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/lit/ - Literature

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2920959 No.2920959 [Reply] [Original]


All feedback appreciated...donations super fucking appreciated. Help a brother out /lit/!

>> No.2920988

Why do you need $25,000?

>> No.2920985

I'm not donating but here's the thought process I went through
>$25 for a PDF
>No thanks.

>> No.2920994

>(...) What is important is the story I have to tell. A story of warriors, goblins, and that awkward night when Grandma forgot to knock and caught you masturbating to that drawing of the elven maiden and her warhorse.
>(...) One would have thought that Tolkien would have had at least a moment to describe orc cock. It's the elephant in the room.

Does anybody find this even remotely funny?

>> No.2921007

Do you really need 25 grand for this?

>> No.2921014

>Give talentless white people the ability to make easy money without working.

Also, PDF.
He wants money for a pdf which costs nothing to make. Hahahahahaha, fucking lazy nigga.

>> No.2921020

Why don't you just write the book? That's usually how these things work- write a book, find an agent or self-publish, then receive any income from it. No one's going to give a stranger money just because he has an idea for a book like every other fucking person on the internet. We could just go read Oglaf and get our fantasy dick jokes for free.

>> No.2921035

Normally when authors ask for money on kickstarter the novel is finished or almost near completion. The costs are then known to go into publishing and so forth.

You are essentially asking people to give you 25,000 for a story idea which is ridiculous. If for some insane reason you get enough money then you will have to fulfill your pledge otherwise you will face a hefty legal lawsuit.

>> No.2921044

>If for some insane reason you get enough money then you will have to fulfill your pledge otherwise you will face a hefty legal lawsuit.
Tell that to Animal Collective's DEAKIN

Also, the thing about this is that he can make a PDF of a very shitty novel and send it out.
$25,000 later he wont give a fuck if people drag his name in the mud.

>> No.2921048
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OP, that is one of the worst ideas for a novel I've ever heard. You should be trying to get people to give you money not to write it.

>> No.2921050
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Rainbow turd with no sense of humour. It's painfully obvious the guy put in a goal of 25,000 only to make sure he'll never reach it - and everyone silly enough to back him gets refunded.

>> No.2921054

> i need money to write a book

No you don't.
Pencils and paper cost close to nothing.

>> No.2921247

How is everyone taking this seriously? Y'all got trolled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2921268


$0 pledged

Troll unsuccessful

>> No.2921278
File: 485 KB, 193x135, wtf am i reading.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One would have thought that Tolkien would have had at least a moment to describe orc cock. It's the elephant in the room.

stopped reading here, you are no brother of mine

>> No.2921294

>Just write the book
>Implying time is not money
>Implying you know anything about book writing and its costs
fuck off back to /b/

>> No.2921324


Yeah man, ink and shit is prolly expensive.

Also, if I wanted to give money to an egotist with a domineering sense of self worth I'd give money to the homeless outside my flat. At least he screams when I pay him.

>> No.2921330
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dis guy knows wassup

>> No.2921338


That's exactly how writing works, you silly goose. It takes an average of about seven years to become a full time writer from your first published novel. You don't just announce you are now officially A Writer one day and expect the world to fund you for the next few years in hopes you will produce something. Take a look at author biographies some time- unless they're lucky enough to be rich or married to a wealthy partner, they typically wrote their debut novel in their spare time while working at something else.

>> No.2921368
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>> No.2921370

Fuck that kickstarter shit is such a scam site.
>guise I create a movie with my camera directed by me, the actors are me and my brother, gimme 40k please

>> No.2921413

oh my god Giada has such great tits

unh unh unh unh

>> No.2921809

I'll give you a bump.

>> No.2921846

>Dungeons and Dragons with dick jokes. Lord of the Rings with lesbian gnomes. Conan the Barbarian with venereal disease.

None of my money.

>> No.2921874

>Normally when authors ask for money on kickstarter the novel is finished or almost near completion. The costs are then known to go into publishing and so forth
Even then I don't really get it. Unless I'm wrong on this... you can format your masterwork and sell it on Amazon without much in the way of costs, right? What would you need Kickstarter for?

>> No.2921904

'Dungeons and Dragons with dick jokes. Lord of the Rings with lesbian gnomes. Conan the Barbarian with venereal disease.'

I will give you five dollars RIGHT NOW to never write this story and headbutt a metal spike.

>> No.2921917

It's always touching to see /lit/ unite against something it really, really hates. OP's godawful scam has done us all a favour.

>> No.2921940

op, if you're serious about this you should write like a chapter or so that reddit and slashdot and all those types of nerds REALLY like and then after that put out a sob story about being too poor to finish writing it

>> No.2921971

>implying OP can write a chapter

>> No.2923587

>So, the cost of self publication will be about 25,000 if I do this as an e-book
yall gettin' trolled, dudes