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2898848 No.2898848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ and drugs.

What do you use?
Why do you use it?

I drink coffe because my day is shit if I don't get some and occasionally some alcoholic beverages for no obvious reason(at least not to me.)

>> No.2898849

Sexy man!

>> No.2898851

Red Wine
Beer (IPAs and Stouts for preference)

>> No.2898852

Nicotine, THC, the occasional amphetamine.

>> No.2898858

Sorry /lit/, I'm retarded today.

>> No.2898864
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I introduced my friends to breaking bad and now they all want to huff scante.

personally i've never needed anything stronger than alcohol and maybe some weed muffins from time to time when I read/write.

>> No.2898874

THC --Best sleeping medication possible, and the only way I can dumb myself down enough to enjoy video games.
Nicotine --I like smoke
Various Psychedelics --creativity enhancer
Adderall --for long 10+ hour writing sessions
Occasional Klonopin --for girls...so i can talk to them.
Cheap Alcohol --cause I can't afford good alcohol.
Molly --Not often, but fun when it happens.
Cocaine --cause its adderall and molly together.

Wow. I need to lay it off for a bit.

>> No.2898877

Coffee because I don't even know why.
Alcohol because it makes it easy not to think for awhile.
Any sort of opiates I can get my hands on because they make me feel more like myself.

>> No.2898879

wouldn't say it makes me more creative or that I particularly need it; it's good for zoning out distractions and conjuring fruitless abstractions.

>> No.2898901

weed only, but I'm trying to quit

>> No.2898902
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Coffee because it tastes good, makes me feel good, and is good for me in moderation.

I also drink vodka mixers that are fruity at parties because girls come up to me to tell me that they're fruity and I'm gay and I can then attempt flirting and prove that if I were gay I would be just as alone as I am now.

>> No.2898905

You're not quitting unless you're quitting.
Trying doesn't exist.

>> No.2898904

>trying to quit
>a non dependence-forming substance
I don't even.

>> No.2898910

You missed the thread about how Hal Incandenza of "Infinite Jest" is hooked on weed? There were more than a few /lit/izens who piped up to say their addiction to marijuana was real and strong.

It was good stuff.

>> No.2898911

it's not that I'm addicted to it, I just don't really want to quit it although I know I should. plus I used to smoke a lot with my friends, so it's more of a habit.

>> No.2898913
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>non-dependece forming substance
>any stimulant


>> No.2898943

>A stimulant
u wot m8

>> No.2898954

ecigs, occasionally weed and adderal. Coffee is a necessity.

>> No.2898956

THC, because sleep and masturbation under it's influence is wonderful.
Alcohol, rarely.
Nicotine, gives me focus, good social catalyst.
Codeine, feelsgoodman.

>> No.2898957

> it's not that I'm addicted to it, I just don't really want to quit it although I know I should. plus I used to use a lot with my friends, so it's more of a habit.

Do you realize this has been said by every addict of every substance since the dawn of time??

Man up, even the meth zombies with rotting skin say the same thing.

>> No.2898969
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>> No.2898971

Coffee because it's delicious and makes everything better. It makes me sort of twitchy but not in a bad way. Everything gets sharper edges.

Alcohol because it, too, is delicious and makes everything better. The first one's always the best. Serious drinking bouts are pretty shitty, but I seem to get involved in them fairly frequently.

Weed I'm not much into but I'll smoke it as a social thing. It makes me stupid and content, there are worse things to be.

More powerful stimulants/depressants I don't do on any regular basis but I've tried them from time to time when I've been offered. Some good experiences, some not so good, none so amazing that I would bother to procure such stuff on a regular basis.

Psychedelics: never tried them, I'd be interested to do so.

>> No.2898973

I drink spirits and beer, because I am an Englishman.

