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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 460x288, stephen-hawking_1387959c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2897862 No.2897862[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Philosophy is dead."
-Stephen Hawking

>> No.2897867

"Stephen Hawking is crippled."

>> No.2897868

Says the handicapped theorist hack.

>> No.2897873

Isaac Newton is dead.

>> No.2897877

"Dead philosophy is."

>> No.2897882
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"Every time there's a leap in physics, it encroaches on these areas that philosophers have carefully sequestered away to themselves, and so then you have this natural resentment on the part of philosophers.”
-Lawrence Krauss

>> No.2897885


>> No.2897888
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“Philosophy is a field that, unfortunately, reminds me of that old Woody Allen joke, ‘those that can’t do, teach, and those that can’t teach, teach gym.' And the worst part of philosophy is the philosophy of science; the only people, as far as I can tell, that read work by philosophers of science are other philosophers of science. It has no impact on physics what so ever. ... they have every right to feel threatened, because science progresses and philosophy doesn’t.”
-Lawrence Krauss

>> No.2897889

I'd love to see your precious science explain precognitive dreams and ghosts

enjoy your mild depression you sociopath

>> No.2897890

"because general relativity describes how time flows slower the closer an object is to a large mass"


>> No.2897893

"Every time there's a leap in physics, 1000 scientists go on all the major news shows to jerk off about how cool the things they do are, and so you have this natural disdain for the self-involved nature of the sciences.”

>> No.2897894

obviously butthurt Englsih major troll is obvious

>> No.2897897

"b-b-b-but my reductionism! fuck emotions!" - you

>> No.2897898

>paranoid schizophrenic with imbecilic delusions and only half of a hippocampus because of LSD abuse
It can.

>> No.2897903

Essential reads on the flaws of scientism and/or positivism?

>> No.2897906
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>implying we can possess knowledge

gonna have to do better than that science

>> No.2897907

the bible

>> No.2897908


>> No.2897909


The eclipse of Reason by Max Horkheimer is a pretty good attack of positivism & pragmatism.

>> No.2897910

Can you formulate a coherent argument instead of spewing immature babble?

Define knowledge.

>> No.2897911

Why do idiots believe emotions are actually magic? That's the ending to a cheesy TV show, not philosophy.

>> No.2897918
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i don't believe thinks you jew, i create truths. mfw

>> No.2897919

yes, they do often over sell a leap in physics. When there's an actual leap in philosophy though, you're welcome to do the same.

>> No.2897913

any and all definitions you can think of


>> No.2897920

I hope /lit/ knows that Hawking/Krauss are pretentious fucktards and do not speak for the whole of the scientific community.

Hawking insults philosophy, yet he himself practices it by doing theoretical physics.

Same with Krauss.

Experimentalsts are also not like this.

>> No.2897921

well /lit/ reversed this troll pretty fucking quickly. leling hard

>> No.2897925
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"Every time I make a wildly reductive and laughably broad statement, people give me attention."
-Lawrence Krauss

>> No.2897926

>Hawking insults philosophy, yet he himself practices it by doing theoretical physics
you're just as pretentious as he is.

>> No.2897923

interesting philosophical position

>> No.2897928

Hawking really is a pretentious bastard - you can hear it in the tone of his voice.

>> No.2897929


doesn't mean what you think it does

>> No.2897930

What is the point of living if you do not know anything?

>> No.2897931

prescriptivist scum

>> No.2897934

Hey, hey, look on the bright side: you wouldn't know there was no points to living.

>> No.2897935

There's no point, but I fail to see how that's a problem, and I fail even more to see how there being no point is a result of there being no knowledge. You're outta your league, son

>> No.2897939

So you deny objectivity?

>> No.2897942

of course not, it's just not observable. this really isn't difficult, folks

>> No.2897943

Objectivity by definition is observable.

