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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 150 KB, 1989x1591, blank-alignment-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2909393 No.2909393 [Reply] [Original]

lets play a game. im sure most of you know are aware of the dungeons and dragons character alignment chart so im not gonna explain it. lets fill it with photos/quotes of philosophers that fit.

>> No.2909404
File: 753 KB, 1989x1591, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2909418

the dapper-scruffy gentleman-ruffian chart is better

>> No.2909436

Obviously Nietzsche goes straight into evil with his 'there is no good or evil, only POWER'. That's exactly what every bad guy ever says right before they do something really evil.

>> No.2909440
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here is my attempt.

>> No.2909443

pretty only voldemort ever said that

>> No.2909445

Eternal recurrence, breh. It's basically like reincarnation so voldemort is nietzsche.

>> No.2909448

Nietzsche is too obvious and boring. there are other philosophers more deserving.

>> No.2909470
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>> No.2909492
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>> No.2909499
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>> No.2909500

Dude from Enter the Dragon too. And I'm pretty sure this is the tip of a bad guy iceberg.

>> No.2909504

Well Ayn Rand is another shoe-in for EVIL. But I imagine you didn't mean her.

>> No.2909518
File: 492 KB, 1989x1591, 1345198912705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually she is a better choice. beats pulling shit out of my ass like this.

>> No.2909521



She was a messed up mental junkie, not evil.

>> No.2909527

I was going to do the whole
thing but that quote is fucking perfect.

>> No.2909528


Vindictive slut; nihilist

>> No.2909530
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so this is going well.

>> No.2909532

Machiavelli HAS to be lawful evil
Also i'd vote Nietzsche for neutral Evil, Jeremy Bentham should be lawful Neutral(for inventing the panopticon).

As for good I'm not sure. I guess Rousseau should be lawful good since he believed that everyone was innately good or something.

>> No.2909533

i know right. obviously the whole thing is just for kicks but I think it fits perfectly. also the photo.

>> No.2909536

Kant lawful good

spinoza lawful evil

>> No.2909537

>still believing in a good vs. evil dichotomy

stay pleb /lit/

>> No.2909538
File: 612 KB, 1989x1591, rza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2909544


>Mental Disorders

>> No.2909545



Hi Kant, umad?

>> No.2909546

now thats what I call edgy

>> No.2909548

who's da bald dude

>> No.2909549

I agree with you buddy, I'd put Cassie as chaotic neutral.

>> No.2909550

peter kropotkin

>> No.2909551

>chaotic evil
>not Sade

>> No.2909556


>The entire point of existentialism and moral subjectivism

Summer's over soon, right?

>> No.2909558


I'm not sure, Sade didn't see himself as evil, nor was he. He was just a fetishist who didn't give a shit what other people though. 120 days of sodom was not a factual account.

From my point of view I'd put him as chaotic good.

>> No.2909562

you must be really popular with your friends

>> No.2909564

No it was edgy 200 years ago. Now it's well accepted to the point that no philosopher even tries to prove morality. unless you're a Randroid

>> No.2909566


As opposed to someone who uses the word "edgy" to put down things he doesn't understand?

Also, confirmed for summerfag.

>> No.2909567

what's good about him? he clearly had mental issues

>> No.2909568

>Schopes is neutral and not neutral evil
Guy was all about the world is an ass and shit. Lao Tzu is more like pure neutral.

>> No.2909569

no one is putting anything down or arguing for any viewpoint you gigantic twat. only a few posts above I said the whole thing is just for fun.

>> No.2909572

i assumed this was western philosophy. If not then Buddha should be true neutral.

>> No.2909573

yes id prefer it if we kept it to western only

>> No.2909574


>Mental issues

Lrn2psychology then pick the top one.
He tried to get people to live life on their own terms, what's bad about it?

>> No.2909577



>> No.2909578

Ever read Juliette? She hangs out with a group of people who collectively get off on stealing innocents to prison or starving hundreds of people.

>> No.2909580

>stealing innocents to prison
fuck me, I meant "stealing and sending innocents to jail"

>> No.2909581


Which obviously means he advocated people actually doing that.

>> No.2909583

Yes. He literally tried to get people to live life on their own terms, and if some people get a boner from doing evil acts, they shouldn't restrain themselves.

>> No.2909585

What about Sam Harris or Herbert Spencer for lawful evil?

>> No.2909586

Have you not read anything of his autobiography, do you now know the scandals he was involved in?

>> No.2909588

p.s. paranoid people and schizophrenics also "live life on their own terms". stop using empty language to refer to casting away your conscience.

>> No.2909589

i dont know anything about either of those, you can edit it if you want. my previous idea for lawful evil was machiavelli

>> No.2909592

sam harris should not be on at all imo: just a cultural phenomenon at present

>> No.2909593


Not that guy but being evil does require morality to exist. Given that it doesn't...

>> No.2909594
File: 692 KB, 1988x1592, 1345202936490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was an honor to contrib00t.

>> No.2909595


Stop using hollow phrases to try and force your own subjective crap on me.

