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/lit/ - Literature

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2871293 No.2871293 [Reply] [Original]

Nobody on /lit/ actually reads or does well in school.

>> No.2871298 [SPOILER] 
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OHGEEZ You caught us.

Now get out.

>> No.2871339

>implying reading automatically means someone does well in school

oh hi anyone i've met

>> No.2871357
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I never gave a fuck about my grades, still ended up studying what I wanted.

>> No.2871411

Keep thinking that. /lit/ actually has some smart users who come here to talk about books instead of feels. I for one graduated magna cum laude from a top 20 university. The average social skills on this board, like all of 4chan, may be lacking, but the intellect and academic talent are not.

>> No.2871414

I do all right for myself. I had a 3.88 GPA as a freshman in college. Hopefully I keep that up this coming year.

>> No.2871423

Your mum lauds cum in her mangina, turbonerd.

>> No.2871444

I do terrific in school, then again I mostly read science, not this pretentious philosophical nonsense

>> No.2871479

science is overrated go back to /sci/

>> No.2871481

I read everyday and I did mediocre in school, as I failed 10 spring semester classes over the course of my college career due to seasonal depression, which I've still left unchecked.

Graduated college with a 2.02 GPA, GOML.

>> No.2871500

Well this question of doing well in school it's a little erroneous... Literature isn't science. So reading books won't get you better in mathematics, chemistry or anything in that matter. So only because someone reads a lot doesn't mean that automatically he must do well in school.

>> No.2871507

I read several books a week.

I was a straight-C student in everything but English, which I managed As in.

I dropped out of school to pursue music but I'm thinking of going back

>> No.2871515

>only god knows the truth
Meanwhile typing on his computer in front of his computer screen, while non dying from the pox
>stupid overrated science

>> No.2871521

I'm going into my second year of uni after receiving a mix of 2:1's and firsts in my 1st year.
I was pretty mediocre pre-university with laziness being the main factor that stopped me from discovering how good I can be.
However I do agree that most of /lit/ barely reads

>> No.2871522

>thinks what's not science is theistic religion
Get your shit together, son.

>> No.2871526

>implying dying from the pox is a bad thing

you scientists haven't got a fucking clue, have you?

>> No.2871536
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He never said anything about God. Do you science niggers have that "Meanwhile typing on his computer in front of his computer screen, while non dying from the pox" in notepad and copy and paste it everywhere as an argument? Hey look at me, I study something that invented a computer.

>> No.2871537

This is my description of you as a person.

Majored in literature, philosophy, psychology or art histroy. Knows nothing whatsoever of science. Has a low paying job, no girlfriend of an ugly one. Spends his time discussing random philosphical nonsense on the internet which he believes to be important. Doesnt understand why girls dont like it when he talks "smart". Is angry with women, likes to hurt women when in bed, probably has a dead hooker under his bed and believes this is a good thing, because it will inspire him to write his first novel which will give him fame and glory, which he has been postponing for at least 5 years.

>> No.2871540

He look at me, Im studying shit written by a dead person and have a great career ... teaching!

>> No.2871542

le epic troll XDDD

>> No.2871543

>/sci/ in charge of trolling

>> No.2871545

What the fuck is it with 4chan and Ad Hominem, is everyone on this site incapable of constructing a proper argument, heck there's barely even an argument to be had past the usual posturing which merely serves to defend one's choice of degree.

>> No.2871551

>about nine argumentative fallacies in his post
>bitching about ad hominems


>> No.2871557

blablabla make something sound smart blablablabla quasi philosophical rhetoric, blablablalba not understanding the humanistic aspect when argueing with an empathically sound response blablablabla some latin words blablablabla no one cares about blablabla paid a lot of money for a degree thats worth shit blablabla

>> No.2871560


Typical /sci/ poster. Take note, friends.

>> No.2871565

You have no friends, thats why you read so many books

>> No.2871564 [DELETED] 

I'm not the guy you responded to, but I found parts of your description hauntingly accurate. I suspect you poured some of yourself in there.

>> No.2871571

No it is the general view I get when scouring lit, I just want some suggestion about good and interesting books, but this is the stuff I see. I myself am a biomedical major

>> No.2871572

Nope, all wrong. In fact, I was top of my class in math and physics, though I admit I suck at chemistry. I work as an art director for an advertising company. I grew up watching and reading Carl Sagan. I was always an atheist and neither my parents were religious. I read Richard Leakey, Dawkins, Jay Gould, Hawking and I have a signature for Scientific American. No, I don't work with science at all and I never got past the basic calculus people have in college because I never studied science besides high school even though I wanted to be a biologist for a long time. I have certain notions on how hard it is to say you know something through science. My father is a writer, my uncle a biologist specialized in insects.

I like women beating me, by the way.

And you are just ignorant. That very word: IGNORANT. Because you ignore everything that is a little out of your tiny scope of knowledge because "you don't care" or some bullshit excuse for being this dumb. You are a religious lunatic disguised as a scientist.

Again, son, get your shit together.

>> No.2871577

Jeeeez, no one wanted to actually know anything about you, we're argueing not discussing our lives. Creep

>> No.2871578

>I like women beating me by the way.
'swhere it's at

>> No.2871582
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>not sadists

>> No.2871584
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>I like women beating me, by the way.

But don't forget to...

>> No.2871595

all the biomed majors I know at my uni are dumb as fuck. no offense, i'm sure you're plenty smart

>> No.2871610

Thats because you go to the Kansas Catholic University of Creationist Evolution: How god created the basis for the evolution of life

>> No.2871620

>implying I would ever enter America let alone associate myself with your abomination of an education system

>> No.2871626

Actually Im a Harvard Major

>> No.2871668
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>mfw I go to an Ivy League school and browse /lit/

>> No.2871671

It's nowhere near inconceivable, lots of intelligent people like banal stuff. I'm not American, so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't getting into an Ivy League school mainly hard work, luck, connections and money? I mean, anyone can get perfect grades in school once they try. How do the colleges differentiate between you?

>> No.2871673

Rising College Junior 3.91 GPA

>> No.2871682

i got Bs in school and didn't study at all hopefully that will change in college

50,000 dollar life servitude debts change one's whole domain real fast honestly

>> No.2871683


Less of the luck and connections. Money puts you somewhat at an advantage. To be honest I just applied with a good GPA and SAT scores and nothing else. No other credentials and not as much as a recommendation letter.

I did come out of a good highschool if that's anything.

>> No.2871698

It's pretty much which school you come from.

For instance, I was #4 in my class of 350, banging essay and recommendations, 2220 SAT's, excellent Subject SAT's, excellent GPA, plenty of extra-currics, but from a public school in a shitty town. I mostly wanted to get into Cornell, but applied to Dartmouth and Yale too, and was rejected across the board. Even where i would have been a third generation yale student.

>> No.2871705 [DELETED] 


>came from good high school
>mfw i read your post only after i posted mine (>>2871683)

thank you for proving my point.

which school do you go to?

>> No.2871708


>came from good high school
>mfw i read your post only after i posted mine (>>2871698)

thank you for proving my point.

which school do you go to?

>> No.2871717


UC Berkeley

>#4 in your class
>mfw underachiever

I hear about inner city kids getting into good schools sometimes.

>> No.2871730

It's gone the other way in England.
I got A*A*A* at A level and only got into Liverpool. I didnt' even get an interview at Oxford. I'm doing lit now, but I'm going to law school after my undergrad.