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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 460x280, Hunter-S.-Thompson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2909360 No.2909360 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss your ideas/suggestions for a "read-along" here. I will start up the project if it gains traction by next Saturday.

>> No.2909369

Blood Meridian

>> No.2909370

White Noise

>> No.2909372

A mystery book? Maybe something by Agatha Christie. We could discuss suspects and theories at intervals.

>> No.2909376


>> No.2909377

I like this idea, will be good to do before we have to pick up the kids from soccer training. We can discuss our husbands and bitch about our friend who isnt there at the moment.

I think if suggestions are kept to <300 it will be good, just to start things off.

>> No.2909379

Beowulf. There's some good translations on the interwebs.

>> No.2909380

>discussing suspects in a mystery novel
>on 4chan

>> No.2909382
File: 6 KB, 100x100, hopy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a new book, we could be avant guarde tastemakers.

>> No.2909385
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>tfw mod is a HST reader

>> No.2909401
File: 26 KB, 303x500, sartre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to read it, and i'm sure the people who have wouldn't mind reading it again for discussion. Plus, it's short and easily available online

>> No.2909402
File: 49 KB, 338x450, kessel-jan-van-still-life-of-flowers-in-a-vase-1661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't my idea originally, but I'd like to show strong support for focusing on short stories. I will list some pros.

1)We have to keep in mind that literature is a commitment. If we focus on longer works (even 300 pages) it will more than likely take up most of the reading time of the anons who participate, and may encourage a hive-mind like attitude.
2) Short stories mean that the individual read-along episodes will go by a lot faster. So if some anons who want to participate but don't like the content being read, they can wait a short while for an interesting short story suggestion to pop up. It will be faster flowing and more lively. Plus, it will be much more accessible to hop in because it won't be a major commitment.
3)Short stories are widely available online for free, and since they are short they are better to read over the internet than a novel might be. Reading on the computer tends to suck.
4)Short stories tend to be overlooked by ambitious readers who dive into novel after novel. They are hidden gems that would be rewarding to uncover.
5) One of the valuable assets of /lit/ is being exposed to new writers. With the short story as topic of the read-alongs, this will be complimented greatly. Never read any Tolstoy? If we focus on one of his more acclaimed short stories you can get an introductory glimpse into his writing. Etc...

>> No.2909403

Short stories... Tim Winton? Henry Lawson? Ausfag here.

>> No.2909414



>> No.2909417

What about novellas 80 -120 page, there are a large amount of brilliant novellas around and the commitmet to finish one wouldnt be more than a couple of hours. People have lives and read outside of lit so I think Novellas would be the way to go. If short stories how many shorts a week? I like the suggestion, like every week have it themed and have several Comedy shorts, then several Russian.

>> No.2909420

1.Ask Moot for your own board.
2.Read Voss
4.Get AIDS

>> No.2909422


>> No.2909421


>> No.2909425

Dude just do it, you read Frankenstien didnt you. Extend your Russian, Jap exception to Aus shit.

>> No.2909427




>> No.2909430

Chekhov for short stories maybe?

>> No.2909435

You need to cut out the caps a bit, bro.

>> No.2909437


>> No.2909439

I think novella's would be fine as long as they are not too difficult to follow. For example, I haven't read The Crying Lot of 49 but I have a feeling that just because it's Pynchon it would be rather difficult and therefore time consuming despite it's short length. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but it's something to consider.

Also we should try our best to be sympathetic to the weaker readers who may want to follow. One of the challenges here will be finding that right balance of pace between the aforementioned and the more experienced readers who don't want to be held down. So from that something to further discuss would be: how much time do we allot to read sections of whatever we choose to read. How many pages per how many day/hour/etc? I think that it might be a bit too early to discuss this particular detail, but it's something to be aware of.

>> No.2909442

>Reading internet posts post-1950

Then what is capsguy? He's a countryman too, albiet from the backwater state

>> No.2909441


>> No.2909446
File: 98 KB, 630x889, A Scanner Darkly Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick?

It's around 222 pages and is very easy to read.

>> No.2909447





>> No.2909450


>> No.2909451

People wrote short stories before Pynchon. Novellas are not harder to read than novels.

A novella a week/fortnight is much more manageable than limiting people on what chapters to read. I think for that week it should be a whole book cover to cover, I don't think people will want to nerf their reading especially if they're into it.

>> No.2909452

Capsguy, you fucking autist.
I swear to god every other sentence that you type contains the number 1950 in it.

>> No.2909454

Recommendations should consist of more than just throwing a title out. Why does A Scanner Darkly interest you?

>> No.2909460


Too Loud a Solitude

It is simple to read and concerns a man who works at a compacting press and saves books. It also concerns some of his relationships with women. So its about a love of books and having spaghetti moments, themes I think will appeal to /lit/fucks. Also its 112 pages, easy to handle in a week.

>> No.2909462

All granted. What I was saying with Pynchon as an example was that Crying Lot of 49 might not be a good choice, even though it is a novella.

But yes, I like your suggestion. A week is more than enough time to read a Novella by even the most casual of readers. And with plenty of time for readers to focus on other things as well. Although I do insist on keeping short stories into the picture as well and not letting them get overshadowed by Novellas, mainly for reasons 4) and 5) previously listed.

