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File: 65 KB, 281x372, Alejandro_Jodorowsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2889998 No.2889998[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alejandro Jodorowsky is a chilean guy who seems to be the one who discovered Marilyn Manson. Also he has created weird films and written about "psychomagic" -you may notice he's something like a guru- Recently he published a book containing his latest tweets. He has been interviewed about it and the trolls who have disturbed him. He answered that he had made up the term "troll" considering a book in which the trolls are a kind of creatures. I think this guy is not only ridiculous but also he's always owning things, making stupid people to look up to him.

Please greet him for his latest term "troll" in @Alejodorowsky and http://www.clubcultura.com/clubliteratura/clubescritores/jodorowsky/agregar.php?id=74&texto=Jodo
Source (In Spanish) http://www.fayerwayer.com/2012/08/escritor-chileno-alejandro-jodorowsky-dice-haber-inventado-el-term

>> No.2890005


>> No.2890013
File: 10 KB, 508x84, hurrdurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 seconds of research.

>> No.2890017


It's been 40 odd years and his English hasn't improved in the slightest.

>> No.2890022

His movies are amazing. Fuck everyone who says otherwise.

>> No.2890025
File: 11 KB, 197x197, inbrugespic9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read his book "dance of reality"
>didn't know it was an autobiography but ok
>not sure how much of it is embellished or made up
>last chapters of the book are about psychomagic, which is some sort of rituals he bestows on people so that, through magical thinking affecting their subconcious, they can heal themselves from whatever ailment or disease they suffer
>one example: he tells an infertile woman to shove an egg or two in her vagina and keep them there, as if she were incubate them. supposedly this "teaches" her mind what being a mother is about, and thus her body will be ready for pregnancy
>another woman, a professional singer, is nervous as fuck about an upcoming audition for a very important singing gig. jodorowsky tells her to shove a roll of golden coins into her vagina and sing with those coins inside of her. she does and wins the gig
>lots of other examples like that

>> No.2890027

Beeing mad over someone saying he invented a word that happens to be popular internet slang.


>> No.2890028

not white

chile owns the moon

>> No.2890034

>Alejandro Jodorowsky is a chilean guy who seems to be the one who discovered Marilyn Manson.

Trent Reznor discovered Marilyn Manson when the latter was a music reporter. When Reznor got his own sub-label, he signed Manson up because they were buddies.

Years later Manson got in touch with Jodorowsky because he loved his movies and sent him the script for a movie based on one of his albums, asking if he was interested in directing it. Jodorowsky said he'd do it, but he'd need 10 million dollars. There was no money, so the movie didn't get made. But they became pals after that.

>> No.2890040

You are all just mad and Alejandro Jodorowsky just makes fun of you he is a very funny man.
Your subconciously tells you he is serious but he don't.
You all fell for it.

>> No.2890099

according to famous mime marcel marceau, jodorowsky came up with the idea of miming being trapped in a box.

el topo, the holy mountain, and santa sangre are all pretty fun, but jodorowsky was so full of shit even in the seventies that the movies are way less than the sum of their parts. the holy mountain, which is definitely his best, is just a critique of idolatry, but jodorowsky is so focused on trippy imagery that he forgets that it should be clever, too. there are a few very clever parts -- the conquest of mexico, the jesus warehouse -- but most of it just shows an unfortunate lack of integrity.

>> No.2890124

Damn shame...


>> No.2890141

Yeah, okay, Jodorowsky is an asshole. But El Topo was amazing, so everything is forgiven.

I always dreamed of a sci-fi film directed by Jodorowsky and designed by Moebius. Then Moebius died and Jodorowsky decided to concentrate on his writing and magic instead of films. I cried.

>> No.2890182

I don't think you seem to understand just how terrible Jodorowsky really is. All his films? Cumbersome oversaturated drug-induced shit

You probably think he is some kind of genius. You probably think there is deep and meaningful symbolism in an emperor clad as a centurion from Pluto taking ten thousand testicles from prepubescent boys and storing them in glass jars. You probably think having a pair of hog heads spitting out milk attached to each side of a man's breast while he rambles on in gibberish on a mountain range the most captivating cinema technique known in the history in human civilization. It all means something. Every incoherent out of place hilariously inept tapestry of wasted millions in production costs painted by this man is sheer gold only a smart teenager like you can understand and appreciate. And you're right, you are the only one. The only one dumb enough to fall for this psychedelic money grabbing traveling salesman of a con artist who thrives off misappropriating billions from insecure and easily manipulated young pseudointellecuals looking to appear deep and profound. Everyone who sees a Jodorowsky film and genuinely cares to observe what is happening absolutely hates the incoherent mess of bullshit this man panders to gullible children with. The only reason he ever reached fame is because the only people stupid enough to keep watching are those who aren't interested in substance anyway. Like you.

Go along then, watch more Jodorowsky

>> No.2890225

I will.

Have fun having no fun.

>> No.2890255

I have this impression of him, too. He seems like an awful hack, without even a skilled charlatan's sense of how to make randomness seem Deep & Edgy. I'd rather watch Zulawski's On the Silver Globe a third time than ever watch more Jodorowsky.

So I agree with you, but
> billions

>> No.2890260

>You probably think he is some kind of genius.
Not at all, I just really liked El Topo. Otherwise he's just pretentious. Holy Mountain was okay I guess, but that's it. I'm too tired to read the rest of your post, so I hope there wasn't anything good there.

>> No.2890276

I love Jodorowsky. His blog is entertaining as fuck, a labyrinth of great ideas. Yeah, some things I find to be bullshit, but nevertheless I think he has a lot to teach. The end of The Holy Mountain is abstolutely fantastic ("zoom back camera!"). He is a very spiritual man and very inspiring in an oniric way, which I always associate with Latin Americans thinkers and artists. His idea on psicogenealogia and psicomagia, though not academical nor to be taken that seriously, are a nice mix of Freud and Jung.

On whether he is a hack or not, I think it's not even something to discuss. That is because he is all over unconscious and intuitive ideas, not a rational man at all. So in the end, any criticism or praise ends up on something "look at X that he did, he is brilliant" or "look at X that he did, he is bullshitting", with no argument other than "any sane man would be able to see that..." from both sides, that is, either you are missing out on something great for not listening or too guilible to believe in him. I think it's rather impossible to claim bullshit or true coming from this perspective. At least we have our own freedom to go after it or go away from it at any time, not like preachy religions and shit like that.

>> No.2890327

But Jodorowsky's films aren't pretentious or deep at all. They're fun as hell.

>> No.2890342
File: 189 KB, 1024x768, avant_l_incal_021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best argument in favor of Jodorowsky , see pic.

>> No.2890400


I'm with this guy. He's a terrific comics author. L'Incal with Moebius as the illustrator is wonderful.