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/lit/ - Literature

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2933373 No.2933373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I'm interested in taking a Creative Writing class. Do you know of any courses or the like I could find online? Preferably for free?

>> No.2933384

When you take books on creative writing out of the equation, most classes are just workshops where everyone critiques each others writing. I'm sure there has to be some online community for something like this, but the value of such workshops is questionable in my worthless opinion.

>> No.2933403

go to college

any free online class you might find is likely going to be run by talentless hacks and filled with horrible writers that you wont learn anything from. you would be better off submitting your work to /lit/ for review

>> No.2933411


I'm a few years out of college and not in a position to shell out cash for even a community college course. That said, I don't know if I feel confident in my writing to really submit anything. I was more interested in finding a course or community that would give me a reason to write and get my work critiqued.

tl;dr Okay, do we know of any online creative writing communities? Not /lit/

>> No.2933414
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>you would be better off submitting your work to /lit/ for review

Oh lord, my sides!

>> No.2933422

There are some initiatives that were born out of /lit/. I believe they gather every week or so, and advertise on the board. It's been a while since I saw those posts though.

>> No.2933438

Read some books then. There are so many good books on creative writing that I can't really recommend one... though something like "Tell it Slant" by Miller might fit well for a beginner.

And you are going to have to let someone read your work at some point. If you are afraid of the certain criticism, that is were a university course would be helpful, as the instructors usually keep everything civil and constructive. Otherwise, you are left with /lit/, where everything you write is going to be called pretentious, 6th grader drivel. Again, I'm sure there are some online groups that might be helpful, but I don't know of any. Sorry.

>> No.2933441

Good thing Joyce took that creative writing class, otherwise he'd never write anything good!

>> No.2933447

>but the value of such workshops is questionable in my worthless opinion

writing workshops are VERY valuable

reading the work of the one or two gifted writers in them quickly lets everyone else know that they need to pick a different line of work

source: former english/cw major, now studying anthropology

>> No.2933467


Any other books to suggest?

And I'm not afraid of sharing my work. I just didn't want to post it on /lit/ for pretty salient reasons