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/lit/ - Literature

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2894253 No.2894253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any written works dealing with things like absolute rage and an incredible hatred of existence and pretty much everything? Absurdity/nihilism taking its toll on a very confused, angry, person with an almost infinite amount of unused energy?

also includes brutal deaths of scientists and buddhists would be nice

>> No.2894266

>you dare tell me to accept reality as it is? I'LL KILL YOU AND DESTROY EVERYTHING

>> No.2894269
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Well, no. You should go write it.

>> No.2894274
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>> No.2894279

intellectuals, writers, majority of people are pretty passive beings, if they write anything negative its always depressing emo bullshit.

none of them want to fight, they could never fight in the first place.

>> No.2894282

ill slit ur throat and not even feel a thing hurr hurr sociopath autist i have a self

>> No.2894285


Whether or not you have a self is unknowable

>> No.2894288
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Hes so handsome, and so articulate, and yet so troubled, he has a terrible pent up rage inside of him. He is almost perfect....but of course nothing is perfect...

>> No.2894291

I'm surprised no such works exist.

writers confirmed to be peace loving hippies who like to be fucked up the ass by reality

>> No.2894292
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American Psycho is pretty much this, at least once you get to the monologue portion of the book, where Patrick explains his behaviour. He's outwardly composed in public, though, so it's not quite the chaotic energy you're describing.

Tried reading Stephen King's Rage, but that was about a kid who had a bad family life and decided to take it out on everyone else. I really haven't been able to find many full-on nihilistic novels; the closest I've seen is existentialist stuff like Nausea and The Stranger.

Go watch There Will Be Blood, I guess.

>> No.2894295
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I can question a soul, but I reject your notion of the self and its nonexistence.

>> No.2894307

>reads "nonexistence"

That's why we can't discuss nice things...

>> No.2894313
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>> No.2894318

A Personal Matter by Kenzaburo Oe is the calm after the storm of what you've described OP.

>> No.2894320
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>> No.2894322

>muh holocaust

>> No.2894407
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>> No.2894455


>> No.2894567

itt: edgy

>> No.2894585
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>> No.2894589

itt: if we completely ignore what writers actually said and just say things that edgy teenagers would say, they sound really dumb

>> No.2894594

>itt: what writers say matters more than the real world outcomes of such philosophies

>> No.2894599

>what writers say matters more than the real world outcomes of such philosophies

yes. i unironically agree with that, especially on /lit/. the fact that a lot of dumb teenagers have dumb opinions about stirner doesn't mean we can't talk about what stirner said, anymore than it does for nietzsche.

>> No.2894896

>Any written works dealing with things like absolute rage and an incredible hatred of existence and pretty much everything?
Be hard to do without being one-dimensional, I'd think. Hating everything... eh.

>> No.2894910

The killer inside me - Jim Thompson.

Not exactly unadulterated/abslute rage but rage none the less.

>> No.2895906
File: 15 KB, 241x300, lewis_wyndham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything by Louis Ferdinand Celine or early-mid period Wyndham Lewis. I prefer Lewis, though Celine is extremely funny

>> No.2895915

almost all of Lewis' stuff is out of print, except Tarr, which was recently published by Oxford World Classics. It is a great book.

>> No.2895929



>> No.2895934

"ill fkin kill u, fkin nigger i wont even feel a thing i microwaved my neighbors kitten and fed a neighborhood dog poison on purpose fukken nigger ill cut of ur head n then fuk ur mothers vagina w/ it then slit her throat and i wont even think 2wice about it

my mind is the only mind that exists n im doing u niggers a favor by killin u, u shood b thanking me 4 killing u and raping ur entire family w/ ur severed head while listening 2 linkin park"

-every 14- to 17-year-old on 4chan who either just hit puberty or is extremely frustrated that he has been rejected by every girl who he has ever approached (which obviously means that all women are whores)

>> No.2895940


>> No.2895957


The key to good writing is arguing your point well. Teenagers opinions on things rarely have arguments behind them and most amount to "I FEEL THIS WAY AND IT SHOULD BE OBVIOUS WHY I FEEL THE WAY I DO"

>> No.2895976


The Apes of God is god-tier satire, and pretty nihilistic, at that.

>> No.2895980

Sort of. A character's motivations should be sympathetic but any logician could be a good writer if the key was just arguing a point.

>> No.2895991

This is probably the most mind-numbingly stupid and uninspired attempt at satire I've read on this board

>> No.2895992

doubt it. hormonal teenagers don't really get publishing deals.

>> No.2896010


>> No.2896035
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Hey, do you know where I can read Rage?

I can't seem to find it on amazon and the wiki said they've stop publishing it a long time back