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2910863 No.2910863[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If Tolkien's Silmarillion was the Christian Bible, I'd be a devout believer.

So much more awesome.The creation story pwns Genesis hard.

>> No.2910868


elaborate, why should I care about it?

>> No.2910875

>The creation story pwns Genesis hard.

So, you'd be a believer because it is something that is more fun to believe that it's true, no basis in how possible it actually may be?

>> No.2910876

Yeah but then we'd have to live with the fact that magic, elves, hobbits, etc. all died out, or that humans were excluded from their world. Either way it's depressing as fuck.

>> No.2910882


I'm not saying you or anyone else should care about it, I'm just saying that for me, this subtly Christian work is far more beautiful, powerful, poetic, consistent etc. than the official Bible.

If this book by a devout Catholic was Christianity's official text, I'd sign on as a believer.

>> No.2910889


Pretty much. What can I say? I'm a romantic at heart.

>> No.2910892

Most Christians don't deep down believe literally in genesis. They are just terrified of Hell, and try their hardest to convince themselves that it's true.

>> No.2910905

Have you ever thought of becoming a neo-pagan OP? Poetic Edda, Kalevala, Illiad... all just as awesome (if not more) mythology that is real-life religion.

The Old Testament's pretty awesome myth-wise btw.

>> No.2910907

People who believe in something that they know isn't true are a cancer on society. There's a reason why Orwell in '1984' coined the term 'double-think'.

You're the same kind of people who think climate change is a fraud; that the holocaust never happened.

>> No.2910911

>people believing unreasonable bullshit just because they want
welcome to reality

>> No.2910912


>you'd be a believer because it is something that is more fun to believe that it's true

this is how all "believers" function in regards to religion since none of their truth values can be known (hence the whole meaning of faith and the leap of faith)

they like the sound of it, so they have faith that its true

if they knew it was true, no point for faith

>> No.2910916


Don't kid yourself, people here actually know about theology. The New Testament is full of good philosophy and Christianity can be a legitimate religion.

>> No.2910917


>They are just terrified of Hell

Yup, their ever-loving, omnibenevolent God threatens them with everlasting torture and fire if they don't love and worship him.

That's an abusive relationship on a cosmic scale.

>> No.2910918

Yes, I understand that it happens all the time. I just wanted to make sure that it was what OP was saying.

>> No.2910920


Since when did /lit/ have pop-atheists on here? Whatever...

>> No.2910927

>People who believe in something that they know isn't true are a cancer on society.

Well in the case of Christians I feel for them. If they truly believe in Hell, I mean the description that their priest shoves down their throat. Then it must be absolute torture to hear all these contrary theories. They half believe them because they seem logically sound, but have to trick themselves into believing something irrational based on an actual belief of Hell. It must be horrible.

and are you saying its socially carcinogenic to believe in the holocaust, or to deny it?

>> No.2910941

>Since when did /lit/ have pop-atheists on here?

uhh all of 4chan is full of atheists and pretentious agnostics

if you are theist go to /x/ and talk about voodoo there

>> No.2910945

You don't understand what I'm saying.

If they truly believe in Hell, they are not the kind of person I'm talking about. There are people who genuinely believe that this is the only truth, albeit these are people who tend to be poorly educated. I'm talking about people who feel they KNOW in their minds that God cannot possibly exist, yet still believe in him because they think it's nicer than the alternative. Something thinking that they are spreading the truth is a good thing, someone thinking they're spreading lies is a bad thing.

As far as the holocaust goes, I'm saying that it's disastrous to believe that it didn't happen and spread misinformation in that vein.

>> No.2910948


>> No.2910947

people don't believe in the bible because it's cool and 'pwns' other stories.

>> No.2910982


Well, good for them.

>> No.2910997

>As far as the holocaust goes, I'm saying that it's disastrous to believe that it didn't happen and spread misinformation in that vein.

The Holocaust is defined as the killing of 6 million Jews by the Nazi party in various concentration camps.

