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File: 310 KB, 500x650, grant morrison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2927869 No.2927869[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it bothered him that after he spent so much time making up his cool fake name nobody even bothered to use it?

>> No.2927886

I'd say its his primary motivation.

>> No.2927931
File: 422 KB, 268x288, 1298845037349.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grant morrison

>> No.2927932

Who the fuck doesn't know how to pronounce Sauron?

>> No.2927935 [DELETED] 

He's off his rocker.

He'll be taken seriously so long as young people are confused enough by the interconnections of radical media their magick-loving authors to take them seriously.

He'll be laughed at in ten years.

>> No.2927937

He's off his rocker.

He'll be taken seriously so long as young people are confused enough by the intertwining of magick culture and comics to take him seriously, but he'll be laughed at in ten years along with Gaiman.

>> No.2927942


>> No.2927956

people used the short form, Sally.

>> No.2927961
File: 80 KB, 492x559, 214854d1344829727-funny-strange-random-pics-retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW Harry Potter had to be translated into American because American kids couldn't understand English.

>> No.2927967

Y-you're lying.

>> No.2927991

"The first volume title, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, was changed when translated into American English to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone as the Publishers felt that American readers might get confused by the word Philosopher. A few other words which were translated into American English:

cooker – stove
roundabout – carousel
cine-camera – video camera
mummy – mommy
video recorder – VCR
jumper – sweater
comprehensive – public school
letter-box – mail slot
motorway – highway
multi-storey car park – multilevel parking garage
packet of crisps – bag of chips
trolley – cart
trainers – sneakers
jacket potato – baked potato
crumpets – English muffins
changing room – locker room
revision timetables – study schedules"

>> No.2928037

Most of the words on the left aren't even real words, just silly Britishisms. I bet you wanted them to leave car as motorized rollingham, too.

>> No.2928042

Car is a 'silly Britishism'. The American is automobile.

>> No.2928045

Huh. Some of those I can understand, but thinas like motorway, post box and video recorder, trolley, etc are just silly. Cine-camera and jumpers are a grey area, but I wouldn't know what a comprehensive or a roundabout were.
I can see kids that don't have a history of torrenting bbc shows would be confused.
I'm relieved.

>> No.2928049

You're right. Lets translate Shakespeare, Wilde and Orwell into American English too so the kids don't struggle.

>> No.2928052

>crumpets - English muffins
Welp, that was pointless. Might as well teach the ameriblubbers the proper terminology.q

>> No.2928057

Too much Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Two Pints, QI and Monty Python, I understood all of those.

We're just lucky Harry Potter didn't have any rhyming slang.

>> No.2928061

>We're just lucky Harry Potter didn't have any rhyming slang.
I would love to see that translated.

Harry got off his blower, and walked up the apples to the bathroom.

"I'm goin' for a slash 'Arry" Said Ron, as Harry turned the handle.

"Bloody 'ell, Ron." Said Harry. "I'm dying for a Richard, me Farmer Giles are givin' me gyp."

>> No.2928064

limey whimey tick tock timey -- clock

>> No.2928071

Brit here who has never heard anyone use the word cine-camera. The others are all true, but never heard that one said before, we used video camera as well.

>> No.2928073

I've never heard a carousel called a fucking roundabout either. I only know the traffic roundabout, I have no idea what this is in American though... Ahh, unless they call that a carousel?

>> No.2928080


Actually same here: a carousel is a fairground ride, a roundabout is for cars and traffic.

>> No.2928115

Oh damnit, what was that movie where they were talking about 'French muffins'? I didn't laugh my ass off, because I didn't know if it was a joke or actual American English.

>> No.2928120

What? No-one in America uses 'automobile' except in the names of businesses (like AAA). Everyone here says 'car'.

>> No.2928123

and 'Veh-hickle'

"Sir, step out of the veh-hickle."

>> No.2928124

>mfw brits call a rotonde a roundabout

>> No.2928128


I think he's talking historically.

I know, I know descriptive approach to language> prescriptive approach.

>> No.2928135
File: 297 KB, 300x300, 300px-UK_Roundabout_8_Cars.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Settle the fuck down now, Frenchie.

>Pic connexe - La rotonde avec animation.

>> No.2928171

How the fuck does this not have any accidents?

>> No.2928176
File: 340 KB, 1994x1166, Roundabout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would there be any accidents? As long as you know where the other cars are and can anticipate where they will be your fine.

Someone once told me that he hadn't seen any roundabouts in the US, that you just have traffic lights at every junction, I never knew if this was true or not.

>> No.2928180

short answer is that it works like a 4-way stop intersection.

>> No.2928179

Because people know the rules of the road?

>> No.2928183


Lift - Elevator
Mouse - Rat
Spurtle - Wand
Paranormal Parliament - Ministry of Magic
Conservatives - Death Eaters
Glasgow - Azkaban
Gypo egg - Crystal ball
Sneaky blanket - Invisibility cloak
Catchment area choo choo - Hogwarts express
Student council shitter - prefects bathroom

>> No.2928184

The only English is British English, you filthy person

>> No.2928188
File: 71 KB, 425x290, roundabout_2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4-way stop intersection
O rly?

