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/lit/ - Literature

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2918802 No.2918802 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2918806

i'm so mad right now

>> No.2918807

Good, except the first two.

I spend a lot of time here, and I can't say I've ever seen a thread about Dune or Blood Meridian.

>> No.2918811

Wut? There are Blood Meridian threads all the time. Dune, not so much. I chalk that one up to tourists from other boards.

Anyway, no /lit/core is complete without Ulysses.

>> No.2918813


there was a thread about blood meridian last week - something baout who was the judge....i only remember because of the creepy picture attached t it...also threads about blood meridian and dune are way better than the amount of Stephen King threads that were here late last week....I cringed hard

>> No.2918815

Yeah, I guess I've seen some.

But yeah, where's Ulysses.

>> No.2918823

This was compiled by a survey done at the apex of Summer.
No way does it represent true /lit/-core.

>> No.2918834

Jesus Christ

>> No.2918836
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>> No.2918837

Missing Orwell

>> No.2918840

Except this list was made from a survey /lit/users took, not just a collage of accomplished writers.

>> No.2918841

Promote Kafka and demote DFW and we're good.

>> No.2918846

This is actually good, barring DFW.

>> No.2918852

Does it say "Official Universe Ranking of Authors?"

No, it says: "Essential /lit/core"

It only makes sense that it would be decided by /lit/erati.

>> No.2918856

surveys are tainted by tourists and trolls.

>> No.2918858

Other then DFW, this seems pretty /lit/ accurate.

>> No.2918873

people hate on Chuck because they never thought about Fight Club themselves.

>> No.2918874

but DFW is one of /lit/'s favourite authors.

>> No.2918879 [DELETED] 

Lurk more.

DFW is popular, but not as popular as you'd think.

>> No.2918881


Nigga, DFW is the Jeff Mangum or Gaben of this board, and don't even try to tell anyone otherwise.

>> No.2918885
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>> No.2918886

DFW was always really popular here, and the trolling began with people talking shit about him because he was mentioned daily. This started a couple years ago.

>> No.2918888

This is more accurate

>> No.2918889

>Lurk more.

>implying I don't spend upwards of 5 hours on /lit/ every day

>> No.2918897


>> No.2918893

The thing is, DFW may be popular but he's not as well like here as a Nabokov or Pynchon, which is the criteria for tier selection.

>> No.2918894


I can deal with this.

>> No.2918900

I love how the Pleb tier is the only one with color photos.

>> No.2918902

I want to cuddle Pynchon so hard. No homo.

>> No.2918903

I bet there are more DFW fans than fans of either of those two on here. There's jut also more haters.

Prior to about last winter there were a lot less DFW haters, too. They only seemed to pop up when the Hunger Games and GRRM kiddies started joining the board en masse.

>> No.2918905

But DFW is more divisive than either of those.

>> No.2918909

What the...?
Popularity = being well-liked. Pretty sure they're synonymous.
People are less outspoken about DFW now because they're tired of the trolls, or worse, the sincere dickheads who will jump down their throat about it.
There's absolutely no way to tell who's better regarded, anyhow, because everybody just makes shit up anyhow, your entire argument is ridiculous, the original image was based on a survey and that's why DFW was where he was in the image.

>> No.2918910

DFW became proper meme-material around December when someone posted a thread with "Post images of your copies of Infinite Jest" and the thread got >300 replies.

>> No.2918911

50 James of Grey is a popular topic here, but you far from well liked.

>> No.2918915

> your entire argument is ridiculous, the original image was based on a survey and that's why DFW was where he was in the image.
Just so we're clear, you're arguing someone is less well-liked/popular than he's indicated to be by an image which is based on an actual survey of /lit/ participants.
Your point is that your conjecture based on nothing but a personally-motivated guess is obviously a better standard of criteria than a simple counting of "yea"s.

>> No.2918919

>50 James of Grey is a popular topic here,
Bullshit, don't try that dodgy crap, it's a _notorious topic_ on here.
We're talking about an _author_ being _popular_.