>> No.2897945

no i think it does. You try to make your interest more important by piggybacking off the value of other subjects. There was a similar pic i'll try to look for that did the same thing, except with some type of chemistry. You're just doing it with philosophy. If philosophy is of any real value, then you don't need to affirm it with small interconnections to other subjects.

>> No.2897946


>> No.2897948


pick it up scibros, we're counting on you to save da world

>> No.2897952

save it yourselves, we're busy with the rest of the universe.

>> No.2897953

So is this it? Is complete autistic detachment from subjectivity the way human thought is heading?

>> No.2897955

> If philosophy is of any real value, then you don't need to affirm it with small interconnections to other subjects.
How was this implied in >>2897920? I stated that Hawking/Krauss by virtue use the methodology of philosophy, yet they insult it.

It's a loose correlation to interpret that as 'philosophy is useless on its own right without application'.

>> No.2897957

Define objectivity.

>> No.2897959

dats not the utilitarian way nigga. why you're not a scientist at all

>> No.2897961

No, you filthy prescriptivist. Signs are dead.

>> No.2897965


Stop right there, my love.

>> No.2897966

>implying anything has use

get a load of this redditor

>> No.2897969

You tell him continetalbro, real philosophers make sure no one knows what the hell they're talking about. It's deeper that way

>> No.2897971
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you don't know what autism is brudda. NMH are entry-level indie too. enjoy your plebeian tastes :3

>> No.2897974

>getting analragnaroked because he ain't got shit

face it scibros, your field is worthless and you're all of sub-par intelligence

>> No.2897981


All joking aside, though, I only said that because the extent of a typical /sci/fag troll's argumentation is

>define this, I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN
>define define define

>> No.2897983

I was saying how making loose connections between the two does nothing to help your case. their problem is not with whatever methods might be common between science and philosophy, but with the value of philosophical study itself.

>> No.2897986

why should all scientist be utilitarians? they are not engineers.

>> No.2897989

>he doesn't know that science is a sub-branch of philosophy

if this is the future generation of scientists then lel out lold we're fucked

>> No.2897990

Agreed, they should take that Socratic shit out of here: it's got nothing to do with philosophy.

>> No.2897991

His use of language is very imprecise. I know you guys don't care about that for various non-reasons but it's actually very important to make yourself clear.

>> No.2897992

no one should be a utilitarian but that's the mind-set of scientific advance

>> No.2897993

>lel out lold

I lyld

>> No.2897998

The decline of the physicist-philosopher

Feyerabend was critical of the lack of knowledge of philosophy shown by the generation of physicists that emerged after World War II:

The withdrawal of philosophy into a "professional" shell of its own has had disastrous consequences. The younger generation of physicists, the Feynmans, the Schwingers, etc., may be very bright; they may be more intelligent than their predecessors, than Bohr, Einstein, Schrödinger, Boltzmann, Mach and so on. But they are uncivilized savages, they lack in philosophical depth – and this is the fault of the very same idea of professionalism which you are now defending

>> No.2897999

because things like understanding black holes and the how the universe began have any real impact on the average person's life?

>> No.2898005

as a solipsist reality only exists within my mind so any discoveries are meaningless as i already knew them

>> No.2898006
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>> No.2898008

read the post..we share certain styles of though, but science adds to it. science would be just as pointless as philosophy without some empiricism.

>> No.2898009


>> No.2898010

Are you 12? 13?

What do you think "theoretical" means?

Do you know what "philosophy of science" is?


>> No.2898012

empiricism is explicitly fallible tho bro

induction and all that

>> No.2898016

No, you see, it's probably not possible to know anything with absolute certainty, right? And as we all know there's no room whatsoever between absolute certainty and random guesses. That means I can believe WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT as long as it sounds good (or makes me sound smart). Thus Lacan is totally valid, Derrida a genius, and science irrelevant. This is /lit/'s mindset.

>> No.2898017

No, but cooperation is required to achieve scientific endeavours.

