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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 69 KB, 450x298, Murakami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2927476 No.2927476[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


So, Pynchon eh?

>> No.2927484


Ladbrokes doesn't have a say in any goddamn thing. It's a betting agency. People are just voting for the most recognizable names there. A US author will probably not win, as a huge proportion of Nobel lit prize laureates have been American.

It's an international prize. More non-Europeans and non-US authors should be awarded.

>> No.2927496

I find it odd that Bob Dylan is mentioned too. But yeah its a betting things and gen public only vote for names they know. It will be an african dude. Screecap this and repost it when some african wins.

>> No.2927499

If you want to read some decent Nobel speculation that won't be the same four American authors spewed again and again, here's a thread for you:


>> No.2927501


But most authors who aren't Western aren't good writers. They tend to write about colonialism and stuff their works with tedious, repetitive and uninformed references to it. And, of course, specious Eastern mysticism that they think improves and differs their art from perceived white hegemony.

There were exceptions. Nowadays, however, if you're writing about anything other than Western philosophy or culture you are, for the most part, inauthentic, archaic or just plain irritating.

>> No.2927498

Murakami has no chance of winning a Nobel ever.

>> No.2927504

Wow, now this is a retarded post.

>> No.2927505

as already said, just a public thing. Though he deserves more recognition, after 1Q84 I don't support Murakami winning anything. Jesus that book was a slog of disappointment and dashed dreams.

>> No.2927503

It's already highly hinted at that Ngugi wa Thiong'o might be winning. So yeah, an African dude.

>> No.2927507

Murakami and Dylan have been betting favorites for a couple of years now which shows how much the general public knows.

>> No.2927508

I'm sorry you were forced to read Achebe in high school, but no, not all contemporary non-Western lit is like that.

>> No.2927512
File: 106 KB, 250x250, 1304884202733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haruki Murakami leads race for Nobel prize for literature

I guess it's not that surprising. The literature laureates always choose the floweriest pussiest shit they can.

>> No.2927513


I read a short story in Granta once about a Somalian gets a scholarship to Oxford and is ashamed about his culture. Great so far. Unfortunately it went all patriotic towards the end and he ended up liking blowflies and his lolmuslim wife.

Why can't it end with his hate? His hate intensified? Why does everyone need a revelation these days?

I was mostly trolling in that post, though. But can't completely get over that damn marble superiority.

So, do recommend some authors for me.

>> No.2927514

Murakami is not what the laureates are nominating. Murakami is what the general public, in their general ignorance, is voting for.

>> No.2927516


>you in charge of knowing how betting lines work

>> No.2927524

Literally any Japanese author. And not Murakami, the occidental influence is too large. Oe is an interesting one, because his outlook is Japanese, but his style is more forward than Japanese almost ever is. It's like he's writing in English. And because he's writing for a Japanese audience, there is no pandering to western morality.

>> No.2927527

>Flowery prose

Jesus christ lol
Does anyone in this board actually read?

>> No.2927530

A few retards ruin it for all of us.

>> No.2927532


I'll try Oe.

I tried Ryu Murakami, but disliked his writing, edginess and anti-Western bullshit. I have a big hardon for Yukio Mishima though, but he bitches about foreigners and the West as much as all of them - he just does it well.

Give me some authors that aren't Japanese, preferably. Japan holds a strange culture somewhere between a pre-war obssession with Prussia, decimated Medieval culture and Western consumerism. It's too heavily Westernised.

>> No.2927533

Fuck Murakami. Pynchon and McCarthy deserve it far more than he does.

>> No.2927535

He was naked when he awoke, and so was Fuka-Eri. Completely and totally naked. Her breasts were perfect hemispheres. Her nipples were not overly large, and they were soft, still quietly groping for the maturity that was to come. Her breasts themselves were large, however, and fully ripe. They seemed to be virtually uninfluenced by the force of gravity, the nipples turned beautifully upward, like a vine's new tendrils seeking sunlight. The next thing that Tengo became aware of was that Fuka-Eri had no pubic hair.

>> No.2927536


He meant the description of unnecessary and irrelevant objects mixed with recipes.

>> No.2927539


>no pubic hair.

So EDGY lolololol XD

>> No.2927543

fuck, my brain. replace 'flowery' with 'utter shit'
>jap lit

>> No.2927544

That's why it's fascinating. I find most non-egalitarian societies fascinating though. Have you read any Coetzee? I'd recommend starting with Disgrace. It acknowledges South Africa as this unique culture with unique problems without bashing you over the head with "the black man's struggle for equality". The protagonist is /lit/ in a fucking nutshell too.

>> No.2927548

japs are notorious for stating shit indirectly. This is yet another example.

>> No.2927551

I doubt McCarthy will win it, he's foraying into film. Of Pynchon, Delillo, Roth and McCarthy my bet only one of them will get it, that one being Pynchon. They've all got gas in the tank, things might change. Aside from those there are many more writers deserving of literary props than them.

