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/lit/ - Literature

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2875158 No.2875158[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1. Literature
>Tolstoy, Joyce, Shakespeare, J. K. Rowling, Hunger Games, analytical/continental philosophy. even if you don't include poetry, this is obvious god tier.

2. Visual Arts
>painting, sculpture, photography. losing ground to 3

3. New Media
>the internet, memes, social media. almost made it 2 on the list but i don't think it deserves the spot yet. irl oldfags will disagree and trivialize/demonize new media. just accept our new western civilization cultural overlords

4. Film
>Hitchpenis, Welles, Kubrick, Transformers, Transformers 2, Transformers 2 in IMAX 3D, pornography, documentaries. there's a big drop off from 1-3 to 4

5. Live Performance
>theatre, dance, uh performance art. dat naked marina abramovic cutting her stomach with a knife in the shape of a satanic pentagram while dancing and singing russian folk songs. live performance is getting stale as new media and technology take over its artistic significance. performance art is dead as proof by Interior Semiotics or w/e it's called. too elitist. spatially dependent

>> No.2875164

no, that's stupid, trying to rank different mediums is inherently pointless and dumb.

>> No.2875168

part two

6. Poetry
>this is where i would rank poetry as a stand alone. poetrys pretty cool. you can express a lot of feeling

7. Music
>classical, pop music, hip hop, opera, John Cage. it's fun but maybe too accessible. too sensual maybe. too fun

8. Television
>once the hegemony of mainstream pop culture, but now slowly being killed off and hypercommercialized. is the king of the manlets of art. i can't really think of good television. Mad Men? presidential debates? the news? not sure if tv can even into art. tv is too tied to money

9. Manga & Anime
>haha just kill yourself. don't even try to defend this shit. i guess Akira was good but yeah nothing of real value here

10. Comics
>somehow western comics are worse than #9. well the west invests a lot less significance in comics. visual novels like Watchmen are pretty good fun

11. Video Games
>laughinggirls.png. barely art. it's more like learning a technical skill or elaborate board game. fun though
what does /lit/ think?

>> No.2875169

>ranking mediums

>> No.2875175


Music is the queen of arts. All else pales in confront to it.

>> No.2875176

also am i missing any categories?

>> No.2875180

God tier:

Transcendental tier:

High tier:

Okay tier:

Meh tier:

Low tier:
Anime and Manga
3D art

Shit tier:

>> No.2875182

absolute drivel. this is one of the most repulsive ways that a human being can relate to art.

>> No.2875184
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>> No.2875192

why? art isn't sacred. it's ok to try to objectively analyze art

>> No.2875194
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I think it's your opinion. That's fine if you must rank mediums, but that doesn't mean, for instance, Literature is objectively better than Music. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

>> No.2875195

how are you ranking these?

>> No.2875198

I inherently disagree with you.
>Tolstoy, Joyce, Shakespeare, J. K. Rowling, Hunger Games,

there are three problems I have with this. You rank poetry and theatre as separate mediums, yet you still class him under literature. Also, having him next to the fucking Hunger Games of all shitty things....and also I disagree that Joyce is the cream of the crop of literature. He writes pretty, pretentious drivel.

>> No.2875201

something like artistic significance. i know it's vague but i think it's understandable. i mean we can try to say which book is better so why not try to do that on a meta level

>> No.2875202

You know nothing about any of these media. It takes a very long time to have anything like a coherent knowledge of one art form, let alone a dozen. In addition, it also serves to prioritize those media which you, through your subconscious mechanism, associate with "value." This is completely worthless. It says absolutely nothing about art, only about your associative processes. In and of itself this is fine, but when you take a condescending tone, as if you know "best", then it becomes a problem. In addition, because these lists are simply associative smatterings, every person will react to these terms differently.

I could keep going, but really, trust me, this is a fruitless and obnoxious exercise.

>> No.2875207

>j.k. rowling, hunger games
better stick to videogames, pleb.

>> No.2875211

Because it then relies upon personal preference far too much.

Saying music is a lesser form of entertainment than literature is not the same as saying Dracula is better than Twilight.

>> No.2875214

Presenting information without fact or evidence is called opinion.
Because art is ultimately subjective, there is no real way to rank it without bias.


Apex tier:

Invaluable Tier:

Brilliant, Yet Shitty Tier:
Internet / New Media.