>> No.2898019

When was the last time a philosopher contributed anything to a scientific endeavor?

>> No.2898022

probs when aristotle invented science

>> No.2898024

yep. y u mad tho? im yet to see you refute anything

>> No.2898026

>implying philosophy of science is any more valid
theoretical, at least, has a sense of empiricism.
any more fallible than philosophy without it? at least with empiricism, you have some kind of foundation. not just subjective interpretations.

>> No.2898027
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ITT: the scientific method gets fucked in the ass by at least 4 schools of thought and STEM majors get mad

>> No.2898028

it's been quite a while then?

>> No.2898030

Are you fucking retarded?

How about all of physics? Classical mechanics after Newton did not involve tweaks to incorporate experimental data, it involved trying to describe why Newton's laws worked. General relativity was a complete "guess" until experimental evidence came around. Same with a good portion of QFT.

Same with string theory.

How about the postulation on the structure of DNA?

All philosophy of science.

>> No.2898032

time is relative


i hate explaining all this shit that should be assumed knowledge to scibros

>> No.2898034

I laugh when I see people switch between the senses of words like that, but then I remember that contemporary humanities departments take stuff premised on that seriously and I get sad.

fuck you /lit/

>> No.2898037

rephrasing it another way, you've been of no use other than at the very beginning of it. seems pretty outdated bro.

>> No.2898041

But is there anything wrong with being of no use to a field which is of no use?

>> No.2898042


>> No.2898044

>switching the burden of proof
Explain how all reality works and be sure to include that somehow all of empiricism is debunked.

>> No.2898045

>And as we all know there's no room whatsoever between absolute certainty and random guesses.
That really is /lit/'s mindset, isn't it?

>> No.2898046

the beginning and the end are one and the same. you're bad at this

hahahaha dat mad. delicious sociopath tears. come back when you can win an argument scibro

>> No.2898048

Not that guy, but as far as I can tell, yes it is.

>> No.2898049

jesus christ..it's already been said they share some methodology. the difference is that philosophy stops there and science doesn't. do you think the theory of relativity would have any value without empirical backing? that is where the distinction between a useful subject and a useless one lies.

>> No.2898052

>implying my epistesmelogical nihilistic position isn't a negative state
>implying the burden of proof isn't on you that reality exists

lel science

>> No.2898056

but they are not. does eternalism have anything to indicate its validity other than "sounds good"? until it does, i am not forced to accept it.

>> No.2898053

That's... really not true at all. Like, there is a difference in what they're trying to describe and what the standards of proof for it to be "useful" are. A fundamental difference.

>> No.2898055

>All philosophy of science.
You should at least Google "philosophy of science" before you confuse it with hypothesis formation, /lit/bro.

>> No.2898057

>implying you exist

>> No.2898058

>burden of proof

Here, let me list some other scibro catchphrases

>hard sciences, define X, evidence

This is like your home away from home, scifags

>> No.2898059


>> No.2898060

Who cares if it does? If I stick my foot up your ass like you deserve you're going to get mad, not speculate about whether my foot is "really" inside your anal cavity. Really, it's just not an interesting question at all

>> No.2898061

What do you think a hypothesis is? What do you think philosophy is?

>> No.2898063


>> No.2898065

You did not get the point whatsoever. You cannot have science without philosophy. You also cannot have philosophy without some basis of reality.

Try to do philosophy without human intuition. You can't.

>> No.2898066

>drawing false conclusions

typical buttmad scifag

>> No.2898069

so what do you do when there are conflicting and completely incompatible views in philosophy? you argue about it until....until something happens? In science, you use empirical evidence to disprove one or the other. this is the distinction i'm trying to make.

>> No.2898070

>The philosophy of science is concerned with the assumptions, foundations, methods, and implications of science. It is also concerned with the use and merit of science and sometimes overlaps metaphysics and epistemology by exploring whether scientific results are actually a study of truth. In addition to these central problems of science as a whole, many philosophers of science also consider problems that apply to particular sciences (e.g. philosophy of biology or philosophy of physics). Some philosophers of science also use contemporary results in science to reach conclusions about philosophy.