>> No.2927556

What I don't understand, and I've said this all the time, Doris Lessing has a Nobel, and Pynchon doesn't. How is that fucking possible?

>> No.2927559


I've only ever seen Coetzee's works, but he sounds very interesting.

I'll throw one out there. Have you read any works by Machado de Assis? I've only read the 'Posthumous Memoirs of Bras de Cubas', but it's an interesting pastiche of Candide and European history. It's main point is that Brazilians, while pregnant with spirit, fail miserably at everything and become a poor parody of Europeans. The author once likened the Portuguese language to a tomb.

>> No.2927561

My knowledge of South American literature is severely lacking, but I'll check him out. I've heard his name mentioned a little bit.

>> No.2927573


tf2 pic is giveaway

>> No.2927577


Here's how I would rank those authors, in terms of how much they deserve a Nobel prize.

1. Roth
2. McCarthy
3. Pynchon
4. DeLillo

You have to look at the quality and the significance of the entire body of work. Pychon only has like seven books total. He never again matched the quality of Gravity's Rainbow, and his last two books (Against the Day and Inherent Vice) were pretty mediocre.

>> No.2927596

>caring about the nobel prize
the fact that only 3 max will get credit for the higgs boson is embarrassing

>> No.2927612

You haven't read enough Pynchon if you think Gravity's Rainbow is his best.

>> No.2927621

>The acclaimed author of titles including Norwegian Wood, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and, most recently, IQ84

>> No.2927623

stay edgy

>> No.2927624


What would you say is his best, then? Mason & Dixon?

>> No.2927648

A poet needs to win again

>> No.2927653

I don't even agree with that guy but you need to shut the fuck up and get out, right now

>> No.2927666

This doesn't actually mean any of them are even being considered. It's just what some twat is taking odds on.

The Nobel Prize Committee doesn't give a shit about Murakami (quite rightly.)

>> No.2927670

Which poet?

>> No.2927674

Pynchon has a much more notable distinction though.

>Gravity's Rainbow shared the 1974 National Book Award with A Crown of Feathers and Other Stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer (split award).[2] That same year, the Pulitzer Prize fiction panel unanimously recommended Gravity's Rainbow for the award, but the Pulitzer board vetoed the jury's recommendation, describing the novel as "unreadable", "turgid", "overwritten", and in parts "obscene". (Kihss 1974) (No Pulitzer Prize for Fiction was awarded and finalists were not announced before 1980.)

Let's see Murakami write something so distasteful that he's awarded a major medal only to be denied by the final committee.

>> No.2927672

Any poet, as long as it's a poet

>> No.2927680

Do people even talk enough about any particular poet anymore?

>> No.2927682


>> No.2927699
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 24355188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol scrolled down the comments and expected some rage and got some:

>Haruki Murakami does not lead the race for the Nobel Prize for Literature.

As is perfectly clear to anyone, this list of nominees is not presented by the Swedish Academy in Stockholm which awards the prize.

This fake list of fake nominees is presented by Ladbrokes, a London betting business.

The nominees for the prize are not officially revealed for 50 years. Nobody, except the members of the Swedish Academy, knows who are the nominees this year.

Of course, some writers mentioned here could very well be legitimate nominees. However, Haruki Murakami is not. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of literature would find this idea utterly laughable. It's almost like saying Paulo Coelho or Dan Brown could be candidates for a serious literary prize.

Murakami writes superficial adolescent fluff and I suspect the only reason this grubby little betting firm puts him on these lists, year after year, is that they want to profit from his worldwide popularity and therefore motivate more people to give them their money, by indulging in a tasteless and morally repugnant practice of betting on the winner of a respected literary prize.

>> No.2927703

Name two.

>> No.2927701

Which should be perfectly clear to everyone in the world. But apparently not for whatever Guardian hack wrote that piece.

>> No.2927704

>It's almost like saying Paulo Coelho or Dan Brown could be candidates for a serious literary prize.

Yeah, this. No Nobel for Murakami. Not this one.

>> No.2927714

Try the two poets that are highest on taht ladbrokes thing

>> No.2927719

Les Murray is a poet but I dont know shit about him. Unlikely he'll win anytime soon though.

>> No.2927721

Who cares what you know?

>> No.2927724

Not the Nobel committeeee thats for sure. Umm do you want to be friends?

>> No.2927726


>> No.2927727

Why not? I like you.

>> No.2927809


Offer him anal sex with your younger brother. This is 4chan after all.

>> No.2927873

Achebe isn't even bad, his political agenda just happens to be something most of /lit/ finds repulsive. His argument against Heart of Darkness does stem from a faulty premise though.

>> No.2927875

>Does anyone in this board actually read?
Of course not. None of the hobby boards are very good at their respective hobbies.

