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2930896 No.2930896 [Reply] [Original]

When you get a really nasty thought in your head, like murder, how do you deal with it?

>> No.2930906

Just let it play out.

>> No.2930909

Like murder? I think you're taking stories too seriously, OP.

>> No.2930918

Eh... don't follow through ?

Surely it can't be any simpler

>> No.2930922

I feel nausea and force myself to forget it. Though plain murder doesnt qualify as nasty

>> No.2930932

Thanks guys. Some thoughts are hard to digest

>> No.2931036

OP: Your Pic is related.
Part of Meditation is acknowledging thoughts without indulging or ignoring them.

>> No.2931085


>> No.2931094

I find periodic murder dispels that urge for awhile.

>> No.2931100

>this thread

>not sure if serious or dexter fans

>> No.2931111

I work out...

Because I'm not strong enough to "safely" beat and strangle a man to death yet. Soon.

>> No.2931118

I obviously don't want to kill anyone, it's just that a thought came in my head and it was hard to deal with, I was feeling guilty for thinking about it. This thought never popped in your head?

>> No.2931128

Are you really this much of a pussy? Are you formerly Amish, or something?

>> No.2931133

Well, I guess I am...

>> No.2931138


>> No.2931143

Lay off the guy, cunt. We all deal with nasty shit in different ways.

>> No.2931152

Thinking about killing someone is like thinking about fucking someone or thinking about eating a really nice sandwich.

It really is surprising to me to see someone on 4chan having a crisis over a thoughtcrime.

>> No.2931155

I feel like killing people with monotonous regularity. Just today I was stood behind some guy in the Asda checkout. he took out a jar of coins and was paying his shopping bill in silvers. I could visualize myself grabbing his head and ramming it into the counter repeatedly. Of course I didn't, but the mental image he gave me compensated me for the time I wasted.

>> No.2931163

...ok... I'm glad OP could surprise you then.

>> No.2931179

Just to make it more 'serious', I had a thought I could kill my brother. I guess I'm oversensitive, but it freaked the hell out of me

do you guys seriously visualize stuff like that?

>> No.2931199

I imagine killing people all the time, but I think of the consequences and theguilt that i might feel. I wouldn´t do well in jail or on the run. Sometimes I rewind the thought and imagine something else entirely.

>> No.2931797


Intrusive thought, potential symptom of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Classic obsessions include the possibility of committing murder, the sheer *idea* of looking at something sexually, and in the deeply religious, insulting God in your mind. Martin Luthor King Jr had it, loosely correlated with higher intelligence.

Relax OP, this is a well documented phenomenon.

>> No.2931805


"OCD", like schizophrenia is a phenomenon that has been too often stereotype to the point where people won't actually recognize it when it's happening. Even worse are people who make comments about it despite having no actual experience or understanding. If a person says they're "OCD about cleanliness", they're not. They're Obsessive Compulsive *Personality* Disordered.

One OCPD person is irritated by lack of cleanliness because the dirtiness itself bothers them. The other OCD person is bothered by lack of cleanliness because they literally cannot *help* but think about... say, H1N1 or whatever, and live with that anxiety.

>> No.2931814

You don't need to feel guilty about it. You just need to know not to act on it.
There are people in this world that don't deserve to live. There are people in this world that the world would be better off without. Their lives are making other people suffer. I can know that with certainty and still know that I don't deserve to edit the human population to suit my taste.
You don't need to be as afraid of your thoughts as you are.
I just think that repressing thoughts is just as dangerous as indulging them. Just be more aware of your thoughts. And when you get a thought that you don't approve of, instead of feeling it, study it.
You get to the point where occasionally, (not all the time but sometimes) when people piss you off and instead of being in the moment feeling pissed off you feel curious, watching yourself be pissed of.

>> No.2931815

Realize how retarded I am

>> No.2931818

I had a fantasy where I would kidnap a girl & keep her in my basement & rape her constantly. I would lie in bed & think about it for hours, for a few days, then it got a bit boring.

>> No.2931825

How do you get into meditation? I'm curious. Do you just sit and think or is there more to it than that?

>> No.2931828

I'm an Insomniac, and I've had bouts of OCD, when up for more than a 40 or so hours straight. It's weird. Of course I have no way of knowing for sure, but I imagine that OCD is like being in that state all the time. I could be wrong and it feels different.
There's a persistence to the thoughts It's like whatever the compulsion is it's RIGHT THERE. Like if something were just slightly to the periphery of your vision. Like someone jumping up and down and waving their arms.
Or like the thought has volume to it, or like it's an itch, and you just go and check or go and set the things in order, or go and count, or go and wash your hands again just to scratch.
Not because your hands are dirty, but just because it's easier to just comply rather than trying to ignore it. At least scratching makes the thought shut up for a while.

..........tl;dr, Thank God for Sleep Aids, crazy shit goes down when you don't sleep.

>> No.2931832

I used to have a fantasy where I possessed sci-fi technology, namely the ability to implant in people nano-machines to take direct control of nerve cells after immersing the subject in a large tank of science-liquid. Then using a vastly complex computer system I could control them like puppets, recording and playing actions and sensations at my whims, or even making use of an artificial intelligence to get them to respond to verbal commands, and follow routines. I then proceed to kidnap a half dozen girls and force one of them into the tank. After she comes out and I show them what I am capable of I proceed to psychologically torture them until one by one them enter the tank of their own accord and become my puppets, still alive, still conscious, but utterly powerless. THEN NO ONE WOULD LAUGH AT MY SMALL PENIS!!!

