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2904362 No.2904362[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]




>> No.2904371

ancap motherfucker

>> No.2904397
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>> No.2904404

fucking ridiculous leftists that always want to invent their own irrelevant terminology

why do they do this? Do they think using words that noone use knows makes them an "intellectual"?

Further: Why do they want to invent a special way of everyone acting and associating, is simple freedom too good for them?

>> No.2904434


>> No.2904489

>hate the state
>want to force people to live and act as you want

leftism as a whole requires force from a state to hence why all anarchist ideologies are a total load of shit.

>> No.2904494

to.... control people and compel them to behave as they want...*

>> No.2904528

>anarchists are the only leftists

>> No.2904536

Almost all leftists want to rearrange society in a totalitarian manner, yet at the same time pretending that people will be more "free".

>> No.2904542


I'm sure you're just trolling, but in case somebody reads your trash and takes it seriously, here is the refutation: what you refer to as 'freedom' does not exist. It is impossible for all people to be free. If nobody stops me from owning my neighbour as a slave, then my neighbour loses his liberty. If somebody stops me from infringing my neighbour's liberty in that way, then my own freedom to act is being constrained.

There is always a trade-off. 'Leftists' just want a different flavour of trade than you do. JUST LET PEOPLE BE FREE is no kind of answer.

>> No.2904609

>its an essential freedom to kidnap my neighbor and enslave him

what are you even saying?

>> No.2904615
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>> No.2904618

This is a load of bullcrap.
so is this. Anarchosyndicallism has taken a turn from normal anarchic principles to more libertarian ideas (which is why people refer to it as libertarian socialism). Mainly because society is too big to support anarchism now. So yes, there is still authority, but it's power is so diminished that it can do some of the abusive things it normally does. That being said, you also have to take into account egoistic anarchism, voluntarism, anarchoprimitism, etc. which are more commune, lead by consensus rather than democracy theories of politics.

>> No.2904621

Yes but its garbage because all of this leftist thinking is totally alien to human nature and normal human behavior.
And so i a "libertarian" or an anarchist sort of society, none of their wishful thinking could ever come about.

>> No.2904625

eh, some anarchists are actually very in tune with the sociology of cultures. Kropotkin was a biologist afterall. Humans are social creatures and therefore will work together if there is a perceived common goal. Granted it may be more grandiose under an anarchist pair of lens but I'd rather trust my life to an anarchist than to a socialist or a communist.

>> No.2904633

humans are social creatures AMONG THEIR KIN.

The only form of socialism that is plausible is national socialism.

>> No.2904639

>among their kin
I mean, sure, again if a common goal is perceived people will work together to various degrees.
>national socialism
Again, I've never trusted a socialist or a communist. While it may be plausible it may not be ideal. I honestly hate capitalism, but at least I know I'm getting shafted by a group that everyone hates, rather than a group everyone hates yet can't talk about. Honestly, as a former anarchist, politics are boring and only independent influence can bring about anything decent in this world. Still though, I am an avid political skeptic.

>> No.2904655

>wanting neofeudalism
>being a dingus

>> No.2904670
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>mfw rightists defending the race to the bottom

Liberal scum.