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File: 188 KB, 640x564, Swimming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2921175 No.2921175 [Reply] [Original]

Hey anon put down the nerdy book and come swimming with us!

>> No.2921187
File: 23 KB, 246x262, platon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all bitches can't even grasp my superior understanding of love.

>> No.2921194

>caring about love when you can bury your face betwixt their buttocks


>> No.2921199

>tfw Plato obtained wizard status at his 30th year of virginity

>> No.2921198

Neither one of them is even remotely attractive.

>> No.2921208

Didn't he have like 3 sons or some shit? Regardless, if he lived like the philosopher king he talked about he should have been getting bitches all day erryday!

>> No.2921207

A beautiful whore is like poisoned honey.

>> No.2921214

Plato regarded love as a hindrance
Tough not to I guess what with tales of Helen and entire nations torn asunder over a woman. Needless to say I'll be staying dry.

>> No.2921264


A hindrance? Not really, I think. At least Phaedrus indicates otherwise.

>> No.2921269


Socrates viewed love as something bad.

>> No.2921276

Would you copulate with them though? I mean, fast food isn't particularly attractive either, but sometimes under the right circumstances it can be what you need.

Please appreciate skanks as fulfilling a vital function in our sexual ecosystem and do not dismiss them because they aren't a Michelin star gourmet dinner.

It's like having to choose between living in a mansion and being homeless. There's plenty of nice stuff in between.

>> No.2921299

No thanks.

>> No.2921314

that tattoo on the chick on the left ruins it for me. her or second from left are the only bangable ones unless you're an ugly bro unlike myself.

tattoos tell me one thing only. they say how superficial (literally, it can mean skin deep) you are.

>> No.2921313

"And it is then that the soul of the philosopher most disdains the body, flees from it, and seeks to be by itself?" (Plato, Phaedo, (i)d(i))

>> No.2921315


In the right circumstance I would copulate with them probably. But if you want to refrain from apathic cultural relativism you don't answer questions while thinking about yourself in every possible emotional circumstance, you think about yourself as you want to view yourself and how you (hopefully) are most of the time. Hence my answer.

>> No.2921327

"Will then a true lover of wisdom, who has a similar hope and knows that he will never find it to any extent except in Hades, be resentful of dying and not gladly undertake the journey thither?" (Plato, Phaedo, 68(i)b(i))

>> No.2921329


Yeah, you're right, that's why you're wearing a potatosack, doesn't shave or comb, only shower when your own smell begins to be a hindrance, and eat well only for your own comfort. Nice one Diogenes.

>The only difference between tattooed people and non-tattooed people is tattooed people don't care if you are not tattooed.

>> No.2921337

"Our sense perceptions must surely make us realize that all that we perceive through them is striving to reach that which is Equal but falls short of it; or how do we express it?" (Plato Phaedo 75(i)b(i))

>> No.2921340
File: 522 KB, 3000x2250, pretty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? We knew you'd like it

>> No.2921343
File: 30 KB, 467x684, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care if you're tattooed. i just said it comes across as superficial. i'm not interesting in telling people what to do with their bodies. people have a right to be superficial.

>> No.2921344

Goddamn you're superficial

>> No.2921348

i'd really like to slide my penis in between their titties. i'd take them by turn. then the far left and far right can each suck a ball each while the middle two work on my shaft. that shit would be the fucking bomb, right?

>> No.2921350

no. you are. i did the calculations just now.

>> No.2921352

"Well then, that being so, is it not natural for the body to dissolve easily, and for the soul to be altogether indissoluble, or nearly so?" (Plato Phaedo 80(i)b(i))

>> No.2921354

Who says we both can't be

>> No.2921355
File: 10 KB, 350x350, Diorama II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it's a clever and super cool tatt like this one?

>> No.2921359

"We must believe, my friend, that this bodily element is heavy, ponderous, earthy, and visible. Through it, such a soul has become heavy and is dragged back to the visible region in fear of the unseen and of Hades." (81(i)c(i))
Enter the Gita upstage

>> No.2921365

you're right. we both are. there is no escape. but there is a difference in being superficial and trying to not be as superficial. that's the best anyone can do i guess.

i realize that people do stupider things and spend their money in stupider ways than tattoos so i don't care as much as you might think. i've never in my life saw or considered a tattoo worth getting. my opinions...oh boy.

>> No.2921371

>but there is a difference in being superficial and trying to not be as superficial
not in reality

>> No.2921375

get it if it makes you feel impressive i guess. i don't know.