>> No.2898974

that meant to have text with it. I smoke weed erryday 420 le upboat xDDDD and do DMT every couple of weeks. oh yeah and beer. lots of beer. I fucking despise coffee though and it never does anything for me

>> No.2898979
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thc is a nice concoction of different psychoactive effects; yes, including enhanced neural activity in parts of the brain.

even the most delusional potheads admit that heavy, daily and chronic users exhibit addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.2898985

Alcohol for writing/socializing
Weed to relax during the day
I used to eat mushrooms/LSD on a weekly basis, but then in the words of Alan Watts I "got the message," so I hung up the phone.
Opiates whenever I can find them
Cocaine on the weekends

>> No.2898994

im the poster above you and I quite for the first year of college after daily smoking for 4 years and felt nothing

>> No.2899003

Coffee all day erry day

Weed cause it takes the edge off, but I'm smoking way too much of it and it's starting to make me lazy, dumb, and even more edgy when I'm not high.

LSD because it has profoundly transformed my life, opening my mind, helping me get past a traumatic background, develop my sense of self and identity, and become a lot more empathetic and able to relate to others around me. Highly recommended.

>> No.2899005

I do heroin a couple of times a year. It's indescribable

>> No.2899012

Coffee during the day, tea at night.


>All these hard drugs everywhere

Are heroine and coke really that great?

>> No.2899019

I wouldn't put cocaine on the same level as heroin in terms of "hard-core"

>> No.2899030


There's some decent evidence that withdrawal symptoms occur in heavy users, and also some preliminary evidence that this can be mitigated using pharmacological methods. There may be some level of psychological addiction going on. But we're not talking like, heroin here, or even coffee. It's just the body adjusting to the regular presence of a neuro-active substance. This isn't a substance that hijacks the reward systems in our brains and then crashes them later.

Every psychoactive substance has the potential for a kind of dependence. Weed dependence basically works in the same way that alchy dependence works minus the difference in the damage caused by alchy on the organs: people use the substance to cope with, or enhance, parts of their life and then they become unable to function without it because they are so familiar to it. Usually there's an underlying problem, clinical or not clinical, and sometimes it's just brute habit, like this guy here who is stuck closely associating smoking with his friends.

>> No.2899032

Well I have been a drug addict. I used to smoke cigarettes, drink a lot of beer and whiskey, smoke weed and shit, pop pills, take mdma, snort amphetamines, take lsd and snort coke. This at very high doses. At one period of my life I was taking about 8 grams coke a day.

I am now since 2 years clean.

Now I only drink good wine and whiskey, plus smoke occasionally a good Cuban cigar and enjoy once in a while a good pipe.

Stay away from drugs. It's shit. Believe me.

>> No.2899038
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nah cunt it's rad

>> No.2899042

Meant physiological, not psych, sorry.

There's also this. There may be no significant physiological component. We just don't know. Psychologically, though, there are heavy users who don't need it to live their life, just like there are people who have a couple of martinis every day. (alchy is not a perfect analogy because "heavy use" produces real damage and obvious dependence.)

Though heavy use really doesn't mean a joint or some bong hits after class. It's all day erreyday.

>> No.2899052

mainly stimulants...would much prefer opiates but it's not the sort of crowd I'm in, only really have easy access to party drugs - mdma, methamphetamine etc. But I try not to use more than once a month, because I feel like if I do it too often it fucks my attention span and I can't read properly, and I don't like drugs enough to put up with that. also smoke a lot of ciggarettes which I love more than anything, unfortunately

>> No.2899053


My life is already shit. I'd rather it be shit while high.

>> No.2899063

Yeah that's what I taught too until I finished at the hospital. I was just saying. I don't care if you kill yourself or not.

>> No.2899081

Used to do hard shit all the time. Rocked gigantic doses of AM 2201.

Now I don't even drink alcohol. The only thing I ingest that could remotely be called a 'drug' is tea.

>> No.2899116

Alcohol, cigarettes, pot, shrooms, coke, adderall, probably doing MDMA and acid in the near future.

Why do I do this? Because I'm young and dumb.

>> No.2899179

mainly meth, simply it is basically the most common nightclub drug in my city, and the most readily available/cheapest. but not regularly, as really it is an evil drug and i've seen some friends, and many dickhead 'aquaintances', go off the deep end with it. and really, i think drugs are very boring, after your initial experimentation's with them i think their is not that much to gain from them apart from them and the experience just carries a sense of deja vu and blandness. but nightclubs and friends can be boring too, and sometimes your drunk, and next thing you know all your money's gone and it's two days later and...facepalm.