>> No.2931850

in fact you sit and try do not think

(I'm off topic, so I'm saging my post)

>> No.2931862

You sit and try and be aware of what you're thinking.
That's it.
There's other stuff you can do, exercises where you try and visualize this or that, or exercises where you try to think of nothing. Exercises where you recite a phrase, or try to focus on compassion, but mostly,
you sit,
and you try to be aware of your thoughts.
oh and breathe. Lot of breathing.

>> No.2931869

nope, only for crazy zen meditation. In general meditation just means focused thought on single topic. Even within buddhism, when Siddhartha sat under the tree he was meditation ON suffering. He wasn't trying to lose his ego and attain zen.

>> No.2931877

Came here to say this.
I'm not sure about it being a sign of higher intelligence, though.

>> No.2931882

I pursue that thought to the fullest, short of actually fulfilling it.

>> No.2931884


That's why it's a loose correlation.

>> No.2931929

“I just want a hot cup of coffee,black,and I don’t want to hear about your troubles.”
― Charles Bukowski

>> No.2932550

Are there any tricks on how to always meditate with beginner's mind?

>> No.2933286


>> No.2933296

Murder? Seriously? You should be having weird, depraved sexual fantasies like a normal person

>> No.2933311

i think to myself: what would jesus do?

>> No.2933354

There's many different types of meditation.

I practice what can be called zazen meditation, from zen Buddhism (though I am not a Buddhist). I sit on a small cushion with my legs semi-folded in front of me, I close my eyes and practice not thinking about anything.

This is much more difficult than it seems, as the mind naturally wants to think about something all the time (what it's doing, what it will do, what it has done etc).

This meditation I found to be immediately beneficial but takes practice. The longer you do it, the greater the benefit as your mind passes different states while it's doing nothing. After doing 15-25 min daily for more than a year I was finally able to spend a full hour meditating like this (impatience is the greatest obstacle).

In these hour long sessions I achieved a state of mind in which I was aware of my whole body, what was going on around me and the thoughts going through my *brain* but in this state my mind I could maintain detachment from all of these.

You know those paintings you see with a meditating guy in the middle, with all the radiating lines of color and intricate patterns? That's what it *feels* like in this state, not looks like, feels like.

Doing this has helped me realize what's important in my life. Being truly alone, apart from physical reality and even the thoughts in my own head has allowed me to decide what's important and my life in now infinity better.

Meditation helped me and I encourage everyone to try some form of meditation. Find the one that's right for you.

Personal info: Male, 31yo, married, welder/fabricator.

>> No.2933360

You should try psychedelics.

>> No.2933367
File: 7 KB, 299x169, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to lay off the violent video games and violent movies.

>> No.2933378


I've taken extract of iboga tabernanthe and experienced the full trip. First nausea and vomiting before three days of hallucinations. Not fun at all, but totally worth it. Iboga will help you, whatever you truly need, it gives.

If you can, do it. Preferably with medical supervision, because, goddamn is it a rough trip.

>> No.2933405

Ibogaine is probably the only psychedelic that I haven't tried. Mostly because of the harrowing accounts I have read. You didn't use it to get off smack by any chance? I know it's frequently used to treat opiate addiction.

In terms of healing psychedelics ayahuasca is the one I recommend. You get everything; ego death, intense visuals, different areas of your psyche dissolving or taking on a physical form, negative traits shown to you, but the full effects only last an evening. I'm not sure how I would feel about a 3 day trip.

>> No.2933446

>> You didn't use it to get off smack by any chance? I know it's frequently used to treat opiate addiction.

No, I didn't do it to get over smack, but what did happen is that alcohol lost all meaning to me, which was a total surprise. It's not that I desire not to drink alcohol, but neither do I desire to drink it. It's a completely neutral substance to me, it matters not one way or the other.

I recommend Iboga despite the rough trip. You do hallucinate for three days but it does let up toward the end. The first 12 hours are the hardest and after that it's pretty much just resting (but don't fall asleep) and letting the drug do it's job. Keep hydrated and have a trip-sitter, preferably someone with medical certs. Take it in the morning; it's better if you're not tired.

>> No.2933478

Weed triggered my anxiety, but I'd still like to try some psychedelics. Should I do it?

>> No.2933514

I do whatever I think of. That ceases the thought.

Murder? Kill someone

Rape? Rape.

Thinking of stealing shit? Steal shit

Etc etc

>> No.2933536

If you do I recommend starting with Mescaline, it has an almost MDMA like serotonin release which means it is very hard to have a 'bad trip' on; this is essentially what you are trying to avoid, right?

It also depends on the nature and severity of your anxiety. Did you smoke one joint and suddenly retreat to the safety of your bedroom, turning from a loud sociable teen to a quivering wreck? Or did weed just make you slightly more self-aware and concious of the way other people perceive you? If it's the former then stay the hell away from drugs, but if it's the latter you could very well be able to address these issues, finding a way to relax and be comfortable in your skin.

>> No.2933544

I get intrusive thoughts occasionally about killing or hurting people, or doing something inappropriate. I used to think I was crazy or a bad person, until I read about obsessions and especially purely obsessive form of ocd. I knew I had that instantly.

After I've had my bipolar disorder treated, and gone to cognitive behavioral therapy for a year I've had less and less intrusive thoughts. I still suffer from social anxiety and general anxiety, but it's not crippling anymore.

The thing is, I don't trust myself completly. Like I suspect there's a trigger in my head that might get pulled any moment I let my guard down and I'll go psychotic. So I'm constantly monitoring myself. I think I have brain damage, although the MRIs are normal.

>> No.2933585

I did run to the safety of my bedroom, but I didn't change much at first, anxiety came months later (anxiety is not that bad, although it sometimes prevents me from doing things). Thanks for all the information!


>> No.2934998