>> No.2909463


A Scanner Darkly is one of Dick's most accessible novels and one which he described as "the only masterpiece I will ever write". His style of prose is easily readable but still very enjoyable and, like many of his other works, ASD deals with various metaphysical problems peppered with questions regarding personal identity and modern society.

I think it's a great book to start off the reading group as many people on /lit/ seem interested in Dick's novels.

>> No.2909464

>We should make a pol for one month with a few (3 to 5) books you can choose out.
>At the end of the month we start reading the book and we make a new pol.
>When the new pol is created we also discuss the last read book.

>> No.2909467


This sounds like the easiest means for which to decide each book.

>> No.2909471

I've heard BEAUTIFUL things about this book and would eagerly second this, but it's a bit difficult to find for broke people (like myself).

>> No.2909472

Supported, but how do we select which books are nominated?

>> No.2909475

You'll have to be more specific.

Multiple readings killed the lit goodreads group... or i think the admin guy an hero'd

How many short stories a week?

I'm concerned about how much discussion short stories can generate.

>> No.2909479

It has been shared here a couple of times, i'll most a mediafire if it gets chosen.

>> No.2909477


I suppose the books which receive the most support in these threads would be nominated.

>> No.2909489

Can you post it anyways?! I've been looking for dat book for a while...

[Also, seconded].

>> No.2909508


Over here

>> No.2909514

A handful of shorts I suppose, depending on their individual lengths. Maybe several of a consistent theme (Russian Literature, works of Charles Dickens, I don't know) as one Anon suggested so that one may not have to read them all to join in on discussion (thought it would be better) and that the discussion may also include a meta-analyses of the theme, such as Russian Futurism perhaps, in general.

>> No.2909523

(though it would be better), not thought* my bad.

>> No.2909531

I'm a journalist too.

>> No.2909554

Multiple readings increase participation. Then again, the only book reading that seemed to vaguely work was infinite summer.

>> No.2909560


>> No.2909615

I support this.

>> No.2909621

I plan to read Nausea quite soon whether /lit/ does or not so it will be nice if you all read it with me. Although I want to take it slowly and read the french translation along with the english to learn more french.

>> No.2909629

>We could discuss suspects and theories at intervals.

>Implying some EPIK TROLL XDXD wouldn't just go read the wikipedia article and deliberately spoil it for everyone.

>> No.2909657

Oblomov. I think everyone should read that book at least one, and I think it would resonate with a vast majority of the population of /lit

>> No.2909666

Does anyone want to read "Faust" or "Sorrows of Young Werther"?
Both are short and apparently very good.

>> No.2909674

Faust is kind of long. Werther is short if you want that to be your suggestion.

>> No.2909680

Ok then, Sorrows of Young Werther is y suggestion..

>> No.2909681

Seconding Werther, been wanting to get into Goethe.

>> No.2909700

Thank you based Satan for starting this off with mass suicide.

>> No.2909704

I really recommend /lit/ reads Posthumous Momoirs of Braz Cubas by Machado de Assis. It is a great, an short, story with lots of humorous pessimism an nihilism, told by a dead guy.

>> No.2909706
File: 15 KB, 292x450, werther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A+ cover

would read

>> No.2909710

So we're starting off with this? Anyone else want to chime in on this?

>> No.2909715

NO it is just a suggestion!

>> No.2909742

I'm seconding this. It's a really good idea.

>> No.2909750

>One guy samefags support for his suggestions.
Yeah, no. I think we might need a poll or something.

I'm supporting A Scanner Darkly or Too Loud a Solitude.

>> No.2909753

That was my only post, Sorry if my clulessness caused confusion.

>> No.2909755

Too Loud a Solitude is like 60 pages.

>> No.2909776
File: 53 KB, 288x360, whysosirius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple. We kill Batman. But what's a "read along"?

>> No.2909780

Those starting a /lit/ degree next year (like me) might want to read Canterbury Tales. Anyone game?

>> No.2909790

Infinite Jest, pls. 90% of us already own an unread copy anyway.

>> No.2909792

I nominate Pound's Cantos.

>> No.2909794

I've read it, and frankly, you're not missing much

>> No.2909807

Read it.

>> No.2909835

Start another Infinite Summer

>implying we're catering souly to your reads.

>> No.2909851

I don't mind if you cater soullessly either. I do like soul food though...

>> No.2909867

The Stranger by Albert Camus

Short and good is our best bet I think.

>> No.2909877

Gravity's Rainbow. Then we can help each other figure out what the fuck is going on

>> No.2909917

It's not that difficult bro. You just have to keep going and things start to fall magically in place. Even when they don't, you're still laughing.

>> No.2909934

Terrible Idea. This is 4chan. The only cooperation this place can muster revolves around the harassment of minors and DDoS attacks in the name of big bad "Anonymous."

>> No.2909938

>This is 4chan. The only cooperation this place can muster revolves around the harassment of minors and DDoS attacks in the name of big bad "Anonymous."


>> No.2909946


>> No.2909967

I nominate To The Lighthouse.

>> No.2909990
File: 52 KB, 364x350, dostoevsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys seem to be avoiding the only obvious answer.

>> No.2909993

Quite short and full of meaty points for discussion! Not a bad suggestion at all, although I think, unfortunately, no one will take it seriously. More people on /lit/ should read at least a little Virginia Woolf, though.

>> No.2909994

Notes From Underground? Yeah I can see everyone on this board identifying with the Underground Man. Good choice.