Hypothesis formation is coming with educated (or not so educated) guesses about things that you proceed to test.

Once again /lit/ confirmed for pretentious fucks

>> No.2898071

>the burden of proof isn't on you that reality exists
Define reality.

>> No.2898073

Philosophy is a science.

>> No.2898075


>> No.2898076

sure that's valid

it sounded as tho you were implying that philosophy was without value because the standards of evidence relevant to science don't apply in the case of philosophy. that's what i was objecting to.

>> No.2898077

Science has proven reality is subjective.

>> No.2898078

Jacques Derrida proved that words mean nothing. We aren't even having this conversation.

>> No.2898079

Define "define."

Now do you see why this is not a good way to have an discussion scibros?

>> No.2898081

Fuck you shithead /sci/ idiots. I swear to fucking god, stop coming over here and making dumb threads about how literature / philosophy are worthless and Only Science Is The Way Forward. You pricks.

>> No.2898083

maybe when philosophy does anything useful I'll stop claiming science is the only way forward.

>> No.2898084

Define useful

>> No.2898085

I wasn't implying that there. It is true of course, but I wasn't implying it there.

>> No.2898086



>> No.2898087

Logic itself is unfalsifiable. That doesn't make it invalid.

>> No.2898090

Your fallacies are futile.

>> No.2898091

I thought word choice was supposed to go unchallenged here in the finest sophistic tradition?

>> No.2898092

guise, hey guise
you're going about this all wrong
the only thing that really matters is what you can make a living with. no point philosophizing about the meaning of life if you're a bum on the streets, and there's no point of theorizing unless you can afford instruments to make observations with.
Medical studies are the only way to go, prove me wrong.

>> No.2898095

b-but muh meaning

even though i don't actually believe it exists

>> No.2898093

>confirmed for buttmad scifag trying to save face

>> No.2898097

Physics, a discipline with a descriptive vocabulary.

Philosophy, a discipline that seeks to explain normative pheomena.

Done now.

>> No.2898098

>implying we're not all descriptivists

i wish you scifags knew the first fucking thing about anything other than when dawkins' next book is getting published

>> No.2898099

Well well well. So many implicit implications. Now you have to define "living" and "life" and since these are defined subjectively , it would be insufficient to link to wikipedia.

>> No.2898100

Not really though

If were to observe p and not-p being true at the same time, logic would be falsified. It's just that it doesn't happen

>> No.2898101

Actually I think we should just drown every word in every statement with endless demands for definitions. That way, we forget what we were arguing about instead of getting any clarification.

>> No.2898103

Is /lit/ really this ignorant about its own subject? The definitions of words being contextual doesn't make them meaningless. David Foster Wallace wrote a nice piece about this.

>> No.2898104

>the meaning of life

oh god all STEM majors should be put down

>> No.2898105

who needs meaning when you got 3 teenage whores on you bed every day you wake up? enjoy telling me my life is meaningless /lit/fags or telling me i'm statistically more likely to die at a younger age /sci/fags. like i give a fuck
i have bitches on my dick. my truth is objective.

>> No.2898107



>> No.2898108

In what terms do physical things have a "reality"? How do you objectively define "something real"? The problem is that "reality" is not properly defined. You cannot prove existence (unless you're working in a mathematical framework). Existence has to be taken as a fact.

>> No.2898109

DFW is a fucking entry-level faggot who didn't know shit and I'm glad he's dead. of course you'd look up to him you ignorant piece of unpatriotic sociopathic magic-believing scientist

>> No.2898110

yes they should, as well as all humanities majors. thanks for needlessly re-stating my point.

>> No.2898113

this is /fit/'s mentality

>> No.2898114

woah woah woah, if i do science, it's for america.

