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File: 90 KB, 800x553, libertinism2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2916405 No.2916405 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /lit/,

I want to discuss libertinism, libertine literature and the libertine life with you.

At the moment I'm in the process of reading the complete works of the Marquis de Sade. I would like other recommendations in libertine literature from you. I would also like to know what you would think there's to be said for or against libertinism as a philosophy, and in how far many of you /lit/erati are living the debauched and decadent life yourself.

I think libertinism is the most sensible philosophy in our postmodern times, since a quest for pleasure doesn't require any truth values.

>> No.2916421

I think libertinism is an insensible philosophy because it too often leads to needless suffering in others.

>> No.2916423

>a quest for pleasure doesn't require any truth values.


>> No.2916430

It doesn't. If it feels good it feels good. Simple as that. From a hedonistic perspective living with illusions isn't necessarily problematic.

>> No.2916441

That's denying the physical components of the body. It feels good because molecules move around in a certain consistent pattern.

>> No.2916457

Libertinism is the proof of the bankruptcy of Western civilization. Bourgeois scum.

>> No.2916467

>implying I'm not lumpenproletariat

>> No.2916473
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while the libertarian sentiment is difficult to disagree with, and while it may have been subversive and even dangerous in it's time, it's an ultimately cheap transcendental fast-food philosophy without any good really writers to pull it from the flames.

>most sensible philosophy in our postmodern times
that title belongs to absurdism

>> No.2916474

Here's some contemporary libertine fiction from the list of winners of le Prix Sade:

2001 : Catherine Millet pour La Vie sexuelle de Catherine M.
2002 : Alain Robbe-Grillet pour C'est Gradiva qui vous appelle
2003 : Louis Skorecki pour Ils entreraient dans la légendre (Léo Scheer)
2004 : Ruwen Ogien pour Penser la pornographie (PUF)
2005 : Jean Streff pour Traité du fétichisme à l'usage des jeunes générations (Denoël)
2006 : Shozo Numa pour Yapou, bétail humain
2007 : Dennis Cooper pour Salopes (POL)
2008 : Charles Robinson pour Génie du proxénétisme (Seuil)
2009 : Stéphane Velut pour Cadence (Christian Bourgois)
2010 : Jacques Chessex pour Le dernier crâne de M. de Sade (Grasset)
2011 : Thomas Hairmont pour Le Coprophile (POL)

>> No.2916485

Applied libertinism would descend into anarchistic chaos in no time. There's a reason it doesn't have any application outside of the bedroom.

The only way it would work in reality would be if we'd create a sort of society in which seeking hedonistic pleasure wouldn't be for the pain of others and for the society itself. By that I mean, we need to invent those fuckawesome pleasure simulators from Minority Report. Being a girl and getting assfucked is my most desired fetish, but it will never happen ;_;

>> No.2916492

>Being a girl and getting assfucked is my most desired fetish, but it will never happen ;_;

whenever I'm on /lit/ and I read something like this, I know I'm among friends.

>> No.2916499


>> No.2916502
File: 17 KB, 460x276, father_fucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i never let something as silly as having a penis stop me.

>> No.2916503

what painting is that?

>> No.2916511

so wait, you're a girl and you're into anal. skype.

>> No.2916517

No homo

>> No.2916520
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his dream is to be a girl, but i admire your opportunism.

>> No.2916522

see that's just not true. The majority of the west is not prole. 40% of the wealth in the US is in 1% of the population. Meaning 99% of us are proles and have to make slave wages just to get by.

Hedonism is really the only sensible philosophy for the prole, cause fuck all -- responsibility is unnecessary for the commoner.

>> No.2916524

I think if I was actually a girl who was into anal I wouldn't be needing a simulator to get off, right? Unless I was really fat and ugly I guess.

This is something I'd like to see in Wall-E: The XXX Parody btw, if such a thing shall ever exist.

>> No.2916549

I find it silly how people admire the man's views when he basically wrote about raping kids

>> No.2916559

He also justifies it in an enticing manner.

>> No.2916554

it's transcendant adolescent bullshit, used universally by psychopaths to justify their hedonistic cowardice.

>> No.2916569

How so?

>> No.2916576
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having said that, it's pretty nice when your girlfriend reads a shit ton of de sade because she's trying to be edgy and suddenly wants to do anal all the time.

>> No.2916584

Didn't de Sade fuck his daughter?

>> No.2916601

That was Casanova. I think it was possible daughter too, but he's the one who's famous for saying something like you don't really know your daughter until you've fucked her.

>> No.2916643

What de sade should I give to my girlfriend to read?

>> No.2916650
File: 242 KB, 525x394, animal_collective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was philosophy of the boudoir that made her really crazy about it, but pretty much any will do.

>> No.2916655
File: 182 KB, 900x1005, sade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy of the Boudoir is a glorious book. Especially for women, I guess.

>> No.2916962

One of the works of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89douard-Henri_Avril

He's the boss of erotic illustration.

>> No.2917611
File: 50 KB, 600x425, TeenWolf-2x10_48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Plus, it's not practical. Step on a few people, and everyone will turn on you.

I love this reaction picture.

>> No.2918055

And what would the negative consequences of someone living a libertine life in a large metropolis be?

>> No.2918092

stop implying in this thread that fiction = reality. Most fetish are kept in the head. Also hedonism does not allways mean sadism or amoralism. That being said you should all read Epicurus's philosophy of hedonism.

>> No.2918105

Epicurus is a pretty cool guy but his monkish hedonism has neither the enticing roughness of ancient Cynicism nor the consequent balls out hedonism of Aristippus and his Cyrenaic bro's.

It really is kind of a boring Buddhism.

>> No.2918109

well his though is on maximizing pleasure and he thought that by postponing instant pleasure for a long-term pleasure (like making a career or something) will bring more pleasure. But I understand what you mean. He was more into theory than action.

>> No.2918110

Wouldn't making a career by very un-Epicurean? His idea of the good life was basically turning your back on society and living in a house with all your friends (including women and slaves and foreigners and such) and just chilling and taking it easy.

He was really quite the hippy.

>> No.2918120

you are right. the career thing was just a bad example for the long-term pleasure compared to short term pleasure.