>> No.2909995


>> No.2909997
File: 204 KB, 1024x768, Lin-Tao[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the obvious choice!

>> No.2910013

How would a read along work? Is it essentially a book club or what?

>> No.2910015
File: 3 KB, 243x479, fwp308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finnegans Wake, one page per week.

>> No.2910024

Any generic romance paperback

>> No.2910026

We read a ridiculously popular novel (http://www.nytimes.com/best-sellers-books/overview.html)) and discuss in length why it's horrible. I'd learn more from this than reading a substantial work and discussing why it's awesome.

>> No.2910027

We could read 50 Shades of Grey. It's the most popular novel on /lit/ right now, if you go by thread count.

>> No.2910028

This, I say we all read 50sog.

>> No.2910030
File: 28 KB, 354x500, apathy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's read Apathy and Other Small Victories because I've already bought it but haven't started it yet and it's supposed to be quite funny.

>> No.2910031

Fuck yes, 50 Shades of Grey read-along.
This has potential for greatness

>> No.2910034


No. No, no, no. No. NO. No... no.

>> No.2910037

Are you illustrating the doppler effect? As in a driveby negation?

>> No.2910040

I have got to say, I'm interested.

>> No.2910045

Stop. Please don't make this a thing.

>> No.2910046


>> No.2910055

That sounds awful.

>> No.2910056


>> No.2910057

All my respect, lost

>> No.2910060

Thats right. Deal with it its a terrible idea.

>> No.2910061

This is an awful idea. I've been on /lit/ on and off since 2009 and this will never work. Seriously, /lit/ is way too divided by our user's reading levels... Does whoever suggested this even frequent this board?

>> No.2910062

>saging a sticky

>> No.2910064

+1 for 50 shades read-along.

>> No.2910066

Do you even knwo what sage does?

>> No.2910069

HST is GOAT, Son.

>> No.2910088

It'd better if they didn't start with her best work.

>> No.2910093

>I've been on /lit/ on and off since 2009
>board wasn't created until 2010

I'd go with A Scanner Darkly

>> No.2910096

I stand corrected.

Try giving yourself a good handfuck from time to time, it will relieve some of your pent up frustrations.

Why don't we find something bland and mediocre that we can all agree on and come to appreciate or despise.

>> No.2910100

>Why don't we find something bland and mediocre that we can all agree on and come to appreciate or despise.

BOOM! Another vote for 50 shades

>> No.2910118


Another vote for A Scanner Darkly here

>> No.2910140

I haven't read any shitty novels lately, so I need something to break the pattern. Nominating 50SG. Who knows, we might even end up liking it ironically.

>> No.2910144

Fuck NO.

I vote for A Scanner Darkly

>> No.2910147

Seconding this.

>> No.2910148

Sorrows of Young Werther is a good idea, so is
Too Loud a Solitude. Something short.

>> No.2910152

I have to agree with everyone voting for 50 shades. It is the most discussed, yet least read book on/lit/.

It is one of the best selling books of all time and its cultural impact can't be ignored. Even if it does turn out to be a hideous book, at least we will be united in a shared disgust, and will be in a better position to analyse the cultural significance and social impact of the book.

>> No.2910170

50 shades would be funny for the first couple of paragraphs, then you'd realise you have an entire book of shitty female literotica to sit through just to be able to participate in a few /lit/ threads. It would kill this project before it even starts.

>> No.2910173

Is it fappable, though?

>> No.2910176


Anything is fappable.

>> No.2910177

My sister managed to read it in a day, so I'm sure it would only take a couple of hours.

>> No.2910187

I'm sure most of us would get around to reading a Philip K. Dick or JW Goethe novel someday, but never take the time to read 50 Shades, if it weren't for the fact that it was the book up for discussion on an imageboard.

That alone is enough reason to choose 50 Shades, since the former choices would almost read themselves.

Would you rather choose something liked, or something controversial?

>> No.2910190


I'd rather pick something I think I would like.

>> No.2910191

It's >400 pages though. I'd imagine the novelty would wear off after 50 or so pages.

>> No.2910192

How about we work out how many people are up for this challenge, and give each person a couple of chapters each. So that as a hivemind we've read the entire book, but no single person has to subject themselves to 400+ pages of terrible soft-core porn.

>> No.2910193

I'd rather read something good.

>> No.2910199

Because you're a pleb, and fail to comprehend the fact that shit literature is more relevant in the 21st century than enjoyable, good literature, and why it might be useful to read shitty literature in order to better understand society.

>> No.2910197


We won't read it at a hivemind. Several people will just end up reading excerpts from shitty erotica.

>> No.2910198

How is this going to work when nobody can decide on a book? Can we not make a poll?

>> No.2910201


This is a thread about picking a book for read-along, not some quest to better understand society by delving into shitty media.

The thread is devolving into "Why we should/shouldn't read 50SG."

>> No.2910204

>Because you're a pleb
That insurmountable wall of logic.
Enjoy your mommy porn.

>> No.2910205

>The thread is devolving into "Why we should/shouldn't read 50SG."
Why shouldn't it? That seems entirely related to the original purpose of the thread. You seem awfully close minded.

>> No.2910206


>“- "Why don't you like to be touched?"
>"Because I'm fifty shades of fucked-up, Anastasia”

>“Don't get your panties in such a twist... and give me back mine.”