>> No.2909597

oh boy, another 15 year old on /lit/, just what we needed! i guess we should do away with prisons since morality doesn't exist right? glad you've figured it all out. fyi, you missed out the word objective, which even if you had included it would have counted for nothing anyway. if you live in a society, it governs what is moral.

>> No.2909598

That's contentious. Very few people take the Prince as presented, and it certainly doesn't represent his work as a whole.

>> No.2909600


>The majority determines what is morally right
>Call someone else 15 whilst believing this.

Yes, determinism negates the entire concept of justice.

>> No.2909606

I love the fact people are interested in philosophy. It's just a shame it's so misunderstood. In time I hope that these views have matured. Sorry to sound belittling, it is perfectly fair that people have to start somewhere!

>> No.2909607

>i guess we should do away with prisons since morality doesn't exist right?

legal traditions ≠ objective morality
Jesus Christ are you seriously this retarded?

>> No.2909610
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>Yes, determinism negates the entire concept of justice.

mfw I read this

>> No.2909611

>Jesus Christ

Lawful Good perhaps?

Why don't you all stop your pointless argument and get back to epic game.

>> No.2909612


It does, if we have no choice in our actions we have no responsibility for them. Being innately unable to perceive this easily as humans doesn't change it.

>> No.2909624

The existence of a subjective morality does not depreciate it in any way in lieu of an objective one.

die nihilists lol

>> No.2909628


>The existence of a subjective mathematics does not depreciate it in any way in lieu of an objective one.


>> No.2909631

just lol

>> No.2909632

put icp in the fucken graph boys

>> No.2909634
File: 90 KB, 490x600, 0dbc25b2e7f3e24ee2990df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the old one. For inspiration.

>> No.2909640
File: 298 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_lr46nkWGBL1qfyi1ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only POWER
that reminds me

>> No.2909641
File: 44 KB, 350x263, 45h.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I was just about to suggest Ayn Rand as lawful evil

>> No.2909646

Kropotkin is chaotic good. FIX IT.

>> No.2909653


>> No.2909658

yes you're right. It's wonderful that morality, one of the most important subjects in the world, is left up entirely to the impulsive, fickle, emotional, easily swayed, unpredictable world of human opinion. I don't know what I was thinking.

>> No.2909671
File: 650 KB, 1989x1591, 1345198912705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright im back. added bertrand russell but changed the photo to one I like better. whats next? we still have 4 to go.

>> No.2909673
File: 650 KB, 1989x1591, 1345198912705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re upload. changed bertrand russells quote color and fixed a typo.

>> No.2909676
File: 751 KB, 1990x1591, 46h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2909684


It's not. Google 'Christianity'. You're welcome.

>> No.2909702

You want to hand everything over to a computer?


>> No.2909714
File: 884 KB, 1989x1591, 1345198912705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schopenhauer moved to neutral evil. who should be true neutral?

>> No.2909720


Jamie Madrox.

>> No.2909721 [DELETED] 




>> No.2909723



>> No.2909728

who's that in the bottom right corner?

>> No.2909732


Nate the Mack.

>> No.2909740



>> No.2909805

western only

slavoj zizek

>> No.2909806

Buddha is Western [spoile]Asia.

>> No.2909810

what alignment would you say Wittgenstein represents?

>> No.2909812


Neutral Gay

>> No.2909815

i was thinking of putting him either in True Neutral ot Neutral Good

>> No.2909817


True Neutral, because it's hard to find True Neutral and we already have many good candidates for Neutral Good.

>> No.2909820

Lawful Good - Plato
Neutral Good - Voltaire
Chaotic Good - Camus
Lawful Neutral - Hobbes
True Neutral - Stirner
Chaotic Neutral - Nietzsche
Lawful Evil -
Neutral Evil - Rand
Chaotic Evil -

>> No.2909876
File: 1.79 MB, 1989x1591, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2909820 here.
I made this.

Still need the last two spots.

>> No.2909911
File: 848 KB, 1989x1591, 1345198912705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two more to go. who should be Lawful Good and who should be Neutral Good?

>> No.2909942

I don't know much about his philosophy or writing, but I want to read some just because of how utterly cool Camus looks in every picture of him. And I want a coat like that.

>> No.2909948
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>> No.2909996

Why does Russell's quote sound so much like Freud, and why does Bentham's quote sound so much like Kant (or maybe it is Kant?)..

>> No.2910029
File: 990 KB, 1989x1591, philosophers_alignment_chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a real Russell quote, i verified it. also yes, that is Kant. in any case, here is the finished version the way i see it.

>> No.2910068

I don't see why the Russel picture was changed, his image is so much more distinguished as an older man with his iconic tobacco pipe

>> No.2910348

That Russel quote is from his BBC broadcast series, "Social Cohesion and Human Nature" it's a really interesting glimpse into the intellectual life of the modern period (back when they actually thought things could drastically change for the better) definitely worth a watch, here's part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0-_9hiVc70

>> No.2910841


>> No.2911219
File: 52 KB, 265x268, 1320894680795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Lawful Evil

>being anywhere on this chart

>> No.2911280

Selfishness is one of the primary factors in whether or not someone is evil in D&D terms. Whether you think Marx's ideas were good or not, he meant well.