>> No.2918920

That's been going on since before the last infinite summer.

>> No.2918922

DFW is /lit/'s favourite author. Deal w/ it, nerds.

>> No.2918924

Prove it, without samefagging.

>> No.2918927
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>> No.2918932

Y'know, why not just have a new survey and make a new one?

>> No.2918933

haha, nice one.

>> No.2918937

Why go to all that trouble just because of one author? Wouldn't that, if anything, prove his importance to our community anyhow?

>> No.2918941

A better DFW would be the Pale King. More ambitious, less literary pocket-pool.

>> No.2918946

Well, IIRC this is a bit outdated.

>> No.2918950

It says August 2012 there right on it.

>> No.2918953

they hate on him because his is a self-indulgent pleb, who relies on tons and tons of glib refrains that amount to little more than thousands of semen stains on a (sometimes) decent story idea.

>> No.2918958

it's too unfinished. i'm a huge dfw but that book genuinely disappointed me.

>> No.2918959

Maybe this one could be kept up longer, perhaps even stickied.

>> No.2918962

If there's any movement behind it, I'd make a survey.

>> No.2918965

This is acceptable.

>> No.2918969

Do it.

>> No.2918972
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>> No.2918979

Go for it. Hell, with /q/, we might be able to get a sticky.

>> No.2918982

No sticky please. There's enough of those.

>> No.2918985

Alright then.

>> No.2919483


Since what? May 2012. You've been here all summer I bet. Now you can get the fuck out with all this DFW bullshit.

>> No.2919487


>> No.2919499

It's okay, but I wouldn't call it /lit/core

>> No.2919505

you shouldn't call anything /lit/core because it's a dumb concept and no one should have anything to do with it

>> No.2919540

this list is bullshit

/lit/core is the entire oeuvre of machado de assis

prove me wrong

>> No.2919545
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Embrace the triad.

>> No.2919597

It's amusing to see 4chan's literature board not know the difference between popular and famous.

>> No.2919639

What are these about anyways?

>> No.2919642

They're pretty dense, but also funny. Intellectual toilet humour.

>> No.2919645

It's amusing to see someone on 4chan's literature board not know the difference between a single person and one board on an imageboard.

>> No.2919663

Consider The Lobster > everything

>> No.2919680

>All this Novel-faggotry
>sticking Philip K. Dick down there with the also-rans

>> No.2919724

Anybody other than Bret Easton Ellis write about yuppie dickheads? I'm trying to find materials to read for the basis of a character.

>> No.2919732

This is litcore.
Middle aged dude walks around Dublin, drugged out wacko Rocketman wanders around postwar Europe, Bostonians play tennis and do drugs.

>> No.2919746


I don't agree with all of this, but I think it reflects /lit/'s opinions pretty well. I feel like maybe pleb tier should be split into two categories: popular/"mainstream" fiction that /lit/ generally likes (I think GRRM and BEE fall into this category) and doesn't like (SMeyer, Tao Lin).

>> No.2919776

Did you read the notes section? Wallace Intended to create setups for things that never happen ("things threaten to happen, but never really do").

I think if people didn't know that it was unfinished and took it on its own terms, they wouldn't be complaining so much. Everytime I read something like what you said I always hear it in a nasally whiny voice

>> No.2919780

Is Infinite Jest truly well regarded here? I don't visit /lit/ often.

It's abysmal.

>> No.2919787

David Foster Wallace is one of my favorite writers and there's nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.2919792


He won't be your favourite writer when you're dead.

>> No.2919833

I have never heard a well-reasoned argument against Infinite Jest.
Anyone want to change that?

>> No.2919840


Its bad and your dumb and I hate you.

>> No.2919844

no but rly

>> No.2919845

I have never heard a well reasoned argument that wasn't flagrant Will to Power, and often enough, blinkered Will to Power, incapable of realising what Power really is - certainly not holding forth in a well reasoned way over the internet.

>> No.2919867

Everything is will to power.

