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/lit/ - Literature

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2888515 No.2888515 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, I figured out two ways to fix /lit/.

-Ignore things and posts you don't like
-Add country flags to posts (/int/ and /sp/ have it, why not us?!?!)

There, /lit/ fixed.

>> No.2888523

I like the flags. I think it's a neat idea, if not a good one.

Something else I'd suggest is what /soc/ has: every poster in a thread gets an "ID number" which you can click and see all their other posts in the same thread.

Samefag is rampant here, and it might be useful to have something like that.

>> No.2888526

Everyone will automatically think less of me for being American.

>> No.2888531

That's your cross to bear. Move to another country?

>> No.2888533


/b/ also incorporated this a couple of months ago and, as a frequent /b/tard, I can honestly tell you that it worked like a charm. Not entirely fixed it because /b/ is irreparable, but it did magical wonders to that board. I agree with this. Not only for /lit/, but it should be incorporated to every board. I don't know what the fuck the admins are thinking.

>> No.2888537

Flags only make sense on /int/, and they've made /sp/ much, much worse.

>> No.2888534


I plan to, though I'm gonna go back and finish school first, probably.

>> No.2888541


fuck the both of you



>> No.2888545

Also agree with the ID

>> No.2888548
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>browsing /pol/
stormbabby detected.

No quarter for traitors. Off with his head!

>> No.2888550

IDs would be great, across all boards. And forced anon.

>> No.2888553


Fucking yes forced anon.

You have no idea how much I actually hate tripfags.

I really, REALLY fucking hate them all. Every one of them.

>> No.2888556 [DELETED] 


I agree. I used to tripfag but the self-centered nature of it became readily apparent to me.

>> No.2888563

if they do the flag thing can't you just use a proxy and pretend you're latvian or whatever.

>> No.2888566

I tripped for a little while a few years back, because I came to the realisation that as Anon I had no accountability, and was shitposting like crazy, calling everyone faggots.

Although the trip helped make me post amicably,
I took it off when I realised it was just a crutch for my own lack of self-control.

I know, I know, "cool story, faggot."

>> No.2888567

I love the ID idea. I sometimes have posted with a trip, but it's really only for in-thread continuity, so I'd happily never trip again.

>> No.2888569

I know you deleted your post, but I'm guessing it's Benny. You didn't seem like you were leaving any time soon.

>> No.2888573


Yep, it's me.

>> No.2888575

This. Because of the accountability there is a tendency to act more constructively. The problem is it is just as easy to exploit it in the inverse and become a permanent eyesore

>> No.2888581
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Need more IDs

>> No.2888584

Well slap my ass and call me Sally. This is the first time (unless a faggot does it) that I have seen a thread in lit where everyone agrees on something.

Hope mods see this shit and get the IDs already on every board.

>> No.2888587

The flags would incredibly divide this board. /sp/ definitely is far worse because of them.

ID would be great though.

Also, writers should post OC more. We should have like bards that make funny poetry a bunch about stuff. That'd be great.

>> No.2888588


What we'd really need to do is email moot about it.

>> No.2888590

Except I don't want ID at all.

If I wanted an identity, I'd start browsing a forum ffs. Don't claim that you've got unanimous backing for this

>> No.2888593

> This. Because of the accountability there is a tendency to act more constructively.

No, _not_ fucken 'this'.

/lit/ is shitty because the people who frequent here are inane tards who know nothing about books or good taste.

The worst thing you can do to an inane tard with bad taste is to give him an inflated sense of self-worth with 'accountability'.

>> No.2888597

All /lit/ really needs is a few dedicated and competent moderators/janitors

>> No.2888602

No, tinkertwat. It's not a permanent ID. Instead, it's an ID assigned to you in that thread. So people can see if you're samefagging the hell out of a thread.

In other threads, you have another ID. It's not like a trip at all.

>> No.2888603

The problem is, no one who's been on /lit/ for longer than a few weeks ever seems to post their work. Because of this all OC on /lit/ is people from other boards who've just written their first prose poem literally asking to get crucified. People then just automatically criticise any work posted here. Also, robbery. No one wants to write something good and have it get plagiarised.

