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/lit/ - Literature

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2876060 No.2876060[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when bringing girls to your crib and your bookshelf is pleb as fuck.

>> No.2876065

>that feel when bookshelf is patrician and no girls are likely to see it anytime soon

>> No.2876068


I think there might be a connection here.

>> No.2876073

>that feel when no bookshelf, just books

>> No.2876083

>caring about material possessions

You're all pleb as fuck.

>> No.2876086

My bookshelf is mighty patrician. my books are plebeian. I don't even read. I only date blind women.

>> No.2876106

I knew it!
I don't have a girlfriend, not because I'm ugly and socially retarded, but becase bitches can't handle my refined taste in literature.

>> No.2876120

this is one cool cat.

>> No.2876124


>that feel when too many books to just leave lying around

>> No.2876133

if it were a cat it would prefer bookshelves and no books. They like high places and hate reading.

>> No.2876186
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>that feel when you go home with a girl and there are no books in her room anywhere

>> No.2876190

I sold 80% of my books a few weeks ago. A true patrician bookshelf only hints at its owner's readings.

>> No.2876207

i need to get rid of the stranger and siddhartha

>> No.2876211


entry-level =/= bad

>> No.2876240

I need to get rid of lot of books but then again my bookshelf would look empty

>> No.2876244

I just gave away most of my genre and pop-fiction stuff. Feels refreshing.

>> No.2876245
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>not keeping your books in air-sealed alphabetically organised plastic boxes

>> No.2876258


>> No.2876263
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>tfw a girl look at your book and look confused and ask about what you're reading now, and ask " what genre it is ? " and you don't know how to sound not lofty, and you start to look at your books to find something to say, and try to find the most well-known book to say, and you pull one and say " you'll like this, here " and it's Lolita and now you're in prison.

>> No.2876279


must be a nice prison if you can post on 4chan from it

>> No.2876293
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>*reach to shelf to show random book*
>Her: "Lolita? Isn't that about pedophiles?"
>You: "Oh, shit!"
>*pull another random book*
>Her: "Lolita again? Are you a fucking pedophile?"
>You: "Fuck! Sorry!"
*pull yet another random book*
>Her: "How many copies of Lolita do you own? You know what, forget it, I'm out of here! Sick fuck!"

>> No.2876377

>tfw you have a respectable bookshelf of literature which is neither too pretentious nor too plebeian and you discover bitches aren't all that impressed by literature whether they care about it or not

what the fuck do i do now?

>> No.2876385
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>sleep over at bro's house
>his 20yo sister is away, use her room
>twilight and HP errywhere

God damnit, Alex

>> No.2876387


Meet better women.

>> No.2876389

no, i dont know that feel

bitches love my Le Clezio

>> No.2876394
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>not having a 100% /lit/core bookshelf
>even having a bookshelf
>not having mostly .epubs

>> No.2876397

>bringing girls to your crib
>doing anything with girls

>> No.2876405

>share house with a few other people
>chose my room as second biggest and has largest bookshelf which I needed.
>hangs precariously over my bed with large books jutting over the sides each shelf
>have girl over one night
>impressed by amount of books I own
>irregardless we have sex later on
>going at it like crazy
>bookshelf starts to shake
>massive hardback falls off and hits her on the back of the head
>night ruined

>> No.2876413

>so, what genre do you like, anon?

>> No.2876416


>> No.2876417
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tfw you are gelfling and merely have to dreamfast to share your literary collection with girl gelfling, who ages ago could fly, rather than just flutter to the ground

>> No.2876420


>> No.2876422

>tfw you live in a tiny one bedroom apartment and your books are stacked on the floor and you have to navigate through them like a maze to get anywhere

>> No.2876427

get to work devin

>> No.2876442
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>hey anon, you read a lot right? i loooove dan brown. what do you think? he's great isn't he?

>> No.2876446

>that feel when your room is full of philosophy books
>that feel when half of the girls will think this is an indicator for boring

>> No.2876452


>that feel when half of the girls will be right.

>> No.2876455


>> No.2876458

>having a fat girlfriend
>she can comfortably rest the books on her belly
>that feel when jelly

>> No.2876461
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>> No.2876473

>Not just having a pile of comics.
>Stay pleb.

>> No.2876478


But...wouldn't all the books get a fine film of boob cheese on them?

Nvm...brb fat gf

>> No.2876484
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>mfw I'm naked smoking a cigarette on the couch as I perceive the naked girl glancing through my bookshelf, not knowing what to pick, overwhelmed by how cultured I am even though I'm a simple man at first sight and great in bed

>> No.2876512

>Implying Lolita is for paedophiles
I hate you

>> No.2876578

>girl sees my bookshelf
>"aww it's so cute!"
>she said the same thing to my penis

>> No.2876581

>girl sees my bookshelf
>"wow, it's huge!"
>she said the same thing to my penis

>> No.2876584
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>tfw remembering to move all the non-fiction out of eyeline when you're bringing a lit graduate back

>> No.2876586

>girl comes to my house
>I can greentext
>not impressed
>said the same thing to my penis
>embarrassed, again, but not as much because I can greentext, but I still have a small penis

>> No.2876633


are niggers secretly babby

>> No.2876701


> tfw two ex's have recommended Lolita to me

>> No.2876725

Whaaat? Be proud of your nonfiction!