>“What is it about elevators?”

>“Does this mean you’re going to make love to me tonight, Christian?” Holy shit. Did I just say that? His mouth drops open slightly, but he recovers quickly.
“No, Anastasia it doesn’t. Firstly, I don’t make love. I fuck… hard. Secondly, there’s a lot more paperwork to do, and thirdly, you don’t yet know what you’re in for. You could still run for the hills. Come, I want to show you my playroom.”
My mouth drops open. Fuck hard! Holy shit, that sounds so… hot. But why are we looking at a playroom? I am mystified.
“You want to play on your Xbox?” I ask. He laughs, loudly.
“No, Anastasia, no Xbox, no Playstation. Come.”… Producing a key from his pocket, he unlocks yet another door and takes a deep breath.
“You can leave anytime. The helicopter is on stand-by to take you whenever you want to go, you can stay the night and go home in the morning. It’s fine whatever you decide.”
“Just open the damn door, Christian.”
He opens the door and stands back to let me in. I gaze at him once more. I so want to know what’s in here. Taking a deep breath I walk in.
And it feels like I’ve time-traveled back to the sixteenth century and the Spanish Inquisition.
Holy fuck.”

>> No.2910208

I'd kinda like more suggestions and not a war on 50SG. It's fine to argue about whether or not to read it but I feel it shouldn't be the focus of this thread.

>> No.2910209

Because it's not a good book. I've tried to read it and gave up half-way through, you can say it was 2deep4me if you want.

>> No.2910210

>And it feels like I’ve time-traveled back to the sixteenth century and the Spanish Inquisition

Well... I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition.

>> No.2910212

Well, I have A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man just sitting on the bookshelf waiting for someone to start reading it. Anyone else has that book but still hasn't read it?

>> No.2910214

That's so bad, it's terrible.

>> No.2910215

I actually have that ready to be devoured too.

>> No.2910216

I can get behind this.

>> No.2910223

I'm with you.

>> No.2910224

*I have read it

>> No.2910220

I have it but I'd be down to re-read it.

>> No.2910222

Oh shit, I have a copy of that on my self waiting to be read. I could totally do that.

>> No.2910225

This isn't some samefag is it?

>> No.2910230

I know that at least one of them was a unique post. I've had a copy of it on my desk for months, and yet I've never got around to reading it.

>> No.2910231


6 posts within 3 minutes on /lit/?

Sounds legit.

>> No.2910232

We'll never know.

>> No.2910233

Samefagging to the max

>> No.2910235

How about "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad? It's not long and we could also discuss Coppola's film adaptation.

"The Stranger" by Camus would be nice too, and it has already been suggested a few times. We could talk about existentialism then.

>> No.2910242

This project is doomed to failure.

This thread = definitive proof this is the gayest board

>> No.2910246


I've already read The Stranger. I'ms under the impression that it's quite commonly-read around these parts as well.

Would be down for Heart of Darkness.

>> No.2910251
File: 37 KB, 480x357, NOBODY_EXPECTS_THE_SPANISH_INQUISITION!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2910271

>A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick?
this for fucks sake

>> No.2910284

Why? Anyone who was ever a teenager has already fucking read it. Fuck off.

>> No.2910293


So we're not allowed to re-read and discuss?

>> No.2910303

I fully support the 50SOG sentiment.

>> No.2910306

What is there to discuss?

>> No.2910316

I support Portrait of the Artist

>> No.2910323

I haven't read it yet
in fact I haven't read a single Philip K. Dick work yet

>> No.2910344

I also support PotA.

>> No.2910355

It seems like the choice is between:

[ ]Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
[ ]50 Shades of Grey
[ ]A Scanner Darkly

>> No.2910362


[ ]Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
[ ]50 Shades of Grey
[ ]A Scanner Darkly
[ ]The Sorrows of Young Werther
[ ]Other

Fixed that for you.

inb4 a million samefags.

>> No.2910365

Too Loud A Solitude is way up there, also (it has my vote along with various other anons in this thread) too bad I JUST finished reading PotA two days ago... Oh well I'd love to revisit it and discuss so I support that as a close second to TLaS

>> No.2910366


This "ballot" needs to be placed somewhere where samefagging can't happen. One vote per fag.

>> No.2910371

I just bough portrait of an artist and i'm struggling already, a read along would be helpful

>> No.2910375


Just thought I'd mention some thoughts about PotA for consideration. Well first of all it was a beautiful book and I felt very attached to it by the end, the technique is startling and it's filled with artistic passages described from the protagonists dream-like perception. It's one of the finest examples to me of how literature is an art form (as even the title suggests).

However, it is a bit of a tough read compared to some other short works of fiction and I imagine it will not be easy to finish in a week. I had to go back to a lot of sections to get a clear idea of what was going on (totally worth it, though).

>> No.2910393

Someone make a surveymonkey already, it's gone on long enough.

>> No.2910396

How about Poe's only novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. It looks like a really fun book

>> No.2910397

We can make a poll on >>>/q/ .
It's has id's with every post so no chance of samefag

>> No.2910400

This is actually the best thing I've seen all day

>> No.2910406

Poll is up:


>> No.2910414

In that lot, Sorrows of Young Werther is clearly the best choice.

>> No.2910420

This seems good to me, I just bought a copy bout a week ago. Plus, isn't it one of the essential medieval pieces?