I'd prefer to see an outright ban on people just posting shit. Get people to explain what they were trying to do, because usually work posted here is in its formative stages. This makes it easier for people to offer ideas, people too lazy to do this stuff don't post thus improving the quality of the threads posted and the responses to the threads themselves.

>> No.2888607

I'm aware.

And I'm telling you I don't want it. The only accountability posters need is to janitors, not the run-of-the-mill shit we get from /lit/

>> No.2888608

Oh, well, okay, I'm for this too.

>> No.2888610

I'd rather not have ids to be honest. It would change the board way too much. And it does kill anonymity a little too much for my taste.

>> No.2888613

The only "anonymity" it kills is samefag. That's it.

>> No.2888618

That might address some issues, but the fact of the problem remains:

We have a discussion board full of people who have no interest in discussion. We've become little more than a sanctuary for those looking for a place to lord over from the bottom rung.

Let's be honest, you can't put pigs in a pen and expect them not to make mud. It's going to take more than a few paper towels to clean it up.

Find whatever enjoyment there is to be had and be on your way, this is no place for residence.

>> No.2888622

Samefagging isn't necessarily a bad thing. I often samefag just to put in a tough opposing viewpoint to my own thoughts, which I'm not sure are ironclad.

For instance, I post in a thread about Nabokov, saying he's a great writer. Then I post saying that he's a shit writer. If I had an identity, there'd be no discussion, everyone would accuse me of trolling, etc. But since there's no identities here on /lit/, I can spark an interesting thread without being called a troll.

>> No.2888623

>taking itself seriously
Pick one. Most everything you've thought was retarded was almost certainly a joke.

>> No.2888625

Really, that's awful.

You just know the only people who are against IDs are the kind of people who post 15 times in a row in a Murakami thread about how much he sucks (he does, but shit's ridiculous.)

>> No.2888630

one of the few joys 4chan grants is anonymity. We don't need to take this away, samefagging causes only mild problems at best.

What we really need is a cohort of janitors to keep the real threats (spam and /pol/ threads) from the board. That is basically it.

>> No.2888632

How much does the janitor position pay?

>> No.2888637
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>> No.2888653

I post about how he sucks sometimes and I never do that. Same for DFW. Of course, some idiots here seem to think that arguing with someone counts as samefagging, so w/e

>> No.2888652

Irrelevant. All they need to do is browse 4chan regularly and respond to reports.the vast majority of users could do this adequately. If we get a janitor abusing powers, the board will inevitably just complain to moot and things will be changed.

/lit/ does have a problem, but you're suggesting changes far more sweeping than the scope of it. What we need is to prevent the blatant excess from clustering. That is all. No need to hand over the degree of freedom from scrutiny that makes this place attractive in the first place

>> No.2888651
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It would be just one more shithole of a forum. The greatest tool we have here is anonymous, unbiased, unknown, just pure text for you to dissect and talk. It doesn't matter if the guy is trolling you or samefagging on you, use your intelligence and reading comprehension, learn how to step away.

If I wanted an ID, I'd post like a fucking tripfaggot since the beggining and you'd know who I am and make judgement calls. I don't want to see people's ID's either, that would ruin the whole thing.

>-Ignore things and posts you don't like
I already do that. Everyone should do this. Fuck, this is basic shit, you learn this on your first summer here.

Something one should keep in mind is that if an idiot responds to a troll, you also have to ignore the idiot (who just might be a troll). But no. Someone post some /pol/ shit here and instead of hiding the thread, they wait till there is a 10 post samefagging conversation that rustle their jimmies and they eventually feel like commenting. And then they whine about samefagging, because they fucking fall for it.


>> No.2888655

I samefag once or twice to get a discussion going.

>> No.2888660

While we are discussing /lit/ I feel like this board has very few female readers and posters. Is this true?

>> No.2888664

yes, like most of 4chan.

>> No.2888665

Probably, but getting information about 4chan posters is near impossible. Even if you use google analytics, most posters who are any way tech-savvy will have that shit blocked.

>> No.2888674

my experience is we have a fairly substantial number compared to some of the other boards

it isn't 50:50, but it isn't terribly skewed either

>> No.2888677

women aren't as internet savvy as men, so 4chan's female userbase (especially the userbase that uses addons) is probably even smaller than you'd imagine


>> No.2888682

Womens brains are dumber then mens are. It's a fact.