>> No.2921380

I've always considered myself humble in my tastes. I like cheap drink and food and shitty housing. I enjoy wifebeaters and ragged clothes. Then I've asked myself, if the simple joys are so pleasant, what is keeping me from indulging in the more simple pleasures when it concerns sex? This is one of the things most people are very picky about. When we eat kebab after a night on the town we don't think less of ourselves. What's wrong with going with some nice homely girl, both enjoying yourselves for a night?

People are less stuck up about sex than ever, but they still consider their sexual partners an achievement, something that reflects one status. Something for the resume. If we loosen up a bit, we can all have a better time.

Not that I mean to deride the ladies as something shitty to consume and do away with. I'm sure I've slept with women who consider me below their greater ambitions. But if you enjoy it, what's the problem?

>> No.2921382

To be honest, i'd probably only fuck the hispanic-looking one. The rest are mediocre as fuck

>> No.2921384

some kid crying over the coolest shoes that everyone is wearing

a self reliant adult having to compromise being "fashionable" with what is practical and affordable.

also consider that there aren't really self-proclaimed ascetics who are children.

>> No.2921392

The first letter after a period must be written in capitals, you uncivilized baboon.

>> No.2921403

"They sing before too, but when they realize that they must die they sing most and most beautifully, as they rejoice that they are about to depart and join the god whose servants they are. But men, because of their own fear of death, tell lies about the swans and say that they lament their death and sing in sorrow. They do not reflect that no bird sings when it is hungry or cold or suffers in any other way, neither the nightingale nor the swallow not the hoopoe, though they do say that these sing laments when in pain. Nor do the swans, but I believe that as they belong to Apollo, they are prophetic, have knowledge of the future, and sing of the blessings of the underworld, sing and rejoice on that day what they did before." (85(i)b(i))

>> No.2921404

if it must be then how is it happening, idiot? you. can't. stop. me.

yeah. you looked, faggot. i knew you would.

>> No.2921409

You can always tell the European girls from the American ones, even if both are racially the same and culturally pretty similar. Something subtle about the allure of the Euro girls. They're...classier?

>> No.2921435


I would agree with you most of the time. It is just my idealism, my wish to achieve a better (less stuck up btw) world by setting an example. It has something to do with the way those girls degrade themselves as tools for pleasure, or at least, live up to that image.

I don't eat kebab after a night out for about the same reason. I can do without, and I want to do without, like I want to do without the carnal interaction with the likes of those girls.

With that said, i'm liberal enough to let everyone have their own pleasure, and not think less of them most off the time. There is a line between indulging in all that is easy to achieve and hedonism. A line between perhaps a sort of civil way of indulging?

>> No.2921437

Nerdy book or cheap tanned skanks?

Imma gon go with my nerdy book ladies. Enjoy the pissed in pool for hicks.

>> No.2921448

>getting trolled by /sp/

>> No.2921451


Now that girl second from the left I can get into. I really enjoy those pearl earrings. If only the necklace was pearl as well.

>> No.2921464

I don't really understand what you're getting at.

I'm an idealist too, but I wish to live a simple life that is free from strange hang-ups and the anxiety of our general social game. I don't feel those girls degrade themselves, by the way. At least not more than I degrade myself when I try to entice women to come home with me. We all try to seduce people. If one does that in a pencil skirt and a pair of Louboutins at an art gallery or with a trampstamp and a cleavage in a divebar doesn't really alter the situation. It's just different advertising, the motive remains the same.

I do without junkfood too, but with women it is different. That was my original comparison of course, for which I was wrong. Junk food and good food have different effects on ones well being. Gourmet food and simple peasant cuisine do not. The same goes for mingling with higher or lower class people. It's not that one is more detrimental than the other, it's just a different flavour.

That said, I can see that you have some ideal for yourself (that is probably partly aesthetic) that leads you to not want to be a person frolicking around with skanks. My ideal is that I do so, in addition to frolicking around with other types as well. I believe life to be lived best as a cheerful rake, and doing so includes enjoying all kinds of fruits, not in restricting myself to the ones of a certain (ideological) status. I'd rather happily pluck around me as I ramble along.

>> No.2921500

>being a slave to passion

>> No.2921505

>lets blame women because we are fucking retarded

fucking hate you all, fucking humans

>> No.2921503
File: 67 KB, 600x620, stirner12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being enslaved to idea(l)s

>> No.2921512

I out of my own free will choose to be enslaved by this ideal.