Out of the question, I refuse to Tao

>> No.2910421

Fuck, I watched the film last week. I even saw it in German with English subs.

>> No.2910425




>> No.2910427


>> No.2910428

Essential Romantic pieces, kind of sparked the German Romantic Literary movement, and caused a lot of people who read it to commit suicide from emotional movement.

It's an epistolary, and is long and wordy. But decent in my opinion. My vote isn't on it, though.

>> No.2910429

Mass suicide incoming.

>> No.2910433

Fuck, I linked the posts backwards. The medieval thing was about Chaucer, I am not that retarded.

>> No.2910491

I'm very wary of reading a proto-Romantic German epistolary novel, but I'll give it fifty pages or so before I make a verdict and I'd advise everyone else to do the same. Let's keep an open mind and try to make some compromises for the sake of literary camaraderie. We could also implement a system by which we alternate the era we're reading into i.e. next book we choose will be something more recent.

>> No.2910503


I read Notes from Underground and then Joyce's Portrait right after to see the "dialectic" of how literature progressed and it was an interesting experience.

>> No.2910517

So is it decided yet? Or do we give it more time?

>> No.2910521

A Scanner Darkly seems to be getting most of the votes here. I've already read it but will vote for and read it again just to stop the awful circle jerking that is happening in this thread.

shut the fuck up

>> No.2910524

Check the poll link bro>>2910406

>> No.2910525

if 50soG wins the vote i will know that /lit/ is dead forever

>> No.2910527


Vote with this: >>2910406

>> No.2910531

Yeah I just noticed. I'm totally okay with Sorrows as well. I voted for ASD though.

>> No.2910535

Hmm, If /lit/ were more organized we could turn this into a comparative literature study, but with many /lit/izens starting class soon (myself included) I'm thinking that we'll need to keep it more casual.

I'm not sure whether or not we're in agreeance on Sorrows since only thirty-one people have voted (but how many people go on /lit/ anyway?), but I'm willing to buy the book and put it on Mediafire for Kindle users.

>> No.2910538

Lets hope we can already find a file of it somewhere but if we can't, please do!

>> No.2910540

I have the file, let me check

>> No.2910545

who the hell voted for 50 shades? I hope you're trolling, guys

>> No.2910546


Another one here if you don't want the pages of Gutenberg Documentation
It's in .lrf, readily converts to .mobi or .epub via calibre(which I don't have on this computer).

>> No.2910549

Here's what's gonna happen if 50 shades of grey wins:
>read first couple of chapter
>"why the fuck did I even start?"
>put the book away and never touch it again

>> No.2910552

Don't worry, looks like Sorrows of Young Werther has it.

>> No.2910553


>> No.2910574

>50 Shades
Guys, guys I really hope you don't do this.

>> No.2910589

As long as no one posts this to /sci/ we'll be okay.

>> No.2910593


>> No.2910614

This one works great, thanks for the link! What should we do for a discussion thread, people just post questions and such at their leisure or one stickied thread with the download link at the top?

>> No.2910616

How about a really shitty and relatively short book?

We can then deride it together, chapter by chapter.

>> No.2910626

Something like 50shades, perhaps?

>> No.2910636

Feel free to make suggestions, but I'm pretty sure that we've decided on Sorrows of Young Werther for this week's. Does someone want to make a discussion thread with the pertinent info?

>> No.2910642

It's famous for people who read it killing themselves. That is all the relevant information anyone needs.

>> No.2910639

I've got it. We all read a different book, then explain why our book is better than everyone elses. Once that's over, we all meet at Stonehenge and attempt to resurrect David Foster Wallace.

>> No.2910643

Contact the mod on IRC and tell him to sticky and lock the thread containing the Title and links over here >>2910546

>> No.2910649

This. Do it.

>> No.2910656

wow, I live about 30 mins away from Stonehenge.

>> No.2910658

I think we should read the complete works of Ian Flemming.

>> No.2910666

OP says he'll do it next week, should we let the poll go on until then?

>> No.2910672

There are the same 5 books though and one of them is just troll bait. The longer you leave it, the more chance is there that a proxyfag or epic troll will fuck it up.
Better start this shit now.

>> No.2910679

Boo. I've included D Boylan's one since it's small, but that series in my experience doesn't do translations well. The other two should be good and have nice intros.

>> No.2910684

We have the ancient monolith, the blood sacrifice and the level of conceit/arrogance... this just might work!

Unless zombie Harold Bloom fucks shit up.

>> No.2910685


>> No.2910700


Translation of the Preface by Burton Pike:
>I have conscientiously gathered everything I have been able to find about the story of poor Werther and here lay it before you, knowing that you will thank me for it. You cannot withhold your admiration and love for his mind and character, nor your tears for
his fate.
>And you, good soul, that feels the same pressures as he, take comfort from his sufferings and let this little book be your friend, if through fate or your own fault you can find no closer one.

Translation of the Preface by Boylan:
>I have carefully collected whatever I have been able to learn of the story of poor Werther, and here present it to you, knowing that you will thank me for it. To his spirit and character you cannot refuse your admiration and love: to his fate you will not deny your tears.
>And thou, good soul, who sufferest the same distress as he endured once, draw comfort from his sorrows; and let this little book be thy friend, if, owing to fortune or through thine own fault, thou canst not find a dearer companion

I kind of prefer Boylan's, but it's your choice. Don't have .djvu-opening software so if someone wants to post that go ahead.

