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/lit/ - Literature

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2891694 No.2891694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, what's the cutest work of literature you've ever read?

Is it cuter than this gif?

If not, how is literature a superior medium to animation if it can't express such a basic quality as cuteness?

>> No.2891699
File: 87 KB, 540x410, leshitpostface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ophelia is cuter than that shit. Is that supposed to pass for moe nowadays?

>> No.2891702

I love how /lit/ has the same hipster attitude towards everything. Even stuff that's not literature, like anime.

>> No.2891704

>predominantly talk about the main canonical works of the 20th century
Pick one.

>> No.2891705

but anon, Ophelia was a hysterical bitch, and the MC of that play was a complete beta

I mean, I can understand if you like tsunderes, but Hamlet is a really terrible, really uncute love story

>> No.2891708

because unlike anime, literature isn't primarily for pedophiles

>> No.2891710
File: 489 KB, 234x176, 1343543550145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Lain is the cutest character in the history of everything.

>> No.2891714

Hysteria triggers a daddy instinct in me that OP's pic doesn't. Does /a/ still use the beta MC argument with a straight face by the way? That always got me.

>> No.2891720


>> No.2891723

yep, all those embarrassing beta MCs who refuse to grasp what they already hold in their hands

>> No.2891725

>scathing criticism of paedophilia
>for paedophiles

>> No.2891726

Of course, characters should be perfect like in my fanfiction.

>> No.2891732

"Hey MC, I think it's time we did something lewd."


>> No.2891739

>liberal propaganda to temper a transgressive text

think for yourself next time anon!

>> No.2891740

Hipsters love classical music. /lit/ hates Tao Lin.

Everything seems to match so far. Though I'm sure you can deconstruct it somewhere down the line, but that applies to pretty much anything it seems.

>> No.2891741

It's a hyperbolic examination of the inherent shame in the japanese male psyche. To be serious, blame eva (where it was done marvellously, I might add). It's overdone, I'll admit.

>> No.2891742

I Am a Cat by Soseki.

>> No.2891749

>/lit/ hates hipster lit
>/lit/ is full of hipsters
I'm not sure I quite follow your reasoning.

And hipsters like lots of music. Some like Lil' B, some like Animal Collective. You might as well go for an argumentum ad hitler.

>> No.2891783

>Hipsters hate hipsters (proof: http://informationenvironments.academia.edu/AlexaGouldKavet/Papers/461532/The_Demise_of_the_Subcultu

And to explain my reasoning: You claimed /lit/ is not an example of hipster culture because it primarily discusses canonical works of the 20th century. This was I imagine compared to the fact that hipsters generally avoid popular culture. However, the popular culture that hipsters avoid is stuff like pop music or, yes, overhyped contemporary literature like Tao Lin. The canonical music of the 20th century is well within the domain of hipster taste. So in your original comment, you failed to make a distinction between popular and influential. This might not be written properly, but I feel that what I'm trying to say (despite how it may come out in my writing) is coherent so we can discuss this further if you want.

>> No.2891794

If you want to discuss it properly, hit me with a definition of hipster. There's no point talking through one another.

>> No.2891797

>Hipsters love classical music

No. People who are intelligent like classical music, they like lots of other genres of music also. It doesn't make you a hipster for appreciating music.

>> No.2891802

>No. People who are intelligent like classical music, they like lots of other genres of music also. It doesn't make you a hipster for appreciating music.

"Hipsters love classical music" is not equivalent to the statement "all people who like classical music are hipsters." Nothing of what you said contradicts the statement that hipsters love classical music.

>> No.2891805

You're right it doesn't. My point was it doesn't cancel out being a hipster either. And the same goes for appreciating the western canon of literature.

>> No.2891808

As the guy who said that, I'll admit I'm wrong. I don't feel hipster describes /lit/, however.

If you want to get prescriptive then it definitely doesn't apply to /lit/:
>A person who follows the latest trends and fashions

>> No.2891818

You can't really give a definition of hipster anymore than you can with any (sub)culture. You have to use cable-threads of observation to get a general understanding.

>> No.2891820

hipster doesn't describe anyone, anymore. it's an empty term these days.

you can still roughly identify the social subgroup that the term originally referred to, but the term is just about useless

>> No.2891828

lol someone's studied formal logic.

PS: OP you bring up a really interesting point about what literature can convey as a medium. I'd like to see more discussion about it.

>> No.2891858

I finished "Kneller's Happy Campers" earlier today, it made me d'aww

>> No.2891885

"Hipster" is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else's authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself. It serves no conversational function and imparts absolutely no information whatsoever, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker. Meanwhile, a market-myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive 20-somethings who wear certain clothes , listen to certain music, and act a certain way. You can't define what "that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle" actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That's because you don't use the term, "hipster" to describe an actual group of people, but only to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that may annoy you. The twist (or irony as you may like to call it), of course, is that if it weren't you your own insecurities, nothing that a so called "hipster" could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - "Do I wear what I wear because I want to? DO I listen to my music because I truly like it? I'm certainly not like one of those filthy hipsters!" - so you project those feelings in statements such as this one. Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is applied to an other, to separate the authentic us from the inauthentic, "ironic" them."Hipster" is a meaningless word that does nothing but telegraph others about your personal insecurity.

>> No.2891901

this thread needsa be put down

>> No.2891939

You've never read anything else by Nabokov, have you?

>> No.2891975

So wait is anyone actually going to talk about the topic?

I... I thought Clarisse McClellan was pretty cute
my first waifu
she looks pretty ghey in the films tho

>> No.2891979

it's a troll, ignore it

>> No.2893464

That .gif isn't even cute.

>> No.2893515

You haven't read Lolita, have you?

>> No.2893548


'Death in Venice' too. 'Naked Lunch' has plenty of child prostitution, because, you know, some Moroccan kid has got to eat. Jean Genet occasionally indulges in pederastic fantasies and Thomas Pynchon has paedophiles and perverts everywhere.

And that's because a shitload more people are paedophiles than you think.

>> No.2893560


Well said!

>> No.2893571

>make your lead character a humongous faggot
>ridicule him in every possible way
Nah, it's clearly a love song to paedophilia.

>> No.2893575
File: 18 KB, 250x313, 250px-Littleprince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book should be required reading for all children.

>> No.2893651

I think the cutest book I've read is microserfs by Douglas Coupland.

>> No.2893675
File: 446 KB, 1920x1080, heartbreaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat a baby every time that most disgusting and painful emotion - cuteness - begins to bubble up from the depths of my dying heart.