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2897299 No.2897299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How would Nietzsche have felt about Diogenes, had he met him and shared a spoken language? What about Lao Tzu (assuming he really existed)?

>> No.2897305

Nietzsche and Diogenes shared Attic Greek and a profound love of masturbation so I suspect they'd have found plenty of common ground.

>> No.2897312
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>your face when you realize Nietzsche and Diogenes could've spoken to each other in Attic Greek if they somehow met

>> No.2897349

Nietzsche would have vehemently disagreed with either of them. He might have gotten along on a personal level with Diogenes, though.

>> No.2897351

Who wouldn't get along with the Diogenes of legend?

>> No.2897358

almost everyone ever

>> No.2897360


Well he was basically a guy who made everyone not get along with him. So...

>> No.2897362

only if you can't take the banter, and considering how much self-deprecating we do very few people can't take the banter

>> No.2897364

i think diogenes went a level beyond "banter"

>> No.2897366

banter is srs buznis yo

>> No.2897370

He took a piss on passersby and stomped with muddy feet all over Plato's couch.

>> No.2897371


>> No.2897372

>stomped with muddy feet all over Plato's couch.

clearly we're in the wrong when we compare diogenes to nietzsche. diogenes was the classical rick james.

>> No.2897374


Rick James wishes he was Diogenes.

>> No.2897376 [DELETED] 

thats it, fuck diogenes and fuck all the people who like him

>> No.2897379


>stomped with muddy feet all over Plato's couch.

Wow. Seriously.

Fucking wow.

>> No.2897386

I've never understood /lit/'s obsession with Diogenes.

>> No.2897388

i hate everyone who likes him and i hope their mothers died when they were little

>> No.2897389 [DELETED] 


>> No.2897392

Diogenes wishes he was Rick James. Rick James is fucking awesome.

There's like one guy who is actually seriously into Diogenes, and a million little teenage idiots who like Diogenes because he was an "irl troll" and "so random" and because shit he did was funny. That's pretty much all of it.

>> No.2897397


They're just some funny anecdotes guys, relax.

>> No.2897399
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because le epic troll xDDDD le upboat diogenes xDDDD

>> No.2897401
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>that comic

>> No.2897404
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>> No.2897407
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>> No.2897408
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>> No.2897410
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>> No.2897413

I think he took shit too far sometimes, but that simplifying your life is a good idea and that self sufficiency and keeping your calm are great ways to make life happier. I enjoy reading about him.

>> No.2897415
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>> No.2897417

hey i was going to be a dick to you but then i decided not to be a dick to another human being

Peace and Love my man

>> No.2897426
File: 901 KB, 240x160, 1344785649019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat shit you fucking faggot cunt

>> No.2897432

god dammit

i just have no answer for that .gif

fuck. FUCK

>> No.2897437

I'm so glad random people came in here to make fun of diogenes and post some comics. This is definitely the best way for this thread to turn out.

>> No.2897450

go fuck yourself

did you watch it all? i saw it yesterday and just couldn't stop watching it. there's something about it

>> No.2897458

this but unironically

>did you watch it all? i saw it yesterday and just couldn't stop watching it. there's something about it

yeah i watched the whole thing. i couldn't believe that it kept fucking going. magnificent.

>> No.2897505

Well shit.

>> No.2897517

fuck everything

>> No.2897522


Why did I watch that?

>> No.2897527


We're not gonna talk about the .gif with you, dude. Give it up.

>> No.2897533



>> No.2897534
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>> No.2897538


>> No.2897555

I wonder if Diogenes really cared that much about philosophy, or if he just really enjoyed having an excuse to harass people and masturbate in the streets.

>> No.2897559


It's possible he didn't even exist.

>> No.2897565

>Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Stirner, Existentialism, Absurdism, Nihilism threads

Always turn to complete shit. I wonder why, eh?

Answer: Teenage philosophers/philosophies attract teenagers.

>> No.2897570

the majority of the posts in this thread have either been markedly negative towards diogenes, or straight-up ignored the intended topic

wtf are you on about

>> No.2897615

You wouldn't see this shit in a post-structuralism thread.

>> No.2897668


>teenage philosophies

As opposed to adult philosophies? Could you name some?

>> No.2897719


Yea, basically anything that isn't existentialist in nature or littered with hate for the world.

>> No.2897738


Yeah I agree with anon. Philosophy that attempts to make progress and find answers for problems and truths in say metaphysics or ethics through logical, rational arguments using verifiable evidence.

Not hurr, God is like an eagle and shit and durr there's no meaning so we have to invent one hurr or females are not yet human they are cats.

As Bertie Russel once said, philosophy has two strains, faggot romanticism with a basis on pretentiousness and actual philosophy linked to science and empiricism.

>> No.2897751 [DELETED] 

But what if science and empiricism end up with nihilism?

>> No.2897831

Why would nihilism be a problem?

I might not term it that way or agree to any nihilist, but as the logical positivists would say, attempting to define value or meaning to biological life is silly and pointless.

>> No.2897836

>being this stupid


>> No.2897844 [DELETED] 

>but what about spiritual life, faggot

>i am special deal with it

>> No.2897848 [DELETED] 

>logical positivists

Gödel's two "Incompleteness Theorems" exposed fundamental flaws in the foundations of a school of philosophy known as Logical Positivism.

>> No.2897854

I'm so grateful that you explained how he did that instead of just parroting a blurb.