>> No.2898115

typical scientism sociopath

i bet you've never seen a ghost

>> No.2898116

and it's objectively true.

>> No.2898117

you're bad at this

>> No.2898118

From a philosophical stance no "truth" is more valid than another "truth" (hoever you define that). The problem with your post is that you put belief on the same level with experience. When we individually experience something, we can talk about it and can ask others whether they experience something similar. We give it a name (qualia) and try to explain it. Beliefs like the ones mentioned in your post are on another level. They are not directly experienced, but they serve to explain other things. Your explanation is unfalsifiable, and therefore worthless. You should focus on the things we can experience.

>> No.2898120

stop right there wittgensteinian scum, there are no others for solipsists. gotta read more bro

>> No.2898121

>Science can't prove anything! it is based on assumptions!
>But I know for certain that I can be certain that reality may be fake!

>> No.2898122

thats nice and all (bro), but others still exist even if you don't want them to

>> No.2898124

Troll harder.

>> No.2898130

i don't need to see a ghost. i see large numbers in my bank account. i can pay someone to cleverly trick me into thinking i saw a ghost if i wanted to.
no, you are. My truth is clearly valid, yet you try to deny it without even giving a reason for your herresy. F-, apply yourself.

>> No.2898131

>false conclusions

and considering your entire post was meant to be a critique of his philosophical position I found it funny that you did shit all to argue against it. classic science

>> No.2898133
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give up pal

>> No.2898136
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>> No.2898139
File: 21 KB, 528x434, 1337193556215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay owned

>> No.2898140

i would (i certainly have enough saved up for the rest of my life) but I feel like continuing my saving of life. meanwhile you uselessly ponder on whether i saved anything real at all.

>> No.2898141


lol crushed

>> No.2898143

I don't think our conceptions of logic are compatible. Show me the logical calculus that allows one to infer that "others" do not exist. By rules of which logic do you think one has to accept this blasphemy?

>> No.2898144

>not being an anti-natalist

have fun prolonging the suffering of innocents, medfag

>> No.2898150


my most certain knowledge is the content of my own mind—my thoughts, experiences, affects, etc.
there is no conceptual or logically necessary link between mental and physical—between, say, the occurrence of certain conscious experience or mental states and the 'possession' and behavioral dispositions of a 'body' of a particular kind (see the brain in a vat)
the experience of a given person is necessarily private to that person.

>> No.2898151

nigga have you even read the thread? i got bitches on my dick son. My truth is unquestionable. doesn't matter whether you think those bitches are really there, or whether they morally should be there, or whatever other meaningless, unprovable philosophical view you have. The bitches are STILL on my dick son and i am STILL rolling in green and happiness.

>> No.2898153



>> No.2898156

different poster and not a solipsist, but from the wiki:

Solipsism is first recorded with the Greek presocratic sophist, Gorgias (c. 483–375 BC) who is quoted by the Roman skeptic Sextus Empiricus as having stated:[2]
Nothing exists;
Even if something exists, nothing can be known about it; and
Even if something could be known about it, knowledge about it can't be communicated to others.
Much of the point of the Sophists was to show that "objective" knowledge was a literal impossibility. (See also comments credited to Protagoras of Abdera).

>> No.2898157

>gives me a 0/10
>so mad, he even responds almost as soon as i posted it
please child, the grown ups are talking.

>> No.2898158
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i just want a partner that loves me

>> No.2898159

>he thinks he can be certain of the content of his own mind

>> No.2898160
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>> No.2898164



>> No.2898165

>most certain

pick one

>/sci/ in charge of reading

>> No.2898166



stay mad tho :3

>> No.2898168

lol, dis nigga keeps responding. so mad. enjoy your inferior life. just make sure you don't get in my way when I go to buy stock.