>> No.2910704

Man, even the first page is giving me feels.

>> No.2910708
File: 24 KB, 333x500, Beyond sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this one would be prefect.

>> No.2910709

The .djvu is a guide. There is a pdf of it on the net, but it's nowhere near as good condition as the djvu.

>> No.2910714


>> No.2910732

Can't get on irc for some reason so if someone wants to ask a mod to sticky the new thread that'd be purrrrfect.

>> No.2910770

Bros, where is the IRC channel?

>> No.2910773

I got on and talked to someone, they may or may not be on it. Regardless:

1. http://rizon.net/chat
2. Type in a good nickname and leave the channel field EMPTY
3. A window will walk you through registration. Do it, faggot.
4. Type "/join #4chan" when you're done.

>> No.2910963
File: 7 KB, 275x95, logo3w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 for A Scanner Darkly

At least I could probably find this at my library

>> No.2911290
File: 129 KB, 469x700, Tegan Rain Quin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have a new thread once a conclusion is reached? Otherwise I'll never know about it...

>> No.2911493
File: 27 KB, 300x300, werthers-original-candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2911558

My Loose Thread by Dennis Cooper

Everyone on /lit/ should read a Dennis Cooper book in their lifetime. My Loose Thread is like Catcher in the Rye---except the main character is a psychotic high schooler, and at the opening of the book he is paid to kill a quiet, gay classmate.

>> No.2911588

Apparently we're arbitarily decided on Werther despite no poll being conducted.

>> No.2911601

I poll for Werther

>> No.2911812

this please, thanks

>> No.2911855

HST, Hell's Angels.

>> No.2911941



>> No.2911962

Looks like there was only a 2 hour gap between poll being posted and chocie decided, more time would have been better considering hte pace of the board. Pollmaker still put in troll votes. Looks like we're moving ahead in anycase.

More time for the poll would be better, like friday to sunday and not putting in throwaway choices for the sake of beinng LOL WE INTARNETS XDXDXD

>> No.2912051

i had to read sorrows of young werther for my germany history class in college, i think i still have a copy somewhere and potrait is free on google books so i guess i could be down with it, although neither are really things i'm excited to discuss.

>> No.2912056

>Contortionist Handbook - craig Clevenger

>> No.2912232

Enjoy your spoilers

>> No.2912235
File: 863 KB, 1748x1816, 1341126562390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree completely. I also agree with short stories, just to test this thing out and see how it goes.

I vote for BLOOD MERIDIAN or the quick and easy FEAR AND LOATHING (which we've all read by now but would have more to talk about if reading for the second time)

For short stories, I vote for ANTON CHECKOV

>> No.2912439
File: 56 KB, 510x680, {055BFE79-2060-42B2-98EF-7A975ABEF967}Img100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my cards.

>> No.2912499

I agree full-heartily with this.

>> No.2912511

I do find the short story idea attractive, however I feel like reading novella will help me clear my backlog faster, so to speak.

I'd propose to next week, try our hand at a short story format. Perhaps one a day, provided they aren't over 10 or so pages (what usually constitutes the length of proclaimed short stories?). It would be the equivalent of /sci/'s previous Putnam challenge sticky I would think.

The following week we could conduct a simple vote to which format of read-a-longs should stay, after trying our hand at both.

>> No.2912537

This the best idea, obviously.

>> No.2912538


>> No.2912996
File: 80 KB, 592x698, 1342293807877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad that /lit/ got a mod but one has to ask.... what if d&e is the mod.... what will happen to threads of /lit/?

>> No.2914087
File: 52 KB, 724x189, adeepandedgywrath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if d&e is the mod.... what will happen to threads of /lit/?
Hilarious results.

>> No.2914147

how'd you do that i wanna a subjective mouthfarting ban

>> No.2914645

As someone who's going to need something new to read while up at college, I like this idea. Up for anything, like the short story idea. Might introduce me to a new author.

>> No.2914681

first book needs to be short and a classic,just to get everyone in rhythm. Of Mice and Men would be the perfect choice.

>> No.2914989

I'm not really understanding what a "read-along" actually is. From what I'm reading, this sounds like it's going to be some sort of book club...

>> No.2915010

Just wanting to post that this is a good idea, and will work WAY, WAY better than any book club in cousin reddit, thanks to our population, loyalty and rate of posting.

Looking forward to this.

>> No.2915025


Plus one.

>> No.2915157

I like this but, the whole idea in general implies that lit could agree on a book to read. Lit doesn't agree with anything ever.
As long as it's not The Great Gatsby I'm in.

>> No.2915170

I hope this isn't going to consist of boring novellas about a man meeting a woman, and at least one of them being mentally challenged.

>> No.2915178
File: 39 KB, 300x436, rea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Strongly Recommend Miss Lonelyhearts as a novella to read some point in the future (title-character as newspaper columnist. Gives advice to people who send letters. Takes place in Great Depression. Black Comedy. Existentialist as title-character struggles to find a way to respond sincerely to these horribly scarred people as he deals with his own heavy character flaws).

>> No.2915317

I think reading some Kafka in an environment that encourages discussion and different perspectives would be very valuable.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man may also be in order, though that would certainly take longer.

>> No.2915790

Why the fucking HST hate?