Good Tier.
Realism Art.

Meh Tier:

Shit Tier:

Never Procreate And Kill Yourself Tier:
YouTube videos that talk about Christianity / Atheism.

>> No.2875217


>"New Media" over film

I know this is a troll thread, but goddamn. 8/10, great job.

>> No.2875222

You haven't read half the stuff you listed, don't delude yourself into being an "intellectual"

>> No.2875231
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yeah i'm not an art critic, but i know more than 'nothing' about these forms of media. lets try to say what we can with what little we know. and the condescending tone is a only rhetorical devise

literature includes harry potter and the hunger games. pop culture is important as art. Andy Warhol introduced this idea and i think it's true now

>> No.2875235

but Dracula IS better than Twilight. come on. in your gut you know this

>> No.2875237

Hunger games is god tier? lol is twilight also god tier?

>> No.2875236

not what I said.
I was criticising that you chose those examples for the reasons why literature is #1

>> No.2875244

OP here, successfull troll thread is successfull with love from /sci/

>> No.2875247
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>"new media"
>above anything
Fuck off.

>> No.2875250

you guys get upset too easily

>> No.2875261
File: 209 KB, 480x480, Jay Facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Andy Warhol
>Anything but a hack

C'mon son, it's 2012

>> No.2875299

the concept AND the content of it is retarded, incredible.

>> No.2875345

I used to think Andy Warhol was a hack too but then I found out that his I.Q. is projected to have been only 86 and things started making a lot more sense.

>> No.2875351

Andy Warhol is fantastic, you really need to read on his stuff. Check his series on car accidents. Learn on his context.

Then again, I think he achieved what he wanted and I guess people thinking he is a hack is the best possible thing for a guy like him, so I don't know.

Fuck what Andy wanted, I really don't think he is a shallow man.

>> No.2875355


while you may correct that performance art is faltering (though your examples are a bit ludicrous and hyperbole) I think it won't die. It will adapt, but in a world is decreasing interpersonal relationships and real interactions (note that the art you rank higher is usually enjoyed in solitude) real human art will stand out. Until we reach beyond it, we will always continue to be human, and we will continue to seek art that explores that. While Literature can delve in philosophy, Art can evoke stills of emotions, Film gives us a picture to experience, Performance is live in that instant, restricted by its very nature of being human made in that moment.

Until we lose all humanity there will be places to explore through with theatre and that ilk. Until we lose our limitations we will celebrate them.

>> No.2876184
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What I question is, how are memes and social media considered art? The socializing made by 12 year olds on facebook and tumblr shouldn't count as art.
You place music below live performance, which is slowly becoming more irrelevant each day, because of how accessible it is? Quit your hipster faggotry.
I really don't care for the rankings of the other mediums too much, but it just bothers me that you consider the internet culture as art.

>> No.2876261
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>> No.2876308

Now that the technology is fully grounded, I can guarantee you that video games will quickly progress beyond "Barely art, it's like a board game lel" status. Back in the 30s and 40s, cinema and film were pleb-tier entertainment that was condemned to be cheap nonstimulation for the masses. Nowadays they're obviously a high-tier art and a huge business to boot. The same is gonna happen when the demand for CoD rehashes runs out and the technology emerges for people to actually become integrated into the game world, with VR and social media guaranteed to perpetuate our society sometime in the near future. Already, we have masterful pieces like Journey and Heavy Rain, and more will quickly follow suit.

>> No.2876314

>Good tier
good art

>Bad tier
bad art

>> No.2876318
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>can't use MS Paint.


>> No.2876333

Those aren't power ranking you divot

>> No.2876373



>> No.2876381
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>Memes rate higher than all of music as an artform
>Take off points from music for being "too accessible"
>Apparently memes and social media are NOT highly accessible
0/10 reexamine your life OP

>> No.2876395

>Music not at the very top

you don't know shit

>> No.2876399

ahahahahah no, not gonna happen mate.
If you're a good observer you should have noticed that from 2005 to know it was all decline.
If you talk about what vgs could be it's true, there is great potential but it will probably never get used considering the games are catered to retards and the market is really different from other medias.
They aren't going anywhere, dude and the comparison with cinema is wrong in so many levels it makes me think you're talking out of hope rather than rationality.
Vidya will always be "those games for retarded kids"and I say it with a certain sadness.