The opposing theory doesn't deny that there were any killings, only that the number of Jewish victims is overplayed. This is usually based on evidence supporting the claim that the Nazis killed Blacks, Cripples, Gypsies, Poles, Russians, anyone with a mental disability, and Jews. Conventional history ignores the fact that others were killed, and focuses on the Jews. But the numbers of Jews were pretty much the same as the numbers of other groups.

I don't think it's disastrous to hold that claim, if anything it encourages people to research the topic more, and question historical statements that are spoon fed to them.

>> No.2911018

You're an idiot. Everyone who knows about the holocaust knows that it wasn't just Jewish people that were killed. They were a significant portion of the people who were killed, however.

There are people that claim that the holocaust never happened, that the people (regardless of race or ability) were never killed. These are the people I was talking about.

>> No.2911060


You're obviously new to /lit/. Get the fuck out.

>> No.2911064


Seriously. When did /b/ start posting on /lit/.

>> No.2911115


So you have to be a Christian to post on /lit/?

>> No.2911119

The Holocaust is widely defined as the killing of somewhere between 12 and 20 million people, the largest single group of which was composed of around 6 million Jews.

you're an idiot, also, how did you fucking turn a Tolkien thread into Holocaust Denial chat? God, I hate you fuckers. If you want to be evil little shits, that's one thing, but can't you at least keep it to your little shitholes of delusion? FUCK

>> No.2911124


The point is you guys are ridiculous Dawkins-esque pop-atheists and generally /lit/ isn't very tolerant of that crap.

>> No.2911124,1 [INTERNAL] 

man, if i wasn't currently banned i'd be shitting up this thread so hard

>> No.2911152

>The Holocaust is widely defined as the killing of somewhere between 12 and 20 million people, the largest single group of which was composed of around 6 million Jews.

"The Holocaust was the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II"

>> No.2911160

I'm enlightened man. Like, atheism is too popular man. Lets all be agnostic iTheists, man. Yeah, Fuck Dawkins brah.

>> No.2911165


People from /b/ and /mu/ should stop coming to /lit/ and making immature posts.

>> No.2911172

>Some scholars maintain that the definition of the Holocaust should also include the Nazis' genocide of millions of people in other groups, including Romani, communists, Soviet prisoners of war, Polish and Soviet civilians, homosexuals, people with disabilities, Jehovah's Witnesses and other political and religious opponents, which occurred regardless of whether they were of German or non-German ethnic origin.[8] This was the most common definition from the end of WWII to the 1960s.[8] Using this definition, the total number of Holocaust victims is between 11 million and 17 million people.[9]

it's not like the fact that the Nazis slaughtered 5 to 11 million people in addition to 6 million Jews is exactly hidden

also, you're completely wrong in your characterization of Holocaust denialism. You're literally the first person who considers themself a "holocaust denialist" I've met who accepts that the Nazis killed 6 million Jews. pretty much every other Holocaust denialist argues that the Nazis killed significantly less than six million Jews and/or that the deaths of the Jews were incidental or accidental.

>> No.2911181

Reddit atheists aren't wrong. They're just annoying dickheads. They should stop being annoying dickheads. They can keep being atheists, that's not the problem.

>> No.2911200

Sir, I don't consider myself a "holocaust denialist". I was merely pointing out the focus on the alleged six million Jews out of a total possible seventeen million people downplays the importance of the majority killed.

As your quote says "the definition of the Holocaust should also include the Nazis' genocide of millions of people in other groups" But for some reason, western education likes to pander to the Jewishness.

>> No.2911208

Well you do share one important trait with Holocaust denialists, anyway.

Western education "panders to the Jews" because they were the single largest group out of those slaughtered, and because they had the largest diasporic populations in Western countries to tell the stories and the most refugees. It's not any kind of conspiracy, there's just a lot more Jewish refugees than Romani or Jehovah's Witnesses, and Polish immigrants into American didn't really come as a result of fleeing violence. It's a combination of historical accident & the real centrality of the Jews in what happened (in terms of numbers at least).

>> No.2911212

>the fact

it's not really a fact.
it's a fiction made up by the soviets and supported by the jew run west.