>> No.2876748

Wow, that's pretty neurotic.

>> No.2876754

Not that guy but yeah, I've had some awkward moments in the past with some non-fiction lying around.

>bring girl back to the apartment
>she sees a copy of leon trotsky's permanent revolution on a table
>'you know, my dad and his friends used to beat up communists when they were in college'
>boner gone

I'm not a communist and the book wasn't even mine.

>> No.2876797

Were you two going to fuck before that? Because you totally should've had sex and then asked her how her dad would feel about her experiencing your DICKtatorship of the proletariat.

>> No.2876801

moar like POLEtariat

>> No.2876803
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>> No.2876804

masturbate and ejaculate over her pillow

>> No.2876807

Fuck it. Communism/sex jokes time. So far we have the DICKtatorship of the POLEtariat. I'll throw in "reclaiming the means of reproduction."

>> No.2876830

Who was the author of the Cum-on-your-knees Manifesto?

Karl "Hungus" Marx

>> No.2877082

>that feel when you talk to people into philosophy and they're actually interesting to talk to

>> No.2877103

Go back to reddit with your puns

>> No.2877122

well you did call your house a crib...

>> No.2877128


>> No.2877131

I don't have a book case
I don't own books
I rent them
There's this cool place called a library by me
I've never had to purchase a book
Just go and take whatever I want and return it when I'm done
Did I mention that it's free? Because it's free.

>> No.2877137

You don't say?

>> No.2877426

>tfw husband doesn't appreciate your refined literary tastes
>tfw wall of shelves full of great literature and no one to share it with because no literate friends

>> No.2877458

>tfw when Kindle

>> No.2877464

>tfw most of the books you want to read don't exist as ebooks
>tfw no instant access to everything you want to read

>> No.2879018


>> No.2879024

Nobody here brings girls to their "crib" and that's a fact.

>> No.2879025


>tfw you will never be able to show off your book collection

>> No.2879043
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>tfw my place looks like a monks cell and the only thing that directs away from the sparseness are stacks of paperbacks and candles in empty whiskey bottles
>tfw bohemian as fuck
>tfw bitches like bohemian as fuck

>> No.2879081

>tfw you spent $500 buying classic books to impress people

>> No.2879128

Sometimes I read em too, Just incase they ask me a question about em.

>> No.2879156


>> No.2879157

get better friends
get a better husband

>> No.2879245


>> No.2879274

>tfw you buy translations of all the major philosophical manuscripts and only read the short descriptions on plato.stanford.edu to pretend that you read them.

Just kidding, I'm not a massive poser, though it does sound like pretty good advice.

>> No.2879298

Girls don't notice my good books, they just see the pleb stuff like Girl with a dragon tattoo and get impressed.

>> No.2879333

>tfw no girl has come back to your crib in a very long time

>> No.2879342


Oh lord, I remember reading about a company a while back that did exactly this: Offer fairly short summaries of important works of literature and philosophy for "businessmen without time" for money so they can sound intelligent in conversations.

I remember reading the sample of the summary for Proust (yeah the complete "In Search of Lost Time") and cringing so hard it hurts.

>> No.2879346

>candles in empty whiskey bottles
Not sure if that's really cool, or tryhard as fuck

>> No.2879363

>tfw the only girls you know who like smart boring men are women like your mum and her friends when they were your age falling for your dad and his friends.
>tfw boomers got lucky as fuck
>tfw you'll never meet a girl exactly like how your mum was in her 20s.

wait, what the fuck am i saying. oh well it's out there now...

>> No.2879364


like most tryhard things, it's a bit of both

>> No.2879582

>mfw my female friends are still in a Pahlaniuk/Chobsky phase
>that feel when I can't discuss literature with them

>> No.2880727

Either this is a robot raid or you guys are getting even stupider.

>> No.2881043
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It really isn't pragmatic to have a giant book collection when you live in a one bedroom apartment. It's not pragmatic to carry around thick ass books in general. My reading has doubled since I got my Kindle last year.

Only plebs need to show off their collection.

Besides, most women don't even appreciate good literature. You'll have a better chance at impressing them if you have a copy of Twilight or The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo laying around.

>> No.2881053

>implying girls need to understand to be impressed
no one would get anywhere if this was the case

>> No.2881055

Then what the fuck is the point of showing off?

>> No.2881071
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>That feel when you bring a girl home and you have sex, and neither of us comment on my bookshelf because we're too busy fucking.

Actually, I'm okay with this.

>> No.2881197

>girl asks what genre you like to read
>reply, "oh I like to read a lot of the classics"

Crisis averted