>> No.2898171

My thoughts, experiences, affects, etc. lead me inevitably to the conclusion that other minds exist.

what now solipists

>> No.2898173



>> No.2898174

but dey dont

>> No.2898175

>implying i can't do this all day, as i get to choose my own hours because superior studies

>> No.2898178

i know my own mind fucker. they do

solipism disproven

>> No.2898180

You cannot explain physical information such as the concept of the wavelength of light with this analogy. You just add an additional layer of abstraction over it.

It doesn't answer any questions.

>> No.2898183



>> No.2898184

you dont know what inevitably means :3333
u cant trust your senses :333333

>> No.2898186

i don't need to explain them, they don't exist. i simply don't understand why this is so difficult for you guys. the dogmatics of scientism truly are worse than any fundamentalist religions

>> No.2898187

>implying I care about the quality of this board, in which we shall keep bumping a shitty thread to the front page.

>> No.2898190

my thoughts inevitably lead me to the conclusion that I know what inevitably means, and then inevitably lead me to the conclusion that you are wrong

suck my cock dude

>> No.2898192



>> No.2898194

mad and wrong at the same time, how fitting :3

>> No.2898195

You add an additional layer of abstraction over it.

So what? Now you know the answer to some deep philosophical question. You're a brain in a vat.

How does what you can actually observe work? That's what I am asking. I am not asking if it is irrelevant for you to explain.

>> No.2898198

>implying the bitches on my dick can't type for me if i ever get tired.

>> No.2898199


>> No.2898202

please articulate your question with more clarity. i know scibros are notoriously bad with language, but this is ridiculous

>> No.2898203



>> No.2898205

>implying you're gonna win

>> No.2898210

Expalin why a photon has wavelength.

>> No.2898212



>> No.2898213

but i'm not mad or wrong

I don't even exist, remember?

>> No.2898215

it doesn't. neither photons nor wavelengths exist. next question :3

>> No.2898216

seriously though, solipism amounts to realism

now suck my cock dude

>> No.2898218

it a self-referential post. keep up

>> No.2898219

You did not answer the question. You added an abstraction over it.

Try again.

>> No.2898220

>implying i haven't already won

>> No.2898223

lel. keep changing your definition of an answer if it makes you feel better but the burden of proof is on you

>> No.2898224



>> No.2898225
File: 112 KB, 432x300, Faulkner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying victory isn't an illusion of philosophers and fools

>> No.2898226

>implying i belong in reddit

>> No.2898228

If definitions refer to objective reality, they can be refined until there is absolute consensus (modulo trolls of course).

An abstraction over objective reality (in your case solipsism) does not answer the question.

Try again.

>> No.2898236

Faulkner has no idea about what he is talking about and should of just shot himself if he was so depressed and pessimistic.

>> No.2898247

>Faulkner has no idea about what he is talking about
prove it

>> No.2898252

>should of


>> No.2898263



>> No.2898277

lol you're an idiot. come back with an argument, /sci/

>> No.2898278

you think you're sneaky? I paid a nigga to watch this till it dies. You ain't got that kind of cash, humanities fag.

>> No.2898280



>> No.2898283

ITT: Pseudointellectual Starbucks Goers vs. Asperger STEM drones discussing two fields that really are one if they studied the scientific method and knew what fucking drawing conclusions and formulating theories are.

>> No.2898284

You're the idiot. 0/10. It is also extremely redundant as you insist to argue that measurement is meaningless and babble on over ill-defined semantics.

You cannot reason away phenomena with abstractions.

>> No.2898289


>> No.2898291

>thinks he has any idea what's going on

you're cute, I like you a lot

>> No.2898292



>> No.2898295

not even gonna at least bump that 0 up to a 1? you're pretty unreasonable.

>> No.2898301

you're yet to raise any points that I haven't countered immediately simply by re-stating my position, which would imply that you should perhaps learn what it is we're discussing before further embarrassing yourself.