>deal with it

>> No.2921513

>ignoring harmless impulses and denying your physiology
The last thing you'll hear a dying person say; "I regret having all that sex"

>> No.2921516

You don't know me.

you simple minded projecting fool.

go live in a zoo and i'll use you as target practice since you love being a shit throwing monkey so much

I got better things to do, sex is a waste of time unless it is with someone you love (love is obviously an alien concept to a sociopath like you but i'm even more hardcore so i only know it on an intellectual basis because i'm a psychopath)

>> No.2921528

"Of all my raving the harvest is shame,
And to repent, and clearly understand
That what pleases on earth is a swift dream." (Petrarch I, 12-14)

>> No.2921529
File: 301 KB, 336x391, 1333238800850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2921530

Once you are enslaved you are no longer capable of releasing yourself from it as you please. You have now sacrificed your free will and in the future become a slave of a past choice.

>> No.2921533

Thank you, I needed that.

>> No.2921539
File: 52 KB, 300x225, tomaids.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2921542

Easy killer vital missed point
>In our race to the feminist corner lets assume that not only is love only present between a man and a woman (in a Greek context no less than 4) but also that these philosophers to whom Plato keeps referring cannot be women themselves.
>fucking non-humans
Please don't argue for pro-fem anymore you're male bashing is thinly veiled bigotry

>> No.2921540

I am not my physiology.

go back to /sci/ you never contribute anything other than your ultra-materialistic beliefs
you probably think camus is a good writer

fucking normal

>> No.2921545
File: 72 KB, 600x682, tedbundy%20%281%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate all humyns equally.

>> No.2921554

>nerds acting like they won't to fuck these girls with the deepest of desire

>> No.2921564

"O what an honor is it, to restrane
The lust of lawless youth with good advice:
Or pricke them forth with pleasurance of thy vaine,
Whereto thou list their trayned wills entice" (Spenser Shephearde's Calendar 21-24)

>> No.2921569

>typehater squashing all our various shades into a single grey something or other

>> No.2921573

>hating ted bundy

>> No.2921577

I doubt over Zorastrianism that anyone has gone swimming.
Wanted to score one captcha's recommending I score 3

>> No.2921580

I have self harm scars on my upper arms. Can't go swimming, it's embarrassing.

>> No.2921592

"Because every pleasure or pain provides, as it were, another nail to rviet the soul to the body and to weld them together" (Plato Phaedo 83 (i)d(i))

>> No.2921599
File: 10 KB, 259x194, Reading Rainbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But don't take my word for it go swim with the swans

>> No.2921603

I hate girls that look ready to go clubbing at a moment's notice

>> No.2921615

Doesn't mean you can't fuck them. And more importantly, there's nothing wrong with having fun. It's okay for people to have different interests than you. As long as they're not bad people, (I'll grant you a decent amount of them are, but not all) why do you care?

>> No.2921641


I don't care, just making a passing comment

>> No.2923162

Those girls are fucking hideous, except for the one on the far left. I'll stick with my book.

>> No.2923171
File: 51 KB, 640x480, basementdweller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first one? Gawd, i'd turn them all down. I only like girls that are absolutely perfect like the ones on my television, I have such high standars coz I never really spoked to gurls, only have the ones on my tv.

Pic is me btw.

>> No.2923173

spoken like a true virgin

>> No.2923186

>when people who are a lot more attractive than you are considered hideous

>> No.2923199

Nobody ITT things those birds are hideous. They are revolted at themselves because in reality, they would blush, mumble and stutter something about food, then run out of there to the quiet sanctuary of their parents house, where the would masturbate furiously to the mental image of what they would have done if they had confidence.

>> No.2923208

i remember being a virgin and thinking that. i miss those days. ;_;

>> No.2924135

I can't swim.

>> No.2924157
File: 181 KB, 363x321, 1342495674340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trashy tattoo
>weird piercing
>huge nose
>no lips
4*[2/10 would not bang]

>> No.2924171


pretty sure we can't smoke at this pool. you're gonna get us kicked out

>> No.2924193

whatever fag
to other people I've always been a lonely antisocial faggot and I don't really enjoy going out and listening to other people talking about their shit, but i've been lucky enough to fuck a few chicks and sometimes when I'm home alone i just want to have a chick riding on my cock and having my dick swallowed by a nice pussy

I have a gf that I like (not really love) but sometimes i feel like calling another girl and bring her home and fuck her, it just feels good

sorry if you don't enjoy the experience broski but no fapping can beat having a girl jumping on your lap and enjoying your dick like there's no tomorrow

>> No.2924205


Pretty sure these are all the same person. The grammar is strikingly similar.

>> No.2924381
File: 25 KB, 340x340, erichfromm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking about love
>not bringin Fromm up
>2012 year of our Lord

captcha: that ishinfi, lol'd