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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 79 KB, 280x367, AtlasShrugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2880774 No.2880774[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2880779

never read it

>> No.2880777

lol no

>> No.2880782

This reminded me of a joke on The Colbert Report.

He showed a picture of "Atlas Shrugged" that quickly got replaced with the text, "So did the book critics."

>> No.2880790

Is it her philosophy that turns people off or just the story and her writing style which can be quite sloppy at times?

>> No.2880804

I'm struggling so much trying to read it... I want to, since I share many ideas with her... but shit, it's really hard for me to stay focused on reading this for some reason, I always end up reading another book.

>> No.2880807


>> No.2880814

this, and considering the criticisms its had, I shall postpone reading it until I have exhausted every half-decent authors bibliography

>> No.2880817

I understand the criticisms of this board, but do you guys think that this book has ANY value at all?
Like is there something that makes you become more aware or say something that might be "profound" in this work or is it really all trash?

>> No.2880820
File: 43 KB, 421x423, 1330295677588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest piece of shit ever written. Essentially, it consists of Rand's failure of an ethos, philosophy, and economic paradigm -- which is essentially Stirner's egoism, only completely fucking retarded (to the degree of espousing homophobia), but whenever anyone tried to tell her that she would just say she refuses to read other people's work because it makes it less her own (no bitch, that just makes you an uneducated cunt posturing as being well read) -- which, since they were rejected by the respective communities they should have been attempting to win the respect of, were all tacked on to a mediocre story line, conveyed via terrible writing which she attempted to mask by making it one of the longest works in the English language -- complete with massive monologues that are literally just her reject of an ethos. Then, after the publishers trick the public into thinking she has a fucking leg to stand on with this crap, everyone starts paying attention because it's fucking edgy or some such bullshit, and economists actually start using it as evidence for laissez faire policy, as though she had any semblance of coherence in the fucking thing.

So yeah, fuck "Atlas Shrugged," fuck Ayn Rand, and fuck objectivism.

>> No.2880842

pretend i copy and posted all of galtse.cx

>> No.2880847

It's alright, it's not as bad as people in this board make it out to be...

Ayn Rand basically takes very very very old philosophies (The core is pretty greek) and writes them in a modern fashion.

I was attracted to her since I agree on many things, but I found it really funny how it "created" a new philosophy when in my opinion, it's just rephrasing stuff that's been here for ages.

It's not very popular with the "open minded, cultured, hip" literature culture since she presents many ideas which please more the liberal capitalists instead of the more clicheish socially inclined library crawlers.

It's very long, that's also a fucking problem, why did it have to be that long? it's not like the ideas need such a long piece of paper.

>> No.2880853

i've always been a big fan of that cover art

if i could get rid of the text i'd hang a poster of that shit on my wall

because it wouldn't look as good with the text. big fan of atlus shrugged

>> No.2880859

Some of her writing is decent, it even approaches beautiful at some points (very, very rarely) but overall it's complete shit. The Fountainhead was better, even though it is still a pretty terrible book

>> No.2880879

Thanks, I'm considering reading it.

>> No.2881218

book for fedora wearing libertarian undergrads in america. retards basically

>> No.2881243

I dunno about the book itself, but that is a god-tier title. Fucking genius shit right there.

>> No.2881245

Please read the rules and remember to sage

>> No.2881256

i don't get this connection between internet libertarians and fashion from '50s melodramas, but that's just me.

>> No.2881263
File: 38 KB, 400x400, 51LO2aVoeKL._SS400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2881299

Neither her style, or her philosophy show any refinement.

>> No.2881987

>>2880847 That's not true. It really is awful. What makes it so bad is that it is so contrived - she wrote it in the form of a novel so that she could make the characters that don't live by her philosophy arbitrarily weak and stupid. Her inelegant arguments only serve to undermine the greek thoughts she held in such high esteem by reducing them to her childish inarticulate nonsense. For me that really is her biggest crime, not the message she is trying to convey but its redundant vehicle. It doesn't matter what you think of Aristotle, anyone with a shred of decency should cringe at his thought being used in this way.

>> No.2881998

I presume she got most of her ideas for the novel by playing with two dolls.
Small Doll 1 “I think we should work together and share the profits”
Large Doll 2 “No on my own I can get more than half of what we can get combined”
Then Ayn screaming “oh Ken your so BIG and STROOOOONG” in her clipped russian accent while wearing a pvc Barbie outfit, shoving the large doll into her distended vagina.

>> No.2882007

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged.

One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world.

The other, of course, involves orcs.