>> No.2898303



>> No.2898307



>> No.2898310



>> No.2898313 [DELETED] 

I have raised my point. Your philosophy is an abstraction of the observable. It does not explain the observable, it is simple a layer on top. Try again.

>> No.2898315

I have raised my point. Your philosophy is an abstraction of the observable. It does not explain the observable, it is simply a layer on top. Try again.

>> No.2898316

Solipsism is not a single concept but instead refers to several worldviews whose common element is some form of denial of the existence of a universe independent from the mind of the agent. It's a false argument to require an explanation for anything observed. How are you this thick.

>> No.2898345

see that? wasn't even me. i hired that nigga. or atleast i might have, i got so many goons i lose count. this one was my last >>2898295

>> No.2898413

>It's a false argument to require an explanation for anything observed.
You just don't get it, do you?

>> No.2898479

Interestingly enough, thanks to the recent rise in popularity of atheism, science is becoming a tool of religion, an atheist religion. These New Atheists are as fanatical as fanatics of any other religion, they do not listen to anyone but their priests (scientists) and their word is the word of God (Science) no matter how retarded it is.

Just ask a New Atheist to explain you why one should accept the theory of evolution. They will most likely say something like "WHAT ARE YOU, A CHRISTIAN? EVERYONE GET A LOAD OF THIS DUMBASS CHRISTIAN LOL. HE BELIEVES IN GOD! LMAO!"

I have a friend that's a New Atheist. Every time we discuss something even vaguely related to religion, he brings it up and immediately starts insulting religious people. Most of his arguments are "Religion is evil because crusades and they hate fags!".

To be frank, science is 100% worthless. Nothing that it's done has helped humanity in a meaningful way. Even the internet (that is more addicting than fucking crack) is completely useless in the end. All that it's good for is arguing about religion and watching porn. Both of those things are completely useless.

>> No.2898482



>> No.2898485

Not him, but it seems that you don't get, actually.

>> No.2898487
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>you don't get

>> No.2898488

I hope you don't get ill any time soon brah.

>> No.2898490
File: 430 KB, 890x383, dubsguy53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you stole my get you fucker

>> No.2898509

I've been ill numerous times and I've never needed the help of "science", thanks to my hippie (not really) mother. Illness is not something that can only be cured by antibiotics or the like. It's unfortunate that people have forgotten this.

By the way, this is the most common reaction you get when you question the importance of science. New Atheism ministers must be proud.

>> No.2898526

>I've been ill numerous times and I've never needed the help of "science". Yeah, that's interesting. Mmhm, imagine if your leg get lopped off or you had brain cancer. Fuck medicine, throw some spells at the problem. hehe

>> No.2898531

The internet's use in society is not derived from your direct enjoyment. The good it facilitates is indirect.

>> No.2898542

really? now think just for a second. Herbal remedys are still products of the scientific method as antibiotics. and do you know what antibiotics are? they are the active ingredients of herbal medicine isolated so as to increase efficiency. but honestly what mother figure would deny their kids medicine for fucks ske.

>> No.2898554

Philosophies use does not come from the answers it provides, for it offers none. When Hawking made this quote, if you've read the article in which it was published, was in the (previously historical) context of philosophy as a field that can generate knowledge. No one worth their salt would argue that science has not well and truly usurped that front.

Instead the good philosophy provides is a personal one that tends not to be appreciated nowadays. Partly because the ends for which people think philosophy works toward are something else (knowledge), and partly because the west is so preoccupied with a rationalism for which anything that doesn't serve some efficient progressive ascertainment of knowledge is deemed useless.

Bertrand Russel knows what's up: ""The man who has no tincture of philosophy goes through life imprisoned in the prejudices derived from common sense, from the habitual beliefs of his age or his nation, and from convictions which have grown up in his mind without the co-operation or consent of his deliberate reason."