>> No.2928205

Some states have them, I think maybe Michigan or California or something, but mostly it's traffic lights or stop signs. Roundabouts are demonstrably safer but you'll never see them in America because Americans have been conditioned to think they're nightmarish deathtraps.

I don't remember exactly why they're safer. It's partially because you have to pay attention, I think. There was a whole book on the sociology of traffic that just came out that probably talks about it. One thing that was interesting in it was that evidently the more signage and safety measures you put on the road, the more likely people are to drive dangerously because they think they're safe. Eye contact with other drivers is the only thing that really promotes safe driving, since it makes you realize those cars have people in them and aren't just annoyances or obstacles.

tl;dr Americans can't drive and everyone on the road is an idiot or a sociopath

>> No.2928220

Californian here, confirming their presence but...they are rare. I see them more frequently in neighbourhoods than in actual traffic intersections, and even then not very often. My guess is that they look more "quaint" and are added more as a visual feature than anything else.

Worse than confused, the reason that I have heard is that American kids would find philosophers boring. FUCK YOU, my peers and your short attention spans that made this statement probably accurate. The rest of the localization changes I can get behind for the most part but the Philosophers Stone is an actual thing. Its like changing the name of King Arthur to King Chad. You don't do it.

>> No.2928227

>My guess is that they look more "quaint" and are added more as a visual feature than anything else.

It's pretty much the same here in Arizona. Fake liberal areas like Sedona and liberal sections of Scottsdale have them in areas where they're not really necessary, they just look nice and make the community look "multicultural".

>> No.2928230

They add them to neighbourhoods to slow down traffic. Can't really drive straight through a roundabout the way you can an intersection or traffic lights.

>> No.2928234

i've seen them paired up with speed bumps for that reason, annoying as hell.

>> No.2928236


Nice, a fellow Califag.

I've never seen a roundabout here

>> No.2928244

"There are some changes that occurred in case Americans got confused. Some ones, such as turning "mum" into "mom" and "trainers" into "sneakers", J.K. Rowling refused to let happen. However, she allowed some changes to be made that, if they were not made, would befuddle the reader:"

Skip - Dumpster
Minister for Magic - Minister of Magic
Sybill Trelawney - Sibyll Trelawney
Car park - Parking lot
shan't - won't
sherbet lemon - lemon drop
dustbin - trashcan
holiday - vacation
lavatory seat - toilet
nutter - maniac
torch - flashlight
biscuits - cookies
while - whilst
leaned - leant
Augustus - Algernon
humph - hmpf
pants - briefs
silver - silvery
pinny - apron
Pekinese - Pekingese
afterwards - afterward

I just think this belittles American kids. If English kids can manage to read and acknowledge the differences between US and UK words in Twilight and Hunger Games, then American kids should be able to manage with Harry Potter. If anything it's more educational for them to learn these words; it will help when they start on Orwell and Tolkien (unless they are next in line for Americanisation?)

>> No.2928268
File: 34 KB, 506x409, arc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw french have the best roundabout decorations

>> No.2928276


>> No.2928275

presumably traffic circles are safer because you can't try to gun it straight through and wind up crashing into another car going perpendicular.

>> No.2928280

I don't think you understand the meaning of third world, its the nations not affiliated with either the soviet bloc or NATO. The US is absolutely first world, and with the cold war having ended there's pretty much no room for movement.

>> No.2928282

The point is that the European education system as a whole is far better than the American, so American children are both less able to, and less willing to (because of arrogance) read other cultures' styles.

>> No.2928286

You don't have to worry about Tolkien getting Americanized.

Worry about it getting Kiwi-fied.

(btw, you have that soundtrack in your head now,)

>> No.2928287
File: 129 KB, 992x653, SpaghettiJunctionGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"pfft, we don't need no roundabouts"

>> No.2928290

Not really the point is that the publishers want to sell as many books as they can, and the US being a large market for childrens' books, it does them no good to sound weird to American ears.

>> No.2928293

While that is a poorly designed intersection, roundabouts have no place on freeways, they'd pretty much completely counteract the point.

>> No.2928307
File: 87 KB, 500x375, 1041238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roundabouts have no place on freeways, they'd pretty much completely counteract the point.

It seems to work quite well in England.

>> No.2928311

/thread, you winging whinos

>> No.2928314

All these changes actually led to a bit of a clusterfuck. The password to Dumbledore's office was "Sherbet Lemon" in the UK, changed to "Lemon Drop" in US. But then the later US books changed it back to "Sherbet Lemon." I know this sounds totally insignificant, but to a little kid obsessed with Harry Potter, it was annoying as hell. And to make matters worse, I had the UK editions of the books and the US audio books.
Also, roundabouts are really common in Massachusetts.

>> No.2928327

ITT: America Vs Britain (Words and roundabouts edition)

>> No.2928328

Excuse me, this thread is about roundabouts.

>> No.2928335
File: 21 KB, 420x280, 334_roundabout1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came.

>> No.2928339

I'm not a whino, I'm a drunken bastard.
I've worked hard for that title, and I'll defend it.