>> No.2915840
File: 15 KB, 277x412, the room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HST fan, here. I would nominate one of his works, probably the Rum Diaries, but I guess he's too widely read. So I'll nominate the Room, by Hubert Selby Jr.

>> No.2916228
File: 28 KB, 192x281, HamOnRye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He's discussing feels relevant to my situation of being a pretentious dickoff 25 year old with a penchant for liquor.

>> No.2916310
File: 23 KB, 201x288, Charles Bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Bukowski's not exactly difficult. I think this sort of things is better for books that are more... confusing, for lack of a better word. I love Bukowski, don't get me wrong. But I don't think anyone would get very much out of a big ol' Ham on Rye discussion.

>> No.2916468

/lit/ is greatly comprised of 17-25 year old males. Let's approach a few cool classics that would be accesible to this general age group and might even excite other people about this "club."

This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Portnoy's Complaint - Philip Roth
Native Son - Richard Wright


>> No.2916530

Ulysses. Just see how many people make it to the end.

>> No.2916535

I'd say most of /lit/ can probably finish Ulysses.

>> No.2916577


>"most" can "probably"

>> No.2916708

I don't see any problem with that.

>> No.2916941

Shit like this will surely make the read-alongs fail.

>> No.2917056 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 773x272, werther.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Voting for Sorrows of a Young Werther

>> No.2917382

Recommending some novellas since they seem like the most viable option:
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Capote
The Old Man and The Sea - Hemingway
The Bear - Faulkner
Of Mice and Men - Steinbeck
Animal Farm - Orwell
The Pearl - Steinbeck
Candide - Voltaire

>> No.2917517

/sp/ here. This might give me an excuse to start reading again. Especially if we do short stories. I'll just read them and lurk the discussion threads.

>> No.2917940

D&E was the only trip I ever paid attention to on here. I usually just ignore the names and read everyone as anonymous, but he was great.

>> No.2918003

I read Of Mice and Men in school. I don't really see what there is to discuss. Today I still see everything I was told to write about that book as some contorted literary bullshit my teacher made up about Curlys wifes nails being red because she was dangerous.

>> No.2918126

Iacocca - An Autobiography

>> No.2918488

>past tense
Did he leave us?

>> No.2918600

He now favours heteronymity.

>> No.2918829 [DELETED] 

No post modern faggotry.

>> No.2919032
File: 10 KB, 220x263, Schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a journalist too.

'A great number of bad authors eke out their existence entirely by the foolishness of the public, which only will read what has just been printed. I refer to journalists, who have been appropriately so-called. In other words, it would be "day labourer."'

'Exaggeration of every kind is as essential to journalism as it is to the dramatic art; for the object of journalism is to make events go as far as possible. Thus it is that all journalists are, in the very nature of their calling, alarmists; and this is their way of giving interest to what they write. Herein they are like little dogs; if anything stirs, they immediately set up a shrill bark.'

- Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.2919065

The futility of the American Dream, the nature of friendship, the 'seductive' and parasitic quality of women Steinbeck writes in the novel, the philosophy that human existence is based on the idea of natural selection, I could go on for days. Just because your teacher took an elementary approach to the book does not mean the book itself is elementary.

>> No.2919106

>useless quotes from an inconsequential manic depressive pseudo-philosopher plus an unsurprising championing of the "gentleman bitch" by /lit/'s own gentleman bitch what a neverending joke how are the lads, cheers

>> No.2919114

>You've gotta call me man I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose Sincerely yours, Stan P.S. We should be together too

>> No.2919232

I don't think we should be anxious that the read alongs on /lit/, an online futuba board that only a few vain imbeciles care about, fail. There can no measure of what constitutes success or failure for a read along other than the individual's secret profit. The nature of true play is an ironic and vaguely welcoming attitude towards every failure. The ideal formula does not exist in social activities - and this is a social activity. We can only treat illnesses as they arise with poisons which themselves create other ailments and so on. The idiotic 'success ideology' infused into every American at birth does not work with literature. There is no success in literature, only different types of failure.

>> No.2919464


I liked your post so much that I wrote it down and taped it onto my bedroom wall.

>> No.2919496


lol at /r9k/ critical theory

but then again, ideologies heralding the actions of the strong are perceived as such, and gain their direct comparative strength in contrast with ideologies producing the inaction of the weak, in effect making you an indispensable part of society.... apropos of the wet snow, most will shiver while others sweat.
nigger nigger death nigger death nigger death, no life for the victim, etc

>> No.2919789


>> No.2919918

Never heard of BorgesBorgesBorgesBorges. Does he have anything to do with that one Argentinian author, Jorge Luis Borges? If so I think that would be great.

>> No.2919994

i think its like one of those linguistic tricks, like Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo, right?

>> No.2920461

i think its like one of those linguistic tricks, like Twilight twilight twilight Twilight twilight, twiright?

>> No.2920589

Just got in, don't feel like reading the whole thread.

Where did we come down, have we decided on a book. Are we reviving any of the book clubs to keep track of this?

>> No.2920855
File: 37 KB, 685x564, 1303291743292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you think I'd get upset at someone quoting the truth?

Also, I don't monitor /lit/ and literature news all the time so excuse me if I don't acknowledge your favorite author's death.

Can you guys please make a chart or something, I'm not going to troll the thread counting up votes.

>> No.2920879

You want us to wipe your arse for you too?