>> No.2911229

>As far as the holocaust goes, I'm saying that it's disastrous to believe that it didn't happen and spread misinformation in that vein.

I'd say its dangerous to accept or believe utter fucking nonsensical and physically impossible claims without any serious evidence.

Especially when the cultural marxists use these lies of "evil right wing nazi's did the holocaust!" to force an acceptance of leftist tolerance garbage on the rest of society and gullible/weak willed people.

>> No.2911236

maybe if you wanted your ideology to be accepted, you shouldn't have come up with one that led directly to the murder of over ten million people

just sayin'

>> No.2911237


So what? That doesn't disprove his point. A lot of Americans suffer from a pretty skewed idea of what the holocaust (and really WWII) was.

>> No.2911261

sure, sure, and i definitely think Americans should be better educated about World War 2 and the Holocaust. But I don't think blasting off about the Jews is necessarily a productive way to go about doing that, and I don't think blaming current shitty education on "pandering to Jews" is correct or productive.

>> No.2911263


No they don't, fuck off.

>> No.2911267
File: 267 KB, 567x622, 1344636934396-jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's pop-atheism? Is it something less cool than indie-atheism?

>> No.2911269

that's my point, this idea of mass murder and genocide is a fiction m8.

This is how the leftists work of course, lie constantly and demonize all your opponents.

Jews ARE the problem tho.

>> No.2911328


It's the atheism of brats who equate any requirement to be civil or mature with 'oppression'. Kids whose parents take them to church about three times a year, and who think being told to put away the fucking iPhone is 'eroding their rights'. Creepy old men like Richard Dawkins, the discredited former biologist (look him up, look up his original career) make fat bank catering to these kids, but he knows nothing about the beliefs he's misrepresenting, and when his (mis)definitions are challenged, he pulls a 'no true Scotsman'. Pop-atheism is atheism allied to the unthinking, crass insistence of teen trends.

>> No.2911333
File: 87 KB, 608x580, 1313519663036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're the same kind of people who think climate change is a fraud; that the holocaust never happened.

This is a 10/10 troll. Knows exactly how to push /lit/'s buttons.

>> No.2911336


> m8

Careful, your hate speech will be prosecuted under UK law.

>> No.2911347

your pic is so funny. Think about it: America's average psycho murderous rampagers are our typical btards and causally 4chan browsers.

>> No.2911351

I see the Murricans are arresting people for fb posts and tweets too now.

>> No.2911352

>discredited former biologist
just because he's not a leftist, doesn't mean he is discredited.

>> No.2911357


This crap won't do you any good, you know what your country's like, now fuck off.

>> No.2911365


No, once again, as so often in your life, you haven't understood. Read the post. Do the research. This was not a post about the Nazi crap, this was a post about the atheist crap.

>> No.2911377

>you know what your country's like
Am I to infer from that that you aren't disgusted by the state of your country?

>> No.2911382


I don't own a country. Your country owns you; you're a born serf. You will know discipline even if it has to be via a dawn raid. You posted hate speech. You know the law. Leave now.

>> No.2911383

Also, Stephen Hawking has been discredited as a physicist, and it naturally follows that everything he's said about unrelated topics is therefore wrong. I won't tell you why, though, because you should DO THE RESEARCH.

>> No.2911403


Hawking has not been discredited in the way that Dawkins has. Nor has he given up his field in the way Dawkins did a few years ago in order to make money from credulous kids. You cannot make the truth go away.

>> No.2911410

You know, when I saw OP's post, I was really excited to have a nice thread about Tolkien in general and the Silmarillion in particular.

Instead... *sigh*

>> No.2911412

>Stephen Hawking has been discredited as a physicist

and spontaneous creation through gravitational fluctuation is a plausible theory.

>> No.2911415


To be truthful, toilet that this is, it's still better than a thread about fantasy.

>> No.2911418
File: 37 KB, 242x208, 1344191630029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


feels bad that me and OP couldn't talk about neo-paganism

>> No.2911424


> i was hoping for a nazi love-in


>> No.2911429


Filtered your name.