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/lit/ - Literature

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2911968 No.2911968[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello. Does /lit/ know of any good books about magic/wizards? Not typical fantasy stuff like LOTR that includes wizards, but where wizards play a central part, or are revered as extremely powerful and dangerous?

>> No.2911977

You mean like... every fantasy novel?

>> No.2911978

>are revered as extremely powerful and dangerous?
you just described LOTR, you know that right?

>> No.2911994

Most fantasy doesn't revolve around the wizards though. I like the dynamic in LOTR where the wizards are legendary creatures, but it was mostly about the hobbit stopping the demon creature, featuring wizards.

>> No.2912019


>> No.2912035

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain

Only Wizard book I'll admit to reading.

>> No.2912038

I liked the earthsea novels when I was younger but I was pretty stupid so they might be shit. Cool mythos anyway.

>> No.2912075

R Scott Bakker's Second Apocalypse

>> No.2912083

Confirmed for not knowing shit about fantasy.

>> No.2912093

there's also the Gentlemen Bastards series, the 'wizards' in those books are called Bondsmages and they're a pretty big fucking deal

>> No.2912146

Dresden Files. It's set in modern times, main character is a wizard and does magic frequently and it has a coherent and established magic system and not "it's magic I ain't gotta explain shit"

>> No.2912151

Gene Wolfe, "Wizard/Knight" is exactly about that.

Also it is damn powerful literature and doesn't use genre tropes.

>> No.2912169

Harry Potter

>> No.2912171

I just finished Jack Vance's Rhialto the Marvellous. It's pretty much just a bunch of magicians causing shit and being pricks to each other.

>> No.2912174


I will second the recommendation, and I read them as a 22 year old literature student and I don't think I'm very dumb.

>> No.2912245

>Earthsea series
>Night Watch series