>> No.2920938
File: 3 KB, 107x126, 1344616825096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't monitor /lit/ and literature news all the time
Yeah it's not like you're a journalist or anything right

>> No.2920946

I think the psuedo-Nietzschean dialectic of the weak and the strong does not function here in the way that you may think. But, to be frank, I don't know what you think.

My point is more psychological: it is precisely the ability to bear and enjoy a proximity to failure without, as the anguishing over failure (here of all places) deeply suggests, that is the mark of the strong.

>> No.2920965

Montaigne writes in his essay on Chess, it is better to lose than to win, because of the 'vanity' (nothingness) that one gains in winning it. And of all things, a 'read along' is even vainer than chess, cards, or anything of that sort, because it is a game, yet let's not argue over what a game is, that is not compassed by any set of rules, some winning and losing are entirely illusory. I have partially destroyed my own analogy, but it doesn't matter. My point is that seeking either of the two is not even playing the game - the only rule of this game is play.

>> No.2920996


Schopenhauer liked dogs more than humans though. So is he complementing journalists at the end?

>> No.2921089
File: 104 KB, 532x800, ht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think we should be anxious that the read alongs on /lit/, an online futuba board that only a few vain imbeciles care about, fail

>your moms face when reading it

>> No.2921193

>implying journalists are omniscient

also, gtfo tripfag

>> No.2921458

No mate that's not what's implied at all okay thanks and we all know each other here on /lit/ (i.e. the mods, tripfags, and capsguy) except for you, who is a useless stranger anonymous nobody butting into a convo that has nothing to do with you so how about YOU fuck off yeh? cheers

>> No.2921468


I cut out the first sentence and the part where he said "and this is a social activity".

Didn't fuck with the meaning, just removed it from the context of this thread so I could apply it to other things.

>> No.2921552


>> No.2921637 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 460x276, kobal_madmax460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ you picked a good book for the start, don't fuck it up.

I can't think of any suggestions, but I put faith in you that you will continue your already successful streak.

>> No.2922114

If it doesn't have to be fiction, I think next week's should be The Rebel, by Camus. Everyone rides Camus' dick here, but they seem to have only read the Myth of Sisyphus and The Stranger.

>> No.2922187

Incest by Marquis de Sade

>> No.2923204

The complete Blackadder season two scripts.

>> No.2923326

Percy is for a moment incensed. He drops his aim and shoots Baldrick in the codpiece. Baldrick looks down at the arrow sticking in his codpiece.



>> No.2923508

Blackadder: Look at this, what is it?
Baldrick: I'm surprised you've forgotten my lord.
Blackadder: I haven't forgotten, it's a rhetorical question.
Baldrick: Nah, it's a potato.
Blackadder: To you, it's a potato. To me, it's a potato. But to Sir Walter bloody Raleigh, it's fine carriages, luxury estates and as many girls as his tongue can cope with! He's making a fortune out of the things: people are smoking them, building houses out of them... they'll be eating them next!

>> No.2923762


lol i know what your point is. youve niggered your ethical core to a yellowish state of flagellant passivity, reclining near your 3 week old garbage pile musing on the ubiquitousness of suffering as part of the 'human condition'. conditioning yourself to the 'human condition' to a point where a medal of participation suffices for gold when the proper reaction should be one of disgust followed by a total detachment from the 'human condition' which of course involves a lot of healthy self deception, positive illusions, maybe some xanax, some T level boosters, ripped abs, high marks, new tits for that cunt youve married, etc

>> No.2923788

>intentionally deluding oneself is more proper than facing reality head-on
No wonder you go by the name "satan," eh?

>> No.2923825


>intentionally deluding

only a temporary part of the process of shifting between realities, nothing harmful or permanent.
the end state is free of delusion, as the delusion will have finally become real. (in the fullest sense of the word real)

>> No.2923835

'realities' lol

what a fucking retard

so you're telling me the 3-piece meal come wit 2 free reals

>> No.2923839

lmao 2reals

that post was tworeal4me

i could do this for days

>> No.2923852

>i could do this for days
inb4, "and you do too"

that's a little too high calibre for you stan keep working at it tho you'll get there one day

>> No.2923865

lol fuck off faggot im trying to make a difference here so that these young rejects might not end up like you when theyre 40 so like go on and play some videogames or sex with the lads or something, cheers

>> No.2923905


>these young rejects

Aren't you like 20 years old stan?


>so you're telling me the 3-piece meal come wit 2 free reals

That wasn't even funny. You've become really corny.

>> No.2923941


im 21 you young ass faggot

and dont be so mean to deepthroat, youre going to get old too you know, and when you also feel the throes of a mid-life crisis youre going to wish people people didnt call you out on your cornyness

>> No.2923973

jesus christ

>> No.2924019



>> No.2924199

Hmmm? I don't understand where this is coming from, so you're obviously psychotic, but so are all great artists, and I really prefer your kind of psychosis to the average posts here.

My main problem with the ubermensch you imagine is that it is basically infantile, it's too romantic. Bach and Mozart were closer to the ubermensch than Beethoven and Wagner. They didn't care about failure except in a very staid, dull, bourgeois sense of the word, leagues away from what you're talking about. It's precisely their aristocratic indifference, which is not at all bhuddistic, which is the charm of their superiority to the romantic, 'win at all costs', self-destructive ruin of a man, who doesn't understand how to take his time, because he is at bottom, inferior to himself.