>> No.2928151

If this is true, then our cultural taste are decided (and will from now on be decided) by men and women whose aesthetic appreciation stopped developing in adolescence. I see it all the time where I live, and I'm prepared for a life of mediocre, meaningless art being praised, while writers like Pynchon will be dead, gone, and forgotten by all except for the few who know what beauty really means by having read novels with actual value. I don't care if you disagree with me, if you do, I don't think anything you have to say concerning art is valuable and you probably have plenty of supporters anyway because our world is filled with frivolous people who think they're esthetes because they have an internet connection and a meaningless life devoted to pursuing meaningless art that reassures the value of their meaningless life. I'm looking at you Tao Lin advocates and people who don't see the irony behind Hipster Runoff.

>> No.2928154

Give it to Tao Lin

>> No.2928153

art is a lost cause.

>> No.2928155

>using needless alternate spellings
>liek dis if ur 14 and think older music is way better!!!!
Yeah, no, go suck a dick. You've said literally nothing there. I bet you're the kind of faggot who dislikes minimalism but would wank himself dry to Eliot shitting in a bucket.

>> No.2928156

i'm also sick of american "punk" bands who come from the suburbs and play terrible music, but they're punk because they have tattoos.

>> No.2928160

>Yeah, no, go suck a dick.

this is the product of what that guy is talking about. kindly gain self-awareness.

>> No.2928162

you're terrible.

>> No.2928163

also, what the hell are you talking about, anyway?

>> No.2928164

>heehee i shan't point out the connection because there's none there I'll just say that he's part of the problem heehee that hasn't been specified heeheeehheee only hinted at heehee give me more dicks to suck hahehehaheheheeeheee

>> No.2928165

when does school start back up again?

>> No.2928167

you probably think about suicide often. do it.

>> No.2928169

>hoo i've got nothing best mention sunshine hoohoo kill yourself man you've got nothing hoohoohoo

>> No.2928197

bitch shouldn't get shit until he apologises for 1Q84

>> No.2928240

Do you think Krasznahorkai stands a chance? Satantango was translated to English this year, so maybe his name will be fresher in the committee's mind?

>> No.2928257

When will you apologise for your /lit/ posts?

>> No.2928263
File: 31 KB, 500x329, Now_this_is_podracing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobel Laureate Manager 2012

>> No.2928266

Sunburst writes:
"Haruki Murakami does not lead the race for the Nobel Prize for Literature.

As is perfectly clear to anyone, this list of nominees is not presented by the Swedish Academy in Stockholm which awards the prize.

This fake list of fake nominees is presented by Ladbrokes, a London betting business.

The nominees for the prize are not officially revealed for 50 years. Nobody, except the members of the Swedish Academy, knows who are the nominees this year.

Of course, some writers mentioned here could very well be legitimate nominees. However, Haruki Murakami is not. Anyone with the slightest knowledge of literature would find this idea utterly laughable. It's almost like saying Paulo Coelho or Dan Brown could be candidates for a serious literary prize.

Murakami writes superficial adolescent fluff and I suspect the only reason this grubby little betting firm puts him on these lists, year after year, is that they want to profit from his worldwide popularity and therefore motivate more people to give them their money, by indulging in a tasteless and morally repugnant practice of betting on the winner of a respected literary prize."

I think he sums things up well.

>> No.2928321

So /lit/, who is actually worthy of 2012 Nobel Prize?

>> No.2928331

Any answer other than Pynchon is the work of a bitter fool

>> No.2928338

Oh, John Ashbery is in the list. I'd like him to win.

I might actually place a £1 bet or something. Thoughts on the chances?

>> No.2928341

Pynchon has better odds than Ashbery.

>> No.2928379

>/lit/ knows 3 authors

>> No.2928381

> thinking the Nobel is based on odds

No. They'll select some semi-obscure continental writer that has firm political convictions. Somebody who says "financial crisis is bad we're living in a new age guise."

>> No.2928393

Pynchon doesn't want it.

>> No.2928397

I want Pynchon to get so he rejects it.

>> No.2928401
File: 72 KB, 562x344, dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


at least they're 3 good authors

>> No.2928418

Bullshit. Murakami is a fantastic author. The fact that you now see yourself as having finished your adolescence and so want to pretend you never had anything to do with that period of your life, and decry everything connected to it as lesser than the totally adult things you enjoy now because you are an adult, has no fucking effect on Murakami's quality. It is a pathetic, reductive argument.

>> No.2928422

>not wanting Pynchon to get it

>> No.2928439
File: 8 KB, 220x175, Taolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2928441

0/10 See me after class.

>> No.2928442

Tell that to Japan.

>> No.2928732

People only know about him because of the movies, so no

>> No.2928735

Ashbery is probably the one American poet who deserves it. Maybe even the most deserving American of all

>> No.2928760


> It's main point is that Brazilians, while pregnant with spirit, fail miserably at everything and become a poor parody of Europeans

... What? Where the fuck did the book imply this thought? Are you on drugs or something?

>> No.2931002
File: 96 KB, 785x800, murakami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2931005

I'd also have liked Berryman to win, although he dead.