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/lit/ - Literature

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2885412 No.2885412[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, who is the most attractive femanon on /lit/?

>> No.2885420

Books are.

>> No.2885422

Not you, that's for fucking sure.

>> No.2885424

No doubt Rangaha likes to think she is since Onionring left.

>> No.2885425

Pics pwease!

>> No.2885438

fuck off. seriously fuck off. i would rather you troll about 50 shades of grey or start another ebook reader thread instead of this fuck

>> No.2885452

but i get the feeling sandwiches beats them both, as she likes sebald

>> No.2885458
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Fails for personality though. And doesn't come here anymore since we ripped her to pieces.

>> No.2885460

who knows, who cares

seriously, don't do this

>> No.2885461

is that yoo? ur cute :3

>> No.2885462

True or false: Gravity's Rainbow is the most influential American novel since World War 2.

>> No.2885465

>implying World War 2 was a novel

>> No.2885467


>> No.2885468
File: 501 KB, 600x300, 3tr0J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a dude?

>> No.2885471

In the period beginning on the day that World War 2 ended. It makes a convenient demarcation point.

Seriously, though, Gravity's Rainbow/Pynchon has dominated the American literary landscape ever since it was published: everyone either has to either attempt to move on from his model of the Great Novel and build upon it, or they have to write minimalist short stories about everyday life to try and do something completely different. It's all either attempting to do what Pynchon did better than Pynchon, or attempting to do something completely different because you can't do it better.

>> No.2885473

Not bad, flat chest though.

>> No.2885477

probably marina

>> No.2885481

i can't believe you assholes are actually taking this thread seriously

>> No.2885479

trap/10. shoulders clearly broader than hips and flat chest.

>> No.2885482
File: 25 KB, 600x400, 7916_136836706156_662636156_3085295_4688557_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was never entirely sure, but I think it's female.

>> No.2885484
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>> No.2885488

What, /lit/ had it's own camwhores?

>> No.2885491

Back in the gifting days, some. Camwhoring for books.

>> No.2885492

Yes. We trolled her well. The birth of Capsguy

>> No.2885493


>Camwhoring for books.

all of my boner.

>> No.2885495

I'm sure there's some on /soc/ wanting books, but they tend to be shitty books.

>> No.2885500

who is capsguy? only guy i know posting in caps is REI

>> No.2885503

Guy who posted in all caps, would often post "Last/Current/Next" threads, had somewhat idiosyncratic preferences but was generally knowledgeable, lived in Japan for some reason iirc. I think he's still around but he doesn't do the all-caps bit anymore, afaik.

>> No.2885502

Capsguy like asian whores, REI does not.

>> No.2885504

I think this is a capsguy thread:


but he doesn't post in caps anymore

>> No.2885505

It's Sherlock Holmes Guy

I have some insider knowledge

>> No.2885507

I thought he was a gay guy.

This explains his fondness for Victorian erotica.

>> No.2885508

Sherlock Holmes Guy was my dogg (regardless of gender) and I'm still sad he/she is gone.

One day u here... and then u gone...

>> No.2885510

The ones who don't post pictures of themselves are 200% more attractive than those who do, by virtue of that.

>> No.2885515
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never 4get

>> No.2885525
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>> No.2885533

man. imagining the possibility that this human being is on the other end of this human interaction system is really freakin' weird. i guess i never really think about what the rest of you weirdos do as human beings. this is really freaking me out, i gotta get some air.

>> No.2885545

what are you talking about?

>> No.2885548

oh look a weak attempt to improve /lit/s pageviews by getting the bookworm nerds who post here to think they're actually talking to hot chicks. yeah, ok. if you want me to visit /lit/ more often why don't you shitcan the DFW and Tao Lin advertisements, that would make me come here more often, more than the fantasy that some of these inane posts are coming from girls.

>> No.2885556
File: 77 KB, 500x699, 1277304718654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly I am the queen of /lit/

>> No.2885558

You're not a girl so we don't want you to come here more often. Obviously.

>> No.2885561

tao lin

>> No.2885567

Jeez, SHG, sandwiches. Next you'll be telling me Stradlater was a lady too.

>> No.2885572


>> No.2885573

Who the fuck are these bitches?

>> No.2885574

post pic

>> No.2885580
File: 33 KB, 361x674, 32543_397723651156_662636156_4776535_6765182_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first two pics you linked are of Begchan, a girl who posted on /lit/ in 2010 begging people to buy her books off her Amazon wishlist in many threads. She was bought many books, her Facebook was infiltrated, people trolled her to hell, capsguy was born in a fit of rage and caps, she left after copious amounts of degradation and scorn. She still got bought a lot of books though

>> No.2885591

Did no one save any of the girls from that books on genitals/over tits thread we had last year?

