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/lit/ - Literature

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2900131 No.2900131 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of the Hunger Games?

>> No.2900140


>> No.2900143

Why would I hold opinions of any kind on literature written for children?

>> No.2900145

Holy shit, did you miss the bus.

Hunger Games was last month's pesky troll thread. This month's pesky troll thread is 50 Shades of Gray. Stay current.

>> No.2900149

I had fun reading it.

>> No.2900169

How mature.
What bus? I just finished with this trilogy and really enjoyed it. Stop automatically assuming people are trolling when they want to discuss some literature on a literature board.
Same here, any books you'd recommend?

>> No.2900174


What, in general? Or in a similar vein to The Hunger Games (Good young adult fiction)?

>> No.2900179


Similar to the Hunger Games.

>> No.2900195


>> No.2900205


Well, I'm unfamiliar with books that would follow a similar premise (Dystopian near-future, or survival), but whenever I talk about young adult fiction, I always have to plug the Young Wizards series by Diane Duane.

It's fantastic. The protagonist is a young lady by the name of Nita, and the series focuses on her and her wizarding partner, Kit. They have adventures across space and deal with pretty heavy stuff. The magic featured in the series is best defined as "talking the universe into doing what needs to be done", by way of intricate spellwork and study. And regardless of what the name of the series may lead some to believe, it's in no way related to Harry Potter whatsoever. The first book was published years before the Philosopher's Stone.

I've heard good things about Eoin Colfer's work.

If you're into sci-fi and willing to swallow some apprehension about the series from whence the books spawned, at least two of the Halo books are solid. The Fall of Reach (Which details Spartan training) actually has some elements pretty similar to The Hunger Games. First Strike is also solid.

>> No.2900213

Why? Why do you do this?

>> No.2900217


Alright, thanks for the suggestions, noted them down.

>> No.2900216


People have fun reading books.

>> No.2900224

Those bastards!

>> No.2900230


I've never really been on /lit/ before. These are the first 3 books I've read in about 2 years, so I am the definition of a casual reader. As I enjoyed the series, I decided to see what /lit/ thought of it. Obviously by the reaction, must people think it's the equivalent of Call of Duty I guess? Oh well, that won't effect my opinion. Anyway, if you don't approve of me reading these books that's fine, but please don't incorrectly call this a troll thread.

>> No.2900233

I apologize. There have been countless Hunger Games threads in recent times and 9/10 of them have been troll threads.
They've embittered me to the Hunger Games and I assume all THG threads are troll threads.
I apologize for assuming incorrectly. It's good that you're getting back into reading. I hope you enjoy it.

>> No.2900245

It's... um. Yeah, I hope you understand that the weight of probability is very much towards being a troll thread. You have to understand, it's just that most people here read a whole lot and when people who don't read and don't come to the board often come here to make threads about the only thing they've read in the last 5 years, it can get a little annoying. I mean, think about it - how many threads do you think we've had about The Hunger Games? How many threads do you think we've had about 50 Shades of Grey? I hope you can understand how that could get, well, a little bit annoying.

Of course, it's exacerbated by /lit/'s tendency to be kind of terribly pretentious and snobbish about popular things, especially things that are genre and, frankly, things that are liked by women. That definitely doesn't help. But, yeah, it's mostly that we've had a ton of threads about things that most of the regular posters on the board don't really care about or dislike. That's why you're getting the kind of reaction you are. Hope this helps.

>> No.2900247


I don't really see why people would do that... I would have thought Twilight would have been the go-to for trolling around here.

>> No.2900249

It was when Twilight was new/popular.
Right now, THG is the "popular" thing, alongside 50 Shades of Grey.

>> No.2900253


Ah, yeah I understand. That's unfortunate.

>> No.2900381

Some of the greatest literature is written for children. Let's see...
>Alice in Wonderland
>1001 nights
>Grimms Fairy Tales
>Huck Finn

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.2900386

Piece of sh*t.

>> No.2900405


Who? What?