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/lit/ - Literature

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2881080 No.2881080[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Recommendations for well written erotic literature?

Is that even a thing?

>> No.2881089
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The Gas.

>> No.2881093

Sam Delany's Hogg.

>> No.2881127

Anais Nin.

Her collection "Little Birds" is surprisingly poetic considering everyone winds up fucking everyone else by the end of the stories.

>> No.2881139

If you haven't already, I heard Henry Miller is the true gateway to real, well written, erotic literature. Tropic of Cancer is supposedly better than Tropic of Capricorn but I haven't read either myself.

>> No.2881140

Any good lesbian romance novels with erotic scenes? Like, actually well-written novels.

>> No.2881144

Read Naked Lunch high, it turns into a twisted erotic novel combated with extremely cold sexual pleasure.

>> No.2881145

Yeah, let me just ask the guys about it.

>> No.2881157
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Yeah, Anais Nin is the only one I can think of as well.

My personal sexual awakening was finding my mum's copy of Delta of Venus when I was about 7. I'm so glad it was that and not internet pr0n - and so have the women I've been with, I think. Growing up on femiporn made me a better lover.

Honourable mention to Erica Jong, but Fear of Flying isn't as sexy as Nin.

>> No.2881162


we JUST had this thread

>> No.2881198

Does anyone have any henry Miller excerpts?

>> No.2881216

Even within society, this characteristic man-nature, industry-nature, society-nature relationship is responsible for the distinction of relatively autonomous spheres that are called production, distribution, consumption. But in general this entire level of distinctions, examined from the point of view of its formal developed structures, presupposes (as Marx has demonstrated) not only the existence of capital and the division of labor, but also the false consciousness that the capitalist being necessarily acquires, both of itself and of the supposedly fixed elements within an over-all process. For the real truth of the matter—the glaring, sober truth that resides in delirium—is that there is no such thing as relatively independent spheres or circuits: production is immediately consumption and a recording process, without any sort of mediation, and the recording process and consumption directly determine production, though they do so within the production process itself. Hence everything is production: production of productions, of actions and passions; productions of recording processes, of distributions and co-ordinates that serve as points of reference; productions of consumptions, of sensual pleasures, of anxieties, and of pain. Everything is production, since the record processes are immediately consumed, immediately consummated, and these consumptions directly reproduced. This is the first meaning of process as we use the term: incorporating recording and consumption within production itself, thus making them the productions of one and the same process.

>> No.2881234
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That was pretty hot.

I mean pornographic excerpts silly! Though if Deleuze wrote any erotic critiques of capatalism, I'd be happy to have those too.

>> No.2881236


>> No.2881351
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>In the unrestrained sex act, unreconciled reality tolerates no reconciliation with the object; realism, which does not reach the level of subjective experience, to say nothing of reaching further, merely mimics reconciliation like a woman mimicking fellatio on a popsicle. The dignity of art today is not measured by asking whether it slips out of this antinomy by sucking or sodomy, but whether art confronts or develops it. In that regard, Hot Pants Schoolmarm is exemplary. It yields to both the impossibility of dealing with materials and of representation according to nineteenth-century practice, as well as to the insight that subjective modes of reaction, which mediate the laws of form rather than reflecting reality, are themselves no absolute first principle but rather a last principle, objectively posited. All content of subjectivity, which necessarily hypostatizes itself, is trace and shadow of the world, from which it withdraws in order not to serve that semblance and conformity the world demands in bed.

>> No.2881366

We seriously JUST had this thread. In fact, it's still up:


>> No.2881382
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The trouble with Irene is that she has a valise insted of a cunt. She wants fat letters to shove in her valise. Immense, avec des choses inouies. Llona now, she had a cunt. I know because she sent us some hairs from down below. Llona- a wild ass snuffling pleasure out of the wind. On every high hill she played the harlot- and sometimes in telephone booths and toilets...
Not a prick in the land bit enough for her... not one. Men went inside her and curled up.She wanted extension pricks, self exploding rockets, hot boiling oil made of wax and creosote. She would cut off your prick and keep it inside her forever if you gave her permission. One cunt out of a million. Llona! a laboratory cunt and no litmus paper that could take her color.