>> No.2885595

No one, that's why they're fucking anonymous.

>> No.2885596

onion is much finer than me fuck you

>> No.2885602

Maybe Proust tits? I always found her a bit mousey though.

>> No.2885603

> thick rimmed glasses

What a bunch of hipster shits.

>> No.2885608

Thanks. The other two links? I'm not familiar with the history of /lit/.

>> No.2885622

I think those are just random girls. Here are some example threads of c/lit/s posting themselves.


For all who ever wanted to see Deep&Edgy, he's in those threads too.

>> No.2885626

Massive amounts of horseface and random pics of hipster girls taken from facecock.

>> No.2885627
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>> No.2885631

I can't imagine many of the book genital ones were taken from facebook.

>> No.2885632


>> No.2885636
File: 5 KB, 127x127, 1344389207259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is thread still

>> No.2885661

Does anyone has the qt brunette in large? http://fuuka.warosu.org/lit/thread/1300988#p1301093

>> No.2885663

That's Proustits. Here's her OkCupid:


>> No.2885683

Yep that's a man.
Large nose bone, deep set eyes, tall and square chin, Cheekbones growing dominantly sideways, not forward, "M" shapes hairline, thick rimmed glasses - often fitting for a masculine face.
Brad shoulders with actual chest-muscle development, and otherwise masculine fat-storages all scream "Male".
A shame.

>> No.2885689
File: 76 KB, 533x699, 35431_406187011156_662636156_5010231_785280_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looks like a man even with the other pictures? >>2885482

i really don't know why i have so many pictures of her

>> No.2885705

Well, typical for traps are the obvious tendencies to hide their hands and feet, grow long hair and bangs to hide certain facial features, head tilted to minimize chin, _never_ show the actual width of their shoulders (achieved through certain poses, and rotating of the scapula) - but her nose, chin, cheekbones, and bros still makes me think she's a man - but perhaps further into the "treatment"? He certainly looks more feminine.

>> No.2885712
File: 43 KB, 452x604, lasfjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you definitely know more about this than I do. Here's another, but I don't think it contradicts anything you've mentioned.

>> No.2885728

>on /lit/

Choose two.

>> No.2885736

There's really only one choice.

>> No.2885737

lol and faggots say /lit/ was good back then.

>> No.2885749

It was more fun, for sure. Not quite as many whiners.

>> No.2885779

The Capsguy origin story is priceless. Speaking of which, did he forsake us?

>> No.2885785

No, he just posts without caps now. You should be able to recognize him by those restrictions he puts on his readings. The no books published after 1950 and no reading female authors.

>> No.2885910

So does anyone have pictures from onionring and can post them in this thread?
I wasn't here when she was active, but I hear a lot that she was damn fine!

>> No.2885925

did any thread get archived of just deep and edgy. I'd like to see some more of him/her talking.

>> No.2885927

As far as 1970 for Japanese lit.

>> No.2885930

The entirety of /lit/ is archived there, for the most part.


There's all of Deep&Edgy's old trip.


There's all the others.

>> No.2885937

Onionring was such an annoying cunt. Glad she's gone forever.

>> No.2885968

And as far as 1970 for Russian works too...

Should I bring back the caps?

>> No.2885970

>Should I be an annoying shit, again?

Sure, why not?

>> No.2885973



>> No.2885983

Shut the fuck up, you autistic fuck.

>> No.2886002

Haha, I was just fucking with you.

But really, if you thought calling me shit like that would stop me posting caps if I wanted, you thought wrong

>> No.2886024

Thanks for taking the time to do that for me :)

>> No.2886054

As bad as many of the trip/namefags like myself were, /lit/ in the day had so many better moments because of these individuals than it does not....

>> No.2886119

I stumbled here around the time deep&edgy left. I enjoyed seeing people that thought they were very smart trying to take him on.

>> No.2886132

I might know the girl in OP pic.. name starts with R?

>> No.2886149


>> No.2886197

Is that actually Raven in there?

>> No.2886225

yes. I think I've posted like four pictures of myself on /lit/ throughout the years.

>> No.2886231

I am not sure who OP's picture is, but if you're also thinking of Raven that is not who it is

>> No.2886263

No, I'm not thinking of Raven. What the fuck is a Raven.

>> No.2886412
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Isabelle Huppert

>> No.2886414

fuck you for bumping this badthread

aren't you someone? someone terrible? aren't you d&E?

>> No.2886825

Who is she?

>> No.2886841

fuck you

i hate you

>> No.2886853

The one that has read the most.

>> No.2887302

I don't hate you. I just don't understand.