Hawking meant philosophy as it was historically conceived as a source of knowledge is dead: see science for that
Philosophy is instead now about questioning conventional thought so that you can live your life autonomously

>> No.2898555


>> No.2898556

>Make up pretentious bullshit for a career
>Get mad when real academics laugh at you.
Silly Philosophers.

>> No.2898558

ignore the trolls mate, you'll be there all day!

>> No.2898560

Thank you!

>> No.2898562

your welcome :)

>> No.2898576

Physicists aren't experts at everything. When will people stop quoting Einstein's views on politics and religion? When will they stop quoting Hawking's views on philosophy?

>> No.2898594

>implying it wasn't just scifags mad in this thread

silly generic STEM major #129383293

>> No.2898596

/thread, gg chaps

>> No.2898601


further more that post was rubbish. stay uneducated

>> No.2898605

wrong, wrong, wrong

>> No.2898622

Philosopher's get so very mad when people from a real profession mock them. It's very sad. Hurr you don't understand is not a legitimate defence of your ridiculous subject any more than hurr you haven't studied homoeopathy is a defence of fake medicine.

>> No.2898626
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And now the thread turns into easy troll bait.
Was good while it lasted.

By the way are you the same guy from the /sci/ Swampman thread yesterday?
Congratulations if so.

>> No.2898633

>/sci/fags come to /lit/ to troll
>They get scared when they realize they might've CHOSEN THE WRONG PROFESSION!!!!

Why do philosophers have the highest IQs on average, eh fags? Come at me.

>> No.2898634

because god says so

>> No.2898638

Best thread on /lit/

>> No.2898639
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because weed is a safe drug that doesn't affect a persons IQ

>> No.2898657
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This fucking thread, man

>> No.2898660

Do you know what's kind of funny. Hawking probably 'thinks' in his computer voice. That'd be so annoying. I wonder when the transition took place, and how long it took, from his 'original voice to fade from memory in his mind.

>> No.2898663


>> No.2898665

Brilliant. Truly delightful.

>> No.2898669
File: 32 KB, 301x316, 1334846020741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read this whole thing, scifags got told hard, then tried a reverse troll with with "LEL PHILOSOPHERS SO MAD" to which no one responded. Seems to me like it was the on anon arguing about 5 different philosophical positions that fucked science in the ass just for the lols. gg sci, we'll see you next time. hopefully you've done some reading in between then and now.

>> No.2898686

give me the best point for pro hpilosophy, cbf reading thread that's holy shit ~250 posts long

inb4 sex

>> No.2898694
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I laughed way too hard at this.

>> No.2898700
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>tfw no gf

>> No.2898710

> philosophy of science
Richard Feynman put this in a very elegant wording:
>“Philosophy of science is as useful to scientists as ornithology is to birds. “

>> No.2898728

>implying ornithology wouldn't be damn useful to birds if they had society and self-awareness
What the am for is human anatomy do?

>> No.2898761

only one mention of feyerabend in the whole thread lol, fucking post 2011 /lit/

>> No.2898768

>implying i can't be just as sneaky

>> No.2898773

The view that science is valueless is an axiological position

axiology is one of the three branches of philosophy

>> No.2898784
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>> No.2898899

Excellent thread. 10/10

>> No.2899141


>> No.2899148
File: 18 KB, 313x240, domo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW this

>> No.2899151

Just sage.

>> No.2899153

he's right in a way; real problems are no longer solved by philosophy.

the job of philosophy today is simply to question if the problems we face are real problems; if how we approach a problem isn't already part of the problem.

>> No.2899158


but women and black people need our help

>> No.2899186

>>no longer
>>implying philosophy ever solved any problems, ever

>> No.2899192

Philosophy is about finding the proper problems to solve

>> No.2899198
File: 24 KB, 260x196, ludwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


never implied that it did, but for a long time abstract philosophy was the only bat on the field.

"Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language"

>> No.2899207

i guess religion was there too, even if it was a really flaccid bat. really more of a big mystical dildo.