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2873866 No.2873866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would be the /lit/ equivalent of his movies

>> No.2873876

This is relevant to my interests

>> No.2873882

tristram shady if you want the roots of the whole thing

john barth is pretty much /lit/'s kaufman

>> No.2873893

I'm familiar with postmodernism, I've read evrything Pynchon and Gaddis have ever written, I was interested in knowing about similar meta-fictional writers. I'll give Tristam Shandy a spin.

>> No.2873903

barth is like metafiction made a person

>> No.2873908

Groovy. Should I start with Lost in the Funhouse?

>> No.2873913

that or giles goat boy

>> No.2873915

Charlie Kaufman is "New Sincerity" as fuck. Check out DFW for the daddy of that shit.

>> No.2873919

>john barth

never heard his name once and Ive been hear 2 years

>> No.2873924

Well, I've only been here a year and I've seen him brought up many times. I mean, he's not exactly "/lit/core" but he has fans here.

>> No.2873925

I've read his essays and story collection. I thought they were just OK. Are his novels better?

>> No.2873934

>he thinks dfw is the grandaddy of anything

be here more then and stop replying to nigger threads and actually talk about books. he's talked about plenty.

>> No.2873935

imo, yes. although i can't guarantee you'd like them if you didn't like his other stuff. maybe check out franzen.

>> No.2873945

Oh, I don't like Franzen at all. Maybe this new-sincerity isn't for me.

>> No.2873952

aye, maybe not. no matter, john barth, as has already been suggested, is a different kettle of fish and may be up your street. if you like him, look towards donald barthelme, too.

>> No.2873956


>> No.2873962


His screenplays.

>> No.2873980

New sincerity is bullshit and doesn't exist.

>> No.2873990

Well even if it exists, DFW is not an example of it.

>> No.2873993


Just because DFW went around telling everyone to be more sincere doesn't mean he himself was sincere. He was pretty full of shit, really.

>> No.2873997

ferdydurke by gombrowicz gave me a kaufman feel. don't know if gombrowicz's other books are similar

>> No.2873998

i don't think of it so much as a movement or style, but more as a "school".

>> No.2874006

I'd never heard of it. Seems interesting.

>> No.2874011

Then who are the members of this school? Tao Lin and his buddies?

>> No.2874018

In fact Wikipedia lists Tao Lin as a part of New Sincerity.
>Tao Lin
said anon on Gmail chat

>> No.2874023

>mfw I checked and it's true
Tao Lin has stooped down to vandalizing Wikipwdia now.

>> No.2874031

>stooped down
It's a step up from samefagging on 4chan.

>> No.2874033

As far as I can tell from looking at the Wikipedia, the whole point of 'New Sincerity' is to celebrate mediocre shit

>> No.2874034

OP, look into Walter Abish. He's one of the so-called postmodern authors who doesn't get enough attention.

>> No.2874037

I've always thought that Charlie Kaufman is what would happen if Borges merged with a sitcom writer.

>> No.2874043

Which of his works do you recommend?

>> No.2874075

This is the guy who wrote Eternal Sunshine..? It gave Philip K Dick vibes to me

>> No.2874093

How German Is It

>> No.2874105

True dat

>> No.2874192

Synecdoche, New York has a kind of Robbe-Grillet vibe to me, look into that

>> No.2874207

The Orchid Thief is really similar to Adaptation.