>> No.2888690

yeah, no duh

>> No.2888699

>intelligence is an absolute variable rather than a pattern

>> No.2888703

most of them are on /fa/, /fit/ and /a/

>> No.2888705


and /soc/

/lit/ has a good amount of females, though.

>> No.2888709

don't be fooled by the "btw im a girl" copypasta, anon

>> No.2888710

you guys missed the most heavily female board /cgl/

>> No.2888711

i never samefag, but sometimes I pretend to be other anons

>> No.2888728

I do too, especially when recommending people books.

I've made every single response to a large number of threads where people are asking for specific recommendations. Usually hoping that someone else will help out eventually. I would probably look a little silly if IDs were implemented and I kept doing it.

>> No.2888733

what i mean is that i reply to someone who is asking some other anon a question as if i am that anon and they think i'm them, it's pretty funny

>> No.2888737

Oh. I don't really do that, but I've had it done to me. I hope you aren't one of the "btw i'm a girl" people too.

>> No.2888742

exactly, the good thing about 4chan is that it's a conversation by everyone between everyone. If we had ID's, a lot of people would get mad about others butting into conversations that they weren't "involved in"

>> No.2888739

haha, i used to do that meme when it first started....

>> No.2888747

The fuck people?
We have an ENTIRE board for this.
The fuck are you 14?

>> No.2888755

it's a funny meme, though, but only if it's the first reply to a thread

>> No.2888766


>> No.2888771


>> No.2888786

Flags on /lit/ is a terrible idea. Have you even browsed /sp/ for more than 5 minutes? It's a cesspool.

>> No.2888844

People use VPNs. proxies and all sorts of shit that will fuck up 'real' countries of origin.

You'll have a large chunk of clueless idiots actually thinking those flags mean anything and are like some fucking iron law and the trolling on national issues will be insane.

Don't be a tard.

>> No.2888959

Flags are a horrible idea. I'd have to spend every other post explaining that I live in a different country than the one I'm from.

>> No.2888966

>-Add country flags to posts (/int/ and /sp/ have it, why not us?!?!)


There is exactly one use that country flags would have: shitting on Americans. The only time anyone would make reference to country flags is "lol, shut up, you're an American, you don't know anything about literature". And that would make the board worse, not better. It would make the board terrible.

>> No.2888983

OR, it could do the opposite and show retarded people that not all americans are stupid and that not all europeans are equally stupid but like to act like they're better for some reason(high ego is a trait of stupidity).

>> No.2889006

pls go

>> No.2889185

Americans are afraid of country-flags because it will expose them to be the worst posters on this board.

>> No.2889204

as an american i would love country flags, then i can make sure i'm only responding to civilized europeans. no point in writing out some long response only to find out the guy you're replying to is some kind of degenerate white trash or whatever. if i want to talk to americans i'll go outside, i go on the internet to converse with civilized whites and asians. not white trash and niggarangs.

>> No.2889261

Board flags only work on /int/ as they're a smaller community that embraces diversity and many nations around the world.

Most other boards, including this one, suffer enough from someone trolling about why Europe or The USA sucks. Adding flags is only going to make that worse.

I think /lit/ needs a light touch, a janitor who deletes the occasional spam/troll. Apart from that, all people can do to improve this board is post better content themselves and not feed the trolls.

>> No.2889262

As an American, whenever you would see your own country flag you'd have to swear allegiance to it and then begin the strange ritual of clapping and crying for the American dream, whatever that is.

This of course would be beneficial, as it would limit the posting speed of all Americans.

>> No.2889263

The only people who don't endorse the flags are those who are ashamed of their countries.

>> No.2889272


I'm not ashamed of being French, but I sure know that a lot of people will hate me here if the knew.

>> No.2889273
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>Guys, I figured out two ways to fix something that isn't broken

>> No.2889277

yo bro wuts a gud french torrent tracker im trying to learn me sumodat french talkin

>> No.2889322

FYI i am from europe and i made a post in a board but instead of my country flag => an israel flag for my first post then a nazi one...