loved Videodrome and I'd like to check out some more of his movies

>> No.2938480
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I always thought it was about the all-consuming nature of the American Dream, so to speak.

I mean, at the end of the movie Eli was willing to renounce the defining characteristic of his personality, his faith, in order to secure the deal with Daniel, which I thought was very telling.

And Daniel himself disowned H.W. because he was entering the oil industry independently of Daniel, making him his competitor.

Also there was the grandson of that old fart (I can't remember his name, the one who woke up Daniel after he killed his "brother") who moved off his land and went to Hollywood -another person renouncing their old life for a new, modern American one.

>> No.2938482

It just came out so it'd be a pretty shitty torrent anyways.

Naked Lunch is really good but I wouldn't suggest it if you haven't read the book (which you really should). The Fly is a classic, it's more straightforward scifi, body horror, very subtletly chronenbergy. The Brood is amazing.
I've been told the History of Violence is great but I haven't seen it.

I'd say go for the Brood.

>> No.2938485

A History of Violence is fucking perfect. A really great look of violence on many different levels. Spider is harder to watch but just as good. About a schizophrenic Ralph Fiennes.
Watch Crash if you don't want to read Ballard's book about people fucking in cars and fapping to car accidents.

Personally, I'm so excited to see Haneke's film Amour. Going to be a flawless masterpiece of masterpieces.

>> No.2938488

Sorry for the long link:


Choose any film you like, click the sockshare or putlocker links (the one with stars) and it will stream instantly with pretty reasonable quality.

>> No.2938489

There were a lot of themes and concepts, that was definitely one of them.

You know what's not discussed enough? Boogie Nights.

The camerawork has such an amazing underlying hipness, and what a great story and cast.

>> No.2938492

Why does it always have to highlight race relations? Can't there be movies, like this, that focus on other aspects of the frontier?

>> No.2938493


I think Videodrome and Dead Ringers are his masterpieces.

Naked Lunch, A Dangerous Method, The Dead Zone, History of Violence and Eastern Promises are all excellent too.

>> No.2938494

Yeah, that's true; there was a lot going on in that film thematically.

Also: what do you guys think about Chinatown since we're on the subject of amazing movies?

>> No.2938496

Hey everyone, it is absolutely worth your time to check out the movie The Man From Earth. It's a great look at the development of culture and religion from the fictitious standpoint of a man who's been alive for 14,000 years. If you like the thought of a group of pedantic college professors arguing with a man over anthropogeny then you'll shit your pants over this movie. There is also a nice little discussion into the nature of truth and it's relation to faith. You can show it to friends to prove your impressive knowledge of obscure movies and gloat about the overflowing reservoirs of intelligence you possess.

Seriously, watch it. The Man From Earth.

>> No.2938498
File: 577 KB, 642x428, calle borjesson straight edge tripfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the literature board, bro.

>> No.2938506

Oh, god

>> No.2938507

ITT: plebs pretending to be patricians

>> No.2938513


Who is this cunt? I keep seeing pictures of him

>> No.2938511


ITT: People discussing movies they enjoy and trading recommendations with like minded people

>> No.2938514
File: 97 KB, 480x616, Motorcycle Stance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've seen The Fly. That was great as well.

I decided to download A History of Violence as well as Crash. I'll check out Naked Lunch after I read the book.

Thanks for your help

>> No.2938527
File: 140 KB, 470x353, calle borjesson5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2938529

That movie sucked ass, the filming and acting is terrible and the script is shit. Low-rate philosophy, forced dialogue.

What you're looking for is My Dinner with Andre.

>> No.2938533

Watch A History of Violence twice. Pay attention to all your reactions to the kinds of violence you see.

Very clever film.

>> No.2938600

indigeneity is not racial

that's just a sub-point though, i agree with your larger rhetorical question. of course movies (or anything else) can focus on whatever the hell they want to focus on, it's just that this jeff magnum tripfag character claiming the movie is a perfect representation of the american frontier is an especially premature claim

>> No.2938617

>Oxnard High School
I thought he was Swedish

>> No.2938650

An amazing film, one of the best I've seen.

I also tried to get into the Naked Lunch film and just couldn't. I guess it bored me and I went in with high hopes for this awesome, trippy film inspired by the book.

>> No.2938657

It was annoying and boring.
Obvious oscar bait.

2/10, too obvious

>> No.2938713

The only good thing about the film was DDL. They made that just to get him an oscar. If anyone else played Plainview it would have been mediocre as fuck.

>> No.2938783


Supposedly Amour is great.

For what it's worth, I think Haneke is one the best filmmakers of the past 20 years. His work is varied but always effective without succumbing to any conventional narrative formula so to speak. He seems to really understand the visual essence of the medium and the feelings of the audience (especially so by deliberately muffling the expected development in the likes of Funny Games and Code Inconnu).

It's a shame he made that US remake of Funny Games though. I'm still a bit confused about that to be honest.

>> No.2938804

good to see /lit/ is as shitty when it comes to film as it is with books. all-around worst board on 4chan. needs to be deleted (and i was one of its biggest champions back in the /book/ days).

>> No.2938827

>Thread about There will be blood
>cmd + f "Jonny Greenwood"
>Not found


/lit/ can't appreciate one of the best motion picture soundtracks of the last decade

>> No.2938911
File: 324 KB, 750x1112, funnygames1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, US funny games was big disappointment. The only film of his I didn't love.

It has an amazing poster though.