>> No.2919898

Let's see how I score.

Second half of highschool.
Middle school
6th grade
>Brave New World
5th grade
6th grade
>Crime and Punishment
Second half of high school


Pretty average. Apparently I was a very well read twelve year old. I got expelled from my school for getting into fights before we were supposed to read Catcher, but I wouldn't have read that book anyway. I have a copy of Gravity's Rainbow that I got for free, but it's buried in my three-deep two and a half foot tall stack of "shit I own but haven't read."

>> No.2919912

best post itt

>> No.2919925
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Why doesn't Mishima get any respect from this board?

>> No.2919933

Mishima gets tonnes of respect here. That's an incredibly old chart.

>> No.2919938

>I got expelled from my school for getting into fights

talk about pathetic.

>I'm very well-read, I just can't keep from hurting people.

>> No.2919943


Is August 2012 old enough for you?

>> No.2919950

I don't know anyone that likes Hesse.
Siddhartha is incredibly confused. It attempts to be some kind of digestion of Hinduism/Early Buddhism, but, uhh... no, it doesn't work.
Hesse made an attempt, and the same indophilia that consumed Heinrich Zimmer consumed him. It ruined him.

>> No.2919965


To be fair, I went to a pretty shitty school and everyone got into fights constantly. Either you stomped ass or got your ass stomped.

This was a place where a pregnant girl accused of "man-stealing" was beaten so severely that an ambulance had to be called and a teacher had to go home to change because he was literally covered in blood just from pulling her unconscious body out of the melee. One of her attackers had grabbed her by the ends of her braids and ripped about 75% of her scalp off. It was hands down the worst fight of that day. Second place went to the senior who got beaten with a chair by a freshman, third to the kid who got his face smashed into a water fountain until his nose broke.

I'm glad I'm not in high school anymore.

>> No.2919968

I have more general issue with this list. I don't like that we call it /lit/core. That's obviously stealing music terminology. There has to be something more /lit/ focused that we could use.

>> No.2919975


My beef with it is that it just sounds plain weird.

>> No.2919978

I do, Siddhartha is confusing and I didn't like it that much. Try Demian, so more gloomy and depressing and overrall a better read

>> No.2920537

the novel didn't even reach the part where he set up things that were never going to happen, though. the plot doesn't even exist outside of the draft notes. tpk as we know it is nothing more than a series of excerpts from a potentially excellent book.

and who's complaining? from what i've seen critics and readers are absolutely lapping it up -- that's why my expectations were so high. it says on the blurb that it's basically complete and even better than infinite jest. i bet that if wallace had lived to finish the book, it would have ended up even bigger than infinite jest. that's how unfinished i think this 500 page snippet is.

>> No.2920568
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Bad old one I saved.

>> No.2920586
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>> No.2920845

Why to Hemingway or Faulkner?

>> No.2920882

So I'm a dirty pleb if I've read most of the demigod and higher tiers, but also enjoy Chuck Palahniuk's novels from time to time?

>> No.2920883
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>> No.2920918

yes. consider suicide.

>> No.2920963


No Shakespeare, Fitzgerald, Tolstoy, etc. either.

It's a "-core" list which ranks authors into "tiers". What did you expect?
It was created for people who don't read and for people/autists from /mu/. Don't take it too seriously.

>> No.2920970
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>> No.2920974

I'm not offended, just curious why he took Hemingway off.

>> No.2920979

I think it's criminal that "Infinite Jest" is considered to be some modern apex of literature.

In fact, that "Gravity's Rainbow" is placed below DFW's minimus opus is horrendously misguided.

>> No.2920984

Stendhal is great and all, but it's not really an accurate representation of /lit/'s attitude towards him to put him up there. Hemingway and Faulkner probably belong on the list in truth (esp. Faulkner), but I opted for guys who I felt were more unique to our own personal canon like Hamsun and Celine instead.

It's not about the "best" it's about /lit/'s favourites, as determined by the frequency and zeal with which they are discussed here. Is this really such a hard concept to grasp?