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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 314x400, aleister-crowley_profile_from_vanity_fair_magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2917906 No.2917906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Aleister Crowley?

>> No.2917913

I tried his writings when I was 16, on a big "paranormal" binge - you know, when you download these massive "FORBIDDEN"-torrents which are full of antisemitic shit about time-traveling future-people or something.

Anyhow, I think I bought 1 book, it made no sense at all, lots of non-sensical ramblings and few truths. Would not recommend.

>> No.2917917

Forgot: The book was "The Book of Lies"

>> No.2917918

I read some of his stuff and along with some neuro-linguistic programming stuff. I can pretty much seduce any woman I want now.

Crowley's teachings are pretty important if you can understand it. Of course to most people it will seem like rambling but to the initiated, it makes perfect sense.

>> No.2917919
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>> No.2917920

seriously, how am I supposed to believe that?

>> No.2917925

>I read some of his stuff and along with some neuro-linguistic programming stuff. I can pretty much seduce any woman I want now.



>> No.2917927

So does anybody have any real insight into his writings?

>> No.2917929

The Book of Lies is awful.

>> No.2917932

Define "real insights" - what do you want these insights to be about?

it's books on magic, they are by nature full of bollocks. The "curvaceous" style itself is kinda interesting, but gets boring after 200 pages or so.

Pro-Tip: You won't learn magic from these books.

>> No.2917935

You won't learn magic from these books without the proper accessories.

>> No.2917936

i wsh crmc mcrthy wud write a book bout magick.

>> No.2917939

I learned how to manipulate humans out of the Book of Law. And not in the influence manner but complete mind control.

The poster above was laughing when another claimed he could seduce women at command but I believe him as it's very much possible. Especially if he studied NLP as well.

I'd say do some research and read a couple of his books and see if it suits your needs

>> No.2917938

The preparations you need to learn magic are:

- your own head up your arse
- your brain in a glass, separate from your body so you don't think for yourself

>> No.2917941

fucking idiots and materialists in this thread

simply do not discuss him, you all have no fucking idea.
seriously, stick with your camus and shit

>> No.2917943


here's a collection of some of his writings if you're truly interested.

>> No.2917944
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>this thread

>> No.2917951
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How did you manipulate humans via The Book of Law? I'm reading now and I don't see anything that I could apply in this sense.

Does he get to the juicy stuff later?

>> No.2917956

"If you are on the Path, and see the Buddha walking towards you, kill him."

>> No.2917987

Great argument. You convinced me Crowley is not a crock full of shit.

>> No.2917989

I made a sigil that will kill this thread in a few days.

>> No.2917991

The poster to whom you are replying is unable to respond to your question. It's probably a good idea to leave this thread now.

>> No.2918007

You're not supposed to announce your sigils intent, newfag.


>> No.2918024

this isn't shit you can argue about on the internet and act like a total fucking new-atheist about it

not saying his stuff is bullshit or not but stop being so fucking autistic

>> No.2918028

This post made my day.

>> No.2918029
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>mfw /lit/ discussion on Crowley

>> No.2918030

anyone who complains about materialists always ends up sounding like a hipster upset that materialism is popular
if ghosts and spirit and special mind substances were real then it would be material.

>> No.2918036

I made another sigil earlier that makes sigils able to be announced. I'm a very powerful wizard.

>> No.2918037

My butthurt spell worked. Who's the magician now?

>> No.2918043

>implying that consisting out of matter is the criteria for things existing outside of materialistic worldviews
>dat rigid /sci/ mind

>> No.2918044

Your mom. She knows her way round a wand.

>> No.2918403



>> No.2918851

best thread in /lit/ for decades

>> No.2918859
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I used Crowley's methods and hypnotized my cats to lick spraycan-cheese off my asshole.
It really works!

>> No.2918870
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The only thing I've ever read by him is a small book of short stories he wrote, titled after The Golden Bough, called Golden Twigs.

It has short stories about modern women (contemporary to crowley) practicing rituals as described in the golden bough, as part of the plot of each story.

>> No.2918884
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Slight poet and overbearing practicer of "magick" who liked weird sex and found girls who could accommodate him. Broke near the end of his life was known to try and cadge drinks in the bar.

so much for "magick."

>> No.2919018
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>> No.2919066
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>> No.2919074

don't make fun of these guys, they're controlling my mind via the internet- it really works. I feel an overwhelming urge to be their obedient sex slave.

>> No.2919099

I just don't like the guy really. His philosophies and ideas aren't that bad at all. But the man himself was just bat shit insane. I don't mind the messages he had, but the way in which he presented them were terrible.

>> No.2919366

you mean dildos?

cause you're a faggot?

>> No.2919388

>non-sensical ramblings and few truths
>Book of Lies.
So...are blatant examples of irony not appreciated on /lit/ or do I have to come up with some witty remark in order to point it out?

>> No.2919443

kill yourself irl.